Les actualités du Jeudi 15 aout 2013 dans les métiers du web - Marmits.com - Reims

Le: 15 08 2013 à 22:48 cssdesignawards.com

Hi,I'm a web designer and front-end developers,this is my 2013 personal site.

Le: 15 08 2013 à 21:15 Webdesigner Depot Auteur: WebdesignerDepot Staff

Tired of the same old flat design? Everywhere you look there are people offering up flat icons; some are fabulous, but far too many are derivative. Occasionally you come across a set of icons that tries to push the boundaries of the established flat design mold. Case in point: the 30 flat shopping featured here [...]


Le: 15 08 2013 à 16:15 Webdesigner Depot Auteur: WebdesignerDepot Staff

Hands down the most frustrating task in Photoshop is cutting out hair, especially when the background’s busy. For some reason it’s almost impossible to isolate hair strands convincingly and your image always looks faked. The same applies to foliage, clouds, and just about anything that isn’t a solid shape. There really isn’t a solution, other [...]


Le: 15 08 2013 à 11:48 presse-citron.net Auteur: Setra Rkt

Les ventes de smartphones ont atteint un nombre record pour Samsung au troisième trimestre. En Chine : 15 millions d’unités vendues.

Le: 15 08 2013 à 11:44 presse-citron.net Auteur: Setra Rkt

Windows 8.1 sera téléchargeable gratuitement dès le 17 octobre 2013 sur le Windows Store.

Le: 15 08 2013 à 11:15 Webdesigner Depot Auteur: Speider Schneider

There are three things every creative yearns to hear: “we pay the total up front,” “our staff is ready to sexually reproduce with you at your request,” and “be as creative as you want.”  The first will never happen, the second only happened to me when I was in Sweden, and the third happens, but [...]


Le: 15 08 2013 à 10:42 WebdesignerNews Auteur: Cameron

Mean is a great boilerplate that’s perfect for creating MongoDB, Node.js, Express, and AngularJS apps. It includes useful pre-bundled and configured modules like Mongoose and Passport.

Le: 15 08 2013 à 10:00 korben.info Auteur: Korben

Vous connaissez sans doute, tous WINE qui permet de faire tourner des applications Windows sous d'autres OS comme Linux ou Mac OSX. Et bien d'autres développeurs se sont attaqués à un projet similaire et tout aussi ambitieux baptisé Darling. L'objectif du projet Darling est de faire tourner sous Linux, des applications compilées pour Mac OSX […]

Le: 15 08 2013 à 09:05 webappers.com Auteur: Ray Cheung

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TypeWonder is making the choice of web fonts so enjoyable. It helps you to test web fonts on any web site on the fly! Enter the site url and preview instantly the fonts with-out any hassle. Simple write down the url of the site, and then choose what ever you want among hundreds of fonts [...]


Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications

Le: 15 08 2013 à 09:03 webappers.com Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Modular Grid Pattern is application for web designers, which helps you quickly and easily to create a modular grid in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Fireworks, GIMP, Microsoft Expression Design and other. It works on the recent stable version of the browsers: Google Chrome, Safari, Opera or Mozilla Firefox. Requirements: - Demo: http://modulargrid.org/ License: License Free


Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications

Le: 15 08 2013 à 06:34 jqueryrain.com Auteur: Admin

A jQuery plugin for displaying inline labels similar to HTML 5′s placeholders, that lets you style the placeholder text.Hiding and re-showing inline label text like “don’t know” within an empty ...

Le: 15 08 2013 à 06:30 designm.ag Auteur: Laura Spencer

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influence What does influence mean in the context of freelancing and design? For web designers and other freelancers, the term influence is most often used to refer to social media influence. Influence refers to the ability of a person (such as a web designer) to persuade others to take a particular action or to feel a particular way. Imagine being able to guide a large number of people to a goal of your own choosing--for example, purchasing your web design services. Would that be beneficial to your web design business? You bet it would. The benefits of influence for any business or organization are great and that's why social influence has been the topic of a number of recent studies, articles and even books. There have even been a number of tools developed to measure social media influence. Is social media influence important for web designers? What should a web designer know about social media? Let's find out.

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Le: 15 08 2013 à 06:13 jqueryrain.com Auteur: Admin

jQuery plugin for easy reloading of data from Wikipedia about Wikipedia API using JSON. invite must be passed to a Wikipedia page title. The second parameter can be a number of settings for ...

Le: 15 08 2013 à 05:53 jqueryrain.com Auteur: Admin

HeapBox is plugin for jQuery that replace native HTML selectboxes in your webpages. HeapBox supports themes, events, callbacks, ajax and much more.Heapbox doesn’t know how to deal with textboxes, checkboxes ...