When you click on open space on the ipad the keyboard the page jumps down screen (to try and compensate for the space the keyboard used). This occurs when it wants to keep the input in view when your typing which makes sense and is...
Sometimes you may want to show the loader and hide as you see fit. I recommend to use the default one instead of adding your own loading image. To show $.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg() To hide $.mobile.hidePageLoadingMsg()
You Might Not Need jQuery! … assuming you’ll address these bugs in your hand-written code: docs.google.com/document/d/1LPaPA30bLUB_publLIMF0RlhdnPx_ePXm7oW02iiT6o/edit# … You Might Not Need jQuery! … assuming you'll address these bugs in your hand-written code: https://t.co/j2hrG2nCpX — Paul Irish (@paul_irish) February 7, 2014 :)
If you own a website, then you need a contact form on it. Yes, you can publish your email address directly on your contact page but usually that’s not a good idea. Publishing an email address on a webpage is a direct invitation for bots...
If your seeing a quick error message popup on the screen when redirecting the page to another (or you might be forcing a reload). Instead of using this: window.location.href = "/"; Use this: $.mobile.changePage('/', { reloadPage: true, transition: "none"} ); or if that doesn’t work...
jquery validation for dob to specific format ie dd-mm-yy $.validator.addMethod("dateFormat", function(value, element) { return value.match(/^\d\d?-\d\d?-\d\d$/); }, "Please enter a date in the format dd-mm-yyyy."); And then on your form add: $('#myForm') .validate({ ...
Every week we tweet a lot of interesting stuff highlighting great content that we find on the web that can be of interest to web designers. The best way to keep track of our tweets is simply to follow us on Twitter, however, in case you missed some here’s a quick and useful compilation of […]
Le Nokia X et ses congénères ont-t-ils de beaux jours devant eux ?
La sélection des meilleurs communiqués publiés sur PowerPress durant la semaine écoulée.
We're an independent digital innovation studio from Stockholm.
The jQuery fontIconPicker makes it simple to add an icon picker and search function to your administration forms. It can be triggered on a SELECT or TEXT input, and has multiple usage options.
Facebook Badge Jquery Plugin. FaceBadge add a badge of your Facebook Page in your site.
Flat Weather is a lightweight and versatile jQuery plugin displaying weather information for any location. Its compact size and numerous options make it perfectly suitable for providing local weather information […]
countUp.js is a dependency-free, lightweight JavaScript “class” that can be used to quickly create animations that display numerical data in a more interesting way. Despite its name, countUp can count […]