Les actualités du Dimanche 01 mars 2015 dans les métiers du web - Marmits.com - Reims

Le: 01 03 2015 à 23:12 codrops Auteur: Pedro Botelho

Chrome Experiment #1000 * Unicoder.js * currentColor * Geomanist Regular * Clocks * Ordinals * Colorable * Stampsy

Collective #157 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.

Le: 01 03 2015 à 23:00 Web Design Shock Auteur: boundshock

Andy is a complete open source library of SASS mixins that will ease your workflow when developing projects. The idea of it is to not depend much on frameworks; You can use it for free, it was created by Gilles Bertaux.

The post Andy.scss: Open Source SASS Mixins Library appeared first on ByPeople.

Le: 01 03 2015 à 20:00 Web Design Shock Auteur: ChristinaGiles

A responsive WordPress theme perfect for blogging. It has a very simple layout, composed of a big slider, a top menu, smooth scrolling, pastel colors, widgets for multiple purposes and the regular blogging area. The theme is free and was created by Pitabas.

The post Ascent: Free Smooth WordPress Theme appeared first on ByPeople.

Le: 01 03 2015 à 18:00 Web Design Shock Auteur: RuddyPriest

jQuery.filer is a simple HTML5 File Uploader, a jQuery plugin tool that includes several features like file input changing, files after choosing upload, files validation (limit, size, extension), thumbs generation, files removing, clipboard pasting, custom callbacks and more. This plugin was created by CreativeDream.

The post jquery.filer: jQuery & CSS File Uploads Plugin appeared first on ByPeople.

Le: 01 03 2015 à 16:10 presse-citron.net Auteur: Eric

Huawei ne pouvait pas rester longtemps spectateur de l'émergence des objets connectés sans proposer à son tour sa gamme de produits. Première nouveauté du MWC : la Huawei Watch.

Le: 01 03 2015 à 16:00 Web Design Shock Auteur: SergioGalindo

A cool and free user interface made in PSD format. It has charts, calendars, profile widgets, maps pins, blog post widgets, author badges, clock widgets and more. It is focused on video games, and the PSD files are totally editable and its layers organized. The set was created by Влад Камельский and it weighs about 162MB.

The post Hero: Free PSD UI Kit appeared first on ByPeople.

Le: 01 03 2015 à 14:00 Web Design Shock Auteur: BusinessDev

A set of effects for links made in CSS3, including left to right, right to left, start centered, different top and bottom options, cool square and more. You can integrate these link styles in any project and modify them if you want. The effects were created by Brenden Palmer.

The post Cool CSS3 Link Effects appeared first on ByPeople.

Le: 01 03 2015 à 14:00 Web Design Shock Auteur: vuquangcuong

Eostre is a clean PSD template full of modern features; it can be used for different type of sites: like a landing page for weddings, dating sites, love, creative agencies, businesses and many others. Eostre was designed based on a 1170-grid system and it consists of well-organized components, making it easy to customize everything. It is only for personal use.

The post Eostre: Free Wedding PSD Template appeared first on ByPeople.

Le: 01 03 2015 à 11:30 presse-citron.net Auteur: Rédaction

La polémique engendrée par une très récente décision de Google concernant la suppression prochaine des contenus pour adultes de Blogger a fait plier le géant américain.

Le: 01 03 2015 à 10:41 Webdesigner Depot Auteur: Cameron Chapman

Every week we tweet a lot of interesting stuff highlighting great content that we find on the web that can be of interest to web designers. The best way to keep track of our tweets is simply to follow us on Twitter, however, in case you missed some here’s a quick and useful compilation of […]

Le: 01 03 2015 à 09:28 WebdesignerNews Auteur: Cameron

Simple.Timer is a jQuery countdown timer plugin. It’s easy to configure and you can customize the behavior upon the clock running out.

Le: 01 03 2015 à 09:01 cssdesignawards.com

Your housing adventure starts in your mind. The house hunters journey takes you through all stages of a process getting your dream home. The site operates in to levels making sure you get your heartbeat down and safely seal the deal.

Le: 01 03 2015 à 08:50 jqueryrain.com Auteur: Admin

A collection of fresh button styles and effects for your inspiration. We use CSS transitions and pseudo-elements for most of the effects.

The post Inspiration for Button Styles and Effects with CSS3 appeared first on jQuery Rain.

Le: 01 03 2015 à 08:41 jqueryrain.com Auteur: Admin

A fireworks animation plugin for jQuery.

The post jQuery Fireworks Plugin appeared first on jQuery Rain.

Le: 01 03 2015 à 08:38 presse-citron.net Auteur: Eric

Google a fait exploser les records dans le business des noms de domaine en achetant le .app, pour 25 millions de dollars.

Le: 01 03 2015 à 08:35 jqueryrain.com Auteur: Admin

A jQuery plugin provides appear and disappear events to do lazyload, infinite scroll or else effect.

The post jQuery Appear : Appear Disappear Events appeared first on jQuery Rain.

Le: 01 03 2015 à 05:00 Web Design Shock Auteur: EricMcClain

sksdev is a responsive WordPress theme with a neat look It includes a fixed header that uses CSS3 transitions effects. It is an HTML5 responsive layout with parallax scrolling, featuring fading images in its slider and the gallery section has a responsive lightbox. This theme was created by Sajid K.Shaikh.

The post sksdev: Free Startup WordPress Theme appeared first on ByPeople.

Le: 01 03 2015 à 03:00 Web Design Shock Auteur: LiveTVGuy

A complete HTML template for email marketing. It relies on big and high-quality images, bold texts and nice typography to generate a great impact. It can be integrated into every email marketing service and you can download it for free.

The post Responsive HTML Email Template appeared first on ByPeople.