For a few short years Medium was the place to post content online. Now, as disillusioned users migrate content away from the platform, we ask if Medium is still a smart choice for professional publishing.
Taskeo is an online productivity app that helps you organize your business and manage your team work more efficiently. It goes beyond kanban and task assigning, and allows you to improve productivity on every level of your organization: from individual employees to teams and departments.
This deal gets you lifetime access to this tool that usually costs $10 per month/user! Take advantage of this opportunity while you can and save over $2481 with this deal, get your license today for just $39!
Not convinced? Check out all the details below!
Stop cluttering your mind with remembering about updating task statuses when the platform can remind you about it, stay focused on work instead of processes!
Set the recurring tasks ONCE and enjoy Taskeo recreating them for you at the right time. Let the platform reminders tell you about your most important assignments, and lower the number of things you’ve got to remember in your day to day workflow
Less is more, so enjoy Taskeo’s build in time tracker and a variety of integrations, including Slack, Dropbox, Zapier, Bitbucket, Github and more! You can also integrate taskeo into your existing systems using its API. Use ONE platform for a full task and team management
Go beyond to-dos. Use different project types to store information and book space and time for events. Create flexible processes ranging from client and employee onboarding to team building activities. Store ideas and files comfortably and safely.
iOS Succinctly is a full guide for developers of iPhone and iPad apps. Created By Ryan Hodson. Go from creating a simple, single page to managing assets in a complex, multi-scene application
Pour simplifier le déploiement de chaînes de blocs, les trois fournisseurs IT proposent des services de cloud managés. Mais est-ce que ces solutions tiennent leurs promesses ?
Get now a clean and modern dashboard design created entirely on Adobe XD to get the perfect inspiration for your apps and websites. Created by Behance user BrainX Technologies
A complete guide and tutorial for web developers using the Ruby programming language. Features a vast set of tricks and experiences beyond the usage of Rails on Ruby.
Les défis posés par des quantités de données à stocker de plus en plus importantes rendent inévitable, pour de nombreuses entreprises, la transition vers le cloud. Comment éviter que les faiblesses du cloud, en matière de sécurité des données n'aient de repercussions graves sur l'entreprise ?
La vérité, c'est que l'ITSM est un moteur indispensable à l'entreprise : sa réussite dépend beaucoup de la performance de sa gestion des services IT.
Nombreuses sont les PME françaises qui souhaitent développer leur activité à l’international pour s’ouvrir de nouveaux marchés et accroître leur chiffre d’affaires. Voici quatre conseils pour vous assurer que votre site internet soit bien référencé par Google quelle qu’en soit la langue.
HeaderZ is a free set of 20 ready-made hero designs for Sketch released by Hristo Hristov that you can use for your inspiration.
The post HeaderZ: A set of 20 free design heros appeared first on Freebiesbug.