Les actualités du Dimanche 18 décembre 2016 dans les métiers du web - Marmits.com - Reims

Le: 18 12 2016 à 15:00 Web Design Shock Auteur: KarlaBock

golang-web-based-ideA Web-based IDE for Teams made with Golang. It is safe and reliable, the source code is stored on the server live, it has a unified environment, and it takes only 5 minutes to setup a server then open browser to develop. It has been improved greatly by the community.

The post Golang Web-based IDE appeared first on ByPeople.

Le: 18 12 2016 à 14:57 presse-citron.net Auteur: Emmanuel Ghesquier

Google lance son OS Android Things pour les objets connectésGoogle qui a toujours manifesté son intérêt pour le marché de l’IoT et des objets connectés vient une nouvelle fois de faire un très grands pas en dévoilant Android Things, un OS pour les objets intelligents. La firme de Mountain View semble vouloir rejouer le succès d’Android pour les Smartphones où il est présent sur 90% du marché mondial, mais cette fois sur les objets connectés.

Le: 18 12 2016 à 12:42 freebiesbug.com Auteur: Pasquale Vitiello

Google's Material Design UI Components

Google's Material Components is a set of modular and customizable UI components for creating iOS, Android, and Web apps.

The post Google’s Material Design UI Components appeared first on Freebiesbug.

Le: 18 12 2016 à 10:43 Webdesigner Depot Auteur: Cameron Chapman

Every week users submit a lot of interesting stuff on our sister site Webdesigner News, highlighting great content from around the web that can be of interest to web designers.  The best way to keep track of all the great stories and news being posted is simply to check out the Webdesigner News site, however, […]

Le: 18 12 2016 à 09:02 cssdesignawards.com

Portfolio of the French design agency Blackballoon. Magnificently developed by our talented friends from Mashvp.

Le: 18 12 2016 à 03:00 Web Design Shock Auteur: amyrusso

colorful-heart-shaped-css-loaderA colorful loader made with pure CSS in the shape of a heart. It can be used in websites dedicated to health and fitness services. The code is lightweight and easy to integrate.

The post Colorful Heart-shaped CSS Loader appeared first on ByPeople.