Twitter vient d'annoncer des nouveautés relatives à la section "Rechercher". Le site de microblogging introduit ainsi la recherche instantanée à son moteur de recherche et quelques autres nouveautés également en rapport avec la recherche. Offres d'emploi Web et Freelance
Hello, Une fois n'est pas coutume, voici un petit edito en direct de la Comicon à Paris. La bise.
Des articles à lire : WordPress, optimisation de Windows 8, ouvrir ses fichiers dans Firefox, amélioration de YouTube, le dico des blogueurs, vidéo surveillance... Related posts:
This script calculates the “Twitter time” since the tweet was created this is returned from the Twitter REST API search.json in a property called ‘created_at’ (example: “Tue, 12 Jun 2012 06:24:59 +0000″). This function could be used to display the “time since” tweeted on say a Twittter Widget or such and then you could use [...]
jShowOff is a jQuery plugin for creating a rotating content module. It works by creating ‘slides’ from the child elements (eg. <li>) inside a specified wrapper element (eg. <ul>) on ...
A simple library for handling keyboard shortcuts in Javascript.Mousetrap is a standalone library with no external dependencies. It weighs in at around 1.4kb minified and gzipped.Any keyboard event that has ...
This plugin will take your Facebook presence to new heights. Its elegant look and real time stats will make people feel like they are making a difference. Aside from the ...
cssFx is a standalone polyfill that inserts the vendor-specific CSS3 properties necessary for old and new browsers. This saves you tons of time, maintenance, and bandwidth! Supported features : Box ...