La nouvelle commissaire européenne hérite d'un poste remanié et hautement stratégique, dans lequel elle devra se confronter aux Gafam pour faire respecter les dernières régulations européennes.
Vous en avez assez de vous arracher les cheveux en essayant de créer des expressions régulières (regex) complexes ? Vous n’êtes pas seul ! Les regex sont connues pour être difficiles à écrire et à maintenir pour nous autres, pauvres humains. Mais ne désespérez pas, car j’ai une excellente nouvelle pour vous : l’IA vient à notre rescousse avec
Au lieu de vous torturer l’esprit pendant des heures à essayer de comprendre la syntaxe ésotérique des regex, vous n’avez qu’à décrire en langage naturel ce que vous voulez extraire et comme par magie, génèrera pour vous une expression régulière propre, lisible et efficace, accompagnée d’un exemple de code.
One of the main laws that applies to almost everything in our lives, including building digital products, is Murphy’s Law: “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.” Our goal is to prevent things from going wrong and, if they do, mitigate the consequences. In this article, Victor Ponamarev explores different strategies for preventing users from making mistakes.
Today, we’ll create a simple game using PhaserJS and ReactJS. Despite the simplicity of the game, we will cover all the key aspects of game development with PhaserJS. We’ll explore concepts like scenes, prefabs, how to integrate PhaserJS with ReactJS, how to add third-party libraries and components, and how to use tweens for animations.
In the evolving landscape of digital business, two key concepts often get confused: digital product design and web design. While they may seem similar at first glance, both involve different approaches, skill sets, and end goals. This blog will explore the differences between digital product design and web design, helping you understand which fits your business needs and when.
The need for user research and design professionals to connect their work’s value to the larger business’ goals is paramount to the future of the field, says Devin Harold—a design and UX leader whose career has included roles at companies such as Capital One and Verizon.
Open is a free Figma template for building professional websites for your startup, featured by a dark layout and beautiful typography.
The post Open: Free Figma Landing Page Template appeared first on Freebiesbug.