Le livre Les dessous du Web avait dernièrement été déposé entre Nort Point et Causeway Bay. Ci...
Yahoo Mail continue son petit bonhomme de chemin et le service intègrera bientôt une nouvelle vue fonctionnant comme un mode multitâche, avec quelques options intéressantes.
Every week my email inbox is overflowing with marketing emails that, for the most part, are not very interesting. But a few weeks ago I got an email from the guys at LearnWebDevelopment.com that really caught my attention. I met these guys at a conference last year, and they invited me to check out their program. After spending some time with them and exchanging a slew of emails, I realized they had a pretty unique program, and this was something my readers would be interested in.
In the spirit of full disclosure, I want to be extremely transparent with my readers. Because I’m such a fan of their product I’ve partnered with them to be an affiliate to help promote their training. They offer a great product and I will receive compensation from them if you purchase their training, so it’s a win-win for everyone.
Every week we feature a set of comics created exclusively for WDD. The content revolves around web design, blogging and funny situations that we encounter in our daily lives as designers. These great cartoons are created by Jerry King, an award-winning cartoonist who’s one of the most published, prolific and versatile cartoonists in the world […]
Fin octobre dernier, Apple présentait deux nouveaux iPad : l'iPad Air d'une part et l'iPad Mini avec écran Retina d'autre part. Mais si l'iPad Air est commercialisé depuis le 1er novembre 2013, l'iPad Mini de nouvelle génération pourrait sortir plus tard que prévu. Explications...
If you use Knockout.js, then you may want to consider using Falcon.js, too, to add some structure. It incorporates models, collections, and views, making it a breeze to set up single-page web apps.
Après avoir mis en place un programme de test Bêta pour son Appli Android, Twitter va encore plus loin avec des versions Alpha de l'application proposées aux utilisateurs.
Connecting people's food pics on Instagram with street view.
A simple plugin for funky directional slide effect on rollover/click on elements.
Stepper is a lightweight jQuery plugin for step-by-step flow generator.
Using SVGs on websites is becoming more and more easy with great libraries like Snap.svg. Today we want to explore what we can do with it and animate some SVG […]