Découvrez Octarine, un éditeur Markdown minimaliste et puissant. Retrouvez le plaisir d'écrire grâce à son interface épurée, ses fonctionnalités bien pensées et la totale maîtrise de vos fichiers. Idéal pour booster votre productivité !
In this article, I hope to convince you of the power of post-processing effects and that nothing beats an elegant retro vibe applied to a website.
Freepik is a midrange AI image tool that aims to be more usable than more capable but more complex tools like Midjourney and Leonardo.
Users often perceive aesthetically pleasing design as design that’s more usable.
Social networks, marketplaces, and other websites that accept user-generated content are magnets for bots, spammers, trolls, and a wide spectrum of disruptive users.