- Archives (avril 2012)

Back just a few years ago it was required for web developers use JavaScript/jQuery to perform animated effects in-browser. CSS3 has dramatic

Le: 30 04 2012 à 15:19 Auteur: Jake Rocheleau

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Using jQuery we can build some incredible web-based applications. The animations and manipulation of DOM elements using jQuery are much more intuitive than coding regular JavaScript. Because the syntax is so minimalist it's possible to scale a very complex idea within a few hours time.

In this tutorial I'll demonstrate how we can build an HTML5 invite form and check the results through jQuery. I haven't gone into any backend PHP as this isn't always the best solution for an invitation system. You may want to tie into another e-mail campaign such as MailChimp or Campaign Monitor. But with this technique running the frontend you can quickly implement a backend language to manage the e-mail submissions.

jQuery email invite form tutorial - demo screenshot

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Le: 24 04 2012 à 18:05 Auteur: Conrad Feagin

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A lot of web designers - both beginning and advanced - ask me how they can increase their hourly rate. They want to work fewer hours and make more money so they can have the things they want without sacrificing time with their family and friends. Some web designers know this is possible, they just don’t know how to do it. Other web designers think it's a "pie in the sky" kind of dream. I’m here to tell you, making $125 (or more) per hour as a web designer is not unheard of. In fact, it’s the average rate my students are able to make after completing our training programs at For the past 8 years, I have worked with tens of thousands of beginning web designers and, as a result, I’ve developed the best way to start and run a web design business. For both beginning and advanced web designers, one piece of advice comes up frequently: To increase your hourly income, build your websites in WordPress. Over the past few years, since I started recommending WordPress, it’s only increased in popularity and demand. It’s gone from a simple blogging platform to the most popular content management system around. It’s so popular that clients are now asking for WordPress websites. If you’re still not using WordPress to increase your web design income, what are you waiting for? Here are three ways WordPress will make you a more profitable web designer:

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Le: 20 04 2012 à 17:50 Auteur: Brant Wilson

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In this roundup we have collected some mini icon sets to download. Enjoy!! If you like these icons you might want to check out our previous posts below. 35 Free Icon Sets 43 Free Social Media Icon Sets 25 of the Best Blogging and Social Media Icon Sets Micro Icon Set

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Le: 18 04 2012 à 15:44 Auteur: Brant Wilson

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Today we have collected 28 landing page designs. If you like this post you might also enjoy our previous post below. 34 Best Landing Page Templates Design Inspiration kickoffapp

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Le: 12 04 2012 à 16:54 Auteur: Jake Rocheleau

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Photographs have a way of naturally shifting our emotions. The ocean is a calming sentiment to humans since we're so comfortable living on the land. But there is a whole ecosystem underneath the water that many of us are not even aware exists. The Earth is a beautiful place and it has been only recently that we've created the technology to capture these moments in time.

I've collected 40 stunning photos taken under the oceans all around the world. The lifestyle of animals can differ greatly based on how they live and behave amongst other animals. Photograph enthusiasts will love this showcase and surely gather some wonderful concepts about undersea life forms. Additionally please feel free to share your thoughts or questions below in the post discussion area.

Undersea Life Chatter

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Le: 10 04 2012 à 04:29 Auteur: Jake Rocheleau

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When you first launch a mobile app there is often a huge influx of downloads in the first few days. This is followed by a lull after your app drops out of the brand new section. The solution to keeping your downloads constant is building up a powerful branding and marketing presence. One of the easiest ways to accomplish this is putting together an application website.

There are so many examples it can be hard to keep track of them all. But this should come as reassurance to let you know there is a powerful market just waiting to be flooded. Spend a bit of time checking out these inspirational layouts and which elements you can apply to your own project. There is no one-size-fits-all solution to creating an application website. Piece together some of the best aspects of different designs and you may come up with your own contemporary branding.

Iris App

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Le: 05 04 2012 à 05:26 Auteur: laura

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Getting sick is no fun for anyone. For a freelance designer (and other freelancers), getting sick (or injured) might spell financial disaster. That's because freelance designers who don't work don't get paid. There's also the risk of losing a client. In this post, I examine some of the uncomfortable decisions freelancers must face when they become ill. If you enjoyed this post, you might also like Freelancing During an Illness.

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Le: 02 04 2012 à 04:20 Auteur: Jake Rocheleau

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Back just a few years ago it was required for web developers use JavaScript/jQuery to perform animated effects in-browser. CSS3 has dramatically changed the rules of the game where you can animate any standard property of an HTML element. This opens up a whole new room of effects you can put together in just 15-20 minutes of tinkering with code.

My example below uses a few Dribbble shots as a demo of how you can setup animated box effects. The style appears when you hover over each image to display some further information such as the title, description, and publication date. I'll be explaining how to build a similar effect on your own website using nothing but HTML5 and CSS3 techniques.

CSS3 hover box animation effects demo page

Live Demo - Download Source Code

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