WebdesignerNews - Archives (avril 2016)

Web Developer Tools & Resources

Le: 30 04 2016 à 13:32 Auteur: Cameron

Babylon is a JavaScript parser used in Babel. It includes support for JSX and Flow, and for experimental language proposals, among other features.

Le: 29 04 2016 à 13:38 Auteur: Cameron

SamsaraJS is an animation library for your layouts. It gives you a language for positioning, orienting, and sizing DOM elements and coordinating the animation of these properties.

Le: 28 04 2016 à 13:46 Auteur: Cameron

Cycle.js is a functional and reactive JavaScript framework for creating cleaner code. It has very few concepts to learn, and the core API has just one function.

Le: 27 04 2016 à 13:25 Auteur: Cameron

React Compose lets you encapsulate component logic into smaller, reusable functions, which can then be combined back into components.

Le: 26 04 2016 à 13:39 Auteur: Cameron

Botlytics lets you monitor analytics for your bots, to track the conversations they have and the messages they send. It’s a well-documented REST API.

Le: 23 04 2016 à 13:38 Auteur: Cameron

Megatype makes it easy to create typographic structure.

Le: 21 04 2016 à 13:33 Auteur: Cameron

Flexbox Patterns gives you the tools you need to build awesome user interfaces using CSS Flexbox. It includes examples and source code.

Le: 20 04 2016 à 13:56 Auteur: Cameron

Scrollbear maintains your container scroll position when images load. It’s great for blogs that use tons of images, among other uses.

Le: 19 04 2016 à 13:47 Auteur: Cameron

Shimmer makes it easy to adding a shimmering effect to any screen in an iOS app. It can be super useful as an unobtrusive loading indicator, among other uses.

Le: 18 04 2016 à 13:47 Auteur: Cameron

Huxley is a test-like system for catching visual regressions in web apps. It takes screenshots while you browse, and then tells you when they change.

Le: 17 04 2016 à 13:22 Auteur: Cameron

Rebound is a java library for modeling spring dynamics. Animations in your application that use real-world physics feel more natural, improving UX.

Le: 16 04 2016 à 10:19 Auteur: Cameron

HHVM is an open source virtual machine for executing programs written in Hack and PHP. It maintains PHP’s development flexibility while using a just-in-time compilation approach for better performance.

Le: 14 04 2016 à 10:09 Auteur: Cameron

Expounder is a simple JS/CSS library for hiding text behind a link. Readers click the link to expand the text, perfect for including things like definitions or further information.

Le: 13 04 2016 à 10:35 Auteur: Cameron

Popper.js is a library for creating poppers in web applications. You can easily position tooltips, popovers, and more with just one line of code.

Le: 12 04 2016 à 10:02 Auteur: Cameron

React.run offers an in-browser React testing environment. It includes CSS and JS resources, as well as customizable themes.

Le: 11 04 2016 à 10:46 Auteur: Cameron

Balloon.css lets you create simple tooltips with pure CSS. It requires only a few lines of CSS to work, and no JavaScript.

Le: 10 04 2016 à 10:37 Auteur: Cameron

Atomizer Web is a web app for Atomizer, a tool for creating Atomic CSS. It’s simple to use, with a live preview pane at the bottom of the window.

Le: 09 04 2016 à 13:42 Auteur: Cameron

Repaintless is a library for fast CSS animations. It only includes animations that don’t cause reflows and repaints of a website when used correctly.

Le: 08 04 2016 à 10:07 Auteur: Cameron

InlineTweet.js makes it simple to create tweetable links from any text on a webpage. Just wrap the text in a container to make it tweetable.

Le: 07 04 2016 à 10:10 Auteur: Cameron

Sinon.js provides for standalone test spies, stubs, and mocks for JavaScript. It requires no dependencies, and works with any unit testing framework.

Le: 06 04 2016 à 10:47 Auteur: Cameron

Sycamore provides an unordered tree data structure for Ruby. It grows automatically when needed and has a familiar Hash interface, among other features.

Le: 05 04 2016 à 10:41 Auteur: Cameron

React Slingshot is a React and Redux starter kit with Babel, testing, linting, and hot reloading built in. It also come with an example working app.

Le: 04 04 2016 à 10:06 Auteur: Cameron

Hugo is a fast, modern static website engine. It’s flexible, open source, and completely free.

Le: 03 04 2016 à 10:01 Auteur: Cameron

React Storybook lets you develop React UI components without running your app. Just load your UI components into React Storybook and start working on them.

Le: 02 04 2016 à 10:52 Auteur: Cameron

Haikunator is a Heroku-like random name generator. Create memorable names for use in your apps or elsewhere.