A website that has an original look stands out from the rest. CSS buttons therefore are important. Perhaps they are even trivial to implement using basic CSS and jQuery events. However, creating any high-quality work requires a thorough examination of the ingredients. This tutorial is a direct excerpt from my tutorial e-book. This is from [...]
Découvrez le travail de Jonathan Kim, directeur artistique spécialisé dans le motion design et la 3D. Né dans l’état de New York aux USA, Jonathan Kim dit avoir passer sa scolarité a remplir ses cahiers de dessins et autres croquis. … Continuer la lecture
A sa sortie, téléphone crée par Apple était une véritable prouesse technique. Mais il faut bien l’avouer, même si l’iPhone est un bel objet, il n’est pas exempt de défauts. La preuve, voici 5 choses que je déteste sur l’iPhone...
Ma revue Web hebdomadaire : trouver les fichiers de musique en double, responsive design, suivre les jeux olympiques de Londres, transformer Windows 7 en Mac OSX... Related posts:
Pluginception is a WordPress plugin that lets you quickly and easily create new plugins. Install, activate, and then go to the Plugins->Create a New Plugin menu to create and activate a new blank plugin, live, on your site. After the plugin is created, you’ll be taken directly to the Plugin Editor screen, to type or [...]
Sidetap is a simple framework that allows you to quickly build platform-independent mobile web interfaces.We built Sidetap to be an easy-to-use implementation of the side navigation pattern popularized by apps ...
Tagyourimages is a plugin for jQuery that lets you to make interactive your images.Now you can insert text and links on your images!.Through the tagTool you can tag your images ...
“jq.carousel” is a jQuery plugin you can implement a simple carousel and Customizable.Because they are designed to be flexible in various situations, can also be embedded in a responsive site ...
This tutorial will be more useful for those with knowledge of the basics of jQuery and CSS. The tutorial doesn’t require that much expertise in coding but at least should ...