Les actualités du Samedi 04 mai 2013 dans les métiers du web - Marmits.com - Reims

Le: 04 05 2013 à 23:00 jquery4u.com Auteur: Sam Deering

So I was being asked to include some double negation comparison operators in my JavaScript Shorthands Techniques post and decided to have a closer look at whether or not we could be using it more often in our code. See speed tests below. !! is...

Le: 04 05 2013 à 23:00 jquery4u.com Auteur: Sam Deering

My favourite Editor Sublime Text 2 has now released version 3 Beta! Woo! Official Blog Post Sublime Text 3 Page Sublime Text 3 – What’s new? Jump Back and Jump Forward – Jump Back allows you to go to previous editing positions. This goes hand...

Le: 04 05 2013 à 20:42 presse-citron.net Auteur: Camille

Vélib' avait annoncé au début du mois de février sur son blog officiel l'arrivée de l'Open data au cours du printemps. Depuis hier, les développeurs ont accès aux données.

Le: 04 05 2013 à 11:43 Webdesigner Depot Auteur: Jerry King

Every week we feature a set of comics created exclusively for WDD. The content revolves around web design, blogging and funny situations that we encounter in our daily lives as designers. These great cartoons are created by Jerry King, an award-winning cartoonist who’s one of the most published, prolific and versatile cartoonists in the world [...]

Le: 04 05 2013 à 10:47 FrenchWeb.fr Auteur: Bertrand Jouvenot

Le livre Les dessous du Web avait initialement été déposé au bord de la Tamise entre les...

Le: 04 05 2013 à 10:26 WebdesignerNews Auteur: Cameron

If you have multiple users uploading content to your site, then you really need to have a Content Security Policy, which lets you restrict where content embedded on your site can come from. This Content Security Policy Header Generator makes it simple to create your own CSP in just a few easy steps.

Le: 04 05 2013 à 08:28 jqueryrain.com Auteur: Admin

Magnific Popup is a free responsive jQuery lightbox plugin that is focused on performance and providing best experience for user with any device (Zepto.js compatible).Magnific Popup displays images before they’re ...

Le: 04 05 2013 à 08:19 jqueryrain.com Auteur: Admin

Basically setTimeout with more options in jQuery.