Apple bride les iPhone lorsque la batterie vieillit. Mais bientôt, vous saurez si votre appareil est affecté et vous pourrez même désactiver ce bridage.
Voici comment on fait les captures d’écran vidéo sur un iPhone sous iOS 11.
Honor a officialisé à Paris son nouveau smartphone Honor 9 Lite, qui est disponible dans la foulée en France, à 199 euros.
Après un démarrage statique des moteurs réussi fin janvier, SpaceX est à quelques minutes d'envoyer son lanceur Flacon Heavy dans l'espace. Pour le premier essai, ce n'est autre que la Tesla Roadster d'Elon Musk qui sera lancée sur l'air Space Oddity de David Bowie !
De façon générale, le marché des tablettes continue de s’effondrer au fil des trimestres. Toutefois, l’iPad, la tablette d’Apple réussit à tirer son épingle du jeu avec 44 millions d’unités vendues.
Les entreprises qui souhaitent tirer parti de l’IA et exploiter au mieux leurs données doivent se doter d’une infrastructure de stockage parfaitement adaptée et capable de gérer les flux de données d’un cloud à un autre.
Projet très structurant et qui impacte l'ensemble des collaborateurs, la transformation des entreprises repose sur le savoir-faire des chefs de projet... extérieurs aux entreprises.
A l’occasion de la fête des amoureux, OnePlus vient de dévoiler une nouvelle version de son smartphone 5T. Le flagship est maintenant disponible en rouge très… flamboyant.
Afin de célébrer le nouvel an chinois, Apple a décidé de sortir un court-métrage entièrement filmé avec l'iPhone X. Et le résultat est magnifique.
Laurence Tosi, CFO d'Airbnb, a démissionné sur fond de désaccords avec le patron, Brian Chesky. Le site de location de logements entre particuliers a promu une femme comme COO, et décidé de ne pas entrer en Bourse en 2018.
In this tutorial, we’ll be talking about one of the most useful jQuery Bootstrap plugins, the Modal. The Bootstrap Modal is a lightweight, multi-purpose JavaScript popup that’s customizable and responsive. It can be used to display alert popups, videos, and images in a website. Websites built with Bootstrap can use the modal to showcase, for example, terms and conditions (as part of a signup process), videos (similar to a standard light box), or even social media widgets.
Now let’s examine the different parts of the Bootstrap Modal, so we can understand it better.
The Bootstrap Modal is divided into three primary sections: the header, body, and footer. Each has its own role and hence should be used accordingly. We’ll discuss these shortly. The most exciting thing about Bootstrap modals? You don’t have to write a single line of JavaScript to use them! All the code and styles are predefined by Bootstrap. All that’s required is that you use the proper markup and attributes and they just work.
The default Bootstrap Modal looks like this:
To trigger the modal, you’ll need to include a link or a button. The markup for the trigger element might look like this:
[code language="html"]
<a href="#" class="btn btn-lg btn-success" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#basicModal">
Click to open Modal
Notice the link element has two custom data attributes: data-toggle
and data-target
. The toggle tells Bootstrap what to do and the target tells Bootstrap which element is going to open. So whenever a link like that is clicked, a modal with an ID of “basicModal” will appear.
Now let’s see the code required to define the modal itself. Here’s the markup:
[code language="html"]
<div class="modal fade" id="basicModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="basicModal" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="modal-dialog">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header">
<h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">Basic Modal </h4>
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">
<span aria-hidden="true">×</span>
<div class="modal-body">
<h3>Modal Body</h3>
<div class="modal-footer">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Save changes</button>
The parent div
of the modal should have the same ID as used in the trigger element above. In our case, it would be id="basicModal"
Note: Custom attributes like aria-labelledby
and aria-hidden
in the parent modal element are used for accessibility. It’s good practice to make your website accessible to all, so you should include these attributes since they won’t negatively affect the standard functionality of the modal.
In the modal’s HTML, we can see a wrapper div
nested inside the parent modal div
. This div
has a class of modal-content
that tells bootstrap.js
where to look for the contents of the modal. Inside this div
, we need to place the three sections I mentioned earlier: the header, body, and footer.
The modal header, as the name implies, is used to give the modal a title and some other elements like the “x” close button. This should have a data-dismiss
attribute that tells Bootstrap to remove the element.
Then we have the modal body, a sibling div
of the modal header. Consider the body an open canvas to play with. You can add any kind of data inside the body, including a YouTube video embed, an image, or just about anything else.
Lastly, we have the modal footer. This area is by default right aligned. In this area you could place action buttons like “Save”, “Close”, “Accept”, etc., that are associated with the action the modal is displaying.
Now we’re done with our first modal! You can check it out on our demo page.
Continue reading %Understanding Bootstrap Modals%
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