Parallax One is a clean WordPress theme for business and agencies that features a really nice mouse-responsive header parallax effect. It counts on home, why us, our services, our team, and testimonials sections along the main page, and other sections in different pages. Download is possible under registration at source website.
The post Parallax One: Clean Business WordPress Theme appeared first on ByPeople.
Every week we feature a set of comics created exclusively for WDD. The content revolves around web design, blogging and funny situations that we encounter in our daily lives as designers. These great cartoons are created by Jerry King, an award-winning cartoonist who’s one of the most published, prolific and versatile cartoonists in the world […]
A set of iPad Pro mockups provided in silver, space gray and gold versions. Free PSD created and released by Pixeden.
The post iPad Pro PSD mockups appeared first on Freebiesbug.
ContentTools is an open source WYSIWYG editor that can be added to any HTML page. It’s collection of libraries are designed to make it easy to edit your HTML content.
Devenir invisible comme le jeune sorcier Harry Potter, se promenant incognito dans l'école de Poudlard, est un rêve qui pourrait devenir réalité, bien plus tôt qu'on ne le pense ! En effet, aux États-Unis, un groupe de scientifiques a réussi à mettre au point une cape d'invisibilité microscopique capable de rendre un objet totalement indétectable visuellement.
Dans la guerre des brevets qui oppose Apple et Samsung, la marque à la pomme vient d'obtenir une première victoire. Certains smartphones Samsung ne pourront plus être vendus aux États-Unis dans l'état.
En 2006, Frédéric Mazzella crée, aux côtés de Francis Nappez et Nicolas Brusson, le site qui...
The post [We Love Entrepreneurs] Frédéric Mazzella: «Lorsque j’ai eu l’idée de Blablacar, je n’ai pas dormi pendant 72 heures» appeared first on
A photorealistic PSD mockup of a MacBook Pro on a nice workspace that features a resolution of 3088 x 2056 pixels and smart objects for displaying 1280x800 pixels mockup screens.
The post Nice MacBook Pro PSD Mockup appeared first on ByPeople.
Tooltips written in pure JavaScript, with smooth 3D animation implemented in CSS. No framework dependencies.
The post Html5tooltips.js : Tooltips with smooth 3D animation appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Portfilter is a very lightweight portfolio filter for Bootstrap.
The post Portfilter : jQuery Portfolio Filter for Bootstrap appeared first on jQuery Rain.
The Easy Z Modal jquery is a simple and efficient modal plugin for jquery.
The post Easy Z Modal – jQuery Modal Plugin appeared first on jQuery Rain.
A CSS gradient background generator that allows you simply play with the HUE and brightness individually in 4 different layers
in order to create countless variations of backgrounds. It has been successfully tested in Firefox 16+ Safari 5.1+ Chrome 10+ Internet Explorer 10+ Opera 12.1+ iOS 5+ Android 4+ Blackberry 10+ and IE Mobile 10+.
The post CSS Gradient Backgroud Generator appeared first on ByPeople.