Les actualités du Samedi 09 juillet 2016 dans les métiers du web - Marmits.com - Reims

Le: 09 07 2016 à 15:46 jqueryrain.com Auteur: Admin

Fcharts is a focus on the pure JS charting library of Stock Financial.

The post FCharts : JS charting library of Stock Financial appeared first on jQuery Rain.

Le: 09 07 2016 à 15:37 jqueryrain.com Auteur: Admin

This jQuery plugin allows you to create unique and effective photo gallery or portfolio. The wide range of created configurations sets, themes and animations make this plugin enjoyable and configurable […]

The post Rotate Gallery : jQuery Portfolio Slider appeared first on jQuery Rain.

Le: 09 07 2016 à 15:27 jqueryrain.com Auteur: Admin

A jQuery plugin which makes large nested lists easier to navigate.

The post Almightree : jQuery Large Nested Lists Plugin appeared first on jQuery Rain.

Le: 09 07 2016 à 14:38 codrops Auteur: Pedro Botelho

ScrollTrigger * Elementor * Accessible SVGs * Moeditor * Places to Work * The History of the URL

Collective #227 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.

Le: 09 07 2016 à 13:31 freebiesbug.com Auteur: Pasquale Vitiello

Kube: Web framework for developers and designers

Kube is a lightweight CSS framework including many useful components - from grids to modals - and focusing on vertical rhythm and typography.

The post Kube: Web framework for developers and designers appeared first on Freebiesbug.

Le: 09 07 2016 à 13:19 WebdesignerNews Auteur: Cameron

Iterall is a set of minimal, zero-depencendy utilities for using Iterables in all JavaScript environments. It even works in old versions of Internet Explorer.

Le: 09 07 2016 à 11:04 Webdesigner Depot Auteur: Jerry King

Every week we feature a set of comics created exclusively for WDD. The content revolves around web design, blogging and funny situations that we encounter in our daily lives as designers. These great cartoons are created by Jerry King, an award-winning cartoonist who’s one of the most published, prolific and versatile cartoonists in the world […]

Le: 09 07 2016 à 10:03 cssdesignawards.com

A beautiful iPad-First website for Somlo Antiques in London with beautiful interaction and attention to detail.

Le: 09 07 2016 à 08:08 Framablog Auteur: Framatophe

Qu’est-ce qui fait courir Framasoft ? De la campagne Dégooglisons à l’initiative C.H.A.T.O.N.S quelles idées ont en tête les acteurs et soutiens de l’association ? Vous reprendrez bien une tranche de Léviathan ? Cet article est une re-publication sur le framablog, car ce … Lire la suite­­

Le: 09 07 2016 à 02:45 Webdesigner Depot Auteur: Ben Moss

In the last couple of years we’ve noticed more and more websites following the same basic format. This is typically referred to as design convergence; two designers, approaching the same problem, might reasonably arrive at the same solution—even more so, if they’re aware of each other’s work. It’s common to hear complaints from designers (rarely […]