Mozilla a décidé de lancer Codemoji, une application éducative avec des emojis pour apprendre les bases du chiffrement.
Useful sample for JavaScript that adds a scroll in order to update the inbox notifications by drag & dropping. The interface is also made for the user to play around while checking the mail with the implementation of smooth animations.
The post JavaScript Inbox Refresh Scroll appeared first on ByPeople.
You've probably worked on interactive components before, like sliders, galleries or interactive forms. While you might be creating these on a site-by-site basis, one great time saver is to build your functionality as a jQuery plugin to speed up your development.
jQuery plugins let you define your functionality once and then drop it into your projects as needed, getting you up and running faster.
We're going to look at how to build your own jQuery plugin. We'll look at all the areas you need to know to get you up and running building plugins in no time.
We'll be using a plugin I've created called fancytoggle to showcase the different parts of a plugin. It's a simple plugin for toggling the visibility of nested elements, such as list items, to create accordion-style widgets for things like FAQs. The overall idea is about the concepts of plugins, but this example should help you see how it all works in practice.
See the Pen FancyToggle by SitePoint (@SitePoint) on CodePen.
The core concept here is to create something extensible that you can add to your projects to give you quick functionality. jQuery's plugin functionality simplifies the process of building reusable code.
One of the strengths of these plugins is that they let the developer define several options that can be used to customize the functionality. You might create several options that change the way your plugin operates entirely, or you might just define a few to give the user a bit more control for styling or layout. With plugins, this choice will be up to you.
Let's run through the steps needed to register a new jQuery plugin. We'll use our example plugin, fancyToggle, so you can see how it's all put together.
jQuery plugins work by registering a function with the name you want to call to trigger your plugin (for example, you call jQuery's inbuilt .width()
or .height()
functions when you want the width / height returned)
We attach our function to jQuery's $.fn
object to make it available to the global $
object. This registers our function and lets it be called on objects or selections.
//registering our function
$.fn.fancytoggle = function(){
// ...
That's all there is to it! You now have a new method you can call from jQuery's $
object. Right now, it won't do anything, but you can call this method wherever you like, for example on a selector:
//Call fancytoggle on this element
You can register as many functions as you want with $.fn
, however its good practice to avoid registering more than one function unless the plugin does distinctly different tasks.
An important thing to understand is that when your plugin is called it might be applying itself to either a single element or to several. For example with our plugin, if we are applying fancytoggle()
to several different items we will have a collection to process within our function.
To process each element we just need to loop through the collection using jQuery's $.each
Continue reading %Introduction to Developing jQuery Plugins%
Autre start-up, autre robot intelligent ! Cette fois c’est la société Pillo Health qui a dévoilé son robot Pillo ? Une machine capable de reconnaître chaque membre de la famille et de s’occuper de sa santé !
Les 7 infos de la journée qu’il ne fallait pas manquer.
Regardless if you are a business company or a freelancer, you will certainly need an invoice to bill your customers. An invoice is not an optional item for a business, and havig a unique invoice will surely show professionalism. Invoice templates are useful because they can shorten the often complicated billing process. A well-designed invoice template can play […]
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SpeedHunter Line is a font with an original and simple concept that is great for use in modern but at the same time for retro/vintage projects.
The post SpeedHunter Line: Retro Vintage Font appeared first on ByPeople.
Universum a sondé des étudiants du monde entier suivant une formation d'ingénieur pour connaître leur employeur idéal. Certains acteurs de l'informatique brillent, mais d'autres voient leur attractivité décliner.
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Who doesn't like to get 2 things for buying one on the go? Since we know that you are one of those, we bring you a juicy deal, our friends at Cruzine Design created this amazing pack: 2x1 Ultimate Backgrounds Toolkit Complete Edition, featuring over 600 different backgrounds with the highest resolution ever (5184x3456) and various PSD templates for you to be inspired in the creation of impressive and eye-catchy scenes.
Crisp your mind with this beautiful deal and start scrolling!
The post 2×1 Deal, Ultimate Backgrounds Toolkit Complete Edition: 2 Crispy Sets For Only $19 (80% off from original price!) appeared first on ByPeople.
Cette nouvelle fonctionnalité de Google risque de ne pas plaire à Ookla.
Par Clarisse Moisand, fondatrice de WEDO Studios.
Cela fait quelques années déjà que le test d'intrusion est bien installé dans les mœurs des DSI. Quelques-un en ont mené de front, certains les ont encadrés, observés, et la plupart ont au moins eu écho de la présence pas rassurante d'un "pentesteur" dans les locaux ; pire : sur le réseau. Il attaque et > Lire la suite
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An experiment where grid items get revealed and unrevealed with animated, morphing SVG paths using anime.js.
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The hover’s positive impact on user experience makes it a popular feature in modern eCommerce websites. The hover effect is generally used to offer added information. And do so instantly, or to guide the user towards a call to action; saving clicks in the process in both cases. Hence, it’s not at all difficult to […]
The post How important are Hover Effects in a Good Online Shop? appeared first on WebAppers.
Drizzle is a streamlined tool for the development, documentation, and presentation of UI pattern libraries. It’s built on Node.js.
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Cette nouvelle solution de sécurité, développée en France, s'adressera notamment à l'armée.
J'sais pas si vous avez vu, mais dans la dernière version de Waze (Android pour moi), il y a une nouvelle fonctionnalité bien cool qui s'appelle les trajets planifiés. À partir des datas collectées chaque jours par Waze, celui-ci est capable d'estimer une heure de départ pour arriver pile-poil à l'heure de votre choix. Par > Lire la suite
Cet article merveilleux et sans aucun égal intitulé : Nouvelle fonctionnalité dans Waze : Les trajets planifiés ; a été publié sur Korben, le seul site qui t'aime plus fort que tes parents.
Facebook lance une extension Chrome qui permet de sauvegarder un lien sur son réseau social.
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Dynamic Table jQuery Plug-in – A table that can be sorted, filtered and edited, similar to common spreadsheet application. Features: Spreadsheet feel Load data via AJAX Paged scrolling (handles easily […]
The post Dynamic Table : jQuery Plugin appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Le bouton Like de Facebook a changé d’apparence. Et il pourrait augmenter les taux d’engagement de vos sites web.
The 360 Virtual Tour PHP is a mobile ready responsive php script for displaying 360 degree virtual tours directly in the Browser. Now there is no need to segregate the […]
The post 360 Virtual Tour PHP & JavaScript appeared first on jQuery Rain.
The Aspiration Summit Checking Account is an online-only bank account with no fees, no minimum balance and no minimum monthly deposit requirements. Money magazine recently named it the ‘Best Checking Account in America’. The Summit Account yields up to 1.00% interest, which is 100 times more than what the Big Banks offer! It’s the perfect […]
The post Aspiration — The Best Checking Account in America appeared first on WebAppers.
Étonnamment, le mobile apparaît comme le grand oublié des professionnels du marketing, d'après les Tendances Digitales 2016 E-consultancy et Adobe.
Alors que Twitter se lançait à son tour dans les stickers à coller sur les photos en début de semaine, le réseau social annonce une nouveauté supplémentaire qui a de […]
L'article Twitter lance son app Dashboard pour les PME/TPE est la propriété de Baptiste sur WebLife - Actualités internet, high-tech & startups.
A d3-based parallel coordinates plot in canvas.
The post d3-based Parallel Coordinates Plot appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Les Toulousains développent un «essaim de drones» de contrôle pour les avions sur le marché de la maintenance évalué à plus de 40 milliards de dollars.
A free template that uses bootstrap 3 featuring a tab schedule, pricing table, contact form, google map which is perfect for any health or fitness websites.
The post Health & Fitness Website Template appeared first on ByPeople.