Les actualités du Mardi 26 juillet 2016 dans les métiers du web - Marmits.com - Reims

Le: 26 07 2016 à 23:00 Web Design Shock Auteur: MauriceWalcott


Kama is a mobile user interface kit made for Sketch and Photoshop that includes a conceptual redesign of iOS, and it is totally editable thanks to vector shapes and smart objects. The UI has 120 ready-to-use screens, 8 categories and countless design elements for you to have fun.

The post Kama: Sketch & PSD iOS UI Kit appeared first on ByPeople.

Le: 26 07 2016 à 22:30 jquery4u.com Auteur: Ashley Remstad

A person working in a café

It’s no secret that us freelancers are productivity junkies, always looking for clever ways to make the best use of our time. Personally, I happily welcome any tips and tricks that help me churn out the words. But did you realize that the key to being more efficient might be located right in your browser?

Google’s Chrome Web Store is packed full with tens of thousands of useful extensions. Unfortunately, unless you know exactly what you are looking for, it can be pretty difficult to navigate.

In the hopes of helping to narrow things down, I’ve highlighted 10 Chrome extensions for freelancers looking to improve their workflow and boost productivity.

1. Noisli

Noisli - Chrome Extensions for Freelancers

The right ambient noise can be a lifesaver when it comes to staying focused. Noisli has a variety of noises to choose from and an option to customize your own. You can choose your favorite noise, set a timer, and control the volume, all from your web browser.

We recently took a closer look at Noisli.


2. ColorZilla

If you’re a graphic designer, this Chrome extension is about to become your best friend. ColorZilla is an advanced eyedropper that provides color readings in RGB and hexadecimal format. It allows you to easily pull color data from any website on-the-go and without having to open another application.


3. Boomerang for Gmail

Boomerang - Chrome Extensions for Freelancers

Being a digital nomad has a lot of benefits, but it can also make it difficult to stay atop correspondence. This extension changes everything when it comes to email.

Boomerang allows you to schedule emails to arrive in someone’s inbox precisely when you need them to. This is especially useful for when you are traveling, corresponding with someone in a different time zone, or if you are catching up on emails late at night.

Boomerang also allows you to schedule emails back to yourself, which can be an incredibly useful tool for goal setting, meeting deadlines, invoicing and follow ups. It even has the capability to alert you when you haven’t responded to important messages. The productivity possibilities are endless. It’s surprising that we ever went without it.

Boomerang for Gmail

4. Web Developer

This chrome extension is for those developers that love a good shortcut. It provides an incredible amount of useful dev tools, all conveniently located right in your browser. The Web Developer extension makes viewing responsive layouts, disabling styles, and outlining elements quick and easy.

Web Developer

5. Taco

Taco - Chrome Extensions for Freelancers

Don’t let the name fool you: this Chrome extension is a powerful hub for productivity. For most of us, on any given day we use up to 20 different apps and services — if not more. From Gmail to Trello to Salesforce, you name it.

Taco works by pulling all of your incoming tasks and notifications from various apps into one central location. It may sound unnecessary, like just another to-do list application. But think of how much time it’ll save you to have all of your tasks and notifications in one comprehensive list. It makes prioritizing tasks a whole lot easier.


6. StayFocusd

Being a freelancer requires a lot of discipline and working on the web makes it all too easy to get distracted and lose focus. We’ve all been there: you step away from your work for five minutes to check Twitter and catch up on some trending topics. Next thing you know, two hours have passed and your motivation has plummeted.

Continue reading %The 10 Best Chrome Extensions for Freelancers%

Le: 26 07 2016 à 22:00 jquery4u.com Auteur: Lukas White

As great as Node.js is for "traditional" web applications, its potential uses are far broader. Microservices, REST APIs, tooling, working with the Internet of Things and even desktop applications—it's got your back.

Another area where Node.js is really useful is for building command-line applications—and that's what we're going to be doing today. We're going to start by looking at a number of third-party packages designed to help work with the command-line, then build a real-world example from scratch.

What we're going to build is a tool for initializing a Git repository. Sure, it'll run git init under the hood, but it'll do more than just that. It will also create a remote repository on Github right from the command line, allow the user to interactively create a .gitignore file and finally perform an initial commit and push.

As ever, the code accompanying this tutorial can be found on our GitHub repo.

Why Build a Command-line Tool with Node.js?

Before we dive in and start building, it's worth looking at why we might choose Node.js to build a command-line application.

The most obvious advantage is that if you're reading this, you're probably already familiar with it—and indeed, with JavaScript.

Another key advantage, as we'll see as we go along, is that the strong Node.js ecosystem means that among the hundreds of thousands of packages available for all manner of purposes, there are a number which are specifically designed to help build powerful command-line tools.

Finally, we can use npm to manage any dependencies, rather than have to worry about OS-specific package managers such as Aptitude, Yum or Homebrew.

That said, that's not necessarily true, in that your command-line tool may have other external dependencies.

What We're Going to Build—Introducing ginit

Ginit, our Node CLI in action

For this tutorial, We're going to create a command-line utility which I'm calling ginit. It's git init, but on steroids.

You're probably wondering what on earth that means.

As you no doubt already know, git init initializes a git repository in the current folder. However, that's usually only one of a number of repetitive steps involved in the process of hooking up a new or existing project to Git. For example, as part of a typical workflow, you might well:

  1. Initialise the local repository by running git init
  2. Create a remote repository, for example on Github or Bitbucket; typically by leaving the command-line and firing up a web browser
  3. Add the remote
  4. Create a .gitignore file
  5. Add your project files
  6. Commit the initial set of files
  7. Push up to the remote repository

There are often more steps involved, but we'll stick to those for the purposes of our app. Nevertheless, these steps are pretty repetitive. Wouldn't it be better if we could do all this from the command-line, with no copying-and-pasting of Git URLs and such-like?

So what ginit will do is create a Git repository in the current folder, create a remote repository—we'll be using Github for this—and then add it as a remote. Then it will provide a simple interactive "wizard" for creating a .gitignore file, add the contents of the folder and push it up to the remote repository. It might not save you hours, but it'll remove some of the initial friction when starting a new project.

With that in mind, let's get started.

The Application Dependencies

One thing is for certain—in terms of appearence, the console will never have the sophistication of a graphical user interface. Nevertheless, that doesn't mean it has to be plain, ugly, monochrome text. You might be surprised by just how much you can do visually, while at the same time keeping it functional. We'll be looking at a couple of libraries for enhancing the display: chalk for colorizing the output and clui to add some additional visual components. Just for fun, we'll use figlet to create a fancy ASCII-based banner and we'll also use clear to clear the console.

In terms of input and output, the low-level Readline Node.js module could be used to prompt the user and request input, and in simple cases is more than adequate. But we're going to take advantage of a third-party package which adds a greater degree of sophistication—Inquirer. As well as providing a mechanism for asking questions, it also implements simple input controls; think radio buttons and checkboxes, but in the console.

We'll also be using minimist to parse command-line arguments.

Here's a complete list of the packages we'll use specifically for developing on the command-line:

  • chalk - colorizes the output
  • clear - clears the terminal screen
  • clui - draws command line tables, gauges and spinners
  • figlet - creates ASCII art from text
  • inquirer - creates interactive command line user interface
  • minimist - parses argument options
  • preferences - manage CLI application encrypted preferences

Additionally, we'll also be using the following:

  • github - Node wrapper for the GitHub API
  • lodash - JavaScript utility library
  • simple-git - runs Git commands in a Node.js application
  • touch - implementation of the *Nix touch command

Getting Started

Although we're going to create the application from scratch, don't forget that you can also grab a copy of the code from the repository which accompanies this article.

Create a new directory for the project. You don't have to call it ginit, of course.

mkdir ginit
cd ginit

Create a new package.json file:

npm init

Follow the simple wizard, for example:

name: (ginit)
version: (1.0.0)
description: "git init" on steroids
entry point: (index.js)
test command:
git repository:
keywords: Git CLI
author: [YOUR NAME]
license: (ISC)

Now install the depenencies:

npm install chalk clear clui figlet inquirer minimist preferences github lodash simple-git touch --save

Alternatively, simply copy-and-paste the following package.json file—modifying the author appropriately—or grab it from the repository which accompanies this article:

  "name": "ginit",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "\"git init\" on steroids",
  "main": "index.js",
  "keywords": [
  "author": "Lukas White <hello@lukaswhite.com>",
  "license": "ISC",
  "dependencies": {
    "chalk": "^1.1.3",
    "clear": "0.0.1",
    "clui": "^0.3.1",
    "figlet": "^1.1.2",
    "github": "^2.1.0",
    "inquirer": "^1.1.0",
    "lodash": "^4.13.1",
    "minimist": "^1.2.0",
    "preferences": "^0.2.1",
    "simple-git": "^1.40.0",
    "touch": "^1.0.0"

Now create an index.js file in the same folder and require all of the dependencies:

var chalk       = require('chalk');
var clear       = require('clear');
var CLI         = require('clui');
var figlet      = require('figlet');
var inquirer    = require('inquirer');
var Preferences = require('preferences');
var Spinner     = CLI.Spinner;
var GitHubApi   = require('github');
var _           = require('lodash');
var git         = require('simple-git')();
var touch       = require('touch');
var fs          = require('fs');

Note that the simple-git package exports a function which needs to be called.

Adding Some Helper Methods

In the course of the application, we'll need to do the following:

  • Get the current directory (to get a default repo name)
  • Check whether a directory exists (to determine whether the current folder is already a Git repository by looking for a folder named .git).

This sounds straight forward, but there are a couple of gotchyas to take into consideration.

Continue reading %Build a JavaScript Command Line Interface (CLI) with Node.js%

Le: 26 07 2016 à 19:49 jquery4u.com Auteur: Angela Molina

ECMAScript, ES6, ES2015 — you may have heard these terms in JavaScript communities around the world. Why wouldn’t you, they’re regarded as the future of JavaScript! With that in mind, a couple of months ago we had released Diving into ES2015, a course which covered the essentials in this must know JavaScript language. This week we'll run through the course with teacher Darin Haener in our Live Lesson!

Continue reading %A Lesson on ES2015 with Darin Haener – Live!%

Le: 26 07 2016 à 19:13 FrenchWeb.fr Auteur: La rédaction

Les 7 infos de la journée qu'il ne fallait pas manquer.

Le: 26 07 2016 à 19:00 Web Design Shock Auteur: BrandonJames


An elegant font perfect for professional businesses like architecture firms. Paul Grotesk is a three weight font focused on improving mobile readability (it has uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special glyphs, and it has a modern look).

The post Paul Grotesk: Modern-looking Free Font appeared first on ByPeople.

Le: 26 07 2016 à 19:00 jquery4u.com Auteur: Wern Ancheta

In this tutorial I'll use the Microsoft Face API to create a face recognition app with React Native. I'm going to assume that you've already built a React Native app so won't cover all parts of the code. If you're new to React Native, I recommend you read my previous tutorial on "Build an Android App with React Native". You can find the full source code for the app for this tutorial on Github.

Continue reading %Use React Native to a Create a Face Recognition App%

Le: 26 07 2016 à 18:31 presse-citron.net Auteur: Thomas-Estimbre

Play-Store-Google-pense-data-reduit-taille-mises-jour4Google a décidé de revoir sa copie concernant son système de mise à jour. Résultat : des mises à jour plus légères et plus transparentes.

Le: 26 07 2016 à 18:30 Journal du Net Développeurs

L'application de partage de photos éphémères est la grande gagnante du classement du mois d'avril de Médiamétrie, avec Twitter.

Le: 26 07 2016 à 18:22 Journal du Net Développeurs

Sécurité des données, équilibre entre vie privée et professionnelle, formation des collaborateurs : voici quelques conseils pour faire face aux nouvelles tendances (BYOD, télétravail, mobilité) du monde du travail.

Le: 26 07 2016 à 18:00 jquery4u.com Auteur: Theo Miller


Whether you're turning up the volume on your car stereo, or swiping right on Tinder, user interfaces are limited to control panels, touchscreens, and displays.

User experience is not.

Smartphones have expanded the jurisdiction of UX. Now on-demand services are stretching the scope of user experience beyond the confines of your pocket-sized touchscreen.

Uber, Instacart, DoorDash - the list of services that leverage GPS tracking and cashless transactions is growing. As a result, it's changing our day-to-day experience as people, not just users.

What Did Uber Accomplish?

Public transportation (often) sucks. You have to wait for a scheduled service, you have to pay with cash, and there's never anywhere to sit.

Traditional taxis aren't much better. You still have to wait, you often have to pay with cash, and you're charged a premium for the luxury of riding by yourself.

Uber improved upon traditional taxis by identifying and resolving friction in the rider's user experience. Now they're attempting to compete with public transportation through UberPOOL - a ride-sharing service.

Uber have had their well-documented issues but their heady global expansion tells you they've done something right.

What real-world UX problems did Uber solve to get here?

Problem #1: Wait time

Whether booking a cab the night before a big trip or sneaking out before dessert to call a cab company, the wait between requesting a ride and receiving a ride has always been a pain point.

Even standing out in the middle of the street, scanning the oncoming traffic stream for an empty cab can be a soul-destroying waste of time.

Uber used good tech to attack that challenge. Thanks to smartphones, equipped with GPS, on-demand ride-sharing services can use software to pair riders and drivers.

This pairing can be instantaneous, but not always. Uber's efficiency is a testament to how the company regulates its marketplace, not the UX of its mobile app.

Surge pricing announcement

Uber famously raises their prices during peak times - surge pricing - to help offset demand. Riders don't like surge pricing, but the feature ensures there are enough available rides by both decreasing demand and drawing off-duty drivers back onto the road.

There's no doubt that surge pricing has been a difficult PR challenge for Uber. Certainly, some users have fallen victim to surge pricing in the past, so Uber will soon display the approximate fare before you agree to ride, whether surge pricing is active or not.

A highly data-driven system allows Uber to tackle the issue of high demand by analyzing the proximity of one route to another and attempting to pair riders. This carpooling feature (UberPOOL) lowers rider costs, increases network capacity (which reduces wait time), and even provides a social solution for daily commutes.

Set Pickup Location

Problem #2: Contact

Motumbo confused - Zoolander -2001

Placing an order over the phone can be rough because vital information (i.e. credit card numbers, addresses, times, dates, etc.) have to be communicated and reviewed.

Whenever I have to book a dentist appointment or anything else that is scheduled the old-fashioned way, there's always this moment of "Umm.. I guess we're good" that I hate. Did I hear the time right? Did they write the time down right? Could there have been a miscommunication?

All vital details are stored and easy to update and share in the Uber app. Of course, this trait is shared by all app-based services, but the pain point is eliminated all the same.

Problem #3: Directions

Directions used to be a huge pain. Cab drivers are human and they can miss exits if you don't provide careful instructions and pay close attention.

With ride-sharing, GPS takes you where you need to go. Type in an address and the driver has directions.

Also, when you share a ride with a friend and you have different destinations, directing the driver can become the primary focus of your ride. Uber overcomes this problem by sending the destination to the driver and allowing riders to submit subsequent destinations as needed.

Uber payment function

Continue reading %4 Ways Uber Wins UX by Killing Friction%

Le: 26 07 2016 à 17:40 Journal du Net Développeurs

Comment s’explique la recrudescence des attaques Web, et pourquoi les stratégies de défense actuelles doivent évoluer vers les services de sécurité dans le cloud ?

Le: 26 07 2016 à 17:33 Journal du Net Développeurs

Si Uber est devenu l’archétype de la révolution digitale, ses perspectives ne sont pas pour autant claires, loin s’en faut. Cinq défis majeurs attendent l’entreprise.

Le: 26 07 2016 à 17:24 presse-citron.net Auteur: Frédéric

bagel-1Le mètre qui va vous donner envie de tout mesurer.

Le: 26 07 2016 à 17:16 presse-citron.net Auteur: Setra

Pokémon Go sur AndroidLa folie Pokémon Go est bien arrivée dans l’Hexagone.

Le: 26 07 2016 à 16:49 Web Design Shock Auteur: SteveCarroll


A WordPress plugin that allows you to share the content of your blog or site through the use of a set of buttons. Also, it is responsive (adapting nicely to any screen), beautiful and lightning fast.

The post Social Warfare: Responsive Social Share Buttons WordPress Plugin appeared first on ByPeople.

Le: 26 07 2016 à 16:41 presse-citron.net Auteur: Setra

cybercriminalité hackerAvant de payer pour récupérer vos fichiers, visitez « No More Ransom ! ».

Le: 26 07 2016 à 16:27 freebiesbug.com Auteur: Pasquale Vitiello

Guacamole: Free UI kit for Photoshop, Xd & Sketch

Guacamole is a free UI kit Photoshop, Adobe Xd or Sketch including 150+ icons, 70+ elements, 600+ retina-ready layers and 500+ vector shapes.

The post Guacamole: Free UI kit for Photoshop, Xd & Sketch appeared first on Freebiesbug.

Le: 26 07 2016 à 16:25 presse-citron.net Auteur: Emmanuel Ghesquier

Google Maps s'offre un lifting dans la dernière mise à jourLe célèbre outil de cartographie et de géolocalisation de Google vient de s’offrir une mise à jour importante aux allures de mise en beauté. Google Maps a vu son design se faire retoucher en profondeur.

Le: 26 07 2016 à 16:16 FrenchWeb.fr Auteur: Les Experts

Dans un livre, Davy Rey étudie l'impact de l'innovation pour les entreprises, vers de nouveaux modèles économiques et de performances.

Le: 26 07 2016 à 16:14 Web Design Shock Auteur: Admin

plugins-bannerMarketing, social and SEO strategies are key factors in the success of your site/blog. Since we know that you're constantly thinking about how to improve these marketing schemes whether to capture more leads, boost up social engagement or improve sales, this is the perfect bundle for you: Over 80 premium WordPress Marketing, SEO amd Social Engagement plugins from Popnet Media that will help you to achieve those hunted stats for your site. Scroll down to learn which premium plugins will help your site to be #1 in these topics.

1. WP Members PRO

The effortless way to create professional sites in WordPress using your favorite membership plugin! Fully customizable membership site, 5 custom members pages, complete design settings, easy to use WordPress theme. Features a download link page, modules page, video pages, content pages and tabbed pages WP Members Pro
Check out more info here

2. Social Boost

The simple & fast way to increase social conversions. Take the social features of some of the highest shared websites like Buzzfeed or UpWorthy and add them to your blog posts. No matter what theme you are using you can add these shortcodes to get all the social share features you need to have viral blog posts social boost
Check out more info here

3. Lead Gen Pro

Build responsive lead generating landing pages that work! No Leak Landing Pages. Take every opportunity possible to capture the lead of every visitor. Works with any auto-responder. Amazingly simple page setup! lead gen
Check out more info here

4. FB GFX Pro

Don’t spend countless hours and money trying to get onto facebook fan pages, now you have the single tool that will not only get you on facebook, but in the best POSSIBLE way. You need a professional fan page that grabs the attention, interest, desire and force your viewers to take action becoming a fan of your page. Building your fanbase, social credibility and even making you MORE Money fbgfx
Check out more info here

5. WP EZ Lead

Create amazing high converting squeeze pages with wordpress for your own projects or clients projects. The landing page that can fit anywhere & converts like crazy! wp ez lead
Check out more info here

6. Fb Lead Capture

Create Awesome Captures Pages in Your WordPress Blog, using a simple 3 step system, you can create unlimited custom landing pages using the easy to use admin option panel on all of your wordpress blogs. Includes developer license fb lead capture
Check out more info here

7. MobileOptimizer WP-Plugin

Instantly optimize any WordPress blog for mobile in one plugin. Works with any WordPress blog theme. Optimize your WordPress blogs today for mobile devices with this premium designed plugin. Automatically detect mobile device and display optimized website with your content! mobile plugin
Check out more info here

8. WP Video Slide Page

With this one plugin you will enhance the user engagement of your YouTube videos and increase your mailing list. Show each visitor what matter first; The video. Then slide in your auto-responder mailing list opt-in. wp video slide page
Check out more info here

9. WP Opt-in Countdown

Instantly optimize any WordPress blog for mobile in one plugin. Works with any wordpress blog theme. Optimize your wordpress blogs today for mobile devices with our premium designed plugin. Automatically detect mobile device and display optimized website with your content! opt in countdown
Check out more info here

10. 3-D Page Builder

Grab the ATTENTION of all the traffic you send to the highly optimized landing page. Super cool landing page design! 3d plugin
Check out more info here

11. WSO Graphic Editor

Use Flash Editors to Create Custom Graphics In Your Web Browser (without Adobe Photoshop) for Your Sales Page. Create Versatile Content List Boxes, Powerful Warning Headline Boxes, Create High-Converting Pricing Tables, Quick and Simple Button Creator and much more! graphic-editor
Check out more info here

12. Video Affiliate Pro

Explode your affiliate promotions and keep your customers happy. Three easy steps to grow your affiliate promotions. Create killer video review pages, add a bonus for affiliate purchase and collect buyers email and send bonus! video-affiliate-pro
Check out more info here

13.WP Launch Theme

Create buzz, generate interested and collect a database of customers BEFORE even selling a single thing. This sounds too simple, but it’s the best way to sell anything. wp launching theme
Check out more info here

14. Uber Opt-in Plugin

Combine the power of WordPress, your product, your personality and your landing page to create a truly awesome converting lead page. Video backgrounds create that WOW effect that will keep your viewers engaged. uber optin
Check out more info here

15. WP Like Pop

Discover a fun way to increase your Social Conversions. Convert qualified traffic with Eye-Grabbing Animated social pop-ups that activate at the bottom of your blog wp like pop
Check out more info here

16. FB Webinar

Fb Webinar allows you to create high converting webinar landing pages directly inside of your Facebook Fan Page. fb webinar
Check out more info here

17. Local Business Plugin

Collect leads to give quotes, answer questions — that’s all built-in! Make it easy for visitors to find you with integrated Google Maps with custom marker-content. This app will create a business website in one landing page. local-business-plugin
Check out more info here

18. Opt-in Fire

Optin Fire allows you to build entire marketing campaigns, from salesletters, landing pages, video pages, and much more. opt in fire
Check out more info here

19. Wp Coupon Pro

Create coupons you can print to give to offline customers with a QR code to share the coupon on facebook. Easily allow your clients customer to shaare the coupons with a easy QR code they can scan and share the coupon in seconds. Easily create a mobile landing page where you can reveal a coupon code once they share the coupon on Facebook and much more! wp coupon pro
Check out more info here

20. SEO Stone

You may be getting unwanted results with your blog search engine traffic strategy… but you can stop this! In only seconds you can get the true insight on your web traffic efforts. Watch as your social network shares increase, your google PageRank and more. You will literally keep checking SEO STONE as your promote your blog so see the changes… seostone
Check out more info here

21. FB List Builder

Edit your fanpage online and create any number of pages that you wnt, with tabbed navigation and much more. Setup your own personal members area to control your fanpages. Once your complete, upload straight to facebook and begin using instantly! fb timeline pro
Check out more info here

22. Easy Opt-in Pro

Install the easy optin plugin in only seconds. Choose the type of email optin form you would like to create, add your auto responder code, customize the design and content, add your image or video and click save. Show your custom email shortcode on any blog post or sidebar with a simple shortcode. Create one for all pages, or create a new shortcode for each page. easy optin pro
Check out more info here

23. IM Plugin Pro

Now inside any wordpress blog you don’t need to rely on your current theme to create marketing pages. Before you had access to the Internet Marketing Plugin, creating a sales page usually was done inside a page or post. Your current themes design was still in tact, and limiting the focus on the copy of your sales page. Now you can work outside your current theme and create unlimited pages all inside your current wordpress blog. im pro
Check out more info here

24. Tee Contest

Combine the power of your WordPress blog and your TeeSpring T-Shirt Campaign to create an engaging contest that requires either an email sign up or “share to enter” to make your t-shirt campaign go viral. Collect Leads and Go Viral to see your t-shirt pre-order go through the roof. Just offer a gift of one t-shirt when the Countdown hits the the end of your campaign. teecontest
Check out more info here

25. Magic Page

Use WP Magic Page to create your marketing pages with ease. Install it once and you can create unlimited pages. Create powerful timed video pages that will wait a set time and display a buy-now button. A super effective sales tactic. Used by this industries top professionals! wp magic page
Check out more info here

26. Opt-in Lock

If you are a content creator, blogger, marketer or business owner you definitely have free content to give away and you need to hide the best bits behind an opt-in. Just do it the right way where you users are instantly delivered the content. However you need to deliver the “goods” right away to provide instant value. This one wordpress blog will lock away any content you want, download links, videos, anything! wp optin lock
Check out more info here

27. WP timeline

Discover the simplest way to setup unlimited Facebook Timeline pages in any wordpress blog! Includes built-in Header graphic creator. Quick and easy install on any of your WordPress blogs and you have access to create new Facebook Timeline pages. Each page is unique and can create separate Facebook timeline pages. wp timeline
Check out more info here

28. WP Tweeet

Create engaging tweetable content with awesome tool-tip popups using shortcodes. Quick tool to increase your blog traffic only takes 5 seconds to setup Wp tweet
Check out more info here

29. WP Pin Review

Create powerful affiliate review pages using the simple page wizard and guarantee your review is connected socially, to pinterest and designed to convert! wp pin review
Check out more info here

30. Local Lander

Grab the ATTENTION of all the traffic you send to the highly optimized landing page. Super cool landing page design! landpag
Check out more info here

31. Affiliate Advantage

The Affiliate Advantage is a simple but powerful WordPress plugin that helps make sure you get the commissions you deserve and not only the ones where the reader clicks the right link. affiliate
Check out more info here

32. WP Movie Affiliate

Promote music and profit! You have complete control over review. Add your music affiliate links and music samples. movie affil
Check out more info here

33. WP Marketing Graphics

The simplest way to create Marketing graphics online WITHOUT Photoshop! Now is the time for you to unleash the power of these graphic creators that will make your marketing efforts more effective for your own offers or affiliates. Now you can make great direct response marketing graphics on the fly! marketing graphics
Check out more info here

34. WP Scarcity Lock

The Ultimate Viral Lead Collecting System. Colect leads, generate twitter trafic & / or profit in minutes and create unlimited speed countdown viral pages. acarcuty
Check out more info here

35. WSO Graphic Editor

Use Flash Editors to Create Custom Graphics In Your Web Browser (without Adobe Photoshop) for Your Sales Page or Warrior Special Offer! wso graphics
Check out more info here

36. Easy builder

Manage unlimited marketing campaigns with unlimited pages. Choose from 8 content layouts and a live in-bowser editor. Amazing all-new HTML5 page editing to edit your page on the fly changing text, adding images, html and saving instantly. 2016-07-18_171401
Check out more info here

37. Ever Lead

The easiest way to get high quality leads. 8 pre-designed professional styles or build your own! Super easy to edit and get going. Connect to any auto-responder service. Add a video or headline image. Developer license included. everlead
Check out more info here

38. Facebook Connect Pro

Build your list with Facebook Connect by using 3 easy steps. Create a Facebook Connect Button, collect leads and auto-add to auto-responder and capture verified email from the leads! Integrates with ANY auto-response. fb connect
Check out more info here

39. Facebook Redirect Pro

Put links on your Facebook page to redirect traffic anywhere on the web. Enjoy expanding your facebook fanpage with external links using this beautifully simple and fun to use WordPress plugin with built-in Tab Icon Editor for a professional look. fb redirect
Check out more info here

40. WP Viral Email Opt-in

Build stunning optin pages to increase your mailing list and this wordpres plugin lets you use any auto-responder service! wp video pl
Check out more info here

41. Instant Mobile Sites

Easy to use tool to create Mobile landing pages. Easy to use tool that allows you to create mobile landing pages for your clients and your own sites. instant mobile
Check out more info here

42. Link Tweet

Create Engaging Tweetable Content with Sweet Tool-Tip, Popups Using Shortcodes, and Engage Your Readers & Increase Your Tweets link tweet
Check out more info here

43. WP Viral Vid Box

Explosive Branded Video Boxes. Create Sharable Embeddable Viral Experiences That BUILD Your List viral video

44. Offline Pricing

Impress your clients with professional pricing pages in WordPress! Easily create 3-tier pricing tables with personalized settings and a professional design that is easy to Brand offline pricing
Check out more info here

45. Wizard Lander

Create beautiful 3-Step email capture pages for a stunning user experience for high converting landing pages. Featuring unlimited landing pages, easy to use 3 step system, design customizations, email lead collection and a professional design. wizard lander
Check out more info here

46. WP Ecover Creator

Create stunning 3D eCover graphics in only one click without Photoshop or any bulky software. ecover creator
Check out more info here

47. WP Optin Remix

It’s easy to create high converting 3 step squeeze pages in your WordPress blog with the Optin Remix WordPress plug-in. OptinRemix makes it’s incredible easy to create innovative squeeze pages with built customization features that will produce unlimited amounts of pages ALL within your existing WordPress blog. optin remix
Check out more info here

48. Fb Local Hub

The perfect small business Facebook application. Create professional business hub pages in seconds! Use it for all your offline clients. fb local hub
Check out more info here

49. Facebook Survey

Create amazing timeline surveys that get you the REAL answers every time! You can add a custom success page so you can offer incentives for your fans to complete the survey – the BEST way to get feedback! FB SURVEYS
Check out more info here

50. Video POPX

Need analytics? Done. Inside the plugin dashboard you will get the Views, Clicks and The Click-Through Rate so you can track performance for free! video pop
Check out more info here

51. WP Instant E-book

The ABSOLUTE Fastest Way to Turn Any WordPress Blog into a Beautiful Re-Sellable Ebook. Oh, You Can Also Create Unlimited “Spun” Ebooks Too! wp instant book
Check out more info here

52. WP Blog Book

The ABSOLUTE Fastest Way to Turn Any WordPress Blog into a Beautiful Re-Sellable Ebook. Oh, You Can Also Create Unlimited “Spun” Ebooks Too! blog book
Check out more info here

53. WP Buzz Machine

Use The Power Of Viral Meme Creators To Grow Your List Like Wildfire! BuzzMachine enables your niche to go crazy and really bring attention to your product by creating hilarious meme photos buzz machine
Check out more info here

54. WP Fan Page

Create killer Facebook Fanpages in a few clicks without knowing FBML, HTML, or anything technical! fan page pro
Check out more info here

55. WP Live Revealr

The effective marketing tactic that has been proven to increase conversions: The before and after direct response technique. Highly effective lead capture landing pages in WordPress. live revealr
Check out more info here

56. WP Flash Pages

Build Any Web Page Yourself in Only Minutes. Web Page Editor in Your Web Browser Inside Of WordPress flash pages
Check out more info here

57. WP Pop Box

Quick Pop Ups Forms In A Flash. Stop Messing Around Creating Your Own Hacked Together Popups 2016-07-18_180103
Check out more info here

58. WP Short Code

High Converting Call To Action Shortcodes Buttons. Beautiful Call To Action Blocks For Your Blog shortcode
Check out more info here

59. Local Lead Booster

Boost your local leads online! The perfect tool to create a new opportunity for your business and generate email leads online through your wordpress website. One easy to use theme will make it possible for you to grow your business by targeting locally online. lead booster
Check out more info here

60. CTA Revealr

Create Unlimited High-Converting Call to Action Shortcode Buttons in WordPress. cta revealr
Check out more info here

61. WP Call Directory

Start your own toll-free call directory for your offline clients or yourself! Have a real 1-800 number on your site. Increase conversions with a REAL number and sell the toll-free system to offline clients. wp call directory
Check out more info here

62. Ultimate Sales Page

Use Built-In Flash Graphic Creator to Create Custom Graphics & To Build Professional Sales Pages Instantly With Ease In WordPress. Each page you create is outside of your regular posts and is a individual page to be standalone professionally designed sales page. ultimate
Check out more info here

63. Sales Copy Pro

A brand new way to efficiently and successfully create your own completely customizable and unique sales pages, with no more effort than it takes to use your mouse and keyboard! sales copy pro
Check out more info here

64. WP Media Remix

This one plugin creates brandable media players with your content, your links, and let your visitors embed on their blogs… You already know why that is super powerful in viral traffic, sales and lead generation. wp remic
Check out more info here

65. WP Squeeze Question

Use Micro Commitments To Build A MASSIVE List. Create Email Opt-in Questionaire WordPress Pages in Only Seconds squeeze
Check out more info here

63. Facebook Tube

The perfect small business Facebook application. Create professional business hub pages in seconds! Use it for all your offline clients. fb tube
Check out more info here

64. Facebook Timeline Opt-in

The perfect small business Facebook application. Create professional business hub pages in seconds! Use it for all your offline clients. timeline opti in
Check out more info here

65. WP Sales Graphic

Stop Wasting Your Money on Copywriters and Web Designers - Do It Yourself! SalesCopyPro, a brand new way to efficiently and successfully create your own completely customizable and unique sales pages, with no more effort than it takes to use your mouse and keyboard! sales graphics
Check out more info here

66. WP Viral Page

Build highly creative viral pages. Featuring slideshow background, add audio and images, full design control and magical page effects. viral pages
Check out more info here

67. WP Restaurant Pro

Easily create beautiful websites for any small restaurant. Build a robust menu, lightbox photo album, stunning slideshows and google maps location integration. wp restaurant
Check out more info here

68. WP Easy Deals

Turn any blog post into a high converting social deal ready to share and collect new leads. Create powerful social deals that showcase a photo or video and claim by signing up to your mailing list! wp easy deals
Check out more info here

69. Spark Engine

Build Any Web Page Yourself in Only Minutes. Web Page Editor in Your Web Browser. See a Video Landing Page Built in 30 Seconds. spark engine
Check out more info here

70. WP ChartPage

Use Relavent Statistics Combined With the Power of Animated Charts and Graphs to Increase E-mail Leads. Quickly Get Up And Running With This Animated Statistic Landing Page Plugin For WordPress wpchartpage
Check out more info here

71. Speed Lock

Increase Your Conversions with Time Limit Lock System. Use Relevant Statistics Combined With the Power of Animated Charts and Graphs to Increase E-mail Leads. speedlock
Check out more info here

72. Video Quiz Game

Interaction and engagement on your video quiz game page are at your fingertips. With one WordPress plugin, you can create unlimited, professional video quiz pages that visitors will interact with. Using a unique reward system and the one-click social media sharing feature visitors can spread your video quiz game page across the web and even compete with friends. video quiz game
Check out more info here

73. QR Offline Marketing

Combine Mobile marketing with offline marketing. Full access to create unlimited QR codes with 6 Flash print-ad editors. qr offline marketing
Check out more info here

74. Question Optin

Create Email Opt-in Questionaire WordPress Pages in Only Seconds. Increase Conversions With Quick Survey to Gain Insight on Your Leads. question optin
Check out more info here

75. WP Video Opt-in

Now create powerful video background landing pages! Build stunning Optin pages to increase your mailing list. Customize your pages, add your video to the background and add any auto-responder you want. video op´tin
Check out more info here

Let's mention this giant bundle highlights!

    We know that you're about to click that purchase button, but just to make sure, here's what you'll be getting again:
  • 75 different WordPress Premium plug-ins valued in more than $4.000 on the market.
  • Various plug-ins that will help you with SEO, leads acquisition, social engagement and more!
  • Re-engage your audience w/ opt-in forms, coupon management & lead capture pages.
  • A pack that will beautify your site w/ graphic editors & beautiful launch pages.
  • You can use these plug-ins in unlimited sites & blogs
  • Direct support from Popnet Media
If you like to keep your site or blog up to date with the newest marketing and social networking trends, this is a perfect deal for you! Remember, It will be available for only 7 days! Don't you dare to miss it out!

The post Mega Plugin Bundle: 75 Premium WordPress Plugins for only $39.99 (99% Off) appeared first on ByPeople.

Le: 26 07 2016 à 16:07 line25.com Auteur: Iggy

Whether you’re working on a website design project or developing an app user interface, icons will always come in handy. Save time and focus on what’s important, without worrying about the icons for your project. That is why we decided to gather here 25 free object icon sets, each containing multiple icons for you to […]

The post 25 Free Object Icon Sets appeared first on Line25.

Le: 26 07 2016 à 15:50 presse-citron.net Auteur: Setra

Un Nexus 5 sous AndroidLa nouvelle version de Google Phone bénéficie d'une fonctionnalité anti-spam.

Le: 26 07 2016 à 15:06 presse-citron.net Auteur: Setra

Lire sur un iPadParfois, iCloud vous aide aussi à retrouver celui qui a volé votre iPad.

Le: 26 07 2016 à 15:00 Web Design Shock Auteur: LeDessinateur

framer-material-design-kitA Material Kit for FramerJS created for fast and easy prototyping with Material Design without compromising the quality or customization. The core pieces that make up Material Kit are foundational elements, component library, and supporting functions.

The post Framer Material Design Kit appeared first on ByPeople.

Le: 26 07 2016 à 14:49 Journal du Net Développeurs

Pour gérer et maintenir des niveaux de performances élevés dans des environnements cloud hybrides, les services informatiques doivent mettre en œuvre plusieurs bonnes pratiques. En voici 4 essentielles.

Le: 26 07 2016 à 14:45 Webdesigner Depot Auteur: WebdesignerDepot Staff

[– This is an advertorial post on behalf of Cloudinary –] JPEGs, PNGs, and GIFs — oh my! Most web developers only learn which format to use through trial, error, and long experience. And almost nobody understands how these formats actually work. In this article, we’ll take a high-level look at each formats’ compression algorithms, […]

Le: 26 07 2016 à 14:31 blog.openclassrooms.com Auteur: Anouck d'OpenClassrooms

Aujourd’hui, nous allons à la rencontre de Benjamin, entrepreneur insatiable et passionné ! Il lance aujourd’hui sa première structure en s’appuyant sur les compétences qu’il a développé sur OpenClassrooms. Il nous raconte son parcours…   Pourriez-vous nous raconter vos premiers pas sur OpenClassrooms ? Jeune diplômé en Entrepreneuriat Management et Marketing, j’ai conscience du marché
Lire la suite

Le: 26 07 2016 à 13:51 WebdesignerNews Auteur: Cameron

Dio is a lightweight virtual DOM framework. It’s only 6kb minified and gzipped.

Le: 26 07 2016 à 13:32 jqueryrain.com Auteur: Admin

A lightweight jQuery plugin for basic form validation using HTML5 form attributes. Recommended as a polyfill for older browsers which do not provide built-in validation.

The post AttrValidate : jQuery plugin for Form Validation appeared first on jQuery Rain.

Le: 26 07 2016 à 13:28 FrenchWeb.fr Auteur: Maxence Fabrion

L'opérateur français prévoit de lancer sa banque 100% mobile en 2017.

Le: 26 07 2016 à 13:24 jqueryrain.com Auteur: Admin

This library allows us to use html5 NotificationAPI in jquery.

The post jQuery Push Notification Plugin appeared first on jQuery Rain.

Le: 26 07 2016 à 12:39 FrenchWeb.fr Auteur: La rédaction

Les cofondateurs de Take Est Easy expliquent les raisons de leur choix.

Le: 26 07 2016 à 12:27 presse-citron.net Auteur: Thomas-Estimbre

Instagram-videos1 (1)Le réseau social veut mettre la vidéo à l'honneur avec sa nouvelle fonctionnalité "vidéos que vous pourriez aimer".

Le: 26 07 2016 à 11:05 FrenchWeb.fr Auteur: Jeanne Dussueil

Avec l'ajout de ce septième fonds, 360 Capital Partners revendique 300 millions d'euros sous gestion et élargi son portefeuille de participations. 

Le: 26 07 2016 à 10:38 ballajack.com Auteur: Ballajack

Excel n'est pas seulement un outil pour effectuer des calculs. L'application de Microsoft est aussi très pratique pour manipuler ou transformer du texte et il dispose de très nombreuses fonctions intégrées le permettant. Commençons par la fonction Concatener qu'on résume souvent dans les formules avec le symbole &. Cette fonction au nom un peu barbare […]

Le: 26 07 2016 à 10:38 blogduwebdesign.com Auteur: Benjamin SANCHEZ

Le: 26 07 2016 à 10:04 cssdesignawards.com

A design that is more than just decor, that creates an atmosphere, will become the true identity of an establishment.

Le: 26 07 2016 à 09:58 FrenchWeb.fr Auteur: Claire-Amance Prevost

27 octobre 2016

Le: 26 07 2016 à 09:30 WebLife Auteur: Baptiste

Amazon étend le test de ses drones au Royaume-Uni

En décembre dernier, le leader mondial du e-commerce Amazon dévoilait ses nouveaux drones de livraison utilisés par son service Prime Air. Aujourd’hui, la plateforme annonce un partenariat avec le gouvernement […]


L'article Amazon étend le test de ses drones au Royaume-Uni est la propriété de Baptiste sur WebLife - Actualités internet, high-tech & startups.

Le: 26 07 2016 à 09:00 korben.info Auteur: Korben

J'ai testé il y a quelques jours un nouveau service plutôt cool si vous prenez souvent le train. Il s'agit de Misterfox.co qui permet de scanner automatiquement tous ses billets de train SNCF en se connectant à votre boite mail, et de vous permettre d'en demander le remboursement en cas de retard ou d'annulation. Je prends > Lire la suite

Cet article merveilleux et sans aucun égal intitulé : Gagnez de l’argent grâce aux retards de la SNCF ; a été publié sur Korben, le seul site qui t'aime plus fort que tes parents.

Le: 26 07 2016 à 08:58 korben.info Auteur: Korben

Christoph Dürr et Jill-Jênn Vie ont publié un livre aux éditions Ellipses, baptisé "Programmation efficace Les 128 algorithmes qu'il faut avoir compris et codés en Python au cours de sa vie". Tout un programme. J'ai le bouquin et il rassemble sous forme d'énigmes plusieurs problèmes d'algo classiques qui vous seront expliqués au fil des pages. On > Lire la suite

Cet article merveilleux et sans aucun égal intitulé : Une énigme à résoudre pour gagner le livre “Programmation efficace Les 128 algorithmes qu’il faut avoir compris et codés en Python au cours de sa vie” ; a été publié sur Korben, le seul site qui t'aime plus fort que tes parents.

Le: 26 07 2016 à 08:45 WebLife Auteur: Baptiste

Android : Protection antispam pour bloquer les appels indésirables

Google annonce tout juste une nouvelle fonctionnalité au sein de son système d’exploitation mobile Android, avec pour objectif de protéger les utilisateurs contre les appels indésirables. Lors d’appels suspects, une […]


L'article Android : Protection antispam pour bloquer les appels indésirables est la propriété de Baptiste sur WebLife - Actualités internet, high-tech & startups.

Le: 26 07 2016 à 08:42 presse-citron.net Auteur: Setra

Windows 10Après le 29 juillet, il faudra payer (ou pirater) pour utiliser Windows 10.

Le: 26 07 2016 à 08:30 FrenchWeb.fr Auteur: La rédaction

42% estime qu’il sera courant pour leurs clients de conserver l’ensemble de leurs données personnelles dans une blockchain d’ici 5 ans, d'après une étude américaine.

Le: 26 07 2016 à 08:30 WebLife Auteur: Anne

Netflix : Augmentation du tarif pour les abonnés les plus anciens

Souvenez-vous, Netflix avait annoncé une augmentation du prix de son abonnement mensuel passant ainsi de 8,99€ à 9,99€ pour la version 2 écrans. Cette augmentation n’était pas appliquée pour ceux […]

L'article Netflix : Augmentation du tarif pour les abonnés les plus anciens est la propriété de Anne sur WebLife - Actualités internet, high-tech & startups.

Le: 26 07 2016 à 07:28 FrenchWeb.fr Auteur: La rédaction

A eux quatre, les GAFA pèsent désormais plus que les quarante premières valorisations du CAC 40. En 2016,...

Le: 26 07 2016 à 07:01 presse-citron.net Auteur: Emmanuel Ghesquier

Cyanogen mobile vise la troisième place des OSCela ne va pas fort chez Cyanogen, le célèbre fork d’Android. L’entreprise pourrait se séparer de 20% de ses salariés, mais elle aurait également une stratégie pour se refaire une nouvelle santé.

Le: 26 07 2016 à 07:00 presse-citron.net Auteur: Eric

vignetteQuelles sont les différences entre les fonds d'investissement français et US, et comment bien se positionner pour mettre toutes les chances de son côté quand on cherche à lever des fonds pour sa startup.

Le: 26 07 2016 à 05:49 webappers.com Auteur: Ray Cheung

Advertise here via BSA

Most everyone working or training in the technology field understands that they will be changing jobs every three years—this is part of being involved in the fastest growing and most lucrative industry in the world. Indeed, the top employment site in the world, has created a special site just for tech: Indeed Prime. Indeed Prime […]

The post Apply to Top Tech Companies with 1 Application appeared first on WebAppers.


Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications

Le: 26 07 2016 à 05:00 Web Design Shock Auteur: juliasmith


A minimal WordPress theme for blogs that is completely responsive and suitable for all devices. The theme is optimized and tested for fast page load times, and it has a secure and clean code.

The post Edge: Minimal Free WordPress Theme appeared first on ByPeople.

Le: 26 07 2016 à 02:30 Web Design Shock Auteur: JamieMiller

css-js-musical-chord-progression-arpeggiatorA quick way to sketch out musical chord progressions made in CSS and JavaScript (Babel). It uses a Scale Generator and Arpeggio Pattern Generator created by the same guy, Jake Albaugh, and it also takes advantage of Tone.js. This is a very useful tool for musicians and composers.

The post CSS & JS Musical Chord Progression Arpeggiator appeared first on ByPeople.

Le: 26 07 2016 à 00:24 Web Design Shock Auteur: PeteHoollahan


A sports watch app design made in Photoshop. The app design has suitable smart objects and vectors for easy modification, and it includes beautiful Apple Watch mockups. Icons and fonts are included as well.

The post Woospo: Sport Watch App PSD User Interface Design appeared first on ByPeople.

Le: 26 07 2016 à 00:07 Web Design Shock Auteur: MaxiGutierrez


The Rapture Startup is a simple HTML template for a website. It was designed for start-up companies focused on travelling and adventure. It has a clean layout with header, categories, features, search, team, blog, contact and more. Download file weighs 208MB.

The post The Rapture Startup: Simple HTML Web Template appeared first on ByPeople.