This is a minimal and really simple slider made in jQuery. This slider gets rid of unnecessary features that you don’t need. It is functional, flexible and really lightweight.
The post Simple & Lightweight jQuery Slider appeared first on ByPeople.
Des chercheurs en sécurité allemands viennent de publier un document dans lequel ils expliquent une méthode pour lire et afficher des framebuffers (en Français : Des tampons de trames) extraits de plusieurs cartes graphiques grand public. En effet, même après un redémarrage de l'ordinateur, le contenu de la VRAM n'est pas effacé et il est […]
Cet article merveilleux et sans aucun égal intitulé : Palinopsia – Quand votre carte graphique trahit vos secrets ; a été publié sur Korben, le seul site qui t'aime plus fort que tes parents.
La cinquième édition du salon E-Commerce One To One se tenait cette semaine à Monaco. Retour sur les temps forts de cette édition anniversaire.
A hexagonal preloader made in CSS (SCSS specifically), perfect for modern websites and mobile apps. This snippet was created by Roland Lösslein.
The post Hexagonal CSS Animated Preloader appeared first on ByPeople.
A resume template for showcasing your resume or to use as personal page. Free PSD and HTML released by Afnizar Nur Ghifari.
The post Resume template – PSD + HTML appeared first on Freebiesbug.
Rebar is a Sass / Stylus grid framework to make responsive development more efficient and keep CSS organised.
The post Rebar Grid Framework appeared first on Freebiesbug.
Textures.js is a JavaScript library for creating SVG patterns. A repo by Riccardo Scalco.
The post Textures.js – SVG patterns appeared first on Freebiesbug.
30 species * Textures.js * Logdown * type.js * Browser Input Events * sanitize.css * Readable Wearables
Collective #160 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.
A flat navigation made in CSS and JavaScript showing some tabs and a drop-down menu. It can be used in any website, matching its style. It was created by Andy Tran.
The post Minimalistic Flat CSS Navigation appeared first on ByPeople.
Un rapport envoyé par erreur indique clairement que Google triche pour positionner ses services avant ceux de la concurrence.
Every week we tweet a lot of interesting stuff highlighting great content that we find on the web that can be of interest to web designers. The best way to keep track of our tweets is simply to follow us on Twitter, however, in case you missed some here’s a quick and useful compilation of […]
Ce n’est un secret pour personne, la société Rovio a vu sa croissance chuter ces derniers mois. L’éditeur des jeux vidéo Angry Birds mise donc beaucoup sur la sortie d’un film d’animation.
RAD.js is a framework for more quickly developing mobile applications. It’s optimized for iOS, Android, and Windows 8, plus all major web browsers.
An easy way to show more product images and variations right in the product gallery. A simple slider to check product variations before jumping into the product page.
The post Product Preview Slider with CSS3 & jQuery appeared first on jQuery Rain.
SimpleFilePreview is a jQuery plug-in that allows for pre-form submission file previews on images and icon previews for non-images. The syntax is extremely simple and the UI allows for easy […]
The post SimpleFilePreview : jQuery Pre-form submission file Previews on Images appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Keypress is a robust keyboard input capturing Javascript utility focused on input for games.Keypress is an input capture library with some very special features, it is easy to pick up […]
The post Keypress : Javascript library for capturing Keyboard Input appeared first on jQuery Rain.
A beautiful animation of an alien abduction made in CSS. It can be used in any kind of digital and web project, like a kids site or such. This snippet was created by Bia.
The post Alien Abduction CSS Loader appeared first on ByPeople.
Selectivity is a modular and lightweight library made in jQuery and Zepto.js, perfect for creating selects. It has a rich UI and can be used for free. It was created by Arend van Beelen jr.
The post Selectivity.js: Modular Selection jQuery Library appeared first on ByPeople.