Les actualités du Samedi 14 février 2015 dans les métiers du web - Marmits.com - Reims

Le: 14 02 2015 à 23:00 Web Design Shock Auteur: AndyRizzoli

A beautiful set of characters comprised in a circle made especially for Sketch. The characters can be used in business related websites to indicate support or customer service. The set also includes traveling icons, with a little plain and ship, and an island and such. This set was created by Anna Litviniuk.

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Le: 14 02 2015 à 22:00 Web Design Shock Auteur: PhilJones

A sleek jQuery plugin for autocompleting while typing in any textarea. You just need to type in a colon before typing any letter or number, and the plugin will bring the matches for that letter. It is a free plugin, licensed under the MIT License and created by Yuku Takahashi.

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Le: 14 02 2015 à 20:36 powerpress.fr Auteur: che2a

Kit écran iPhone 6 : Acheter à prix discount   Phone Online est une boutique en ligne située en France vous proposant les pièces détachées pour iPhone à prix discount.   De nombreuses pièces de qualité et accessoires pour répararer votre iPhone.   Votre kit écran iPhone 6 de couleur blanc ou noir est disponible [...]

PowerPress - Communiqués de presse gratuits

Le: 14 02 2015 à 20:00 Web Design Shock Auteur: statusman

A pack of 30 isometric icons for building a city for a game or a website. The colors and the shapes can be modified, and the set includes apartment buildings, houses, condominiums, gas station, shop, factories, roads, trees and more. All of the credit goes to isometricmaps.com.

The post Free AI Isometric City Map Icons appeared first on ByPeople.

Le: 14 02 2015 à 18:00 Web Design Shock Auteur: RobLauren

A modular collection of JavaScript libraries for internationalization, capable of handling numbers formatting, dates, strings and more. It also integrates with other libraries like Handlebars, react and Dust. It is able to run in the browser it’s been built on standards.

The post FormatJS: Web Apps Internationalization JavaScript Libraries appeared first on ByPeople.

Le: 14 02 2015 à 16:00 Web Design Shock Auteur: statusman

A lazy load plugin made with jQuery which helps you load images, iframes or any element quicker. It supports IE7+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera and you can use various options like threshold, load, and trigger, and methods like check(), setInterval(interval) and refresh(selector). It was created by GitHub user emn178.

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Le: 14 02 2015 à 14:00 Web Design Shock Auteur: AlbertHalle

A font with three styles, inspired by old style clunkers, oil and dirt. Its styles are default, drilled and hammered. It includes uppercase, lowercase, special glyphs and numbers. It also includes nice ligatures, swashes and catchwords. It was created by Fabien Laborie.

The post Motorless: Old Style 3-styled Font appeared first on ByPeople.

Le: 14 02 2015 à 12:00 Web Design Shock Auteur: statusman

A set of mockups for the upcoming Apple Watch in PSD format. The set has the three presentations of the watch for professional, personal and sports people, and also in various colors in a hyper-realistic style. It has a smart object so you can add your own app design. This mockup was created by UI8.

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Le: 14 02 2015 à 10:32 Webdesigner Depot Auteur: Jerry King

Every week we feature a set of comics created exclusively for WDD. The content revolves around web design, blogging and funny situations that we encounter in our daily lives as designers. These great cartoons are created by Jerry King, an award-winning cartoonist who’s one of the most published, prolific and versatile cartoonists in the world […]

Le: 14 02 2015 à 10:30 WebLife Auteur: Baptiste

Google : Saint Valentin, la fête des amoureux en doodle

C’est en début de mois que Google rendait hommage à la célèbre héroïne de bande dessinée Bécassine, avant de mettre à l’honneur Laura Ingalls Wilder quelques jours plus tard sur […]

L'article Google : Saint Valentin, la fête des amoureux en doodle est la propriété de Baptiste sur WebLife - Actualités internet, high-tech & startups.

Le: 14 02 2015 à 09:54 jqueryrain.com Auteur: Admin

A jQuery plugin for detection of overlaps and selections by superposition.

The post Overlap : jQuery plugin for Detection of Overlaps and Selections appeared first on jQuery Rain.

Le: 14 02 2015 à 09:45 jqueryrain.com Auteur: Admin

jQuery plugin for bootstrap 3 table’s sorting.

The post jQuery Table Sortable for Bootstrap3 appeared first on jQuery Rain.

Le: 14 02 2015 à 09:29 freebiesbug.com Auteur: Pasquale Vitiello

Datedropper - jQuery plugin

Datedropper is a jQuery plugin that provides a quick and easy way to manage dates for input fields. Coded by Felice Gattuso.

The post Datedropper – jQuery plugin appeared first on Freebiesbug.

Le: 14 02 2015 à 09:24 powerpress.fr Auteur: che2a

Remplacez l’écran cassé de votre iPhone 6 à prix discount. Vous avez cassé le bloc écran de votre iPhone 6 ou celui-ci ne fonctionne plus correctement ?  Découvrez les kits écran pour iPhone 6 version 4,7 pouces sur la boutique en ligne Phone Online. Idéal pour remplacer son écran, en plus de ses prix discount, pour [...]

PowerPress - Communiqués de presse gratuits

Le: 14 02 2015 à 09:22 jqueryrain.com Auteur: Admin

jsTree is jquery plugin, that provides interactive trees.jsTree is easily extendable, themable and configurable, it supports HTML & JSON data sources, AJAX & async callback loading. drag & drop support […]

The post jstree : jQuery Interactive Trees Plugin appeared first on jQuery Rain.

Le: 14 02 2015 à 09:20 WebdesignerNews Auteur: Cameron

Penthouse is a critical path CSS generator for speeding up web page rendering. It looks at your full CSS in relation to the page and provides the CSS needed to render the above-the-fold content of your page, saving time and server resources.

Le: 14 02 2015 à 09:01 cssdesignawards.com

Philly digital shop Netplus serves up different Valentine Walkman mixtapes this year for their current, past and future clients. Kick back. Dig the mixes. Feel the love.

Le: 14 02 2015 à 05:00 Web Design Shock Auteur: MarcoMaass

Hardening is a simple framework. It adds an extra layer into the automation taking care of difficult settings, compliance guidelines, defaults and cryptography recommendations. It fits any environment and it’s supported on many OSs like Ubuntu, Debian, RedHat and more.

The post Automatic Server Hardening Framework appeared first on ByPeople.

Le: 14 02 2015 à 03:00 Web Design Shock Auteur: statusman

highlight.js is a JS plugin that highlights texts in any website or blog. It has several features like 112 languages and 49 styles support, automatic language detection, multi-language code highlighting, availability for node.js, multiple markup support and compatibility with any js framework. This plugin is free and it was created by Ivan Sagalaev.

The post highlight.js: Web Syntax Highlighting JavaScript Plugin appeared first on ByPeople.

Le: 14 02 2015 à 01:00 Web Design Shock Auteur: statusman

TuxedoJS is a complete framework built with react and Flux for creating great web apps. It is a front-end framework that provides powerful opinionated React classes for sharing methods and building high-performance components, and among its features it has graceful degradation, a consistent and solid app architecture, semantic action creation, and a custom animation library.

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