Pour une fois, les spams ont représenté moins de la moitié des e-mails échangés.
Si vous voulez voir à quoi ressemble l’assistante virtuelle de Microsoft sur un smartphone Android, vous pouvez déjà en avoir un premier aperçu.
Le service de paiement mobile dévoilé par Samsung avec les Galaxy S6 et S6 Edge est déjà testé par quelques consommateurs sud-coréens.
A collection of 16 photorealistic Apple watch mockups for Photoshop. They have a With a 5000 x 3337px resolution. The mockups are easy to use and you just need to replace the smart objects with your UI design, that way you have a great, high-resolution way to showcase your creations. The set weighs 840 (compressed).
The post Free Photorealistic Apple Watch PSD Mockups appeared first on ByPeople.
Dropdown Alternatives * Quantity Ordering With CSS * Pure UI * CSS Facts * Code proverbs * Paths
Collective #177 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.
Spec is a cool gathering of the best podcasts for web designers and developers. The website includes two podcasts: Design Details by Bryn Jackson Brian Lovin, and Developer Tea by Jonathan Cutrell. They have 40+ and 100+ episodes, respectively, and the can be listen to or downloaded.
The post Spec: Designers and Developers Curated Podcasts appeared first on ByPeople.
Every week users submit a lot of interesting stuff on our sister site Webdesigner News, highlighting great content from around the web that can be of interest to web designers. The best way to keep track of all the great stories and news being posted is simply to check out the Webdesigner News site, however, […]
A lightweight JavaScript library for creating particles.
The post Particles.js : JavaScript library for Creating Particles appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Animated heart prototype for the Climate Coalition exploring 3D transitions and masking techniques.
The post jQuery 3D Heart Animation appeared first on jQuery Rain.
jQuery cForm replaces your standard, ugly form-elements with nice and clean non-form html code which can be styled via CSS.The original elements are retained (just hidden), so you won´t loose […]
The post cForm : jQuery CSS-styleable Form Element appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Emastic is a lightweight CSS framework that allows for fluid and fixed columns in the grid. It includes baseline grid typography, personalized page width, and more.