Les actualités du Dimanche 23 février 2014 dans les métiers du web - Marmits.com - Reims

Le: 23 02 2014 à 15:38 Journal du Net Développeurs

Migrer massivement de Windows XP vers Windows 8 professionnel est un véritable enjeu auquel il faut se préparer. Voici 10 outils pour mener au mieux cette migration.

Le: 23 02 2014 à 13:12 marcofolio.net Auteur: Marco

Something totally different here today. To help my girlfriend with her study, I needed to create an app that displays an augmented reality world. Although I love working with HTML and technologies around it, something like AR with it is possible, but doesn't reach the level of a native app. During my day job, I'm working with (mobile) C# technologies like Xamarin. I was looking for something that's easy for me to learn and use, in order to create an awesome AR application.


In this tutorial, I'll be showing you how to create a simple augmented reality world using Vuforia. The reason I choose the framework, was because it looked easy, is free and - most importantly - relies on the same technology Xamarin uses. Let's get started!


Le: 23 02 2014 à 10:41 Webdesigner Depot Auteur: Cameron Chapman

Every week we tweet a lot of interesting stuff highlighting great content that we find on the web that can be of interest to web designers. The best way to keep track of our tweets is simply to follow us on Twitter, however, in case you missed some here’s a quick and useful compilation of […]


Le: 23 02 2014 à 09:35 presse-citron.net Auteur: Setra Rkt

BlackBerry travaillerait actuellement sur le modèle Windermere, avec une nouveauté au niveau du clavier.

Le: 23 02 2014 à 09:32 WebdesignerNews Auteur: Cameron

Custom Elements is a gallery of web components (a collection of standards working their way through the W3C) for use in modern web applications. You can browse the existing components or submit your own.

Le: 23 02 2014 à 09:06 cssdesignawards.com

A Creative Agency and Production Company in New York, Amsterdam and São Paulo

Le: 23 02 2014 à 08:01 jqueryrain.com Auteur: Admin

Simple & hassle-free image resize & crop based on a pseudo-viewport. Touch-friendly via touch-punch.No special requirements for use, by default it modifies the behaviour of each image tag it finds.

Le: 23 02 2014 à 07:48 jqueryrain.com Auteur: Admin

jQuery responsive gallery and lightbox – (jrGal).This script allows you to embed a slick responsive gallery into your website page or mobile app. Its easy to setup and works smoothly. […]

Le: 23 02 2014 à 07:07 jqueryrain.com Auteur: Admin

jQuery plugin to create imagemap area polygon coordinates. Extends a text input to display an image with a canvas on which points may be added to create a polygon.

Le: 23 02 2014 à 06:06 WebdesignerTrends Auteur: WDTrends

Prochain arrêt, le Royaume-Uni, pour rendre une petite visite au portfolio de Sean Hobman, digital creative et designer basé à Manchester. Sean débute sa carrière professionnelle en agence au sein de l’agence Fresh en s’occupant principalement de créations hors-ligne. Très … Continuer la lecture