Les actualités du Lundi 21 mai 2018 dans les métiers du web - Marmits.com - Reims

Le: 21 05 2018 à 21:25 Web Design Shock Auteur: Admin

Whether you're a writer, blogger, reviewer, and whatever your level of writing in the English language, ProWritingAid will help you achieve new heights. Exceptional writing depends on much more than just correct grammar. You need an editing tool that highlights style issues and compares your writing to the best writers out there. ProWritingAid analyzes your text and highlights key issues, such as overused words, sentence structure, repeated phrases, consistency, dialogue, pacing and readability. Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned professional, ProWritingAid will tighten your writing and help you get your ideas across. It includes a fantastic grammar checker, but also goes way beyond to help you improve the style and clarity of your writing by presenting 25 different reports with in depth information, statistics, charts, and tips.


ProWritingAid goes way beyond your normal grammar checker. We look at elements of writing that are grammatically correct, but still sounds awkward or amateur to the reader. It also integrates with MS Word, Open Office, Google Docs, Scrinever, and Google Chrome, so you can keep you writing neat and perfect anywhere you are.


What Makes ProWritingAid Awesome?

  • This is a Lifetime Premium Plan, which means you pay once and will have access to their premium features forever!
  • Mac and Windows Support on all of PWA word-processor integrations.
  • Desktop app designed to work with Scrivener projects, Rich Text, Microsoft Word, Open Office, and Markdown documents.
  • No Word Count Limits.
  • Plugins to integrate with MS Word, Open Office, Google Docs, Scrivener and Google Chrome so you can edit wherever you write.
  • Improve Your Writing With Useful Insights and Statistics About Your Texts.
  • Live Grammar Check with their Browser Extension.
  • Edit Faster with a software that automatically suggests 1000s of style improvements.
  • Fix style issues like repetitiveness, vague wording, sentence length variation, over-dependence on adverbs, passive voice, over-complicated sentence constructions, and much more!
  • Write clean, error-free texts.
  • Find The Right Words with PWA's Word Explorer and Contextual Thesaurus.
  • ProWritingAid analyzes your writing and presents its findings in over 25 different reports to asses your own strengths and weaknesses.
  • Learn As You Edit! PWA helps substantially improve your writing as it allows you to see and eliminate your own bad habits and common mistakes.
  • Contextual Thesaurus Report that highlights every word that can be changed for a synonym. It only suggest words that fit the context and order them so that the best suggestions come first.
  • Context Sensitive Style Suggestions with thousands of hand-coded rules to cover the most vital style improvements you can make.


Digging Deeper: The Summary Report

An in-depth look at your text that will offer you insights into your writing with charts and graphs, Flesch–Kincaid readability test and Coleman–Liau index results, grammar and spelling suggestions, and much more, in a report that is as easy to understand as it is helpful when it comes to helping you improve your writing technique. Check it out!

The Summary Report is an all-in-one look at the statistics in your writing. Not just the basics like word count, sentences, and paragraphs, but it also points out the key actions you need to take to strengthen your writing.

It looks at your text's:

  • Readability Scores
  • Overused Words
  • Sentence Structure
  • Sentence Length
  • Writing Style
  • Grammar & Spelling
  • (dreaded) Sticky Sentences
  • Dialogue
  • Pacing
  • Transitions
  • Repeated Phrases
  • Clichés & Redundancies
  • Consistency
  • Diction
  • Vague & Abstract Words
  • Corporate Wording

Each report is set apart by a bold, colored line, and shows you the statistics you need to analyze to strengthen your writing. Each summary section shows the statistics particular to that report, whether it’s a percentage that your work was below or above, or even a graph to show you the variety of your sentence lengths. One of the most powerful sections in the Summary Report is the Readability Measures. You want your writing to be easy for readers to understand, and this report uses 4 distinct tools that measure the words per sentence and syllables per word to calculate your score.

There are as many uses for ProWritingAid’s new Summary Report as there are ways to strengthen your writing. Consider if you’re under a tight deadline and don’t have time to run through each report individually. You can run the Summary Report and check to see what needs shored up before sending your work off to an editor or a client. And if you’re interested even a little bit in statistical analysis, you’ll love the Summary Report’s multitude of numbers, percentages, and graphs.


Digging Deeper: ProWritingAid's 25 Reports

ProWritingAid analyzes your writing and presents its findings in 25 different reports. Each writer has their own strengths and weaknesses and so different PWA reports will appeal to different users. Remember, all the software can do is highlight potential pitfalls in your writing. It's up to you, the writer, to decide which suggestions work within your specific context, and which ones should be ignored.


The Writing Style Report

The Writing Style Check is one of the most popular and comprehensive reports that ProWritingAid offers. It highlights several areas of writing that should be revised to improve readability, including passive voice, overuse of adverbs, repeated sentence starts, hidden verbs and much more.

The Grammar Report

The Grammar Check works similarly to the spelling and grammar checkers in a word processor. It highlights any word that’s not in their dictionary in case it’s misspelled. It also looks at the construction of the sentence to make sure that the structure, punctuation and tense are correct.

But, in addition to these standard grammar checks, PWA's team of copyeditors have been inputting thousands of specific checks that they have come across in their years of editing. For example, they noticed that many writers write “adverse” when they actually mean “averse”? When this comes up, the software will offer a short explanation about how the two words are different so that you can make sure you select the correct one.

The Overused Words Report

There are some words and sentence constructions that are fine to use occasionally, but become problematic when they are overused. They fall into five main categories:

  1. Too Wishy-Washy
  2. Telling Rather Than Showing
  3. Weak Words Dependent on Intensifiers
  4. Nonspecific Words
  5. Awkward Sentence Constructions

The Clichés and Redundancies Report

Writers often use clichés when they are working on their first draft because thinking up original wording takes time and can interrupt creative flow. That’s fine. But, when you go back to edit, this report will pick out instances of unoriginal phrasing so that you can replace them with fresh ideas.

Redundant wording creeps into the texts of even the most experienced writers. It adds quantity to your writing, but not quality. Every word in your writing should be there for a reason. This report helps you eliminate the clutter.

The Sticky Sentence Report

A sticky sentence is one that is full of glue words. Glue words are the 200 or so most common English words (in, of, on, the, at, if, etc.). They are the empty space that readers need to get through before they can get to your ideas. Generally, your sentences should contain less than 45% glue words. If they contain more, they should probably be re-written to increase clarity. Let’s look at a quick example:

  • ORIGINAL: Dave walked over into the back yard of the school in order to see if there was a new bicycle that he could use in his class. Glue index: 60.7% - Sentence length 27 words.
  • REDRAFT: Dave checked the school’s back yard for a new bicycle to use in class. Glue index: 42.8% - Sentence length 14 words.

The second sentence is much easier to read. Unnecessary information has been discarded, and the wording is more concise. The point of the sentence comes across clearly.

The Repeats Check

Writers often mistakenly use the same word several times in the span of one paragraph because it’s foremost in their mind. But those repeats can set off an echo in the reader’s mind – that subconscious feeling of “Didn’t he just say that?” It can be irritating to read and, worse, it can detract from what you are trying to say.

But it’s difficult for writers to spot repetition in their own work. When they are editing, they go over the same text several times and become impervious to that echo feeling. And when you replace a word when making amendments, it’s easy to forget that the same word was in the sentence before or after. This report highlights repeated words and phrases in your document so you can use a more diverse vocabulary.

The Sentence Length Report

Writing that uses varying sentence lengths keeps the reader’s brain engaged. Some should be short and punchy, others should be long and flowing. Sentence variety adds an element of music to your writing.

ProWritingAid will create a bar graph of your sentence lengths so that you can pick out areas where you should add more variety. It will also give you an Average Sentence Length Score, which will highlight whether you are using too many long sentences, which may result in a monotonous text, or too many short sentences, which may result in a choppy text.

The Pronoun Report

When writers are in creative mode, they often rely on pronouns to keep the narrative moving: “He did this”, “She did that”, “They ran there”, “I found out.” That’s fine. It’s more important to keep writing momentum up than it is to get every sentence just right.

ProWritingAid will scan your document and calculate a pronoun percentage. Ideally it should fall somewhere between 4% and 15%. Any more than this and writing can feel dull. This is especially so with initial pronouns – those at the start of the sentence. The initial pronoun percentage should be under 30%. Run the report and replace your pronoun-heavy passages with more dynamic wording.

The Transition Report

Statistics show that published writing has a high level of transition use. Transition words are the road signs in writing. And great transitions help your reader follow your train of thought without becoming bogged down trying to discern your meaning. Words and phrases like “similarly”, “nevertheless”, “in order to”, “likewise,” or “as a result” show the relationships between your ideas and can help illustrate agreement, contrast or show cause and effect.

The Transition Report will give you a “transitions score”, which is based on the percentage of sentences that contain a transition. PWA recommends that you aim for a score of 25% or higher, which means that you use at least one transition word or phrase every four sentences.

The Consistency Check

Consistency is so important in writing. It makes it feel professional and polished. ProWritingAid doesn’t care if you choose to write in American or UK English, as long as you choose one and stick to it. Likewise, it’s up to you whether you capitalise a word like “Yoga” but the report will highlight if you have done it in one place and not in another.

The Consistency Check highlights inconsistency of spelling, hyphenation, capitalisation, and punctuation.

The Pacing Check

Pacing refers to the speed at which a story is told and how quickly the reader is moved through events. Good writing contains faster-paced sections, such as dialogue and character action, as well as slower-paced sections, such as introspection and backstory. Differently paced sections should complement each other, allowing the reader to move with you through the narrative.

ProWritingAid’s Pacing Check finds those areas in your writing that are paced more slowly so that you can spread them out.

The Dialogue Tags Check

Dialogue tags are the words that refer dialogue to a specific character. The two most common examples are “said” and “asked”. They are essential in writing, particularly in scenes that include several characters, because they help the reader follow the conversation. Ideally, your dialogue tags should be invisible within your writing, just signposts that point out who is speaking. The character’s actions or the dialogue itself should be carrying the emotion. Where possible, try to omit dialogue tags altogether. Instead, use description and action to point out your speaker and build your scene.

The Dialogue Tags Check will highlight all your dialogue tags so that you can find a better way to demonstrate emotion.

The Sensory Check (NLP Predicates Check)

Every writer has a tendency to favor one or two of their senses over the others, and this affects the way that he or she experiences the world, processes information and makes memories. When you are writing for a broad audience, you should try to write with words (primarily verbs, adverbs and adjectives) associated with all five of the senses. It will help emotionally engage with the widest range of people.

Run your writing through the Sensory Report and make sure that you have all five senses covered.

The Vague and Abstract Words Check

There are two types of words that muddy the waters for clarity and concise writing: vague and abstract words. Vague words lack specific information. If you say you will be “slightly” late it’s less clear than if you say you will be 20 minutes late. Your understanding of “slightly late” may be quite different to mine.

An abstract noun denotes something intangible, such as a quality or state, whereas a concrete noun denotes the person or thing that may possess that quality or be in that state. For example: man is concrete and humanity is abstract, brain is concrete and thought is abstract. Abstract nouns are sometimes perfect, but they should not be used to excess as they lack specificity.

Run the Vague and Abstract Words Check to find those words that should be replaced with something more specific or concrete.

The Thesaurus Check

Often, changing just one word in a sentence allows a writer to present a more nuanced or specific idea. The contextual thesaurus allows you to explore a wider vocabulary. Unlike most thesaurus suggestions, this report takes into account the context of the word in the sentence and offers replacement words that fit within that context.

The Diction Report

The Diction Report helps you avoid unnecessarily complicated writing by analyzing your word selection and sentence construction.

When it comes to writing, less is more. Make every word count. If it's not essential, cut it. Too often when writers are trying to sound authoritative, they choose the wordy ways of saying something simple. Why write “has the ability to” when you can write “can”? You’re just using more words to say the same thing, which actually makes your writing much less clear. Similarly, following some basic writing rules like “Don’t end a sentence with a preposition” can help make your writing stronger.

The Alliteration Report

Alliteration is the repetition of a beginning consonant sound. One of the most famous examples is "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers". Alliteration creates an enjoyable rhythm when reading and so is often used in advertising, or to attract attention and comment. Alliteration is also widely used in poetry.

The Alliteration Report will highlight all instances of alliteration in your document.

The Homonym Check

There are many words in the English language that sound alike but have different spellings. Choosing the wrong spelling can change your sentence completely. The sentence “He lost his patients” means something quite different from “He lost his patience”.

The Homonyms Check will highlight all the words with homonyms. Hover your curser over the word and the alternatives will be displayed as a tooltip.

The Corporate Wording Report

The corporate wording report identifies places where wording can be simplified. It concentrates on words that are often found in corporate reports that make the reports harder to read and understand. It highlights the words that it finds and suggests alternatives.

The Acronym Check

An acronym is a word or name formed as an abbreviation from the initial components in a phrase or a word, e.g. NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), ESPN (Entertainment and Sports Programming Network), or LOL (Laugh Out Loud). The Acronym Report highlights all of the acronyms in your text, and creates a list of all the acronyms you have used. Misspelled or inconsistent acronyms are not usually picked up by normal spell-checkers so the list allows you to easily scan for errors. It can also help you create a glossary of acronyms for your text.

The Complex Words Check

ProWritingAid defines complex words as those with three or more syllables. It is not wrong to use complex words, but paragraphs that contain too many will be less clear. If you can replace a complex word with a simpler one – e.g. enquired with asked or proximate with near – then do it.

Run the Complex Words Check and then scan your document for paragraphs that contain a higher than usual occurrence of multi-syllable words. See if you can replace some of them with clearer vocabulary.

The Eloquence Check

This report was designed to help you develop your use of stylistic writing techniques such as alliteration, epistrophe, and hendiadys. The items in this report are not suggestions, just aids to help you along the way.

The Combo Check

The Combo Report is a customizable feature that allows users to choose their favorite reports and run them simultaneously. This is a great feature for content writers, bloggers or students who edit a lot of shorter documents rather than one long book. You know your own bad writing habits better than anyone, so choose the reports that will have the biggest impact for YOU.

The House Style Check

If you are a premium user, you can create your own House Style Check to look for specific issues relating to your organization. For example, if you want to make sure that the word “Director” is always capitalized in your reports, you can create your own rule in the software that will flag it anytime it is in lower case. To take another example, imagine a fashion design company who always wanted their September collection to be referred to as the “autumn” collection rather than the “fall” collection. They could create a rule where ProWritingAid highlighted any instance of the word “fall” and offered a suggestion that it be changed to “autumn”.

Le: 21 05 2018 à 21:16 Web Design Shock Auteur: Admin

Fabulous script typeface with multilingual support in .ttf file format. You can use it in poster designs, corporate identity, greeting and invitation cards, logotype and fashion magazine & catalogues and more. Designed by Khurasan.

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Google a une nouvelle fois montré sa volonté de forcer le changement sur le web et d'instaurer de nouvelles normes afin d'optimiser la sécurité de tous. Un premier pas avait été fait en mettant en avant les sites passés au HTTPS et donc plus sûrs. Cette fois, Chrome va tout simplement mettre en avant le défaut de sécurité des sites n'étant pas passés au HTTPS. De quoi motiver les récalcitrants à franchir le pas, sous peine de voir leur audience chuter naturellement.

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Le: 21 05 2018 à 19:41 Web Design Shock Auteur: Admin

SVGator is a quick and easy way to animate SVG (No coding skills required). It offers a user-friendly interface and automatically generated code.

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This CSS effect emulates in your display the shape and movement of a lifted paper that it's pushed when on hover. Created by Codepen user Bastian Andre making use of Sass.

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Barack et Michelle Obama vont faire des films et des séries pour Netflix. Le contrat vient d’être officialisé.

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A nicely made app design for iOS mobile platform with a wonderful combination of colors. It contains 7 layered app sections highly customizable in Sketch file format. Published by uinugget, created by Surja Sen Das Raj.

Le: 21 05 2018 à 18:26 line25.com Auteur: Iggy

Whether you have to design a website, create the cover of a magazine or build up a portfolio, you will have to choose a font to use at some point. As we are sure you all know, typography is a fundamental element of any creative and printed work and you have to pay extra attention […]

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Carrefour et Tencent inaugurent leur premier supermarché connecté en Chine ; Microsoft rachète la start-up Semantic Machines ; la vraie valeur d'Amazon Prime...

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En plus des enceintes connectées, Amazon Alexa est également disponible sur certains ordinateurs.

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À cette occasion de la Coupe du Monde, la Fédération Française de Football qui lance avec la startup Pandacraft un kit éducatif pour sensibiliser les enfants aux valeurs du sport !

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Le: 21 05 2018 à 17:19 presse-citron.net Auteur: Setra

Enceinte connectée: Apple lance HomePodApple aurait l’intention de proposer une version moins coûteuse de son enceinte connectée, et il s’agirait d’un produit de la marque Beats.

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Plus de contenus ? Retrouvez-nous sur WebLife.fr, sur Twitter & Facebook !

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Le: 21 05 2018 à 15:00 Web Design Shock Auteur: Admin

A Truly Smashing Book Collection

This week and in tandem with Smashing Magazine, we've brought you a truly awesome promo bundle you will definitely want to add to your collection: Smashing Magazine's Complete eBook Library! With this bundle you can get unlimited, unrestricted access to 56 eBooks about design trends and advanced coding techniques, straight from the most relevant design and development authority on the web. You can get a library filled with the savvy and expertise of best selling authors, regularly priced $396, for a one time payment of only $29!

This is the perfect bundle to learn about Coding, UX Design Trends, Mobile Design, Graphics, WordPress, Freelancing, Content Strategy, etc. Get access to best selling pieces like Alla Kholmatova’s Design Systems, Paul Boag’s The Sketch Handbook, and much more!



What You'll Get: (Back to Top)

  • An eBook Library With 56 Web Design eBooks Worth $396.
  • You get immediate access to all eBooks via .zip archive.
  • Every eBook is available in PDF, ePUB, and Kindle file formats.
  • Best seller books on Coding, UX Design, Mobile Design, Graphics, WordPress, Freelancing, Content Strategy, Typography,
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  • Save up to 93% on the regular price!


Smashing Library Catalogue & Content Descriptions

If you ever wanted a reliable source of useful and valuable content, look no further. Our Smashing eBook Library has everything you need to start crafting well-designed and well-built websites today.

For almost 10 years now, Smashing Magazine has been where thousands of designers and developers go to learn about design trends and advanced coding techniques. That is why they've have developed the Smashing Library, a comprehensive collection of 56 valuable eBooks.

Smashing Magazine eBook Anthology:

We care about quality content and work hard to support and spread best practices, innovative techniques and forward-thinking ideas. Our Smashing anthology is our editorial flagship, crafted to deliver in-depth knowledge and expertise shared by experts and practitioners from the industry.

Smashing Book #1

The Smashing Book #1 (eBook) is about best practices in modern Web design. It shares technical tips and best practices on coding, usability and optimization and explores how to create successful user interfaces and apply marketing principles to increase conversion rates. It also shows how to get the most out of typography, color and branding so that you end up with intuitive and effective Web designs. And lastly, you will also get a peek behind the curtains of Smashing Magazine.

This book is a treasure of practical and useful knowledge for Web designers and developers. This first Smashing Book looks at Web design rules of thumb, color theory, usability guidelines, user interface design, best coding and optimization practices, as well as typography, marketing, branding and exclusive insights from top designers across the globe. It contains 10 chapters.

Smashing Book #2 + The Lost Files

These eBooks are the long-awaited digital version of our bestselling printed book about best practices in modern Web design. They share valuable practical insight into design, usability and coding, provide professional advice for designing mobile applications and building successful e-commerce websites, and explain common coding mistakes and how to avoid them. You’ll explore the principles of professional design thinking and graphic design and learn how to apply psychology and game theory to create engaging user experiences.

Smashing Book #3 + #3⅓ (2 eBooks)

The Web has changed a lot. Our tools now are advanced, and browsers are highly capable. We are facing new challenges and embracing new technologies. These changes require us to reconsider how we approach Web design. In fact, it’s time to rethink, to recode, to redesign.

The Mobile Book + Addendum

The Mobile Book features the most important things that you need to know as a designer, developer, or mobile strategist for your sites. You'll dive deep into the peculiarities of the mobile industry, explore responsive design strategy, design patterns and optimization techniques, learn about wireframing and prototyping for mobile as well as the guidelines for designing with gestures and touch. As an extra, the addendum to the book provides insights into the popular platforms such as iOS, Windows Phone, etc.

Smashing Book #4 New Perspectives on Web Design

Written by well-respected designers and developers, the 4th Smashing Book contains lots of actionable takeaways that will help you in your daily routine. Think of it as a reliable playbook for issues that keep following you in every project. This book is for you because you’ll discover plenty of valuable, time-saving techniques that will improve your workflow right away.

Smashing Book #5 - Real Life Responsive Web Design

Responsive design is a default these days, but we are all still figuring out just the right process and techniques to better craft responsive websites. That’s why we created a new book — to gather practical techniques and strategies from people who have learned how to get things done right, in actual projects with actual real-world challenges.


Font-end eBook Bundle

Tailored to the needs of front-end developers, this eBook bundle contains 4 selected Smashing eBooks on HTML, CSS, responsive web design, and more. A valuable companion to master your daily front-end challenges.

Behind The Scenes of Real Life Projects

Is there anything more insightful than learning about the workflows from fellow designers and developers, and what techniques they use? What made their projects a stunning success, and how do they overcome missteps? With this eBook, we’ll take a closer look at the techniques and stories of some folks behind real-life Web projects.

Among others, you will discover how renowned projects such as the Financial Times Web app or the Nike Better World website were built, and learn from the success story of a translation app that made it into Apple’s top ten charts. You’ll also get an insight into Google’s User Experience Lab, and (illustrated by the example of Pinterest) explore the importance of paint performance. Furthermore, our Smashing authors share valuable lessons learned in the course of their careers — from both successes and failures. This eBook is full of handy tips, ideas, and personal experiences that are beneficial to any Web professional.

HTML Semantics

You won't get far without the foundational understanding of HTML semantics – but it is even more important to follow up on the recent developments and discussions.

This eBook addresses the importance of semantics in our code. It touches on outlining algorithms, HTML5 semantics, the pursuit of semantic value and the HTML semantic grid system.

Performance Optimization: Techniques And Strategies

Slow loading times break the user experience of any website — no matter how well crafted it might be. In fact, it only takes three seconds until users lose their interest in a site if they don't get a response immediately. If another site happens to be 250ms faster than yours, then users are more inclined to switch to a competitor’s website in no time. Web fonts, heavy JavaScript, third-party widgets — all of them can sum up to become a real performance bottleneck. Nevertheless, tracking that down does not only improve loading times but also results in a much snappier experience and a higher user engagement.

The new Hardboiled Web Design eBook

If you’ve been working on the web for a while, your bookshelves may already be buckling under the weight of books about HTML and CSS. Do you really need another one? Hardboiled Web Design is different. It’s for people who want to understand why, when and how to use the latest HTML5 and CSS3 technologies in their everyday work. Not tomorrow or next week, but today.


UX eBook Bundle

This eBook collection will guide you into the Usability for Web Design field showing you how to use design elements for each purpose. The various possibilities for developing websites foster not only a designer’s creativity, but also the necessity of applying techniques that enhance the User Experience (UX) and website’s usability.

A Field Guide To Usability Testing

Testing usability is vital to creating a successful website — even more so if it’s an e-commerce website, a complex app or any other complicated project. Unlike interviews and focus groups, a well-designed user test measures actual performance.

A Field Guide To User Research

User research is an effective strategy to gain a deeper understanding of your target audience — a crucial step in order to choose efficient design solutions and build smart products. But what has to be considered when conducting user research? What methods have proven themselves in practice? And how do you finally integrate your findings into the design process? With this eBook, you will learn to take the guesswork out of your design decisions and base them on real-life experiences and user needs instead.

Designing Better UX

Even the most thought-out and best-planned user experience can get lost when attention to certain details falls short. To raise awareness for those little things that add up to an ideal user experience, we have put together “Designing Better UX”.

Emotional Design Elements

Whether you're creating a game or a website, a lasting bond with users is more often than not the result of emotional attachment. Knowing the ins and outs of emotional design will enable you to imbue your creation with personality and to shape the user's perception.

How To Create Selling E-Commerce Websites, Vol. 2

With more and more people reaching out for their smartphones and tablets to shop online, mobile e-commerce is set to reach $86 billion by 2016 — a development that brings along entirely new demands on e-commerce websites. After our first e-commerce eBook was published four years ago, we wanted to take a fresh look at the challenges that crafting online shopping experiences bring along today, and equip you with the necessary know-how on how to deal with them effectively.

Navigation & Interaction

How should you set up menus for optimal usability? Does mobile UX design follow different rules? How can you use sound to make your website not just more appealing but also easier to navigate? These and other questions should be factored into any decisions about modern website design, because they will influence the amount and quality of repeat traffic.

Navigation & Interaction, Vol. 2

While users expect content to be unique and exciting, they also prefer clear, predictable patterns when it comes to navigation. After all, navigation is merely a means to an end: consuming content without hassle and not spending too much time looking for it. The foundation of a solid, frustration-free user experience thus lies in a well-structured, simple navigation system. But which design decisions have really proven to work well in practice?

Practical Approaches For Designing Usable Websites

The user-centered design process is based on various steps, each with its respective approaches. Learn about designing flows, optimizing emotional engagement and performing heuristic website reviews.

Psychology Of Web Design

Psychology of Web Design gives you insights on how the human brain deals with different elements, colors, contrast, symmetry and balance. Combining the usability guidelines from Maslow's pyramid will surely help you design closer to your audience’s desires.

Rethinking UX

In “Rethinking UX”, various UX professionals share their lessons learned and provide practical advice from their very own personal experience. The eBook is packed with interesting thoughts and concepts that let us reflect on our own practices. Every designer has their own user research techniques and strategies, but leaving the office and talking to people on the streets can foster innovation even more as any thought-out strategy ever could.

User Experience Design

User Experience (UX) can be strongly influenced by behavioral factors such as emotions, beliefs, preferences and even cultural backgrounds. Being aware of this, Web designers keep developing strategies to improve the overall UX with the help of storytelling, tools for problem solving, relationship engineering and costumer service improvement.

UX Design Process

In this book, you'll learn how lean UX has made the whole discipline more approachable and attractive to startups, and you'll see that UX issues aren't just a quick fix, but should also address big-picture issues. Sometimes, the solution to a problem is to fix a broken UX; other times, you will need to constantly fine-tune in order to keep up with changing demands. You'll also look at wireframing alternatives, research planning and design bias.


Web Design eBook Bundle

Every Web designer, whether freelanced or employed, should have a reference literature that accompanies him or her throughout their professional routine. In this bundle you will find 10 Smashing eBooks that will help you improve your skills in the Web Design field. You will be able to apply techniques to adapt your designs for mobile gadgets, combine different typefaces and intensify your professional abilities.

Creating Meaningful Websites

What is it that makes a website stand out from the crowd? What makes it memorable and meaningful? This eBook wants to approach these questions. It's in no means a step-by-step guide to follow, but rather a collection of thoughts to give you some general impulses and perspectives on creating meaningful websites.

Creativity Lessons For Web Designers

“Creativity” is a term that often partakes of something mysterious and nearly magical — something that we are blessed with, something like an ambivalent, secret power that one moment strikes us unexpectedly, and then puts us on hold when we desperately try to come up with an idea. But the infamous creative spark isn't as random as we might think.

Designing For Email

After taking a look at the current state of HTML email design, you'll get to grips with optimizing email for mobile, and learn to build your own modular email construction kit that you can draw on to cater for best results on desktop, web and mobile clients. We'll also explore handy tips to raise your email above inbox noise — with a friendly tone and engaging content (no dirty tricks here!) — and consider missteps that you should better avoid. Building HTML emails certainly does require some fiddling around, but it's defintely worth it. So, are you ready to take on the challenge?

Inside Creative Minds: Workflows, Habits And Strategies

The authors of this eBook had the occasion to sit down with experienced influencers and successful designers for a row of interviews in which they provide first-hand insights into their very own workflows, habits and strategies. WordPress co-founders Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little are among them, JavaScript evangelist Doug Crockford, IDEO’s Duane Bray, Meetup’s vice president Andres Glusman, as well as many other creative minds from design, UX and startup branches. Their insights and stories are not only truly inspiring, but also contribute to giving this fast-moving, tech-driven Web industry a more familiar face.

Legacy Of Typography

This eBook introduces historical and cultural aspects of type and how they relate to the Web industry. Find out about changing fads in type, about the complexities of Japanese characters and about typographic applications for different situations. You are sure to learn something that you didn't know before from our great authors.

The Sketch Handbook by Christian Krammer

The Sketch Handbook will guide you through every aspect of Sketch: from smart guides and layer manipulation to responsive baseline grid, nested symbols and group resizing. Whether you are a beginner to design or just started to use graphic apps, it will teach you the techniques you need to start designing user interfaces in Sketch.

Typography Best Practices

Whether you're interested in determining the right paragraph layout or typographic details, observing the correct typographic etiquette or making the other small decisions that will dramatically influence how your website is perceived, many answers will present themselves in this collection of articles.

Typography: Practical Considerations And Design Patterns

With the help of this eBook, you can learn how to train and sharpen your eyes to recognize specific typographic details which will be sure to guide you in your own projects and make it easier for you to make design decisions. After an initial stroll through type terminology and classification, this eBook reflects on the quality of fonts (including web font providers, of course) and explores typographic design patterns as well as current practices. These practical considerations and a plethora of real-world examples are bound to be a valuable companion throughout your adventures when designing with type.

Unlocking Innovation: How To Generate And Realize Great Ideas

Certain strategies can help to unlock our creative insight, and make our ideation process — and that of our team members — more effective. Unlocking Innovation wants to equip you with such strategies, but also go beyond the mere process of generating ideas and look at how we can actually bring them to life. Different ways of experimenting with that first vague idea and mocking it up are thus part of the eBook, just like suggestions on finding the idea that is really worthy of our time and energy. The tips that our authors have to share are very practical, and can easily be incorporated into your (or your team’s) workflow. So, take your time and examine them carefully, and, most importantly, try them out to see what works best for you.


Accessibility eBook Bundle

We try to build the best experiences we can, but more often that not, we make them for ourselves and users like us. With this eBook bundle, you’ll learn to enrich the web for everyone by removing existing barriers and creating experiences that are usable to more people.

Inclusive Design Patterns by Heydon Pickering

This book looks at common interface patterns from the perspective of an inclusive designer—someone trained in building experiences that cater to the huge diversity of abilities, preferences and circumstances out there.

Apps For All: Coding Accessible Web Applications

Accessibility is not just about addressing specific disabilities, but making sure as many people as possible have access to the same information. There’s rarely a good reason to lock people out when openness is a foundational principle of the web.

Practical Approaches For Designing Accessible Websites

We design with viewports in mind, keep track of loading times, and hunt down even the smallest browser bugs — all to create the best possible user experience. But despite all these efforts to constantly improve our products, there’s still one aspect that, unfortunately, comes up short quite often: accessibility.


Business eBook Bundle

If you need support when it comes to the business aspects of the web industry, then these eBooks will be a treasure chest for you. Learn to adapt your business to the digital challenges. Get insights into building better products. Read up on how to pitch like a pro and handle your finances properly. Get precious tips on a key issue in your career: communication with clients and partners.

A Career On The Web: Assuming Leadership

Taking the step from being a member of a digital team to becoming a leader can be quite overwhelming. Having proven that you excel in the technical aspects of your job is most probably beyond question, but a leadership position will naturally confront you with entirely new challenges which also call for new skills. After all, a team is as good as its leader, right?

A Career On The Web: On The Road To Success

There comes a time in everyone’s career when changing jobs is the natural next step. Perhaps you’re looking for a new challenge or you feel like you’ve hit a wall in your current company? Either way, you’re standing at a crossroad, with an overwhelming amount of possibilities in front of you. But how can you make the most of this situation? How can you find a job you will truly love?

Clients: Friends You Never Had

A fruitful and balanced cooperation with clients is the dream of every designer. However, to bring this dream to reality, designers constantly need to prepare for the various challenges that different clients tend to bring along. But what can you do to generally improve the collaboration with your clients and — on a long-term basis — foster stable relationships in which both parties are actually pulling in the same direction?

Digital Adaptation by Paul Boag

Nothing is more frustrating than stubborn management entangled in dated workflows and inefficient processes. That's why we created Digital Adaptation, a new practical book on how to help senior management understand the Web and adapt the business, culture, teams and workflows accordingly. No fluff, no theory — just techniques and strategies that worked in practice, and showed results.

Making It Right: Product Management For A Startup World

The main purpose of this book is to help product managers who work specifically with digital projects build better — less complex, more focused, less long-winded and more intelligent — products. By featuring lessons learned from real-life projects, the book provides a structured framework for strategic product management — to help build the right products, at the right time, for the right people with just the right amount of process involved.

Marketing Secrets For Web Designers

Marketing is an essential part of Web design and knowing its 101 helps designers see their design decisions in a broader context. As jumping in at the deep edge and simply starting off marketing can be quite delicate, "Marketing Secrets For Web Designers" is a companion tailored to the specific needs of Web professionals. Weighing the benefits and perils of common marketing practices, it takes designers by the hand as they develop an understanding of what friendly and appealing marketing is all about.

Successful Freelancing For Web Designers

If you are thinking of freelancing or are close to surrendering to your workload, then this eBook will be a treasure chest for you. Realizing that you have made the same mistakes as many before you can be a relief. Read up on how to pitch like a pro and handle your finances properly. Get precious tips on a key issue in freelancing: communication with clients and partners. Compelling marketing strategies will brighten your future, win contracts and make your business profitable.

Work Smart, Live Healthy

Web design is more than a job. It’s a passion. However, keeping up with the immense pace at which the web industry is moving can feel quite intimidating at times and stress or even a burnout can strike all of us someday. With this eBook, we want to raise awareness for those aspects of the web industry which are not frequently talked about. It’s not about frameworks, code or scripts for a change — today it’s about you.


Content Strategy eBook Bundle

With this bundle you will master content and copywriting in no time. Three fresh eBooks contain Smashing Magazine’s best articles on Content, carefully prepared, edited and — of course — without advertising. Perfect for those looking to get into the world of content development for online platforms, this eBook expertly pinpoints the key things one must know before beginning a journey into copywriting. This bundle will help to improve your Copywriting skills.

Content Strategy

If content is king, then the art of messaging is what will drive your product, business or idea forward. This comprehensive eBook delves into the world of content, providing beginners as well as communications professionals with a fundamental understanding of how content strategy works both independently and in conjuncture with other elements.

Content Strategy, Vol. 2: Planning, Producing And Maintaining Quality Content

A brilliant design deserves brilliant content. Content that is intuitive, compelling and flexible. With the help of this eBook, you will learn to face the content challenge. Take it as your guide through the critical phases of content planning, production and maintenance, your partner in crime to develop your content strategy.

Effective Copywriting

Writing for the Web has many facets and uses. As one of the most sought-after and needed skills, it has often become an exercise of bringing together a brand with a voice. This eBook takes a look at many different aspects of copywriting in the online sector.

Le: 21 05 2018 à 14:46 korben.info Auteur: Korben

Si vous êtes sous macOS et que vous utilisez Homebrew pour installer des paquets, vous ne le savez peut-être pas mais après une mise à jour (brew upgrade), les anciens paquets sont conservés sur votre système. Histoire de faire un peu de place, il est possible de supprimer ces anciennes … Suite

Le: 21 05 2018 à 14:40 presse-citron.net Auteur: Setra

Le mode Incognito de YouTube pointe le bout de son nez. La fonctionnalité, qui permet de ne pas enregistrer les visionnages et les recherches, serait actuellement testée.

Le: 21 05 2018 à 14:05 WebdesignerNews


Le: 21 05 2018 à 14:00 FrenchWeb.fr Auteur: Les Experts

Dans un article de la revue Harvard Business Review, je montrais comment les principes entrepreneuriaux de l’effectuation pouvaient être utilisés pour transformer les organisations.

Le: 21 05 2018 à 14:00 Web Design Shock Auteur: Admin

2 Different Web Hosting Lifetime Plans:

This promo offers 2 different Lifetime Web Hosting Plans for Business & Startups, with features on all plans that you'll definitely want to check out, like an Intuitive cPanel Web Hosting Manager, Drag & Drop SitePad Website Builder, One-Click Deploy for WordPress and hundreds of other popular softwares, and so much more! Take full advantage of multi-core processors, lightning fast network, and powerful hardware. Don't let your innovation be throttled by ancient hardware and slow network; harness their insanely fast servers and network for your own use! So what are you waiting for? Get in here and see what the fuss is all about!

Startup Web Hosting includes 2 GB storage, 500 GB Bandwidth per month, up to hosted 1 domain, CloudFare Optimized Partner with Railgun, https:// on all websites, 5 MySQL Databases, Subdomains, E-mail Accounts, and FTP Accounts (so yeah, 5 each!), Website Builder and Instant Wordpress Install, and free domain for the first year. Whats the cost? Only a one-time payment of $24.99! Save yourself $540 with this plan!

Business Web Hosting includes 10 GB Storage, 1 TB Bandwidth per month, host up to 3 domains, 10 MySQL Databases, E-mail Accounts, FTP Accounts, and Subdomains (so yeah, 10 each!), Cloudflare Optimized Partner with Railgun, https:// on all websites, Website Builder and Instant Wordpress Install, and free domain for the first year. All of this for a one-time payment of $44.99! Guess what? You save over $1080 with this plan!

So, Lifetime Access? I hear you ask. In short: yes, we are thrilled to bring you this amazing promo from Arch Hosting to get your hands on the One Lifetime Web Hosting Plan to Rule Them All, with features that spell awesome all around them.

Quick Jump to Features

Web Hosting Features on all Plans: Breakdown for Nerds (Back to Top)

The following features are included on both Lifetime Web Hosting plans!

  • Both plans include a free domain for the first year (Usually $11.99)
  • Intuitive cPanel® Web Hosting Manager.
  • Drag & Drop SitePad Website Builder - NO coding required!
  • One-click deploy Wordpress and hundreds of other popular softwares!
  • https:// on ALL domains.
  • Cloudflare Railgun - Supercharge dynamic content with backend caching.
  • Daily Website Backups.
  • Full Email Management - Webmail, Forwarding, etc! Compatible with your iPhone or Android device!.
  • Website Traffic & Visitor Logs.
  • Private Domain WHOIS.
  • 24/7 In-House Expert Support - Real humans who will actually address your questions.
  • Enterprise SSD drives - up to 50% faster than hard drive storage!
  • Brand New DDR4 RAM.
  • Lightning fast Intel Xeon processors.
  • 1 Gbps Premium Tiered Network (DDoS Protected).
  • MariaDB/MySQL for superior database performance!
  • PHP 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, SSH, Perl, Ruby, Python, Cronjob, FTP & Git Support.
  • Full IPv6 Ready - Future-proof your business.
  • CloudLinux OS & CageFS for isolated resources - you'll get what you paid for, guaranteed.

Plan-Specic Features: (Back to Top)

Startup Web Hosting Plan ($24.99 One-Time Payment):

  • 2 GB Storage
  • 500 GB Bandwidth per month
  • Host up to 1 domain
  • 5 MySQL Databases
  • 5 E-mail Accounts
  • 5 FTP Accounts
  • 5 Subdomains
  • FREE Cloudflare Optimized Partner with Railgun for 200% additional performance (Usually $200/mo from Cloudflare!)
  • FREE https:// on all websites
  • FREE Website Builder and Instant Wordpress Install!
  • FREE domain for the first year
  • One-time payment of $24.99! (Usually $540)

Business Web Hosting ($44.99 One-Time Payment)

  • 10 GB Storage
  • 1 TB Bandwidth per month
  • Host up to 4 domains
  • 10 MySQL Databases
  • 10 E-mail Accounts
  • 10 FTP Accounts
  • 10 Subdomains
  • FREE Cloudflare Optimized Partner with Railgun for 200% additional performance (Usually $200/mo from Cloudflare!)
  • FREE https:// on all websites
  • FREE Website Builder and Instant Wordpress Install!
  • FREE domain for the first year
  • One-time payment of $44.99 (Usually $1080)


About Security With Arch-Hosting

Your file safety and online security is a top priority. Arch Hosting makes use of signed AES 256 SSL encryption on all web services. Their infrastructure has been tested for vulnerabilities by multiple penetration testers and secured against attacks (Apache symlink attacks, hypervisor exploits). Their configuration includes routine backups to offsite locations to ensure that client data is not lost in the event of a hard drive failure.

Sensitive client data is secured with military-grade AES encryption. All passwords are salted numerous times to ensure maximum security. Their set of in-house developers helps prevent them from being vulnerable to the same "zero-day" attacks that other providers may face. No credit card or sensitive billing information is kept on file, preventing any possibility of leaked credit card or financial data in the event of a security breach.

They utilize CloudLinux OS which provides numerous improved security benefits over CentOS. Most significantly is the utilization of CageFS, which provides your website dedicated resources and a jailed environment that’s completely separate from any other user on the server. Just because you’re on a shared server doesn’t mean you need to compromise security!


Do you need a WordPress blog installed? Or a different type of CMS? Let their support do it for you. This team consists of experienced webmasters, developers, and cPanel experts. No outsourcing of tickets to third party companies; all client tickets are handled by an authorized and reliable Arch Hosting employee. Anybody may create tickets via their website, which will be diligently answered accurately and quickly. Theres also the public knowledgebase which contains solutions, answers, and tutorials to address many questions you may have.


Le: 21 05 2018 à 13:36 jqueryrain.com Auteur: Admin

The post Counter Style 13 appeared first on Best jQuery.

Le: 21 05 2018 à 13:34 jqueryrain.com Auteur: Admin

The post Navigation Menu Style 38 appeared first on Best jQuery.

Le: 21 05 2018 à 13:28 presse-citron.net Auteur: Emmanuel Ghesquier

Atterrissage réussi pour le lanceur de SpaceXOneSpace, une start-up chinoise, a été la première du pays à réussir à envoyer une fusée dans l'espace, fin de semaine dernière. Même si de nombreux progrès doivent encore être fait pour pouvoir prétendre se positionner face à SpaceX ou Blue Origin, on sait désormais que la conquête spatiale est ouverte à la concurrence asiatique.

Le: 21 05 2018 à 13:05 WebdesignerNews


Le: 21 05 2018 à 12:59 presse-citron.net Auteur: Eric

Audi vient de lancer la nouvelle version de sa berline "coupé" Audi A7 Sportback, avec toujours plus de technologies numériques embarquées. Phase 2 d'une même auto ou vraie nouveauté ? Voici notre essai complet.

Le: 21 05 2018 à 12:45 Webdesigner Depot Auteur: Carrie Cousins

Do you ever get bogged down with some of your tools? They work, but you know there’s got to be a better way to do something. Hopefully, this month’s collection has the solution. It’s packed with design tools that are lightweight and functional. If we’ve missed something that you think should have been on the […]

Le: 21 05 2018 à 12:07 presse-citron.net Auteur: David Laurent

Alfred Pennyworth, le majordome de Bruce Wayne va avoir le droit à sa propre série. Un projet totalement différent à priori.

Le: 21 05 2018 à 12:00 FrenchWeb.fr Auteur: Maxence Fabrion

Ce nouveau concept de magasin propose notamment le paiement via la reconnaissance faciale.

Le: 21 05 2018 à 11:55 presse-citron.net Auteur: Setra

Microsoft vient d’officialiser l’acquisition de Semantic Machines, une startup dirigée par des experts en IA conversationnelle.

Le: 21 05 2018 à 11:21 presse-citron.net Auteur: Setra

Google DuoGoogle Duo se dote d’une fonctionnalité de partage d’écran sur Android. Mais cela ne fonctionne pas encore correctement.

Le: 21 05 2018 à 11:17 FrenchWeb.fr Auteur: Carolina Tomaz

Une opération qui intervient peu de temps après la démonstration remarquée de Google Duplex, lors du dernier I/O.

Le: 21 05 2018 à 10:32 korben.info Auteur: Korben

Pour les jardiniers et pour tous ceux qui souhaitent remodeler un peu leur potager et disposer d’un calendrier de gestion de leurs plantations, il existe OpenJardin. OpenJardin est un outil libre dispo sous Linux qui permet de gérer finement ses parcelles en permacultures avec des fiches de cultures pour chacune … Suite

Le: 21 05 2018 à 10:00 FrenchWeb.fr Auteur: Les Experts

La prospective est un art difficile. On peut chercher à projeter le passé dans le futur. Je vais m’y risquer avec le monde de la santé et le phénomène de déterritorialisation qui pourrait l’affecter, au moins partiellement.

Le: 21 05 2018 à 09:56 clever-age.com Auteur: Florian Plénier

Introduction Pré-requis Préparation Scénario Implémentation Lancement des tests Utilisation de BrowserStack pour l’utilisation de vrai appareils Conclusion La mise en place d’une application web de qualité passe par des tests couvrant un maximum de situations diverses. Savoir créer des tests automatisés permettant de tester des résolutions différentes, des navigateurs différents et le faire sur de […]

Le: 21 05 2018 à 09:33 FrenchWeb.fr Auteur: FrenchWeb

Le format We Pitch You Choose a été pensé dans le but de proposer une expérience de recrutement originale et à forte valeur ajoutée.

Le: 21 05 2018 à 09:00 FrenchWeb.fr Auteur: FrenchWeb

Foodvisor est une application capable d’évaluer les principales informations nutritionnelles d'un plat à partir d’une photo prise avec un smartphone.

Le: 21 05 2018 à 08:30 presse-citron.net Auteur: Emmanuel Ghesquier

C'est une devise informelle qui a rendu célèbre Google. "Don't be evil" . "Ne soyez pas malveillants" dans la langue de Molière. Utilisée par l'entreprise depuis ses débuts, elle a été rendue publique autour de 2004. Il semble toutefois qu'une page soit actuellement en train de se tourner du côté de Mountain View.

Le: 21 05 2018 à 08:20 presse-citron.net Auteur: Stéphane Ficca

Resident Evil 7 Cloud VersionSans crier gare, Capcom annonce la disponibilité imminente de Resident Evil 7 sur Nintendo Switch, via une nouvelle Cloud Version. Explications.

Le: 21 05 2018 à 07:55 WebdesignerTrends Auteur: Ana de Template Monster

Êtes-vous sur le point de démarrer un projet lié à la charité ?...

Le: 21 05 2018 à 07:42 Framablog Auteur: Framalang

Nos conversations dans la bulle privée de l’intimité familiale ne semblent plus vraiment à l’abri de l’espionnage par les objets dont nous acceptons de nous entourer. Voici déjà le 18e article de la série écrite par Rick Falkvinge. Le fondateur … Lire la suite­­

Le: 21 05 2018 à 07:28 FrenchWeb.fr Auteur: Maxence Fabrion

La société a bouclé un premier tour de table de 3,7 millions d’euros en avril. Interview de Christophe Pasquier, fondateur et CEO de Slite.

Le: 21 05 2018 à 07:00 FrenchWeb.fr Auteur: Benjamin Aïssaoui

Face à l’extraordinaire disruption qui affecte le monde de la banque de détail, il existe une voie qui mène à la réussite. Les banques qui veulent continuer à acquérir et retenir des clients fidèles doivent faciliter les interactions. Le parcours client actuel comprend à la fois l’expérience physique dans les agences locales et l’expérience en …

Le: 21 05 2018 à 01:26 WebdesignerNews
