Web design modules, more commonly just referred to as bootstraps are kits that give you a way to start a website quickly and efficiently. They come with all the basics that you need to get running. There are a variety of bootstraps out there so today we're going to look at them all and go over when you should and shouldn't use them.
Dronestagram est un site de type Instagram qui permet aux possesseurs de drones faisant de la prise de vue aérienne de partager leurs meilleurs photos vues du ciel.
Suite à une plainte déposée par UFC Que Choisir, fin 2012 et après 6 mois de travail acharné et d'enquête au péril de leur vie, les experts de l'ARCEP ont rendu leurs conclusions concernant les difficultés d'accès à YouTube pour les abonnés Free. 1/ Free ne bride pas 2/ Free n'augmente pas les capacités ni [...]
Neuvième épisode de la rubrique hebdomadaire : le jeu web de la semaine. Parfois artistique, parfois philosophique, parfois simplement divertissant, le jeu sur internet offre de nombreuses facettes.
Le livre Les dessous du Web avait été posé sur un siège, dans la station de métro...
Every week we feature a set of comics created exclusively for WDD. The content revolves around web design, blogging and funny situations that we encounter in our daily lives as designers. These great cartoons are created by Jerry King, an award-winning cartoonist who’s one of the most published, prolific and versatile cartoonists in the world [...]
Proty lets you create quick, interactive wireframes that are fully customizable. It includes built-in responsive design (with small, medium, and large breakpoints), controls for showing or hiding elements or regions based on those breakpoints, a library of basic website components, and much more.
Navgoco is a simple JQuery plugin which turns a nested unordered list of links into a beautiful vertical multi-level slide navigation, with ability to preserve expanded submenus between sessions by ...
Bootstrap Dual Listbox in jQuery is a responsive dual listbox widget optimized for Twitter Bootstrap. It works on all modern browsers and on touch devices.
You may have seen Facebook’s technique that extracts content of remote URL when a user types a URL in the status text-box filed. In this article, we will try to ...