Les actualités du Vendredi 30 juin 2023 dans les métiers du web - Marmits.com - Reims

Le: 30 06 2023 à 23:12 WebdesignerNews Auteur: walter153

In a blow to LGBTQ rights, the court said creative businesses can refuse to sell certain products and services if they disagree with the message the customer wishes to convey.

Le: 30 06 2023 à 22:40 WebdesignerNews Auteur: walter153

Ten years after its untimely death, the team that built the much-beloved feed reader reflects on what went wrong and what could have been.  

Le: 30 06 2023 à 21:55 Web Design Shock Auteur: Admin

A brand new collection of Procreate brushes featuring 900+ stamps with terrazzo, inking, topographic, acrylic and many other styles

Le: 30 06 2023 à 21:21 WebdesignerNews Auteur: benjie

What do recruiters look for in a UX candidate? We surveyed a few. Use their insights to dig deeper in your resume, portfolio, and storytelling.

Le: 30 06 2023 à 21:15 WebdesignerNews Auteur: walter153

Three strikes and you’re out

Le: 30 06 2023 à 21:02 WebdesignerNews Auteur: walter153

TikTok could be launching an online retail store in the U.S. as early as next month. The in-app shopping section would feature TikTok’s own line of products — supplied by manufacturers in China — allowing the company to compete directly with Amazon, Shein, Temu and other major e-commerce platforms.

Le: 30 06 2023 à 20:43 WebdesignerNews Auteur: walter153

The capabilities of AI chatbots are growing rapidly. But can they code yet, and which is better at the task?

Le: 30 06 2023 à 20:08 WebdesignerNews Auteur: walter153

Users are urged to go on My Photo Stream – which is accessible through Apple’s Photos app – and save the contents to their device

Le: 30 06 2023 à 20:01 WebdesignerNews Auteur: walter153

Where basic search displays a list of results, advanced search enables users to refine their search queries for highly targeted results using filters, facet selection, and other parameters. This filtering lets users find specific information faster than sifting through queries–especially when there is vast content.

Le: 30 06 2023 à 19:59 WebdesignerNews Auteur: walter153

Pretty realistic!

Le: 30 06 2023 à 19:00 WebdesignerNews Auteur: walter153

In the realm of product design, I’ve come to recognise that there’s a unique blend of skills and perspectives that distinguish the top 1% of designers. It’s not a secret formula, but a mindset and approach that can be cultivated.  

Le: 30 06 2023 à 18:30 Journal du Net Développeurs

TARIF GAZ. A compter de ce samedi 1er juillet 2023 s'en est fini du tarif règlementé du gaz. Les particuliers peuvent alors changer de contrat ou de fournisseur. Si vous ne faites rien, vous serez redirigé automatiquement vers une offre passerelle de votre fournisseur actuel. Engie, EDF, Total énergie... Découvrez quelle offre est la plus avantageuse.

Le: 30 06 2023 à 18:09 WebdesignerNews Auteur: walter153

Which is unfortunate because it’s an improvement on the current one.

Le: 30 06 2023 à 18:03 Journal du Net Développeurs

Un rapport de l'Assurance Maladie dévoilé le 29 juin révèle son plan d'action pour faire face au nombre croissant d'arrêts maladie. 200 millions d'euros pourraient ainsi être économisés en 2023. Explications.

Le: 30 06 2023 à 17:57 WebdesignerNews Auteur: walter153

Penpot wants to make design-dev collaboration easier

Le: 30 06 2023 à 17:54 WebdesignerNews Auteur: walter153

Adobe’s very first MAX event in London shared how generative AI can be integrated into creative practices, alongside inspiring talks from leading industry voices.

Le: 30 06 2023 à 17:53 WebdesignerNews Auteur: walter153

We love the simplicity and elegance of this design. It’s enhanced with smooth animations and an interesting menu hover effect. Our pick this week.

Le: 30 06 2023 à 15:59 Journal du Net Développeurs

Les RSSI sont confrontés à des écosystèmes de plus en plus complexes, avec des cyber-risques en constante augmentation. Pour garder le contrôle, il leur faut établir des priorités stratégiques.

Le: 30 06 2023 à 15:45 Journal du Net Développeurs

François-Xavier Préaut, directeur général d'Outbrain pour l'Europe du Sud et l'Amérique Latine, revient sur le lancement d'Onyx, solution dédiée aux campagnes de notoriété chez les grands groupes médias basée sur l'attention et facturée au CPM

Le: 30 06 2023 à 15:25 Journal du Net Développeurs

Après avoir été accueillie comme la plus grande révolution depuis les années 1980, ChatGPT semble désormais répudiée. Si chaque progrès a toujours suscité son lot d'inquiétudes, comment l'expliquer ?

Le: 30 06 2023 à 14:18 Journal du Net Développeurs

Dans la guerre d'influence que se livrent les Eats, les entreprises sont souvent suspectées de collision avec l'ennemi. Pour continuer à se développer en occident, Kaspersky redouble d'efforts.

Le: 30 06 2023 à 13:59 Journal du Net Développeurs

Pour faciliter l'adoption des grands modèles de langage en entreprise, Microsoft Azure, AWS et Google Cloud ont multiplié ces derniers mois le lancement de services dédiés. Tour d'horizon des offres des trois hyperscalers américains.

Le: 30 06 2023 à 13:00 Journal du Net Développeurs

Alors que la plus importante plateforme d'échange crypto au monde vient d'être attaquée en justice par la SEC aux Etats-Unis, l'écosystème crypto français semble au contraire considérer Binance comme un partenaire de choix.

Le: 30 06 2023 à 09:00 korben.info Auteur: Korben

Si vous êtes férus d’impression 3D vous connaissez ce fameux format de fichier : le STL. Et parfois, il arrive que certains de ces fichiers STL soient corrompus. Pas cool ! Mais heureusement, j’ai pour vous un super outil en ligne qui vous fera gagner un temps précieux en vous … Suite

Le: 30 06 2023 à 08:34 Journal du Net Développeurs

La fiche de paie, ou bulletin de salaire, est un document transmis par l'employeur à un salarié pour attester du versement de sa rémunération. Une nouvelle information doit y figurer à partir du 1er juillet.

Le: 30 06 2023 à 08:19 freebiesbug.com Auteur: Pasquale Vitiello

Free GitHub UI kit for Figma

A free UI kit that replicates the design of GitHub (both landing and repository pages). The freebie reproduces 18+ screens built with Figma.

The post Free GitHub UI kit for Figma appeared first on Freebiesbug.

Le: 30 06 2023 à 08:16 FrenchWeb.fr Auteur: LA REDACTION DE FRENCHWEB.FR

BREAKING NEWS: Au Canada, GOOGLE décide de retirer les liens vers les medias, arguant que me projet de loi C-18 est inapplicable et que les discussions avec le gouvernement Canadien ne leurs donne pas donné de raisons de croire que le processus réglementaire pourra résoudre les problèmes structurels de la législation. Une décision qui fait …

L’article GOOGLE CLOUD loin derrière AWS et MICROSOFT / 1,3 milliards de dollars pour INFLECTION AI / YOU TUBE veut upgrader ses utilisateurs dotés d’ADBLOCKER est apparu en premier sur FRENCHWEB.FR.

Le: 30 06 2023 à 08:03 Journal du Net Développeurs

Bien mené, l'entretien est un pivot riche pour le salarié autant que pour son employeur. Il convient donc de tirer profits des ressources qu'il met en lumière.

Le: 30 06 2023 à 07:59 Journal du Net Développeurs

Depuis des années, l'imminence du remplacement de l'homme par les machines dans de nombreux secteurs est annoncée.

Le: 30 06 2023 à 06:00 Journal du Net Développeurs

PASS NAVIGO. A partir du 5 juillet vous pourrez bénéficier d'un remboursement si vous êtes titulaire d'un Pass Navigo. La Région Île-de-France souhaite dédommager les Franciliens pour les nombreuses perturbations survenues sur le réseau de transport au cours des grèves contre la réforme des retraites en 2023.

Le: 30 06 2023 à 03:38 line25.com Auteur: Iggy

Whenever we start work designing a website one of the first things we always do is throw a bunch of colors and textures onto the canvas, but sometimes a ... Read More →

The post 20 Pure Websites with Clean White Backgrounds appeared first on Line25.com.

20 Pure Websites with Clean White Backgrounds was first posted on June 29, 2023 at 7:38 pm.
©2022 "Web Design Blog Helping Website and Graphic Designers". Use of this feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this article in your feed reader, then the site is guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact me at info@line25.com

Le: 30 06 2023 à 03:38 line25.com Auteur: Iggy

In the world of web design and graphic design, there is a time when using all CAPS fonts in your project makes perfect sense. Today we look at the ... Read More →

The post 20+ Free ALL CAPS Fonts for Designers appeared first on Line25.com.

20+ Free ALL CAPS Fonts for Designers was first posted on June 29, 2023 at 7:38 pm.
©2022 "Web Design Blog Helping Website and Graphic Designers". Use of this feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this article in your feed reader, then the site is guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact me at info@line25.com

Le: 30 06 2023 à 03:38 line25.com Auteur: HR

SEO metrics for web designers have more to do with design than most basic search engine techniques used by everyday individuals trying to build their first website with a ... Read More →

The post SEO Metrics That All Web Designers Should Know appeared first on Line25.com.

SEO Metrics That All Web Designers Should Know was first posted on June 29, 2023 at 7:38 pm.
©2022 "Web Design Blog Helping Website and Graphic Designers". Use of this feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this article in your feed reader, then the site is guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact me at info@line25.com

Le: 30 06 2023 à 03:37 line25.com Auteur: Iggy

Whether you’re a web designer, web developer or simply a UI designer, these 25 new free HTML UI kits will surely come in handy. These free HTML UI kits ... Read More →

The post 25 Fresh Free HTML UI Kits appeared first on Line25.com.

25 Fresh Free HTML UI Kits was first posted on June 29, 2023 at 7:37 pm.
©2022 "Web Design Blog Helping Website and Graphic Designers". Use of this feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this article in your feed reader, then the site is guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact me at info@line25.com

Le: 30 06 2023 à 03:37 line25.com Auteur: HR

If you’re a web designer or graphic designer, and you need to understand the basics of HTML, then stay here for just a few minutes to get a quick ... Read More →

The post HTML Basics All Web & Graphic Designers Should Know appeared first on Line25.com.

HTML Basics All Web & Graphic Designers Should Know was first posted on June 29, 2023 at 7:37 pm.
©2022 "Web Design Blog Helping Website and Graphic Designers". Use of this feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this article in your feed reader, then the site is guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact me at info@line25.com

Le: 30 06 2023 à 03:37 line25.com Auteur: HR

Wondering where you can get free high-quality stock videos? The good news is that there are several great websites where you can download and use excellent quality stock video ... Read More →

The post Free Stock Video Websites for Top Quality Footage appeared first on Line25.com.

Free Stock Video Websites for Top Quality Footage was first posted on June 29, 2023 at 7:37 pm.
©2022 "Web Design Blog Helping Website and Graphic Designers". Use of this feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this article in your feed reader, then the site is guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact me at info@line25.com

Le: 30 06 2023 à 03:35 line25.com Auteur: Iggy

Whenever you find yourself in need of a website you have to make many choices. What kind of site – one page, multiple page site, what kind of design, ... Read More →

The post 25 Free Dreamweaver Templates for Every Website appeared first on Line25.com.

25 Free Dreamweaver Templates for Every Website was first posted on June 29, 2023 at 7:35 pm.
©2022 "Web Design Blog Helping Website and Graphic Designers". Use of this feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this article in your feed reader, then the site is guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact me at info@line25.com

Le: 30 06 2023 à 03:34 line25.com Auteur: HR

Whenever it comes to design work for a restaurant or a café, the most significant part of it is the menu design. The menu should reflect the restaurant’s or ... Read More →

The post Best Fonts to Use for Food Industry Designs appeared first on Line25.com.

Best Fonts to Use for Food Industry Designs was first posted on June 29, 2023 at 7:34 pm.
©2022 "Web Design Blog Helping Website and Graphic Designers". Use of this feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this article in your feed reader, then the site is guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact me at info@line25.com

Le: 30 06 2023 à 03:34 line25.com Auteur: Iggy

Repeating patterns are a great resource to add detail and texture to any website or interface design. Download this free pack of 12 pixel based patterns, including diagonal lines, ... Read More →

The post 12 Free Repeating Pixel Patterns for Photoshop appeared first on Line25.com.

12 Free Repeating Pixel Patterns for Photoshop was first posted on June 29, 2023 at 7:34 pm.
©2022 "Web Design Blog Helping Website and Graphic Designers". Use of this feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this article in your feed reader, then the site is guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact me at info@line25.com

Le: 30 06 2023 à 03:34 line25.com Auteur: HR

As important as small and light fonts are, strong and bold fonts are equally essential to a web designer. No designer can solely work with light fonts, as that ... Read More →

The post 22 Free Strong Fonts All Designers Should Have appeared first on Line25.com.

22 Free Strong Fonts All Designers Should Have was first posted on June 29, 2023 at 7:34 pm.
©2022 "Web Design Blog Helping Website and Graphic Designers". Use of this feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this article in your feed reader, then the site is guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact me at info@line25.com

Le: 30 06 2023 à 02:24 jqueryrain.com Auteur: Admin

The post Counter Style 243 appeared first on Best jQuery.

Le: 30 06 2023 à 02:22 jqueryrain.com Auteur: Admin

The post Link Hover Style 229 appeared first on Best jQuery.

Le: 30 06 2023 à 02:20 jqueryrain.com Auteur: Admin

The post Button Style 217 appeared first on Best jQuery.