A brand new collection of Japanese t-shirt designs with 50 designs inspired by the anime style of illustration, featuring a variety of characters from popular anime shows as well as original artwork, all with a common Ramen theme across the whole bundle.
A brand new collection of Japanese t-shirt designs with 50 designs inspired by the anime style of illustration, featuring a variety of characters from popular anime shows as well as original artwork, all with a common Ramen theme across the whole bundle.
Designing UI elements isn’t just limited to designing clever buttons or impressive icons. There’s more than meets the eye, and each piece is crucial in rendering an interface’s usability.
In this article, we’ve compiled a list of the top trendy and necessary Figma plugins that every designer should have in their toolkit. These plugins will help you take your Figma skills to the next level. So whether you’re a beginner or an experienced pro, be sure to check out these essential Figma plugins and see how they can enhance your design process.
And so, every month, we put together a roundup of the best new fonts for web designers. In this roundup of the year, we look back at the past twelve months and showcase our forty favorite fonts of 2022. Enjoy!
Now, no rush and stress over your car parking spots; we have got you covered.
Super Resolution-boosts your photos & anime definition by using AI to output higher resolution image from a lower resolution input. Face Restoration-recover facial details like magic from blurry photos. Photo Colorization & Low Light Enhancement.
From a visual history of the guitar to a social justice guidebook on decolonizing design, 2023 will be a great year for design books.
From a game controller that the design team should have got a second opinion on to a logo nobody can read and even some terrible product design from Apple, 2022 has seen its share of design crimes.
Wild World is a clean sans serif bold font featuring a modern touch that will help you create professional projects. It is perfect for social media posts, quotes, greeting cards, and more. Find out more Bold Fonts. Features: OpenType font file Free for personal and commercial use
Que vous soyez plutôt cardio, gainage, abdos, etc. voici une sélection de matériel de sport à commander sans plus tarder pour garder la forme en s'entraînant à la maison.
L’IA (Intelligence Artificielle) est un domaine de la informatique qui vise à créer des programmes ou des systèmes informatiques capables ...
Si devez illustrer une page web avec une capture écran ou partager une image qui contient beaucoup de données personnelles, il vous faudra probablement les surligner en noir. Et bien bonne nouvelle, avec Gorp sous macOS, vous allez pouvoir faire ça très facilement. En effet, Gorp contient un moteur d’analyse … Suite
Comme chaque lundi, un coup d’œil dans le rétroviseur pour découvrir les informations que vous avez peut-être ratées la semaine dernière. Tous les liens listés ci-dessous sont a priori accessibles librement. Si ce n’est pas le cas, pensez à activer … Lire la suite