Les actualités du Jeudi 16 aout 2018 dans les métiers du web - Marmits.com - Reims

Le: 16 08 2018 à 23:49 WebdesignerNews


Le: 16 08 2018 à 22:37 WebdesignerNews


Le: 16 08 2018 à 21:44 WebdesignerNews


Le: 16 08 2018 à 19:41 line25.com Auteur: Iggy

Today, we decided to review MyWebsite Site Builder offered by the 1&1 hosting company. 1&1 offers powerful web hosting from $0.99 per month. You can use their services to launch your own successful website within minutes, setup them in 55 seconds via a scalable, fast and secure interface, and even easily design your own WordPress website. Moreover, […]

The post MyWebsite Site Builder from 1and1 appeared first on Line25.

Le: 16 08 2018 à 19:22 Web Design Shock Auteur: Admin

Industrious is a responsive html 5 template with a business-oriented design featuring a video banner as a header section and a card grid section for showcasing the key topics of your business. It also has parallax, testimonials section, and more! Created by the Templated team and released under Creative Commons license.

Le: 16 08 2018 à 19:22 Web Design Shock Auteur: Admin

A font family consisting in five different subfamilies that are diverse enough to create fresh and atypical associations among them. For instance, while Syne Regular is a geometric Sans, it features short verticals, and the Monospace font received a special treatment to make its contours unique. Designed by Lucas Descroix from Bonjour Monde for Synesthésie.

Le: 16 08 2018 à 19:22 Web Design Shock Auteur: Admin

4 set box arrangement that works as a feature selector. When toggled the selected box is resized with a smooth transition that scales up the box while shrinking the others. The boxes are structured using flexbox and the animation are achieved only using CSS precompiled via Less. Created by CodePen user Shaw.

Le: 16 08 2018 à 19:20 Web Design Shock Auteur: Admin

Leo is a PIM, IDE, and outliner editor that accelerates the workflow of programmers, authors, and web designers. It features clones as its central tool of organization, navigation, customization, and scripting. It integrates Python scripting and outlines making it possible to simulate features in Vim, Emacs or Eclipse only achieved through Python in assembly language. Leo is a different way of using and organizing data, programs, and scripts. It has been constantly updated by its community and developers for over 20 years. Written by Edward K. Ream and the Leo Community.

Le: 16 08 2018 à 18:27 WebdesignerNews


Le: 16 08 2018 à 18:00 WebdesignerNews


Le: 16 08 2018 à 18:00 WebdesignerNews


Le: 16 08 2018 à 18:00 WebdesignerNews


Le: 16 08 2018 à 17:56 WebdesignerNews


Le: 16 08 2018 à 17:15 presse-citron.net Auteur: Emmanuel Ghesquier

Les robots peuvent ils influencer nos enfants
"Et si ton copain te disait de sauter d'un pont, tu le ferais aussi ? " Vous avez sans doute entendu cette phrase enfant ou bien vous l'avez dit vous-même. C'est presque un classique de l'éducation quand on veut mettre les enfants face à leurs responsabilités. L'idée est bien sûr qu'ils répondent que non... mais dans le cas d'un robot, il faudrait sans doute réviser cette conclusion logique.

Le: 16 08 2018 à 16:45 WebdesignerNews


Le: 16 08 2018 à 16:31 Journal du Net Développeurs

A l’heure actuelle, de nombreuses entreprises utilisent conjointement des dizaines d’outils de sécurité, ajoutant une nouvelle solution chaque fois qu’un problème insoluble apparaît.

Le: 16 08 2018 à 16:20 WebdesignerNews


Le: 16 08 2018 à 16:03 presse-citron.net Auteur: Younès Zouhair

La plus importante plateforme d'échanges de crypto-monnaies aux Etats-Unis, Coinbase, déclare avoir enregistré 50'000 nouveaux utilisateurs par jour en 2017. Elle est également plébiscitée partout en Europe, y compris en France, pour la qualité de son produit.

Le: 16 08 2018 à 15:08 WebdesignerNews


Le: 16 08 2018 à 14:45 jqueryrain.com Auteur: Admin

The post Navigation Menu Style 46 appeared first on Best jQuery.

Le: 16 08 2018 à 14:44 jqueryrain.com Auteur: Admin

The post Link Hover Style 33 appeared first on Best jQuery.

Le: 16 08 2018 à 14:30 presse-citron.net Auteur: Younès Zouhair

Le géant chinois du minage de crypto-monnaies préparerait son introduction à la Bourse de Hong Kong, prévue pour la fin de l'année. Sa valorisation avoisinerait les 40 milliards de dollars.

Le: 16 08 2018 à 14:27 WebdesignerNews


Le: 16 08 2018 à 14:00 presse-citron.net Auteur: Emmanuel Ghesquier

Google veut proposer un coach fitness intelligent
Et si c'était bientôt votre montre qui vous disait qu'il faut aller courir ou qu'il faut arrêter un peu le chocolat ? Cet accessoire que l'on pourrait surnommer "notre mauvaise conscience" est en préparation du côté de chez Google.

Le: 16 08 2018 à 14:00 WebLife Auteur: Baptiste

Google Home : Deezer & Pandora Premium désormais compatibles

La firme de Mountain View vient d’annoncer l’arrivée de nouveaux services d’écoute de musique en streaming compatibles avec Google Home : Deezer et Pandora Premium. Ceux-ci viennent donc s’ajouter à Google Play Music et YouTube Music, sans oublier Spotify, d’ores et déjà disponibles depuis un moment. Hey Google, play my Chill Vibes playlist on Deezer. […]

Plus de contenus ? Retrouvez-nous sur WebLife.fr, sur Twitter & Facebook !

L'article Google Home : Deezer & Pandora Premium désormais compatibles est la propriété de WebLife - Actualités internet, high-tech & startups.

Le: 16 08 2018 à 13:53 jqueryrain.com Auteur: Admin

hy-drawer is a touch-enabled drawer component for the modern web. It focuses on providing a fun, natural feel in both the Android and iOS stock browser, while being performant and easy […]

The post hy-drawer : Touch-enabled Drawer Component appeared first on Best jQuery.

Le: 16 08 2018 à 13:42 jqueryrain.com Auteur: Admin

Splitting is a JavaScript microlibrary to split an element by words, characters, children and more, populated with CSS variables! Most Splitting methods utilize a series of <span>s populated with CSS variables […]

The post Splitting : JavaScript microlibrary to Split an element by Words & Characters appeared first on Best jQuery.

Le: 16 08 2018 à 13:15 presse-citron.net Auteur: Emmanuel Ghesquier

Est-ce un début d'aveu de la part de Facebook ? Depuis plusieurs mois, des structures internationales pointent son rôle à minima passif dans les violences qui ont eu lieu en Birmanie, notamment contre les Rohingyas, la minorité musulmane du pays mais Facebook semblait jusque-là principalement faire le dos rond.

Le: 16 08 2018 à 13:06 WebdesignerNews


Le: 16 08 2018 à 12:50 Journal du Net Développeurs

Comment une PME familiale française s'inspire des géants du net tels qu’Amazon pour satisfaire ses clients en équipements militaires.

Le: 16 08 2018 à 12:43 codrops Auteur: Pedro Botelho

check-links * Practical CSS Scroll Snapping * Sketchbook * Splitting * Deep Learning World * Font Shaming

Collective #442 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.

Le: 16 08 2018 à 12:22 Journal du Net Développeurs

Utilisées par plus de 35% des entreprises du classement Fortune 500, les bases de données de graphes constituent la nouvelle solution à la mode chez les éditeurs de bases de données, avec chacun leur version. Mais le marché a déjà franchi un cap de plus : celui des plateformes de graphes.

Le: 16 08 2018 à 11:55 Journal du Net Développeurs

En juin 2018, Médiamétrie dénombrait plus de 52,7 millions d'internautes en France.

Le: 16 08 2018 à 11:39 Journal du Net Développeurs

Amazon bouleverse le marché de l’édition de livres grâce à ses outils technologiques puissants, performants et faciles. Retour sur comment Amazon résout les problèmes auxquels sont confrontés les auteurs en rendant l’autoédition accessible et en leur permettant de toucher des revenus supérieurs.

Le: 16 08 2018 à 11:30 WebLife Auteur: Baptiste

Google One enfin disponible pour tous, aux USA

Le géant de la recherche annonce enfin la disponibilité de Google One à tout un chacun, ou presque car il faudra résider aux Etats-Unis pour prétendre y avoir accès. Pour rappel, il s’agit d’une nouvelle marque dévoilée par la firme de Mountain View en mai 2018 et matérialisant un espace de stockage commun partagé pour […]

Plus de contenus ? Retrouvez-nous sur WebLife.fr, sur Twitter & Facebook !

L'article Google One enfin disponible pour tous, aux USA est la propriété de WebLife - Actualités internet, high-tech & startups.

Le: 16 08 2018 à 11:15 presse-citron.net Auteur: Valentin Décarpentrie

De plus en plus d'acteurs du numérique se penchent vers les moyens de transport pour diffuser leurs publicités. Mobiles et passe-partout, les véhicules sont souvent plébiscités pour leur taux d'impression largement supérieur à la moyenne. Grabb-It, une startup californienne, a développé une nouvelle solution pour les fenêtres de voiture.

Le: 16 08 2018 à 10:47 presse-citron.net Auteur: Younès Zouhair

La célèbre société de divertissement pour adultes, Playboy, est entrée dans une bataille juridique à l'encontre d'une Startup Blockchain Canadienne. Cette plainte intervient suite au non-respect du contrat de partenariat, signé entre les deux sociétés plus tôt dans l'année, par l'entreprise canadienne.

Le: 16 08 2018 à 10:45 WebLife Auteur: Baptiste

Android 9 Pie : Une édition Go pour les terminaux d’entrée de gamme

Alors que l’on vient tout juste d’avoir les détails concernant Android 9 Pie, Google annonce la prochaine disponibilité d’Android 9 Pie Go. L’objectif étant de proposer une déclinaison de la mise à jour de l’OS mobile pour les terminaux mobiles dont les possibilités de calcul et de mémoire sont limités, soit en bref les appareils […]

Plus de contenus ? Retrouvez-nous sur WebLife.fr, sur Twitter & Facebook !

L'article Android 9 Pie : Une édition Go pour les terminaux d’entrée de gamme est la propriété de WebLife - Actualités internet, high-tech & startups.

Le: 16 08 2018 à 09:25 presse-citron.net Auteur: Valentin Décarpentrie

La startup Bird, valorisée 2 milliards de dollars, propose des scooters en libre-service à Santa Monica et ferait de l'ombre à des entreprises comme Uber et Lyft. Aujourd'hui, les deux rois du VTC reprennent du terrain, car la mairie a restreint le nombre de licences pour ce genre de moyen de transport.

Le: 16 08 2018 à 09:00 presse-citron.net Auteur: Valentin Décarpentrie

Arrivé en France il y a bientôt quatre ans déjà, Netflix a su conquérir les foules en proposant du contenu sous licence avec des studios à succès comme Marvel ou Universal. Mais depuis quelques années, l'entreprise se concentre sur ses propres productions, et ce n'est pas près de s'arrêter.

Le: 16 08 2018 à 09:00 WebLife Auteur: Baptiste

Google Search Console : Ajout de fonctionnalités pour la nouvelle version

Google annonce l’arrivée de nouvelles fonctionnalités au sein de la dernière version de sa Search Console. Plus exactement, bien que cette nouvelle version des outils pour webmasters soit disponible à tout un chacun depuis plusieurs mois déjà, de nombreuses fonctionnalités essentielles ne s’y trouvent toujours pas. L’idée est donc de progressivement y redéployer ces features. […]

Plus de contenus ? Retrouvez-nous sur WebLife.fr, sur Twitter & Facebook !

L'article Google Search Console : Ajout de fonctionnalités pour la nouvelle version est la propriété de WebLife - Actualités internet, high-tech & startups.

Le: 16 08 2018 à 08:15 presse-citron.net Auteur: Setra

La rivalité entre YouTube et Twitch devient intéressante. Amazon aurait approché des personnes influentes sur YouTube pour les proposer des contrats de live streaming. Et certains de ces contrats pèsent des millions de dollars.

Le: 16 08 2018 à 07:50 presse-citron.net Auteur: Setra

Facebook sort son chéquier afin de diffuser du foot européen en direct en Amérique Latine et en Asie.

Le: 16 08 2018 à 07:25 presse-citron.net Auteur: Setra

Avec Android Pie, les smartphones d’entrée de gamme ont également droit à des améliorations.

Le: 16 08 2018 à 07:00 presse-citron.net Auteur: Setra

Le prochain haut de gamme de Samsung aurait trois caméras sur le dos. Est-ce-que cela suffira pour détrôner le Huawei P20 Pro ?

Le: 16 08 2018 à 01:17 Web Design Shock Auteur: Admin

Future-proof Your Skills

Keep your skills sharp with this lifetime access to 160+ courses on all things tech related: Coding, Web Development, Graphic & Web Design, Game Development, App Making, and much more! You'll find dozens courses on HTML, CSS, Python, PHP, Javascript, AJAX, JSON, MySQL, and many more tech-related topics. No matter your level of knowledge, you can find coding courses that will take you from absolute beginner to ninja at your own pace. All future releases will be included to your account with this promo. Endless hours of high quality learning content usually priced $1499, today you can get all of these courses for just $29!!


What You'll Get With This Promo:

  • Watch 2000+ videos on HTML, CSS, PHP, JAVASCRIPT, MYSQL, IOS, ANDROID, MARKETING & Much More!
  • For all levels of knowledge, from absolute beginners to advanced professionals
  • Future course releases will be included to your subscription
  • 24/7 access to all the courses added in this subscription.
  • Learn from any computer or mobile device
  • Learn at your own pace and time.
  • No deadlines in accessing the courses, because you get Lifetime access to all courses included in this subscription.

Full Listing Of Courses:

The Complete HTML & CSS Course from Beginner to Professional

The easiest way to Learn Web Development Essentials HTML5 and CSS3 and Become a Web Developer by Coding From Scratch

Learn Responsive Web Development from Scratch

A Comprehensive Course on Responsive Web Design and Twitter Bootstrap 3

The Complete PHP Course With Bootstrap3 CMS System & Admin Panel

In this complete course students will learn how to use PHP with Bootstrap3 as well as A CMS System and Admin Panel

Basics of JavaScript coding

Learn JavaScript in under 1 hour Core concepts and fundamentals of JavaScript

AJAX Bootcamp learn Asynchronous JavaScript and XML

Using AJAX create amazing DYNAMIC web content using JSON JQuery JavaScript for no page reload content loading

Create a HTML5 Game from Scratch with PhaserJS

Learn by creating an exciting game.

AJAX with JQuery Basics Beginner Introduction Course

Learn to add AJAX to your website straight forward direct skill learning how to use jquery and crea ajax requests

Amazing JavaScript Code Examples From Scratch DOM coding

Learn how to use the JavaScript DOM to create dynamic web content and interactive web applications

API introduction use JavaScript AJAX JSON Social Connections

Learn how to integrate APIs into your web content Twitter API Google Maps Facebook API JSON AJAX developer ide

Basics of CSS

Learn the fundamentals of applying styling to HTML code, CSSyntax and how to use it. Simple guide to getting started

Beginners Guide to JavaScript Dynamic HTML interaction

Quick Crash course about using JavaScript to create Dynamic Web content Introduction to the Document ject Model

Benefits of Thinking Mobile First Future of Website Design

How to start thinking about mobile and why you should create your website with mobile in mind.

Build a website HTML5 CSS3 Beginner Course

Complete Starters Guide to Creating a website form scratch HTML5 CSS3 PHP contact from Reonsive Design Templates

Building HTML5 Canvas projects from scratch

Learn to create several useful code projects using html5 canvas JavaScript. Learn by examp as we build these projects

Canvas image Creator HTML5 JavaScript project from Scratch

HTML5 JavaScript Jquery project from scratch learn by example. Step by step awesome application built froScratch

Guide to Front-End Web Development and Design

Complete guide to learning how to program online HTML CSS HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript jQuery

The Complete Linux Shell Programming for Beginners

Learn shell programming now! Automate and write bash scripts on Linux, UNIX, Mac & Windows like aro.

Learn jQuery by Example Course

Introduction to the wonderful world of using jQuery to increase speed. Learn power Dynamic and interactive web 2.0

Create a Dynamic User Registration Form from scratch

Complete guide to creating an interactive dynamic login and user registration system connecting froend & backend code

The Complete IOS 8 and Xcode 6 course with Swift- Make iPhone & iPad Apps

Learn to develop iPhone and iPad apps. A Complete Xcode 6 and IOS 8 Course with Swift Beginner to pro.

Create a Website from Scratch using HTML CSS step by step

A beginner guide to using HTML and CSS to create websites learn step by step how to create HTML code andhen apply CSS

CSS beginner Easy way to Get started with better web design

Easy to follow Guide for CSS Beginners, learn how to use CSS the right way step by step learning to apply S design

How to Program in C++ from Beginner to Paid Professional

Learn C++, Develop full C++ Programs, Get Complete Source Code, Write Clean Structured C++ Code, Go froBeginner to Pro

CSS3 Introduction web Building Blocks Fundamentals

A-Z Guide to using CSS and CSS3 to enhance your web pages. Save time using CSS let us show you wh CSS can do.

Get Results - Core Principles of Web Development Tricks Tips

Technology is ALWAYS changing we help you stay on top of future trends and techniques in web developmen

iOS 8 Mobile App Design: UI & UX With Adobe Photoshop

The Beginners Guide To Designing iOS 8 Mobile Apps from scratch. No experience needed- Become a Pro bile App Designer!

Github introduction to version control and remote files

Introduction guide to using Github starter commands to get going quickly

Instagram iOS App in 44 minutes: Photo Sharing on iOS

Create an Instagram clone in one hour.

HTML CSS Easy steps to create a web template from scratch

Complete easy to follow guide to create your own web template using HTML and CSS Quick Crash course for ginners

HTML5 canvas Bootcamp for beginners 25 easy steps

Basic introduction to about how to use canvas element on your webpage JavaScript dynamic image geration

Sketch 3 - Mobile App Design (UI & UX Design)

The Beginners Guide To Designing Mobile Apps with Sketch 3. No experience needed- Design Mobe Apps from scratch!

HTML5 course for Beginners Learn to Create websites

Learn to make your own website from scratch everything included Easy to follow Complete guide to w design

Learn JavaScript and JQuery from Scratch

Learn everything about JavaScript and jQuery by building real projects

HTML5 CSS3 JQUERY Single Page Website Project from Scratch

Build your own website from scratch Step by Step easy to follow guide web development. Learn to use HTML5SS3 JQUERY

HTML5 Game from scratch step by step learning JavaScript

Learn how to create HTML5 and JavaScript games from scratch Step by step tutorials with real HTML5 codexamples

How to Make a Wordpress Website Without Coding

Learn how to install wordpress and make a simple wordpress today

Learn React Native for Android and iOS Mobile Development

Build Mobile Apps for Android and iOS in React Native! Learn Once and Build for both!

Interaction Design IxD tutorial Web Design Patterns

Learn how to better design web content for interactive websites, anticipate user requirements and et their needs

Learn E-Commerce Website in PHP & MySQL From Scratch!

Learn to Create an Online Shopping Store (E-COMMERCE) website in PHP & MySQLi from scratch with Payp Integration.

Magic of CSS made easy learn Website Design with CSS

CSS is a crucial part of the web development process Learn how to bring your HTML to life applying S to your web code

Introduction to HTML Course

This is a Guide for anyone who wants to start Learning more about website sign and to learn about HTML code

Create A Twitter News Feed Clone From Scratch

Become a professional developer by learning how to extract your knowledge in this project-bad course.

iOS App Development - Beginner to Published iOS App

Best course for learning iOS app development from scratch

JSON Faster Sleeker & Easier Discover the benefits learn it

Learn how to use JSON the leading language-independent data format on the web Human-readable text to transt data APIs

JavaScript AJAX PHP mySQL create a Dynamic web Form project

Use JavaScript and PHP to create a database submission AJAX form. Project using JSON AJAX PHP mySQL JavaScpt together

JavaScript Basics Web Development Building Blocks

JavaScript Course for everyone who wants to learn more about using JavaScript Dynamic interactivpages with JavaScript

The Complete Apple Watch Developer Course - Build 15 apps

Learn by Building 15 + real apps for the New Apple Watch - Using Swift & Obj. C | No Programming Experiee Required

Complete guide to make WordPress Responsive sites

A step by step guide teaching you to make responsive WordPress website in easy steps.

JavaScript DOM Dynamic Web interactive content Boot Camp

Modern Dynamic JavaScript makes your web developer content come to life user dynamic content customizedor each user.

JavaScript for Beginners Welcome to learning JavaScript

Learn JavaScript here Simple to follow step by step guide building JavaScript code from scratch beginn course

Build Responsive Real World Websites with HTML5 and CSS3

The fastest and easiest way to learn modern and real world responsive website with HTML5 and CSS3 from ry scratch

JavaScript Step by Step how to apply it to your web pages

Learn the concepts of the JavaScript programming language. Learn foundations for JavaScript programming b developer

The Complete course on running a Professional Mobile App Development Business

Learn how to start and grow a mobile app development business. Get up & running and making money in less than 1 week.

JavaScript HTML CSS Project make a Quiz Tutorial

Practical guide to web development create your own dynamic JavaScript web applications HTML CSSootstrap JavaScript

JavaScript in Action JavaScript Projects

Guide to create JavaScript coded applications like an online calculator from scratch

The Complete course for novice to build products & apps

With no experience in coding and technical stuffs. Launch your business, app, or product idea cheaply,uickly, and easily.

JavaScript Introduction to Object Oriented JavaScript

Learn about the JavaScript object model and using the concepts of object oriented programming in Javcript.

JavaScript JSON and AJAX Explained JavaScript Objects

Learn about JavaScript Object Notation and how to utilize it in JavaScript as object data

Learn Android Development From Scratch

A complete guide for learning Android programming

JavaScript manipulation of the DOM Document Object Model

Access HTML elements using JavaScript make updates, set up event listeners and create new HTML element

Learn AngularJS from Scratch by building Real projects

Learn professional web development in AngularJS while building real projects

JavaScript Memory Game coding project

Explore how you can build a custom JavaScript Memory game from Scratch learn JavaScrt by working on this project

JavaScript projects Welcome to the DOM Useful Code Snippets

Learn JavaScript for Beginners interactive web accessing the DOM Document Object Model

Mobile App Design: Learn UX/UI and Start Your Freelancing Career

Learn How to Design Mobile Apps Using UI / UX Techniques, Become Mobile App Designer and Start Your Career Fromcratch

JavaScript Tricks how to create code projects from scratch

Learn how to apply JavaScript to several projects. JavaScript Explained step by step in a real project

The Complete IOS 9 & Xcode 7 course with Swift- - Learn by making 20 apps

Learn to develop iPhone and iPad apps. A Complete Xcode 7 and IOS 9 Course with Swift 2 & Objective-C Beginner to pro

JQuery Create Overlay Popups from scratch using Jquery

Modal popups, enter popups and timed popups can help keep your traffic on your website. Make them usi jQuery

jQuery Fundamentals Powerful Bootcamp for beginners

Quality jQuery learning with no wasted time, jQuery is powerful to for web developers. JavaScript th examples

Learn Python Programming From Scratch

A Programming Course in Python, great for beginners. It will teach you Python from satch.

iOS 9 App Development: Create a Spotify Clone

Stream your music collection and learn how to play and control music on iOS. An epic course make your own Spotify Clone

JSON AJAX data transfer to MySQL database using PHP

Create a dynamic input form that can add data and retrieve data from a MySQL database!​

Learn Adobe Brackets Free open source code editor

Brackets is an open source text editor this course will show you what you can do with it

Complete Website & CMS in PHP & MySQL From Scratch!

A Web Development Project (CMS) Using PHP, MySQLi with Admin Panel, Commenting System & Dynamic Weite from Scratch.

Learn how to get your own website quickly

Learn the best ways to get a website quickly how to create your own website an get onlinin minutes

Android Lollipop 5.0 : Ultimate Tutorial for App Development

Learn Android Lollipop 5.0 and Create Amazing Apps for Android Playstore

Learn JavaScript Dynamic Interactive Projects for Beginners

Bring HTML code to life with JavaScript. Access and update your web code with JavaScript through the DO

Basics Of Web Application Penetration Testing (PREVIEW)

This short aims at familiarizing you to the basics of web application and penetration testing

Learn PHP & MySQL Web Development From Scratch by building 5 projects

Learn PHP & MySQL web development from scratch with real time examples & create practical projects during the cours

Learn PHP Basics

Guide to learning the core concept of PHP coding, covering fundental PHP coding syntax and how to use it

Learn to use JSON

Use JSON to exchange data between server end code and front end de using AJAX create dynamic JSON file with PHP

Modern Web Design HTML5 CSS3 beginners guide to Websites

Quick introdcution to HTML and CSS Core concepts, techniques and terminology of modern web design

How to Make Money with Google Adsense - Super Easy

Learn how to make more money with Google Adsense from your websites and make money online from Yoube videos.

PHP 5 Introduction to coding Tutorial bootcamp

Learn to Code using PHP. Course will teach building blocks of PHP coding to get you started qckly. PHP 5 tutorial

Learn to Build Mobile Games using Unity3D

Master all the techniques for building best selling mobile games

PHP Database Connections to MYSQL

Easily to follow step by step guide to using PHP and MySQL databases

Power up HTML5 with JavaScript

Learn some amazing JavaScript API and HTML5 technologies Use JavaScript with ML5 to create interactive content

iOS App Development For Complete & Utter Coding Beginners

iOS App Development Made Simple for Non Coders. No Experience Needed. Level Up Your Skills Today.

Powerful Chrome DevTools Essential for Web Developers

Guide to learning how to use Google's Chrome DevTools. Code updates and saving files directly from Come

E-Commerce WordPress Website: The Complete Course

A-Z Guide to setup E-Commerce Website from scratch without coding in WordPress.

Quick JavaScript Core learning Course JavaScript Essentials

JavaScript in 1 hour Essentials Training learn Core JavaScript coding step by step fundamentals of JavaScrt quickly

Quick Start for learning HTML basics

Simple example of HTML tags and how to use them

Roadmap to success for web entrepreneurs

Guide to getting started as a business creating websites. Web developer business resours and helpful guide

Android Mobile App - Beginner to Published on Google Play

Android mobile app creation from scratch. End result: A beautiful mobile app published on the Play stor

SEO Basics Tips for Ranking Better

Over 250 SEO tips to help improve your search engine ranking SEO guide to websiteontent and online success

Mobile App Design In Sketch 3: UX and UI Design From Scratch

Design Mobile Apps from scratch using Sketch 3. Master Sketch 3, UX methodology, icon design, and user inteace design.

Star Rating Project AJAX with JSON response from PHP MySQL

Get dynamic data response using JQuery and AJAX to return PHP server content

Successful website creation - everything you need to know

A-Z Guide to launching your own website. The entire process is explained how to pick a domain and setup website

The Complete Web Developer Course with Ruby on Rails

Complete web development training. Get hired by building real apps with HTML, CSS, JS, Rails in thiimmersive course.

Twitter Integration customize Tweets with developer API

learn to add Twitter content to your website. Use the Twitter REST API to access Twitter Developer Connt

Ultimate guide to Social Media Web development integration

Add social sharing and social follow to your web content. Web Development Social Sharing Coding HTML Javaript

The Complete Python development Course - Learn by making 6 Apps and Games

Develop your Python Skills by learning from scratch and build 6 Fun Games and Apps

Publish Your Flappy Bird* iPhone Game, EZ & No Coding, iOS9+

Do you want to ride the trends of the Flappy Bird game? Create your own clone with this course + source codincluded.

Core HTML How to get online quickly HTML to HTML5

Learn HTML all the basic fundamental building blocks to create websites. Learn HTML from scratchHTML5 CSS explained

The Complete Web Developer Course - Become A Professional Developer

The only course you need to learn web development - HTML, CSS, JS, Node, and More!

WordPress essentials Step by Step setup and using Wordpress

Crash course to learn how to setup Wordpress and Use WordPress effectively. Get posting create your own weite

Object Oriented Programming

Best course for learning the principles of Object Oriented programming

Beginners Guide YouTube Video Marketing Techniques

Learn to create effective YouTube Marketing Strategies, which will help you grow and optimize youchannel

YouTube Keywords Bootcamp Learn about YouTube Video SEO

Learn where to get Keywords, become a Keyword Ninja. Keywords are the foundation to build a successfulEO strategy on!

Bootstrap 4 for Beginners

Explore Bootstrap 4 and learn how to apply layouts, use components, utilies for rapid website design and development

Interactive JavaScript DOM Introduction to the DOM Course

Learn how to make webpages Dynamic and Interactive using JavaScript to influence and manipulate page elents

JavaScript High Low Card Game Project From Scratch

Explore how to create an interactive dynamic web application from scratch. Built using JavaScriptSS and HTML together

Create a chat app with swift

Guide to create a chat application in IOS using Xcode and Swift - Source Co Included

The Complete HTML5 & CSS3 Course - Build BBC News Website

Complete HTML5 and CSS3 Mastery Course, Learn by building BBC News Website with Source Code

Bootstrap Rapid web development framework HTML CSS JS

In this complete course students will learn how utilize Bootstrap to create webpages. HTML CSS JavaSipt jQuery

Android App Development: Create a Spotify Clone

Best course to learn app development and create a Money generating Spotify clone!

How to make a website HTML CSS for Beginners Course

Learn how to create HTMl code and apply CSS Complete guide to creating a website from scratch usinHTML and CSS

Introduction to HTML5 Canvas basics of drawing

Beginners Guide to working with JavaScript and HTML5 canvas

The Complete WordPress Mastery Course

The Complete guide to Build, promote and monetize an attractive, money-making WordPrs website

JavaScript Dynamic Quiz Application from Scratch JSON AJAX

Step by Step guide to creating a Dynamic Web based JavaScript Quiz which uses a JSON data source file to nerate a quiz

Building a Social Network in PHP & MySQL From Scratch

Learn how to create a basic and beautiful social networking website & discussion forum in PHP & MySQ from scratch.

Beginners White Hat Hacking & Penetration Testing Tutorial

Learn how to test and protect your network using Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Techniques

Learn to Code JavaScript web designers and developers quick

Quick Guide to learning JavaScript create more dynamic and interactive web content

PHP Essential How to create build Amazing websites with PHP

Learn the foundations and features of why PHP code is so popular through this series of clear easy to foll lessons

Learn jQuery for beginners web development

Quick and easy Guide to working with jQuery Learn to add jQuery to your webpages most popar JavaScript library website

SEO for Webmasters Thinking SEO

Web developers Guide to creating Search Optimized Websites better ranking and arter website design and development

Amazing Web Design in 1 Hour: 25+ Guidelines for Web Design

The go-to course for web design with simple-to-use rules and guidelines — tons of amazing web design resoues included!

Get started with Bootstrap how to make websites from scratch

Learn to create website quickly using Bootstrap the most popular HTML CSS JavaScript Framework online

Dynamic JavaScript Master Class AJAX JSON Simple APIs

Learn how to use AJAX to send data to your web server and get response data back to output in your w applciation

Xamarin App Development from Beginner to Advanced!

Learn how to build cross-platform apps for iPhone and Android using Xamarin!

Wordpress For Beginners - Learn By Building 4 Websites

Go from a complete beginner to a confident WordPress pro by building 4 WordPress websites!

Shopping Cart Website from Scratch Ecommerce

How to build a fully functional web storage shopping cart that integrates with Paypal. Stepy step instruction webdev

Introduction to jQuery Web Development

Explore how you can easily add advanced functionality to your web projects by adding uery. JQuery for web development

Bootstrap Migrating from previous versions

Guide to understanding upcoming changes with Bootstrap 4 and how to upgrade Bootstrap 3

Get to know HTML Learn HTML Basics

Step by Step introduction to HTML Explore HTML coding and how you can get startedreating your own Web Content pages

Learn Java Script Server Technologies From Scratch

A complete course to learn node.js, Express, Backbone.JS, Angular.JS and Ember.JS

Getting Started with HTML Learn HTML

Step by Step guide to learning HTML for everyone. Learn the core foundation to writg HTML code for Modern websites

Learn Java Programming From Scratch

The Complete Guide to Master Professional Java Development

Building Websites Learn Bootstrap for Rapid Web Development

Learn how to add Bootstrap classes to create amazing Bootstrap effects responsive web projects and rapid mern websites

Introduction to using Git

Learn more about using Git for source file storage and version control. urse features Git access with GUI and CLI

Learn Nodejs from scratch by building real projects

Become an Expert Nodejs Developer While Building Real World Applications | From total beginner to ck-end developer!

Learn JavaScript AJAX in 1 hour

Guide to Dynamic JavaScript send and receive data from external files. No pageeload create JavaScript Objects JSON

Learn jQuery AJAX in 1 hour

Guide to getting started with AJAX use jQuery to make seamless connectionso external data sources and APIs

Learn JSON with JavaScript Objects and APIs in 1 hour

Guide to learning how to use JavaScript Objects and create and use JSON as a JavaScript Object

Learn Bootstrap for Rapid Web Development by Building Websites

Learn how to add Bootstrap classes to create amazing Bootstrap effects responsive web projects and rapid mode websites

Web Development Make a Single Page Website Carousel controls

Create your own custom website HTML CSS and jQuery together step by step learning website creation

Web Design Responsive Website Template from Scratch HTML CSS

Mobile First Web Design how to build a simple website template from scratch using HTML and CSS

Easy CLI Live server setup for node localhost

Setup your own localhost on your computer in minutes using node npm liveserver

Javascript for beginners - Quick JavaScript Fundamentals

Learn the core fundamental concepts of JavaScript and how to start using JavaScript within web page

Website from Scratch HTML and CSS for Beginners

Exercise to practice building a web page from scratch using HTML CSS and JavaScript

Website from Scratch in 1 hour using Bootstrap 4

Learn how to build a modern fully responsive website from scratch using Bootstrap 4

Website Development Build single Page Website Parallax site

Step by step guide to building a modern single page website from scratch

Create a Responsive Portfolio Website to land the dream job!

Create a professional site from scratch which will make you stand out from other developers

Build a website from scratch Mobile First

Mobile First Web Design how to build a simple website template from scratch using HTM

JavaScript HTML Game from Scratch Blackjack

Learn how to create a web application from scratch. Apply JavaScript to HTML and CSS to bud a Blackjack application

JavaScript War card game project from Scratch

Explore how to build this JavaScript Game from Scratch based on the card game war. Step by sp learning JavaScript

Learning Ubuntu Linux: An Absolute Beginner's Tutorial Guide

Expand your career options. Gain essential skills with Ubuntu Linux Server in this Beginner's course.

Learn Storage Area Network with Openfiler Linux

Build storage area network accessed by different clients Linux windows vmware esxi redhat cent ubuntu

Fundamentals of Linux Security: Level up your security skills

Everything you need to know about securing a Linux system to comply with regulations and ensure hackers don'get in.

Learn how to Set Up Your Personal Linux Server

Step-by-step guide to personal server setup: from Linux OS installation to configuring person web hosting and securing it.

The Complete Web Developer bootcamp

Complete web developer Guide to websites working with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, otstrap, JQuery, MySQL and more

Unix and Linux System Administration Fundamentals : Complete Guide

Get started with Linux, app development, server configuration, networking, and become a system administrator!

MySQL PHP Database Essentials add a Database to your site

Learn the fundamentals of MySQL databases and phpMyAdmin and how to connect database to your PHP cod

The Complete Linux course - Become a Linux professional

Learn all the Linux skills that will get you a career as a professional Linux System Administrator

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