La filiale du constructeur automobile japonais analyse les données de ses véhicules et les habitudes des conducteurs pour concevoir de nouvelles applications de mobilité.
This is a set of 60 icons with a glyph line art style for general purposes. The stroke on each icon is fully adjustable on Sketch and Adobe XD. The icons can be made symbols which makes them easily to organize and to be ported to any kind of project. Designed by Dribbble user Tatyana Andreyeva for Magora.
L'intelligence artificielle se met au service de la maintenance préventive des applications cloud. Les experts du monitoring s'engouffrent dans la brèche.
A simple server for sending and receiving messages in real-time per WebSocket that can be self-hosted. It features a WebUI and functionality for sending messages via a REST-API, subscribing/receiving messages via a web socket connection, and managing users, clients and applications. Developed and shared at GitHub by the Gotify team, licensed under the MIT license.
This is an isometric font that can help you make creative logos in no time. It is in OTF file format, making it easy to install. Each character is structured in perspective over three of the faces of a cube. Only basic Latin characters were used for the development of this font. Designed by Behance user Saqib Ahmad, free for personal and commercial use.
Adobe Illustrator is a powerful vector based program that lets you create and customize vector-based shapes, text, and artwork. Even though it comes with many built-in features there are areas where it falls short. It doesn’t necessarily work with all programs and sometimes lacks the shapes and elements that designers often need. Plugins and add-ons can […]
The post 11 Best Adobe Illustrator Plugins for Designers appeared first on Line25.
Non content du nom donné à l’importante mise à jour de l’algorithme de son moteur de recherche – Google Florida Update 2 – qui est encore en cours de déploiement, la firme de Mountain View vient officiellement de la rebaptiser. Il s’agit donc officiellement de March 2019 Core Update, présentant la date et le type d’update, […]
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L'article Google cherche une règle de nommage pour les mises à jour de son algorithme est la propriété de WebLife - Actualités internet, high-tech & startups.
Une chercheuse à l'Université de Londres, s'est par exemple penchée sur le cas des assistants personnels virtuels qui ont des voix féminines par défaut.
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Le cartouche de connaissance "02- Cadrage Adaptatif" représente le process de structuration des communications où s’organise le sprint 0. Afin de le mettre en œuvre, il est impératif d'assimiler fonctionnellement qu'une notion de "continuous" s'avère plus complexe que la simple distinction d’une vision incrémentale et itérative.
I’m willing to bet that there are a lot of developers out there who still reach for jQuery when tasked with building simple apps. There are often times when we need to add some interactivity to a page, but reaching for a JavaScript framework seems like overkill — with all the extra kilobytes, the boilerplate, the build tools and module bundlers. Including jQuery from a CDN seems like a no-brainer.
In this article, I’d like to take a shot at convincing you that using Vue.js (referred to as Vue from here on), even for relatively basic projects, doesn’t have to be a headache, and will help you write better code faster. We’ll take a simple example, code it up in jQuery, and then recreate it in Vue step by step.
For this article, we’re going to be building a basic online invoice, using this open-source template from Sparksuite. Hopefully, this should make a refreshing change from yet another to-do list, and provide enough complexity to demonstrate the advantages of using something like Vue while still being easy to follow.
We’re going to make this interactive by providing item, unit price, and quantity inputs, and having the Price column automatically recalculated when one of the values changes. We’ll also add a button, to insert new empty rows into the invoice, and a Total field that will automatically update as we edit the data.
I’ve modified the template so that the HTML for a single (empty) row now looks like this:
<tr class="item">
<td><input value="" /></td>
<td>$<input type="number" value="0" /></td>
<td><input type="number" value="1" /></td>
So, first of all, let’s take a look at how we might do this with jQuery.
$('table').on('mouseup keyup', 'input[type=number]', calculateTotals);
We’re attaching a listener to the table itself, which will execute the calculateTotals
function when either the Unit Cost or Quantity values are changed:
function calculateTotals() {
const subtotals = $('.item').map((idx, val) => calculateSubtotal(val)).get();
const total = subtotals.reduce((a, v) => a + Number(v), 0);
$('.total td:eq(1)').text(formatAsCurrency(total));
This function looks for all item rows in the table and loops over them, passing each row to a calculateSubtotal
function, and then summing the results. This total
is then inserted into the relevant spot on the invoice.
function calculateSubtotal(row) {
const $row = $(row);
const inputs = $row.find('input');
const subtotal = inputs[1].value * inputs[2].value;
return subtotal;
In the code above, we’re grabbing a reference to all the <input>
s in the row and multiplying the 2nd and 3rd together to get the subtotal. This value is then inserted into the last cell in the row.
function formatAsCurrency(amount) {
return `$${Number(amount).toFixed(2)}`;
We’ve also got a little helper function that we use to make sure both the subtotals and the total are formatted to two decimal places and prefixed with a currency symbol.
$('.btn-add-row').on('click', () => {
const $lastRow = $('.item:last');
const $newRow = $lastRow.clone();
Lastly, we have a click handler for our Add row button. What we’re doing here is selecting the last item row and creating a duplicate. The inputs of the cloned row are set to default values, and it’s inserted as the new last row. We can also be nice to our users and set the focus to the first input, ready for them to start typing.
Here’s the completed jQuery demo:
See the Pen jQuery Invoice by SitePoint (@SitePoint) on CodePen.
The post How to Replace jQuery with Vue appeared first on SitePoint.
"Aujourd'hui, c'est à la mode. A l'avenir, ça va devenir un vaste secteur», assure Mark Dixon, PDG et fondateur d'IWG, ex-Regus.
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ES6 class and jQuery Plugin which get the current Device Type and Display Type of a Browser while making CSS Breakpoints available in JavaScript. This solution make it possible to […]
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Transforms short svg html notations into inline svg, which can be styled via css. jQuery based. Configurable. Easy api
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L'article Google Chrome fait de la place à Qwant & DuckDuckGo est la propriété de WebLife - Actualités internet, high-tech & startups.
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A bundle of 100 professionally designed CV/Resume templates that you can use to upgrade your & client's curriculum! It contains fully editable files in PSD & Docx file formats to customize in Adobe Photoshop & MS Word
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