Il est parfois difficile de s’assurer que son site se comporte correctement vis-à-vis des technologies d’assistance dont peuvent se servir les visiteurs en situation de handicap pour parcourir le web. Ces technologies peuvent revêtir diverses formes : aides logicielles (lecteurs d’écran, loupes) ou matérielles (souris, claviers, micros, trackballs, plage Braille, etc.). Pour faciliter la … →
La rivalité entre Meerkat et Periscope s’intensifie.
Une bonne nouvelle pour les annonceurs et pour les mobinautes.
Every week we feature a set of comics created exclusively for WDD. The content revolves around web design, blogging and funny situations that we encounter in our daily lives as designers. These great cartoons are created by Jerry King, an award-winning cartoonist who’s one of the most published, prolific and versatile cartoonists in the world […]
A highly configurable javascript library for creating “twinkling star” effects. You can easily customize every aspect of it to fit the needs of your website. You can apply the effect […]
The post Starlight.js : JavaScript Twinkling Visual Effect Library appeared first on jQuery Rain.
overHang.js is a JQuery plugin that displays sleek, instant notifications, confirmations or prompts inside a given element.
The post overHang.js : jQuery Notifications, Prompts and Confirmations Plugin appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Outline is a clean and simple, responsive CSS starter boilerplate. It’s modular and mobile-first, and built with SASS.
jQuery plugin that dynamically sticks content headers and footers to the top and bottom of viewport.
The post jQuery Sticky Hooters appeared first on jQuery Rain.
A simple font made free by Work Ins Studio, available as TTF format and including uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and additional glyphs. The font is licensed under the SIL Open Font License (OFL).
The post Variane: Handwritten Script Typeface appeared first on ByPeople.
A cool flat HTML template which makes use of images and little chunks of text. It has a single page design, which makes ti great for corporate and portfolio sites. I has areas for logo, blog, services, contact and more.
The post Retrospect: Beautiful Flat HTML Template appeared first on ByPeople.