In today’s post we bring to you 10 jQuery Horizonal Scroll Demos & Plugins useful for those who see things horizontally. I guess we have to accept some people scroll both ways! :) 1. Smooth Vertical or Horizontal Page Scrolling with jQuery In this tutorial...
Murielle Zel, directrice marketing de LDLC Cette ancienne de Club Internet où elle oeuvrait comme responsable du...
Pour la sortie de mon nouveau livre, une opération de lancement inédite démarre ces jours ci. Des...
Qui ne rêve pas de créer une coque personnalisable pour son téléphone ? Elue objet tendance, créer une coque n’est pas qu’une affaire de design, c’est aussi avoir la fierté de créer et choisir « le fond d’écran » de sa protection. Parmi les boutiques en ligne qui propose ce concept génial le site se distingue par [...]
Every week we tweet a lot of interesting stuff highlighting great content that we find on the web that can be of interest to web designers. The best way to keep track of our tweets is simply to follow us on Twitter, however, in case you missed some here’s a quick and useful compilation of [...]
TimeJump lets you add deep links to your HTML5 audio and video podcasts. It’s already being used on some ground-breaking podcasts, including ShopTalk and The ATX Web Show. It was created by Paravel and Chris Coyier.
TextFX2 is a CSS3 Transition + CSS3 3D Transform plugin, and as stated above, all animations will revert to a simple fade for IE8, IE9 and Opera. Features: Easily create ...
jqtimeline is an easy to use, customizable jQuery plugin to create a timeline for a set events. Simple and easy to use. Can be use to create Social apps, showing ...