Les actualités du Vendredi 23 mars 2018 dans les métiers du web - Marmits.com - Reims
Le: 23 03 2018 à 23:05
Web Design Shock
Auteur: Admin

Free Resume & Cover Letter Templates for MS Word by MaxResumes. Comes with a classic and Elegant style design, it's super easy to edit!
Le: 23 03 2018 à 22:23
Web Design Shock
Auteur: Admin

A collection of 200 icons delivered in vector Ai format by designer Henrik Østergaard featuring a Line design style and illustrations for several basic UI actions and metaphors such as weather, keypad, music controls, shopping carts, lock/unlock and much more! Get your copy completely free.
Le: 23 03 2018 à 21:39
Le: 23 03 2018 à 20:52
Le: 23 03 2018 à 20:32
Web Design Shock
Auteur: Admin

MI Talent is a free web design template by Mass Impressions created for talent agencies to showcase their clients and their projects. All nine files are fully editable, layered, carefully organized and use free Google fonts. We 've carefully crafted web pages with icons, grids, two color schemes with gradients that give the layouts a stunningly elegant look, and every element vital to developing any new website! The download archive contains the 9 PSD files for each page, get them now completely free!
Le: 23 03 2018 à 19:08
Le: 23 03 2018 à 18:41
Auteur: La rédaction
Google veut mettre la blockchain au service du cloud ; Carrefour lance sa plateforme de data intelligence ; le cryptojacking a augmenté de 8 500 % en 2017...
Le: 23 03 2018 à 18:26
Web Design Shock
Auteur: Admin
Altero is an uppercase display font with a double style in Hollow and Solid Fill variations that can be mixed and matched to create stunning posters, headlines, flyers, etc. It features 505 Glyphs and support for 91 Languages. Also, it's creator Stefano Giliberti released it for everyone completely free for both personal & commercial use!
Le: 23 03 2018 à 18:16
Le: 23 03 2018 à 18:02
Web Design Shock
Auteur: Admin

A colorful freebie by Graphicsegg to add depth to plain text in Photoshop. The download contains a PSD file with the effect and the layers you'll need to modify the smart layer with your text and see it turn into a beautiful display uppercase sans-serif font.
Le: 23 03 2018 à 17:33
Le: 23 03 2018 à 17:16
Web Design Shock
Auteur: Admin

A snippet by Codepen user Olivia featuring beautifully animated Moleskine notebooks made in pure CSS. When hovered over, the notebooks animate by tilting sideways and opening up. There are 4 variations: plain, ruled, dotted, and squared, featuring different color schemes.
Le: 23 03 2018 à 17:00
Auteur: David Laurent
Son co-créateur a cette fois définitivement enterré l'idée.
Le: 23 03 2018 à 16:58
Auteur: Clément
L’association Down Up a réalisé une vidéo en faveur de la compréhension de la trisomie 21 aux yeux de tous afin d’élargir notre regard sur les différences de chacun.
Le: 23 03 2018 à 16:53
Le: 23 03 2018 à 16:52
Le: 23 03 2018 à 16:52
Le: 23 03 2018 à 16:48
Auteur: Setra
Alors que Facebook s’enfonce dans le scandale Cambridge Analytica, Telegram fête ses 200 millions d’utilisateurs.
Le: 23 03 2018 à 16:45
Auteur: Louise Millon
La compagnie américaine de Jeff Bezos est désormais positionnée devant Alphabet. De fait, elle devient la deuxième entreprise la plus valorisée au monde.
Le: 23 03 2018 à 16:37
Auteur: Corentin
Sans tambour ni trompette, BMW a confirmé l'arrivée d'une berline électrique courant 2020. Du nom de i4, elle pourrait disposer d'une autonomie de 550 à 700 km. D'autres modèles, dont un SUV iX3, sont aussi au programme.
Le: 23 03 2018 à 16:35
Auteur: Innocentia Agbe
En ce qui concerne les ransomwares, la somme moyenne demandée a été de 522 dollars.
Le: 23 03 2018 à 16:32
Auteur: Vincent Bouvier
La célébration des quatre ans de Gearbest continue, et les bons plans sont très nombreux ce week-end. Découvrez notre sélection des meilleures offres !
Le: 23 03 2018 à 16:22
Journal du Net Développeurs
Lors du salon E-commerce One-to-One, le JDN a demandé aux marchands quelles innovations ils prévoient de déployer cette année. Première interview avec Mathieu Staat, directeur digital et CRM international du groupe L'Occitane.
Le: 23 03 2018 à 16:16
Auteur: Setra
A deux mois de l’entrée en vigueur du RGPD, Google annonce une série de changements, dont un type de publicité non-personnalisé qui n’aura pas besoin de données personnelles.
Le: 23 03 2018 à 16:00
Auteur: Benjamin Aïssaoui
Découvrez les offres d'emploi de la semaine dans la Tech
Le: 23 03 2018 à 15:45
Webdesigner Depot
Auteur: Rafay Ansari
Regardless of what kind of WordPress website you’re running, chances are an RSS aggregator plugin can help you deliver more value through it. RSS feeds give you the option to curate content from multiple sources and share it with your site’s readers. This way, you don’t have to worry about creating original content regularly or […]
Le: 23 03 2018 à 15:41
Auteur: Maxence Fabrion
La filiale d’Alphabet développe sa propre technologie blockchain pour mieux sécuriser ses services cloud.
Le: 23 03 2018 à 15:01
Le: 23 03 2018 à 15:00
Auteur: Eric
Cette semaine se tenait à Monaco la huitième édition du salon E-Commerce One to One, le gros rendez-vous annuel de l'éco-système français du e-commerce. Retour sur les tendances identifiées lors de ce rendez-vous devenu un incontournable du secteur.
Le: 23 03 2018 à 14:10
Auteur: Corentin
Pour donner accès à la voiture connectée au maximum de personnes possible, Ford a développé le FordPass SmartLink. Un dongle 4G à connecter à la prise diagnostique qui offre WiFi et fonctionnalités connectées aux modèles produits entres 2010 et 2017.
Le: 23 03 2018 à 14:00
Auteur: Les Experts
Dans un environnement qui se complexifie de jour en jour et où la politique ne peut plus maîtriser la construction d’ensemble, l’entreprise est au coeur de nos dynamiques économique et sociale.
Le: 23 03 2018 à 13:25
Le: 23 03 2018 à 13:13
Journal du Net Développeurs
Auteur: Henri Bessières
Pour la première fois, le patron du numérique et de la connectivité de la SNCF fait le point sur le déploiement de la 3G/4G et du Wi-Fi. Objectif : 90% des voyageurs connectés en permanence début 2020.
Le: 23 03 2018 à 12:49
Auteur: David Laurent
The Rain, le très ambitieux projet post-apocalyptique de Netflix sera à découvrir à partir du 4 mai prochain. Premier aperçu en vidéo pour patienter.
Le: 23 03 2018 à 12:08
Auteur: Maxence Fabrion
A titre de comparaison, Teads avait réalisé un chiffre d’affaires de 187 millions d’euros en 2016.
Le: 23 03 2018 à 12:07
Le: 23 03 2018 à 11:45
Webdesigner Depot
Auteur: Ezequiel Bruni
It’s here, people! NBC has gone (more) digital, because we as a society have decided that this was better for the environment, and also because the news gets to our phones so much faster. It’s also cheaper. Okay, I’m going to stop messing with the print guys—they’ve done nothing to me—suffice it to say that […]
Le: 23 03 2018 à 11:27
Auteur: Innocentia Agbe
Pour sa première offre, le groupe s’est associé à Tradelab, Marmiton et 750g.
Le: 23 03 2018 à 10:00
Auteur: Les Experts
Parmi les multiples raisons invoquées pour justifier la transformation digitale d’une entreprise, la digitalisation d’une offre ou le lancement d’une nouvelle offre 100% digitale il y a les millennials.
Le: 23 03 2018 à 10:00
Auteur: Emmanuel Ghesquier
En France, comme aux États-Unis, la musique est désormais passée à l'heure du streaming. Spotify, Apple Music et consorts ont laissé une victime derrière eux que l'on oublie trop souvent : le téléchargement numérique de musique. Le dernier rapport de la Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) est à ce niveau-là sans appel et démontre l'ampleur de la tendance.
Le: 23 03 2018 à 09:30
Auteur: Corentin
A défaut de proposer le "regram" des publications, Instagram envisage de proposer une fonctionnalité de partage de publications sous forme de citation dans les stories.
Le: 23 03 2018 à 09:20
Auteur: Corentin
Coca-Cola, le gouvernement américain, et des entreprises expertes en Blockchain vont créer un registre des travailleurs et de leurs contrats de travail. À terme, cette technologie permettra de lutter contre le travail forcé et le travail des enfants, très courant dans le secteur agroalimentaire.
Le: 23 03 2018 à 09:11
Auteur: Corentin
Le jour où une intelligence artificielle a tué est arrivé. Un événement qui soulève l'énorme problématique de l'encadrement juridique des actes des IA. Peuvent-elles être considérées comme responsable d'un crime ? Un expert apporte des réponses.
Le: 23 03 2018 à 09:00
Auteur: FrenchWeb
Greenspector édite une solution qui permet aux équipes de développement d'intégrer une démarche d'efficience énergie-ressources tout au long du cycle de développement du service numérique.
Le: 23 03 2018 à 08:46
Auteur: Clément
Depuis un an, un magasin de vêtements expérimente la solution digitale développée par la startup Happ-Technologies qui permet de mesurer l'audience d'une publicité.
Le: 23 03 2018 à 08:10
Auteur: Emmanuel Ghesquier
Si vous avez déjà acheté un meuble chez IKEA, vous savez de quoi on parle. En apparence, c'est simple et facile à monter mais une fois chez vous face au manuel, vos instruments et les différentes pièces, les galères commencent. C'est précisément là que la réalité augmentée peut venir à la rescousse des clients...
Le: 23 03 2018 à 07:59
Auteur: Korben
Sylvain Leroux a mis en ligne une vidéo tuto (en anglais) qui je pense va vous intéresser puisqu'il y explique comment installer un Raspberry Pi en mode headless (sans tête), c'est à dire sans clavier, sans écran et sans câble Ethernet (mais en activant le wifi au cours du processus … Suite
Le: 23 03 2018 à 07:55
Auteur: Emmanuel Ghesquier
Décidément, du côté d'Apple, on semble avoir un petit problème avec l'architecture. A vouloir faire des bâtiments trop beaux, modernes ou avant-gardistes, la marque à la pomme en oublierait presque les concepts de sécurité basiques.
Le: 23 03 2018 à 07:28
Auteur: La rédaction
Tour d’horizon de l’actualité de la semaine, avec Agathe Wautier (The Galion Project) et Frédéric Potter (Netatmo).
Le: 23 03 2018 à 06:58
Auteur: La rédaction
Et aussi : Netflix lance un bug bounty ouvert au public ; Nestor s’allie avec Lunchr...
Le: 23 03 2018 à 04:14
Web Design Shock
Auteur: Admin

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Full Courses Listing
Full listing of available courses! Now, this is where it gets juicy and personally, I encourage you guys to hit that Ctrl+F or Command+F and browse the listing to your heart's delight, you're guaranteed to find whatever you're looking for! Go ahead, go crazy, there are over 800 courses for you dive into!

- C# - C Sharp Advanced: This wonderful online course on Intermediate to Advanced C# is a detailed course which will help you understand all the important concepts and topics of Intermediate to Adv... 11h 14m - 74 Videos
- Amazon Web Services (AWS) - Cloud Computing Training: This training is a beginner's guide to learn the setup of AWS account and also learn cloud computing with AWS. 9h 17m :- 64 Videos
- NI Multisim Circuit Designing: The course objective is to learn schematic drawings, and simulation of Electronics prototypes, by working with instruments, analyses for simulating Electronics designs, de...3h 52m - 25 Videos
- Machine Learning - Statistics Essentials: This training is an introduction to the concept of machine learning and its application using Python. 8h 11m - 55 Videos.
- Developing Interactive App for Microsoft Hololens - Beginners: This training is the first step in developing applications for the popular Microsoft Hololens. 2h 26m 14 Videos
- Windows 10 UWP - Building 4 UWP Apps for Windows 10: This wonderful online course on Windows 10 Universal App Development is a detailed course which will help you understand all the important concepts and topics of Windows 10… 17h 15m - 118 Videos
- IoT Automation with ESP8266 :Through this training you shall get started with the ESP8266 and learn about the ESP8266 WiFi chip, starting from the absolute basics. 7h - 54: Videos
- Python for IoT Tutorials: Learn about the exciting field of IoT with Python programming. 10h 12m - 75 Videos
- Windows 10 :This wonderful online course is about Windows 10 app development. Learn what it is along with the examples for the same. The course starts from scratch so that the particip… 9h 25m - 61 Videos
- Selenium:01 - Selenium IDE: This course is a comprehensive training on learning to test web applications using Selenium IDE and all its aspects right from scratch. 5h 17m - 39 Videos
- Selenium:02 - TestNG :This TestNG training will provides you understanding of TestNG framework and work around with it effectively to test an application. 5h 48m - 44 Videos
- Selenium:03 - TestNG with Apache Ant and Maven: Through this tutorial you shall be learning about Apache Ant and Maven which are build automation tool used primarily for Java projects. 1h 7m - 15 Videos
- Selenium:04 - Selenium WebDriver: This course is a comprehensive training on learning to test web applications and all Selenium web driver aspects right from scratch. 6h 14m - 47 Videos
- Selenium:05 - Manage Web Elements using Selenium: Through these tutorials we are going to understand how to manage web elements in Selenium IDE. 2h 42m - 18 Videos
- CouchDB Tutorials :This training is to learn about CouchDB, the processes to set it up, and the ways to interact with CouchDB server using cURL and Futon. 3h 15m - 29 Videos
- XenServer: Through this training we will learn how to download, install and setup Xen Server, what tools we can use to manage virtual machines and many other concepts. 4h 7m - 30 Videos.
- Concordion: This training on Concordian is to understand its basic functionality and implementation to manage automated tests. 6h 52m - 50 Videos.
- Kali Linux Penetration Testing: This is a unique and practical wherein you would be understanding Kali Linux Pentesting. In this course, you will learn Ethical hacking and Penetration testing. Also, Learn… 18h 14m 120 Videos.
- Framework 7: In this training, we will begin by preparing a development environment and learning how to install and configure framework 7 and use it for web development. 2h 08m - 16 Videos:.
- Typescript :In this training, you will learn about functions, interfaces, symbols, modules, mixins of a transcript. 4h 42m - 31 Videos:.
- Django Unchained with Python: A tutorial on developing web applications and creating secure websites through Django, Python and Html, CSS. A comprehensive training program on Django & Python. Build your… 8h 57 - Videos
- Certified Ethical Hacker V9 :This Certified Ethical Hacking v9 course will ensure that you are well versed with the skills needed and tools used to compromise the security of enterprise networks and in… 8h 55m - 60 Videos
- Developing Interactive App for Microsoft Hololens - Intermediate :This training deals with developing applications for the popular Microsoft Hololens. 2h 53m 21 Videos
- Developing Interactive App for Microsoft Hololens - Advanced :This training is the advanced step in developing applications for the popular Microsoft Hololens wherein we would develop holographic objects and publish application on win… 4h 42m 33 Videos
- XML Hands-on!: This comprehensive training on XML will help you learn practical application of DTD And namespaces, style sheets, XML document using CSS, XSL and XML schemas. 10h 43m 83 Videos
- Cryptography Using Python :Through this training we shall learn various encryption methods, and attack them. 48m 9 Videos
- Signal-R in Asp.Net: Through this course you shall be understanding the basics of using SignalR and developing demo group chat application. 6h 25m 42 Videos
- Migration of Websites and Databases to Azure :This course will help you get insights into migration to Azure PAAS and covers migration process/aspects of a basic website and a simple database. 55m 7 Videos
- Spring Boot :This training on Spring Boot is for you to learn its features, detailed explanation and integration testing. 7h 33m 50 Videos
- Chef Devops Essentials: This course covers the concepts of DevOps & configuration management tool Chef in specific and how to use a central chef-server to manage the configuration while working wi… 1h 25m 13 Videos
- Complete Web Page Automation using Selenium :Through these tutorials we are going to do End to End programming Exercises in Selenium IDE to learn web page automation. 46m 6 Videos
- Synchronisation in Selenium :Through these tutorials we are going to understand conditional and unconditional Synchronization in Selenium IDE. 2h 57m 22 Videos
- Exception Handling in Java :In this page, we will learn about java exception and how it works with the help of a case study. 6h 5m 41 Videos
- Printing Reports in WinForms Application :This training will take you through the process of Printing Reports in WinForms Application, step by step. 51m 17 Videos
- ServiceNow :Through this course we are going to learn the most significant concepts of ServiceNow, starting right from scratch. 13h 47m 82 Videos
- Ruby on Rails Advanced Tutorials: This course is for you to learn web application building, focused on one of the best web application frameworks Ruby on Rails. 11m 2 Videos
- Red Hat Linux 9 Tutorials :Through these tutorials you shall be learning about the Red Hat Linux environment and its application from scratch. 8h 73 Videos
- Basic PostgreSQL Tutorials :This tutorial has been prepared for the beginners to help them understand the concepts related to PostgreSQL Database. 3h 54m 36 Videos
- Advanced Python for IoT & IoT based Data Analysis :Learn about the exciting field of IoT with Advanced Python programming. 19m 3 Videos
- CloverETL Data Integration :Through these tutorials we shall explore Clover ETL a data integration and visualization tool and its component with the help of demonstration. 2h 39m 18 Videos
- Raspberry Pi for Beginners Through this training we shall learn about the essentials of Raspberry Pi specifically required for Internet of Things (IoT) technology. 4h 4m 30 VideosBeginner, Intermediate 825 Views
- Shell Scripting :This tutorial is written to help people understand some of the basics of shell script programming (shell scripting). 3h 31m 27 Videos
- Robot Framework :Tutorials Through this tutorial you shall learn about the basics of many Robot Framework test automation libraries and to create & run your first Robot Framework test automation scri… 6m 1 Videos
- CoffeeScript :These tutorials will help you learn the basic functions of CoffeeScript which will help you build dynamic webpages and web applications. 2h 37m 20 Videos
- Introduction of Ado.Net in C# Windows Application :Through this course you shall be understanding how to use ADO.NET in developing a C# windows application. 1h 20m 11 Videos
- Jenkins Tutorials :Through these tutorials we are going to understand basic to advance concepts of Jenkins and its execution. 1h 16m 11 Videos
- Cloud Migration :Through this training we are going to understand how to create VM & migrate existing Services to the Cloud. 2h 23m 22 Videos
- Angular 5 Tutorials :Through this course you shall master Angular 5 and build awesome, reactive web apps with the successor of Angular.js. 1h 32m 14 Videos
- Python GUI Programming using Tkinter and Python :Through this course we shall learn skills to build amazing Python GUI applications using Tkinter 1h 54m 12 Videos
- BootStrap 4 Advanced Level Tutorials :Through these advanced level tutorials you will learn how to design live website and web applications through bootstrap 4 framework. 4h 2m 42 Videos
- Spring Boot - Advanced: This training on advanced Spring Boot is for you to learn its profiles, detailed explanation and integration testing. 6h 26m 41 Videos
- Full Stack Web Development with Reactjs :Through this course you are going to learn about web application development using Reactjs with step by step feature enhancement. 2h 5m 19 Videos
- CloverETL Data Integration - Advanced Case Studies :Through these tutorials we shall explore Clover ETL, its component and apply them in live case studies. 1h 7m 7 Videos
- Sencha Touch Intermediate Level Tutorials :This course is for you to help them understand the intermediate to advanced concepts of Sencha Touch to build a mobile application. 1h 31m 15 Videos
- RequireJS Tutorials :This comprehensive tutorial on Require JS will help you get started with it and also understand its functions in detail. 2h 41m 20 Videos
- Build a Shopping Cart using Codeigniter: This course will allow you to learn how to use the most popular PHP framework in the planet, "CodeIgniter" and its application by creating a shopping cart. 4m 1 Videos
- MultiSIM - Schematics Capture (Module #5) - Working with Analyses :Through this training you shall learn about performing analysis using MutiSIM. 23m 3 Videos
- Creating Online Shopping App using Spring Framework: Through this training we are going to create a web application which will use Spring Framework and Hibernate concepts in the form of a complete application. 2h 49m 21 Videos
- Bootstrap 4 from Scratch with Projects: Through these intermediate level tutorials, you will learn how to design websites and web applications through bootstrap 4 framework. 4h 9m 41 Videos
- Rest API with Flask and Python :Through this course you will learn how to build professional REST APIs with Python, Flask. 58m 9 Videos
- Azure Data Lake Tutorials :This data analysis course teaches you how to apply the power of the Azure cloud to big data using Azure Data Lake technologies. 6h 16m 54 Videos
- Web Services with ASP.NET - Creating a Currency Converter :Through this course you shall be understanding how to use ASP.NET and developing a currency converter. 32m 5 Videos
- Drupal :This beginner tutorial is to get started with the interface and features of Drupal in web development. 1h 53m 18 Videos
- Build Responsive Website Using HTML5, CSS3, JS And Bootstrap: Through this course you will learn how to create faster, beautiful, and responsive websites with a case study on creating one on Car Retailer Website from scratch. 3h 56m 30 Videos
- Mercurial Tutorial :This tutorial will help beginners learn the basic functionality of Mercurial sub version control system. 1h 57m 20 Videos
- Bootstrap 4 :Through these tutorials you will learn how to design website and web applications through bootstrap 4 framework. 1h 51m 12 Videos
- Design Patterns in Java :In this tutorial, we will learn about design patterns in Java and how it works with the help of a case study. 5h 9m 35 Videos
- Cloud Computing for Business Users: This training is to gain a clear understanding on the overview of how to work around cloud deployment model for business users. 1h 36m 15 Videos
- EXIN Cloud Computing Tutorials :This course contents are designed for candidates who are looking for clear understanding on the overview of how to work around EXIN Cloud Computing. 1h 54m 18 Videos
- Sencha Touch Beginner Level Tutorials :This course is for beginners to help them understand the concepts of Sencha Touch to build a mobile application. 2h 15m 20 Videos
- Learn Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets (SASS) :Through these tutorials we are going to cover the basics of Saas make websites more attractive. 4h 15m 32 Videos
- WebGL Tutorials :Through these tutorials you are going to understand all the steps required to write a basic WebGL application from scratch. 2h 17m 16 Videos
- Advanced Penetration Testing :Take your penetration testing and ethical hacking skills to the next level with the help of the advanced concepts taught in this training. 6h 30m 43 Videos
- Full Stack Web Development for NodeJS and MongoDB :Through this training we shall learn how to create a live application using Node Js and Mongo DB. 8h 27m 68 Videos
- Advanced Concepts of Octave Neural Network: To understand the basics of Octave Neural Network such as running octave and understanding its advanced features such as plotting, image, audio processing etc. 4h 22m 37 Videos
- Apache Tapestry Tutorials :Through these tutorials you will gain understanding on creating Tapestry Web Applications. 1h 57m 16 Videos
- AWS Simple Email Service :This training is a beginner’s guide to learn the setup of AWS simple email service and how it works. 2h 21m 16 Videos
- VBScript Language (Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition) - Beginners: This training is to learn about the VBScript language and then execute your VBScript programs on the spot. 8h 19m 60 Videos
- VBScript Language (Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition) - Advanced: This advanced training is to learn about the VBScript language which will help you execute your VBScript programs on the spot. 2h 35m 18 Videos
- Real Time Face Detection in Python :This course is about the fundamental concept of image recognition, focusing on face detection using python which can be used in several fields from software engineering to … 24m 3 Videos
- VIS.JS Training :This training is based on javascript called vis.js. In this you will learn about networks, graphs, timelines and datasheets. 6h 24m 48 Videos
- CentOS - Beginners :This beginners training on CentOS is to get started with the download and installation of CentOS and familiarisation with Linux. 5h 40m 43 Videos
- CentOS - Advanced :This advanced training on CentOS is to learn various features in using Cent OS which involves understanding linux file system, task scheduling, managing networks, logical v… 3h 40m 27 Videos
- Elasticsearch Tutorials Module #1 - Queries: The training will give you a thorough working knowledge of the concepts of Elasticsearch and how it is used to support real time indexing and full text search. 10h 31m 68 Videos
- Elasticsearch Tutorials Module #2 - Elastic Relations: Through this course we are going to understand the best practices, key features, and distributed search application development with Elasticsearch. 3h 19m 20 Videos
- MathML: Through this tutorial we are going to cover MathML basics and its commands/elements with the help of practical application. 1h 27m 9 Videos
- ES6 Tutorials: Through these tutorials you are going to understand implementation ES6 implementation in Javascript. 7h 54m 53 Videos
- Magento Framework - Development Perspective: Through this training you are going to learn about how to develop e-commerce sites using Magento. 3h 1m 23 Videos
- Docker Training :This course has been designed for beginners to want to understand this platform called Docker and its application in the world of virtualization right from scratch. 23m 10 Videos
- Creating a Web App Using HTML, CSS and Javascript :This training will help you learn how to create faster, beautiful, and responsive websites with a case study from scratch. 2h 51m 18 Videos
- JavaFX Tutorials :In this training we shall discuss the essential elements of JavaFX that you can use to develop effective Rich Internet Applications. 3h 40m 27 Videos
- Core Java Programming for Beginners: Anybody who wants to learn the core basics of Java can join this course and learn about Java Programming right from scratch. 9h 5m 106 Videos
- Failover Clustering Tutorials: This course will help you get started with building Failover Clusters providing you with a comprehensive introduction to the various technologies and tools. 2h 18m 18 Videos
- Pandas with Python Tutorial :This Python course will get you up and running with using Python for data analysis and visualization. 6h 2m 59 Videos
- Microsoft Dynamics CRM Tutorials :The main course objective of this online training is for you to get a basic overview of Microsoft Dynamics CRM Functional Modules. 24m 2 Videos
- Aurelia JS Tutorials: Through these tutorials we shall learn about web and mobile app development using open source UI framework Aurelia JS. 3h 46m 30 Videos
- VUE.JS: Let’s go through a Vue.js training to learn about how it works, and what it can offer us. 5h 50m 46 Videos
- Blockchain Implementation with JS :In this tutorial we will create a simple Blockchain in JavaScript to demonstrate how they work internally. 3h 38m 38 Videos
- Azure Data Factory Tutorial :Through this training you will learn how to create and use a custom activity in an Azure Data Factory pipeline. 3h 43m 34 Videos
- Magento Framework Tutorials :Through this training you are going to learn about how to develop e-commerce sites using Magento. 2h 2m 27 Videos
- Message Formatters in WCF :Through this training you are going to learn how to replace default json serializer in WCF using message formatters. 1h 7m 13 Videos
- ExpressJS Framework Tutorials :Let’s learn Express JS and with the help of these tutorials you will be able to create moderately complex websites and back-ends for you mobile applications. 3h 43m 34 Videos
- Data Structures with Javascript :This course is a notch up on the basic/essentials training and will focus on the aspects of working with data structures and algorithms using Javascript. 8h 66 Videos
- cPanel Advanced Tutorials :Through this module we shall be understanding certain advanced level features of cPanel, its dashboard and file manager. 5h 23m 37 Videos
- Guava Tutorial :These tutorials on Guava will help you learn how to use Guava and its API’s in your programs. 5h 50m 48 Videos
- Linux ZFS Training :Through this course you shall understand how to create storage pools and manage them effectively. 3h 25m 27 Videos
- GWT Tutorials :This training is for all those who want to learn GWT programming and apply it getting a web application up and running. 4h 41m 37 Videos
- Google Maps - Complete Tutorials :Through this training you shall be able to be able to integrate Google Maps JavaScript API on your webpage. 2h 34m 22 Videos
- TypeScript 2.x :Through these tutorials we shall learn typescript versions 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 and how to compile, test and Run TypeScript on your workstation. 4h 6m 34 Videos
- Windows Server 2012 :This tutorial has been designed for all those who want to learn the features of Windows Server 2012. 5h 31m 39 Videos
- MapReduce Advanced :Through this course you are going to learn the use of the MapReduce concepts and its usage in developing complex MapReduce applications. 2h 25m 30 Videos
- PIG Advanced :In this course, you will be learning about Apache PIG in details. You will learn pg basics, installation, pig script, loading and storage, debugging, grunt shell etc 1h 44m 12 Videos
- NoSQL Fundamentals :This course is for you to learn about NOSQL database wherein you shall be practically learning how to work with data and create a blog application with the PHP Driver. 2h 2m 16 Videos
- Apache Mahout :Looking to expand data organization and utilization? Mahout offers a perfect ride to you. Uncover patterns and trends behind large data sets and isolate clusters and classi… 3h 33m 25 Videos
- Apache Sqoop :This wonderful online course on Apache Sqoop Training is a detailed course which will help you understand all the important concepts and topics of Apache Sqoop Training. 18m 9 Videos
- Apache Storm :eduCBA brings you this Awesome course on Apache Storm Training. This detailed course will help you understand all the important concepts and topics of Apache Storm. 1h 40m 21 Videos
- cPanel - Beginner :Through this beginner module we shall be understanding how to get started with cPanel, understanding its dashboard and file manager. 2h 20m 15 Videos
- cPanel - Intermediate :Through this module we shall be understanding certain advanced level features of cPanel, its dashboard and file manager. 3h 3m 20 Videos
- Hadoop and HDFS Basics on Cloudera :This is a fundamental course on learning about Hadoop fundamentals. The course training includes understanding What is Big Data ?, Processing Big Data, Distributed storage … 1h 15m 12 Videos
- Developing Your Applications on Azure: This course introduces the participants to Microsoft Azure and then teaches them how to develop applications on their premises. 3h 49m 26 Videos
- Selenium using .NET Training: Through this training you shall be learning how to get started with Selenium using .net, and discover how this open source tool can run on any platform. 1h 50m 15 Videos
- Raptivity E-Learning Tool :This course is an overview of working on Raptivity e-learning software which helps you create learning interactions in no time 2h 44m 25 Videos
- PERL Programming: Learn all the basics of PERL Programming through this course on the same. The course starts from scratch and then takes you to the advanced level concepts for the same. 4h 43m 43 Videos
- Async and Await in C# :This training will help you learn the requirements for programming with the new keywords for the .NET-Framework 4. 2h 35m 19 Videos
- Golang - Google's Go Programming: Golang is a programming language developed by Google. Go is new and open source language with a BSD style of license. Golang offers a lot of potential everyone. 8h 31m 63 Videos
- WebSockets :Through these tutorials you are going to understand implementation of WebSockets in creating a simple application. 1h 25m 11 Videos
- Google Maps Javascript API - A Complete Guide: Through this training you shall be able to be able to integrate Google Maps JavaScript API on your webpage. 8h 52m 66 Videos
- Groovy: In this training, you will learn about groovy in detail including collections, loops, gstrings, MOP, closures, operator overloading, XML handing. 5h 16m 43 Videos
- Scheme Programming: Scheme programming is from the Lisp Family. It is a high level programming language and is extremely portable across various systems. This course will take you through the … 12h 35m 103 Videos
- Web Application Development with Flask and Angular JS - Beginners: In this training we shall learn creation of web application using Flash and Angular JS effectively. 6h 35m 48 Videos
- Web Application Security with OWASP Top 10 - Beginners: This course is designed is for beginners from all backgrounds and experience levels to start web application security testing with OWASP standards. 7h 9m 50 Videos
- Web Application Security with OWASP Top 10 - Advanced: This course is designed is for people from all backgrounds and experience levels to start web application security testing with OWASP standards. 7h 25m 51 Videos
- Web Application Development with Flask and Angular JS - Advanced: In this training we shall we taking advanced lessons in creation of web application using Flash and Angular JS effectively. 6h 38m 45 Videos
- W3.CSS for Web Development - Beginners: This tutorial is meant for professionals who would like to learn the basics of W3.CSS and how to use it to create faster, beautiful, and responsive websites. 7h 22m 53 Videos
- W3.CSS for Web Development - Advanced: This tutorial is meant for professionals who would like to learn the advanced elements of W3.CSS and how to use it to create faster, beautiful, and responsive websites. 5h 52m 43 Videos
- Scala Programming: Scala is a modern day programming language meant specially to express common programming patterns in a functional approach.It has everything you would expect, including fir… 8h 40m 61 Videos
- Python Pyramid Web Dev - Beginners: In this training we shall learn creation of web application using Pyramid effectively. 6h 8m 43 Videos
- Python Pyramid Web Dev - Advanced: In this training we shall learn creation of web application using Pyramid effectively. 6h 24m 44 Videos
- Microsoft Power BI :Learn data visualization and analyze data with Microsoft power BI right from scratch that will help you in superior business analytics. 8h 43m 66 Videos
- Haskell Program :This course will take you through the basic tour of basic Algebra and Theorems in mathematics from the view of Haskell programming. 6h 59m 50 Videos
- Java Collections Framework (JCF) Training: This training will help you learn useful classes and functions which makes your task as a programmer super easy. 5h 23m 38 Videos
- Jupyter-IPython Notebook Training - Advanced :This advanced training on Jupyter/IPython Notebook is a practical approach to learn Python in such a way that will advance your career and increase your knowledge. 7h 36m 57 Videos
- JasperReports Tutorials: This tutorial is for any beginner who wants to learn about java reporting engine- JasperReports. 4h 34m 34 Videos
- Jupyter-IPython Notebook Training - Beginners: This Jupyter/IPython notebook training starts right from scratch wherein you learn how to install, run, and use IPython for interactive matplotlib plotting, data analysis e… 6h 10m 40 Videos
- Apache Tika: This training is an intermediate level tutorial on Apache Tika that will help you learn about architecture,environment,file formats and GUI. 1h 45m 14 Videos
- Bayesian Machine Learning: A/B Testing: Through this training we are going to apply Bayesian methods to A/B testing and also use adaptive algorithms to improve A/B testing performance. 58m 8 Videos
- Machine Learning with R: This training is an introduction to the concept of machine learning and its application using R tool. 20h 11m 131 Videos
- Machine Learning using Python: This training is an introduction to the concept of machine learning, its algorithms and application using Python. 3h 18m 24 Videos
- Maven: Through this course you are going to learn about the Java build tools MAVEN which are mainly used to assemble and create software image through source code. 1h 29m 11 Videos
- Automation Framework Models Training: Through this training we are going to learn about layout testing technique using Automation framework models. 2h 8m 17 Videos
- Functional Testing of SOAP Web Services: In this tutorial we will be specifically looking at the functional testing of SOAP web service 2h 43m 23 Videos
- SVG Tutorial: This tutorial is meant for professionals who would like to learn about SVG from scratch and how to use it to create faster, beautiful, and responsive websites. 4h 9m 29 Videos
- Java AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit) :In this training, we will begin by learning how to work around AWT, handle work, and understand its layout and functionality. 6h 29m 60 Videos
- Website Development Tutorial :Through this training we shall learn how to create a running website including the UI, Front and back end. 2h 29m 18 Video
- AWS Certified Solution Architect - Associate level :This training is for to get complete hands-on training covering the exam essentials. 9h 34m 72 Videos
- jQuery UI Tutorials :The training will enable you to create complex and elegant graphical user interfaces using jQuery UI. 2h 4m 16 Videos
- Amazon Cloud Computing - Hosting an ASP.NET Website on Amazon EC2 :This training will help you learn how to work with Amazon AWS interface as well programming of as c# demo application to integrate aws s3 services 7h 29m 52 Videos
- Yii PHP Framework - Web Application Development with Yii: This beginners training on Yii PHP Framework is the most comprehensive Yii course that gives the absolute description of every feature in Yii, its usage in creating web app… 2h 54m 27 Videos
- AWS Technical Essentials Training :This course will teach you the essentials to get you using AWS's core services. 7h 13m 58 Videos
- Signal-R in Asp.Net - Developing Professional Chat Application like WhatsApp Web (Part-1) :Through this course you shall be understanding using SignalR and developing demo group chat application. 15h 48m 106 Videos
- Signal-R in Asp.Net - Developing Professional Chat Application like WhatsApp Web (Part-2) :Through this course you shall be understanding using SignalR and developing demo group chat application. 7h 54m 59 Videos
- Java 8 Tutorials :Through these tutorials we are going to understand the new features in Java 8 that you can apply effectively. 4h 26m 32 Videos
- Serialization in Java: Through this training we are going to demonstrate how serialization works in Java. 3h 27m 24 Videos
- Zabbix - Open Source Monitoring Tool: This beginner’s guide to Zabbix will help you learn it from scratch with the installation and setup, through network discovery and maintenance. 5h 14m 37 Videos
- MuleSoft Software Training :This training is for someone who wants to get hands-on experience using Anypoint Platform to build APIs and integrations. 3h 59m 28 Videos
- Phalcon Framework :This training is a complete guide to understanding how the Phalcon Framework works right from its installation, configuration, operations and comparing with other framework… 2h 6m 18 Videos
- Easy Mock Tutorial :These tutorials on Easy Mock will help you learn how to create unit tests and also how to use its APIs in a simple and natural way. 1h 14m 11 Videos
- Hyper-V and Virtualization :Training Through this training you will have gained the fundamental understanding of Hyper-V and its capabilities. 1h 31m 10 Videos
- Apache POI PPT Training :Learn how to create new MS-PowerPoint presentations and open existing PPTs with your Java program. 2h 13m 17 Videos
- Linux Mint: This training is an overview of Linux Mint desktop operating system. It starts right from scratch with the configuration, understanding commands, advanced administration, t… 2h 55m 24 Videos
- App Development with Linux: Learn through eduCBA course on App Development with Linux how to create a successful ground in Linux bash programming and building apps using Shell programming and combinin… 11h 41m 93 Videos
- Red Hat Linux :This wonderful online course on Red Hat Linux Training is a detailed course which will help you understand all the important concepts and topics of Red Hat Linux Training. 7h 39m 61 Videos
- Red Hat Linux Hands-on! :This training is a step-by-step complete practical guide on using the Red Hat Linux environment effectivelyy. 1h 55m 14 Videos
- Linux System Administration with Python :This course is to learn the Linux system administration along with Python. This course would give you a complete overview of the python programming including the basics and… 14h 56m 98 Videos
- Linux Bash Scripting Training :Understand basic concept of programming also what are the advanced feature of BASH. eduCBA brings you this amazing course on Linux Bash Scripting, in which any beginner wil… 2h 51m 25 Videos
- Comprehensive Training on Unix and Linux OS Fundamentals :The tutorials will help you learn Unix Introduction, Unix Directory Management, Unix Permissions, Permissions Environment, Basic file utility pipes and Filters, Unix Import… 29h 50m 237 Videos
- OpenSUSE Linux OS Basics :This online training is to learn the OpenSUSE Linux system and Network Administration to gain maximum efficiency. The tutorials will help you learn the Introduction To Lin… 1h 27m 11 Videos
- C on Linux :Learning how to use GCC compiler for executing and debugging C programs in Linux Environment. 9h 49m 73 Videos
- CSS with LESS and SASS: This training will help you in learning how to write CSS preprocessor using LESS and SASS. 1h 29m 21 Videos
- Fedora:01 - Beginners: This training will show you how to install and make your way around the Fedora environment, you will get acquainted with the interface and perform common tasks. 50m 9 Videos
- Fedora:02 - Advanced: This course is a notch up on the basic/essentials training and will focus on the advanced aspects of working in fedora environment. 1h 25m 16 Videos
- Foundation 6 - Build Advanced Responsive Websites: Learn how to design website and web applications through Foundation Framework. Learn in detailed about the tools and techniques of Foundation Framework 6. 10h 51m 79 Videos
- AWS Certified SysOps: This training is for to get complete hands-on training covering the exam essentials. 7h 45m 56 Videos
- JMeter:01 - Beginners: This training will help you learn concepts of designing testing plans for live web applications using Apache Jmeter. 2h 18m 23 Videos
- JMeter:02 - Intermediate: This course on Jmeter explores the advanced level functions it can perform and will help you learn concepts of designing testing plans for live web applications using Apach… 3h 5m 30 Videos
- JMeter:03 - Advanced: This course on Jmeter explores the advanced level functions it can perform and will help you learn concepts of designing testing plans for live web applications using Apach… 3h 10m 30 Videos
- Microsoft Azure PAAS Overview: In these tutorials you shall be learning an overview of Azure PaaS and how it can enable you to create web apps and mobile apps in an cloud enabled environment. 1h 38m 11 Videos
- Microsoft Azure Essentials: These tutorials are your first step guide to understanding the Azure platform for cloud computing and get started with it. 6h 5m 60 Videos
- CakePHP - Web Application Development with CakePHP: The cake PHP course will help you learn how to use it to develop a practical Web application and its usage most systematically. 1h 50m 17 Videos
- Dynamic Routing : OSPF: This Course is design for networking beginners, who would like to peruse some certifications like CCNA. This module specifically describes how to configure Open Shortest Pa… 8h 51m 65 Videos
- XHTML:01 - Getting Started :These tutorials are to get started with the series of modules under XHTML and learn to choose your tools and validation. 1h 27m 11 Videos
- XHTML:02 - List, Tables and Forms: These tutorials are to get started with the series of modules under XHTML and learn about list, tables and forms. 4h 1m 32 Videos
- XHTML:03 - Styling with CSS: These tutorials are to get started with the series of modules under XHTML and learn about styling your text and color with CSS. 1h 56m 15 Videos
- XHTML:04 - Advanced Styling with CSS: These tutorials are to get started with the series of modules under XHTML and learn about advanced styling your text, backgrounds etc. 3h 24m 26 Videos
- XHTML:05 - Using Positional CSS for Layout :These tutorials are to get started with the series of modules under XHTML and learn about positional CSS for layout. 3h 42m 28 Videos
- XHTML:06 - Server Side Programming with PHP :These tutorials are to get started with the series of modules under XHTML and learn about setting up your server and generating HTML with PHP. 3h 6m 24 Videos
- XHTML:07 - Advanced Server Side Programming with PHP: These tutorials are to get started with the series of modules under XHTML and learn about advanced programming i.e. working with arrays, functions, variables, files and dir… 2h 16m 18 Videos
- CDN (Content Delivery Network) - Beginners: This course is a chance to learn how web actually works. Sounds interesting? Then let's dive in. 4h 17m 30 Videos
- Two Dimensional Graphs in VIS.JS: This training is based on javascript called vis.js. In this you will learn about two dimensional graphs in detail. 2h 28m 19 Videos
- Timelines in VIS.JS :This training is based on javascript called vis.js. In this you will learn about timelines in detail. 3h 10m 24 Videos
- Datasets in VIS.JS :This training is based on javascript called vis.js. In this you will learn about datasets in detail. 1h 51m 14 Videos
- Three Dimensional Graphs in VIS.JS :This training is based on javascript called vis.js. In this you will learn about three dimensional graphs in detail. 1h 28m 12 Videos
- Appium - Mobile Automation Testing: This is an basic to intermediate level training on understanding how to execute Appium test and doing a test case for Native Android app. 3h 9m 25 Videos
- Appium Studio - Advanced :This is advanced level training on understanding how to execute Appium test and doing a test case for Native Android app. 4h 17m 33 Videos
- CodeIgniter Training :Do you want to really master PHP dynamic applications and website development? Then this course will speed up the process by allowing you to learn how to use the most popul… 1h 48m 16 Videos
- Postman and API Testing :This training is for beginners to get started with Postman for Software Development, Testing and android development. 2h 5m 24 Videos
- XPath Training: This is a beginner level course for anybody who is into web development in order to learn about how Xpath can be used to navigate through elements and attributes in an XML … 1h 4m 9 Videos
- Galen Framework Training :Through this training we are going to learn about layout testing technique using Galen Framework. 3h 19m 33 Videos
- DB Designer4 Tutorials :This training is a fundamental course on getting started with DBDesigner4 which is used to design a new database or manage your data and models. 2h 45m 22 Videos
- JS HTML DOM Tutorials :Through this training you shall learn how to interact with the DOM and will also help you to get started with more interaction on your webpages. 1h 44m 18 Videos
- IntelliJ IDEA :Through this training you will walk through using IntelliJ IDEA , familiarizing yourself with the same and understand debugging and project build integration. 2h 12m 25 Videos
- Continuous Integration with Maven + Jenkins + Git :Through this training you shall get a complete overview of Maven, Git, Jenkins, TestNG and continuous integration using them. 47m 7 Videos
- NetBeans IDE Training :This training will help you get an practical overview of today's most popular IDE NetBeans. 50m 12 Videos
- Jetty Tutorial :The training will enable you to learn how to use Maven or standard web applications. 1h 4m 9 Videos
- SQL and Database Testing :These tutorials are an introductory training and it explains all the fundamentals of Database testing.
Le: 23 03 2018 à 00:43
Le: 23 03 2018 à 00:14
Auteur: Setra
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