A PSD restaurant menu template created by Behance user Mushfiq Islam. The menu uses several fonts, among which you can find Aleo and Museum Sans with a smooth color usage as well. it has a featured image with logo, image bar, dishes information, contact, and footer. It can be used to create a website or […]
The post One Page PSD Menu Template appeared first on ByPeople.
An analytics user interface kit comes in PSD format with vectors for easy edition. The design mixes dark with light, creating a nice mood. It includes sparklines, wavy graphics, numbers, pie charts, profile box and other design elements. This is a freebie by Balkan Brothers.
The post Analytics Dashboard UI PSD KIT appeared first on ByPeople.
An ultra-flat child theme for WordPress. Since it is a child theme, you’ll need to download the Flounder theme before. This is a minimally styled theme for bloggers with colorful design and support for several post formats. It takes all the good stuff of Flounder, adding some great capabilities. This theme was created by Michael […]
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tdMarco is a WordPress theme with a Pinterest style. It comes with various design elements with easy and customizable options. It includes custom colors and social icons. The theme is free and was created by WordPress user tasko.
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Créée en 2008 par sept professionnels du secteur de santé, dont cinq médecins allergologues, Eassafe est une startup internet qui délivre des informations sur les ingrédients et la composition des produits alimentaires et des produits cosmétiques. Tout en poursuivant ses développements techniques, que les fondateurs ont patiemment conduits en parallèle de leurs activités professionnelles car [...]
Matchbook is a free template with minimal style and dark ambiance. It has been created with HTML, leaving aside distracting elements and gathering only relevant parts like the about area, the main portfolio area and the contact area. This is a free template.
The post Matchbook: Dark Minimalistic HTML Template appeared first on ByPeople.
A library that helps you create canvas and DOM animations with the help of JavaScript. It also uses CSS animations for modern browsers. With it you can create animated graphs, confetti, tweening Octocat, iOS7 riff (JavaScript DOM animation); you can even make pie charts.
The post Rekapi: JavaScript Keyframe Animation Library appeared first on ByPeople.
Snowflake is a gorgeous winter-themed user interface kit consisting of white and blue shades of colors. It was created especially for Sketch, although you can find a version for Photoshop, and it includes menu, widgets, weather, social sharing icons, calendar, search, profile box, and content widget, buttons, among other design elements. You can use it […]
The post Snowflake: Minimal Sketch & PSD UI Kit appeared first on ByPeople.
Skyline is a compelling kit for starters that helps you in the process of creating CSS frameworks. It allows and maintains a robust CSS architecture that can be used as a base of your newly created designs. It is written in SCSS using the BEM notation, and it’s object-oriented. It is licensed under MIT.
The post Skyline: CSS Frameworks Building Starter Kit appeared first on ByPeople.
This template was made in HTML and it has so many elements you just stop counting. It is a landing page and responsive template that can be used as a portfolio, a resume for a freelancer, or simply for bloggers. The template has spaces for Latest News, App Showcase, Skills, Quotes, Map and many more […]
The post Beetle: Responsive HTML Template appeared first on ByPeople.
Teracy is a compelling user interface kit for creating websites. It can be used for both developers and designers to create magical and radically new website concepts or mobile apps. It has been created for Sketch, and includes the most common UI elements for web projects like buttons, menus, Nav bars, switches and many more. […]
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These are part of a set of badges for the App Store, Google Play market and Amazon store. They are created with a nice minimal style, loosely based on the one Apple provides for developers and designers. They have a black background, complemented with the logos of the respective stores. They are set to be […]
The post Free Vector Online Store Badges appeared first on ByPeople.
Newsted is a responsive and multi-purpose two column theme made especially for blogs, personal and companies’ websites. It has a totally customizable homepage thanks to 3 widget areas, giving you the possibility to add a header image, text and a button. Posts are set to be shown in a clean way, highlighting your content and […]
The post Newsted: Clean Bloggers WordPress Theme appeared first on ByPeople.
This is a simple CSS and JavaScript snippet for creating a hover effect. It has the quality of identifying what element is hovered over next and that way it goes towards that direction (only up, down, left and right); this makes this hover effect kind of intuitive, although it is just a mind trick. It […]
The post Slide In: Intuitive CSS & jQuery Hover Effect appeared first on ByPeople.
A single mockup for a business card made in PSD format. This template includes the regular photograph of a stack of cards, complemented with a blue background, perfect for showing your design to a potential client or to showcase your creations. The mockup also includes a smart object, which means you can easily add the […]
The post Stack Letterpress Business Cards PSD MockUp appeared first on ByPeople.
Intergalactic is a neat WordPress theme was made especially for bloggers and writers. It has a single column layout and simple navigation to access any part of the site easily. Also, it includes several images in HD, and it gives your content the relevance it needs. You can use it personally and commercially.
The post Intergalactic: Free Flat WordPress Theme appeared first on ByPeople.
UI Tiles is a simple kit for creating flowcharts and wireframes in a visual way. It is great for sitemaps and information showcase around the web, it includes 72 screens for saving time, includes popular formats like AI, PSD, sketch and others, it has an elegant design and it is easy to use and customize.
The post UI Tiles: AI & PSD Wireframing Elements appeared first on ByPeople.
The concept of this website is really simple: it works as a tool for helping people dealing with text formatting on CMS’s. You just copy what you need, paste it into your CMS and there you go, you can work using it as a base. It gives you three views: display, HTML and Markdown, so […]
The post Poor Man’s Online Frontend Styleguide appeared first on ByPeople.
soma.js is a scalable JavaScript framework which purpose is to create and maintain upgradable JavaScript applications. It divides the creation process into modules, which make the overall project easy to modify if some piece goes wrong, and you can make it even bigger over time. It can be used without restriction as noted in its […]
The post soma.js: Scalable JavaScript Framework appeared first on ByPeople.
MaterialUI is an online color palette for developers and designers which helps them quickly copy and paste the color codes of Material user interface. It is intended for branding, allowing to select multiple colors to create a multiplatform identity and then download the swatches in a zip file. This tool is free, and the resulting […]
The post Material Design Online Color Palette appeared first on ByPeople.
Vous pensez bien connaitre Spotify ? Peut-être, mais essayez quand même ces trucs et astuces, certains pourraient vous surprendre.
A beautiful set of CSS transforms and transitions compressed within a jQuery plugin that allows you to show stacks of cards in different ways. Among its effects, you can find fan right and left, rotated spread (horizontal and vertical), linear spread right and left, and many more. remember they only work in browsers that support […]
The post Baraja: Card Spreading jQuery Plugin appeared first on ByPeople.
This is a free Metro- inspired theme for bloggers and occasional writers. The theme has a clean style, it’s responsive and it lets the user focus on writing instead of worrying about design. It’s organized and includes various widgets like calendar, recent posts, archive and others. Among its features, we can find a responsive design, […]
The post Blogghiamo: Metro-Style Blog WordPress Theme appeared first on ByPeople.
This is a JavaScript database that allows you to sync the data you gather even if you’re not connected. It works by storing data locally while offline, and once online it syncs it with CouchDB and compatible servers. It is cross-browser, working on Safari Firefox, Chrome, Opera and others; it is lightweight, easy to use […]
The post PouchDB: Open Source JavaScript Database appeared first on ByPeople.
Top Mag is a simple, responsive content-focused magazine WordPress theme. It includes several characteristics like a top menu, featured image slider, thumbnails with caption, and widgets. The theme is free, it comes with options to manage general settings, logo and it is highly customizable. It was created by FasterThemes.
The post Top Mag: Free Magazine WordPress Theme appeared first on ByPeople.
A look back at the previous year with a summary of Codrops resources. Thank you all for supporting us!
A Look Back at 2014: Round-up of Codrops Resources was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops.
De nombreuses améliorations et nouveautés vont pointer le bout de leur nez dans la prochaine version du système d’exploitation de Microsoft, à savoir Windows 10. Et du côté du navigateur […]
L'article Spartan : Le remplaçant d’Internet Explorer pour Windows 10 est la propriété de Baptiste sur WebLife - Actualités internet, high-tech & startups.
Petite astuce de fin d’année… Si vous avez un jour eu dans les mains, un livre papier que nous avions édité, vous êtes probablement tombé sur sur une série de chiffres un peu étrange… Pas de panique ! Si vous n’avez pas eu le temps de lire l’avant-propos de votre livre, voici un petit récapitulatif.
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Microsoft préparerait le lancement de Spartan, nouveau navigateur qui serait introduit avec Windows 10.
Il a 22 ans, s'appelle Aktarer Zaman et il a mis au point un comparateur de billets d'avion qui permet d'obtenir des tarifs de folie. La technique utilisée par Skiplagged.com et baptisée "hidden city" n'est pas orthodoxe, mais complètement légale. Son moteur permet de réserver des vols avec escale sauf qu'au lieu d'aller jusqu'au bout, […]
Cet article merveilleux et sans aucun égal intitulé : Un comparateur de billets d’avion poursuivi pour être trop malin ; a été publié sur Korben, le seul site qui t'aime plus fort que tes parents.
50 Partners, l’International Startup Festival, et la Société d’Exploitation de la Tour Eiffel organisent l'Elevator World Tour Paris dans les ascenseurs de la Tour Eiffel.
Si vous ne savez pas comment vous occuper durant vos longues soirées d’hiver, alors voilà l’article qu’il vous faut.
I’m going to recreate a Dynamic Pricing Table inspired by the pricing table from Website Chef. The main point of this is to have an editable list of options that […]
The post Dynamic Pricing Table with CSS3 & jQuery appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Google dévoilait il y a quelques jours AdWords Editor 11, soit la plus importante mise à jour de l’application depuis son lancement en 2006. L’outil de management de campagnes Google […]
L'article Google AdWords : AdWords Editor 11 dans les bacs est la propriété de Baptiste sur WebLife - Actualités internet, high-tech & startups.
This jQuery plugin provides responsive tab functionality. The tabs transform to an accordion when it reaches a CSS breakpoint. Features: Tabs transform to accordion based on breakpoint Uses javascript / […]
The post jQuery Responsive Tabs appeared first on jQuery Rain.
In this quick tutorial we’re going to use jQuery and make a simple sticky navigation. With that done, we’ll improve on our efforts by using jQuery Waypoints to make the […]
The post jQuery Sticky Navigation with Smooth Effect appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Présentation d’un jeu incontournable pour tous possesseurs de Xbox One : Halo The Master Chief Collection.
Je pars en déplacement à la fin de la semaine, et comme je n'aurai qu'une connexion d'hôtel probablement vérolée, ça m'a pris comme une envie de pisser de me monter un petit VPN. Mais j'avais quelques exigences dignes d'une princesse monégasque ! Je n'ai pas envie de chercher un VPN de confiance (pour peu que […]
Cet article merveilleux et sans aucun égal intitulé : Comment s’installer un petit VPN maison quand on n’est pas un gros barbu ; a été publié sur Korben, le seul site qui t'aime plus fort que tes parents.
Chroma.js is a JavaScript library for doing all sorts of color manipulations. It lets you initiate and manipulate colors, work with all kinds of color scales, and much more.
Every month we bring you the best new apps, frameworks, design and mobile resources, business resources, and more. Now that 2014 is coming to a close, we’ve compiled a roundup of the best of what we’ve featured this year, a total of 70 resources, carefully curated to make sure it’s the best of the best! […]
Comme tous ceux qui bossent dans le référencement en indépendant ou en agence, un jour ou l’autre vous avez du avoir une demande farfelue. (Je dis une, mais certains chanceux en reçoivent régulièrement) Une demande farfelue c’est quoi ? Celle qui est complètement déconnecter de la réalité comme par exemple bonjour je viens de lancer [...]
L'article 2015: le SEO n’aura jamais été aussi cher !!! appartient au site Visibilité Référencement.
Lorsque vous utilisez iTunes, il est fortement probable d’acheter une application par mégarde ou de simplement se tromper de contenu. Sachez qu’Apple vous permet désormais de faire appel à votre […]
L'article Produits iTunes : 14 jours pour se faire rembourser est la propriété de Anne sur WebLife - Actualités internet, high-tech & startups.
Google continue encore et toujours de dominer le classement de l'audience mobile publiée par Médiamétrie//Netratings avec près de 29,9 millions de visiteurs uniques.
C’est le 24 juillet dernier que la firme de Mountain View déployait Google Pigeon aux Etats-Unis, une mise à jour de l’algorithme de son célèbre moteur de recherche ayant pour […]
L'article Google Pigeon : Déploiement au Royaume-Uni, Canada & Australie est la propriété de Baptiste sur WebLife - Actualités internet, high-tech & startups.
En plus d’être le film de fiction ayant contenu le plus de « fuck », Le Loup de Wall Street est également le film le plus piraté en 2014.
En plus d’être le film de fiction ayant contenu le plus de « fuck », Le Loup de Wall Street est également le film le plus piraté en 2014.
Les rumeurs disaient ainsi vrai. Le constructeur chinois Xiaomi a bénéficié d’un important investissement de 1,1 milliards de dollars.
Le protocole WebSocket vise à développer un canal de communication full-duplex sur un socket TCP.LOL. C'est clair non ? Vous inquiétez pas, tonton Sam est là.
Le protocole WebSocket vise à développer un canal de communication full-duplex sur un socket TCP.LOL. C'est clair non ? Vous inquiétez pas, tonton Sam est là.
Le protocole WebSocket vise à développer un canal de communication full-duplex sur un socket TCP.LOL. C'est clair non ? Vous inquiétez pas, tonton Sam est là.
Le protocole WebSocket vise à développer un canal de communication full-duplex sur un socket TCP.LOL. C'est clair non ? Vous inquiétez pas, tonton Sam est là.
Le protocole WebSocket vise à développer un canal de communication full-duplex sur un socket TCP.LOL. C'est clair non ? Vous inquiétez pas, tonton Sam est là.
Le protocole WebSocket vise à développer un canal de communication full-duplex sur un socket TCP.LOL. C'est clair non ? Vous inquiétez pas, tonton Sam est là.
textAssist is a smart text assistant jQuery script that allows you view additional information on dynamic web pages. textAssist helps web developers in making websites user-friendly. This plugin helps easily assisting users who selected some texts on your website, with fully customizable options.
The post textAssist: Smart Text jQuery Assistant appeared first on ByPeople.