Sixième édition des Ressources du Web avec au programme pas mal de ressources en design, élements d’UI ou ergonomie ; de quoi améliorer les animations et interactions de vos sites grâce à JS ou revoir votre workflow grâce à quelques astuces et outils plus ou moins adaptés à vos méthodes de travail. « Allons-y ! » Inspiration Moto360 […]
In this post is a list of 4 Detect DarkLight Background jQuery Plugins. They are pretty useful for websites with dynamic backgrounds where light is used on dark backgrounds and dark used on light background. 1. BackgroundCheck Automatically switch to a darker or a lighter...
For this tutorial, we'll add something neat to my previous tutorial about augmented reality. In my opinion, AR itself is already pretty awesome, but this time we'll add some more interaction between the real world and the AR world. We'll achieve this by adding virtual buttons to the scene, which simply means that we add buttons to the AR world, which can be touched in the real world. How cool is that!
Since we're building on top of the previous tutorial, we'll be using the same technology from Vuforia. They make it pretty easy for us to achieve this effect. Let's get started!
Google rendait en début de semaine hommage au acteur, réalisateur et scénariste français Gérard Oury et à La Grande Vadrouille, au travers d’un doodle dessiné sur la page d’accueil de son […]
L'article Google : Audrey Hepburn, l’actrice en doodle est la propriété de Baptiste sur WebLife - Actualités internet, high-tech & startups.
Découvrez notre sélection des meilleurs communiqués publiés sur PowerPress durant la semaine écoulée.
Every week we tweet a lot of interesting stuff highlighting great content that we find on the web that can be of interest to web designers. The best way to keep track of our tweets is simply to follow us on Twitter, however, in case you missed some here’s a quick and useful compilation of […]
Form usability is an incredibly important topic in web design. As one of the primary input interfaces provided to users, the usability of a form is essential to a good […]
Auto create playlist from folder(s) of mp3 files Shoutcast (Internet Radio) SoundCloud (user tracks, single track, user favorites, user groups) Youtube (single video, playlist video) Official FM (single track, playlist […]
shape-shifter is an all-in-one icon element that can morph into different shapes. Pretty cool for animated icons but works for static icons, too!
CSS Vocabulary is an easy to use, interactive reference app that makes it simple to learn the various parts of CSS. It includes everything from Blocks and Comments to Type Selectors and Vendor Prefixes.
Immersive website, based on a scrolling navigation to discover features and functionality of the 4N watches.