Le monde du développement et de l’intégration web est en perpétuel mouvement, et cette sélection de liens issus de ma veille technologique le montre encore : des nouvelles de HTML5 qui prend du galon, des techniques et des réflexions sur les grands principes de conception CSS en général et des grilles de mise en pages en particulier, des effets hover à foison, du responsive web design, de la performance web, un soupçon de design, et, pour finir, quelques réflexions sur la course à l’armement dans le développement front-end initiées par deux <figures> du web francophone. HTML5 Ca y est ! […]
Every week we feature a set of comics created exclusively for WDD. The content revolves around web design, blogging and funny situations that we encounter in our daily lives as designers. These great cartoons are created by Jerry King, an award-winning cartoonist who’s one of the most published, prolific and versatile cartoonists in the world […]
Furtive is a forward-thinking CSS micro-framework that comes in at just 2.5kB. It’s mobile-first, with nearly all the dimensions done in rem, and is a great starting point for your project.
Page Walkthrough is a flexible system for designing interactive, multimedia, educational walkthroughs.
The post jQuery Page Walkthrough appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Simple Globe to put your own data with latitude/longitude
The post Animated Globe with JavaScript appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Cross browser compatible library to handle CSS3 animation and transition DOM events with a fallback pattern for unsupported browsers.For browsers that don’t support CSS3 animation or transition, faux end callbacks […]
The post CSS animation event JavaScript library appeared first on jQuery Rain.