jQueryRain is the top jquery list of best jquery plugins and jquery tutorials with jquery example and jquery demo of jquery sliders, jquery ajax json,jquery slide,jquery table,jquery show,jquery image,accordion jquery,jquery forms
Switchable is a replaces checkbox by beautiful iphone style switch buttons.
The post Switchable : jQuery iPhone Style Switch Buttons appeared first on jQuery Rain.
This article explains how to convert div to an image in jquery. Yes, we are going to generate an image from our HTML page on client-side using jQuery. We can […]
The post Convert HTML to Image in jQuery appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Modern cross platform responsive image cropping and uploading. Slim features beautiful animations and graphics. Configuration and implementation are a walk in the park. Features: Responsive and Beautifully Animated Compatible with […]
The post jQuery Slim, Image Upload and Ratio Cropping Plugin appeared first on jQuery Rain.
HTMLfromRSS.js is a jQuery plugin for mutiple html feed from rss feed.
The post HTMLfromRSS.js : Html feed from RSS Feed appeared first on jQuery Rain.
A jquery plugin that allows you to dynamically change the background Image of a container or div.
The post PhotoFlip : jQuery plugin to dynamically change the Background Image appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Yofinity is an infinite scroll jQuery plugin.
The post An Infinite Scroll jQuery plugin : Yofinity appeared first on jQuery Rain.
jQuery plugin to create mansory galleries using bootstrap grid-system.
The post Mp-Mansory.js : jQuery Mansory Gallery using Bootstrap appeared first on jQuery Rain.
ImageLinks is a lightweight solution for creation interactive images. With this plugin you are able to easily make an interactive image for your site that empowers publishers and bloggers to […]
The post ImageLinks : jQuery Interactive Image appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Here this article explains how to preview an image before uploading on the server side in jQuery. Let’s suppose you have an application where the user uploads bulk photo and […]
The post Preview Image before upload it with jQuery & HTML5 appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Typewriting js is a javascript library that make the typewriter effect.
The post TypeWriting.js : JavaScript Library for Typewriter Effect appeared first on jQuery Rain.
bringins is a jQuery plugin to show contents on a webpage as an animated page. These page will be positioned ‘fixed’ with scrollable data. You can have your custom CSS […]
The post BRINGINS : jQuery Animated Page Plugin appeared first on jQuery Rain.
This article explains how to calculate the total of all textboxes values in a table column. Inshort on text change event, we calculate the sum of all input values entered […]
The post jQuery: Calculate sum of all textbox values in a Table Column appeared first on jQuery Rain.
A tiny set of CSS3 animations for your input checkboxes.
The post Animated CSS3 Input Checkbox with Checkbox.css appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Simple, clean, customizable sharing buttons. Accessible – built right, using progressive enhancement. Lightweight – just 1.9KB minified and gzipped. Customisable – make the buttons and count look how you want […]
The post Shr : Customizable Sharing Buttons appeared first on jQuery Rain.
This is a JavaScript port of jasonlong/geo_pattern and is derived from the background generator originally used for GitHub Guides.
The post GeoPattern : Generate beautiful SVG patterns appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Random moves of particles, count of dots and connection distance selected by smart algorithm depend from count of dots and square of block. Working on most browser (include mobile devices) […]
The post Canvas Dots with jQuery & HTML5 appeared first on jQuery Rain.
A super tiny library to make <input type="range"> sliders work better on touch devices. No setup required, just include the script Less than 1KB minified and gzipped No dependencies (written […]
The post RangeTouch : Range Slider for Touch Devices appeared first on jQuery Rain.
The simple jQuery Plugin for easy getting the table cells that are positioned on the horizontal line, the vertical line or both lines that pass through the target cell.
The post getTable : jQuery Plugin for easy getting Table Cells appeared first on jQuery Rain.
The timepicker addon adds a timepicker to jQuery UI Datepicker, thus the datepicker and slider components (jQueryUI) are required for using any of these. In addition all datepicker options are […]
The post jQuery Timepicker Addon to jQueryUI Datepicker appeared first on jQuery Rain.
A simple, accessible and customizable HTML5, YouTube and Vimeo media player. Accessible – full support for VTT captions and screen readers Lightweight – under 10KB minified and gzipped Customisable – […]
The post Plyr : Simple HTML5 Media Player appeared first on jQuery Rain.
This library provides basic finance methods to compute finance amortization schedules, payment amounts, number and currency formatting. Methods are provided to obtain the payment, interest rate, amount financed, or months […]
The post Finance.js : Common Finance and Currency Javascript Methods appeared first on jQuery Rain.
jQuery flowchart.js is an open source jquery ui plugin that allows you to draw and edit a flow chart. Draw boxes (called operators) and connections between them. Methods are provided […]
The post jQuery FlowChart Plugin appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Formdoid is advance PHP database form builder that generates the form directly from the database tables by writing 2-3 lines of codes only. It automatically creates form fields on the […]
The post Formdoid : Advance PHP Database Form Builder appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Editor and FileBrowser – Jodit. Pure javascript. No libraries! Lightweight:~32kB gzipped.
The post Jodit Editor : WYSIWYG and FileBrowser appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Automatically adjust textarea height based on user input. Features : Grows vertically, horizontally or both Correctly handles 2 or more spaces Copies more css and font styles to shadow div […]
The post jQuery Autogrow Textarea Plugin appeared first on jQuery Rain.
jQuery Impromptu is an extension to help provide a more pleasant way to spontaneously prompt a user for input. More or less this is a great replacement for an alert, […]
The post jQuery Impromptu : Prompt Box Plugin appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Fallwall.js is a jQuery plugin to make Fall Styles like Pinterest.
The post Fallwall.js : jQuery Fall Styles like Pinterest appeared first on jQuery Rain.
jQuery Soundcloud Player. Stream track playlist by title, tags or username.
The post jQuery Soundcloud Player appeared first on jQuery Rain.
AgeCheck is a simple jQuery plugin that verifies if a user is old enough to enter your site. You can easily customize the plugin with options and it uses sessionStorage […]
The post AgeCheck.js : jQuery plugin for Checking User Age appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Nest is a wordpress plugin that adds animated fly-out panels to any website.Whether it’s text, video, images, forms, shortcodes or any other type of content, Nest allows you to display […]
The post Nest : Fly-Out Sliding Panels for WordPress appeared first on jQuery Rain.
jQuery plugin that allows you to draw a beautiful 3d spinning earth on canvas. Based on the amazing sphere.js plugin of Sam Hasler, jquery.earth3d.js is an open source jquery ui […]
The post jQuery Spinning 3d Earth Plugin appeared first on jQuery Rain.
A simple uncomplicated lightweight site tour jQuery solution. Unlike other tour solutions you keep your code in one place. The tooltip pops up right where you have a description of […]
The post ddTour : jQuery Site Tour Plugin appeared first on jQuery Rain.
A wicked good date time picker for jQuery and Zepto.Intimidatetime is still young, but already comes with many features like timezones, i18n, unix timestamps, date time ranges, and more!
The post jQuery Date Time Picker : Intimidatetime appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Flexy is a very light jQuery plugin for responsive iframe,object,embed,video.
The post Flexy : jQuery Responsive Iframe Plugin appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Feed & browser your facebook fan page album photos.
The post jQuery Facebook Fans Page Albums appeared first on jQuery Rain.
“ax5core” is a collection of utility functions that have been designed for use in ax5ui. It was designed to the utility to act as a minimum code. So it can […]
The post Ax5ui : jQuery based Bootstrap UI Plugins appeared first on jQuery Rain.
LivIcons Evolution is the next modern generation of a classic LivIcons pack of a cross browser vector icons with individual mini animation for each one. They are based on SVG […]
The post LivIcons Evolution as jQuery plugin appeared first on jQuery Rain.
The simple, easy-to-implement animation plugin to rotate icons, images, and elements.
The post Rotate : jQuery plugin to Animate Rotate Images and Elements appeared first on jQuery Rain.
A set of inspirational, highly experimental distortion effects for buttons using SVG filters.The main idea is to apply distortion or blob filters to buttons and explore some creative possibilities.
The post Distorted Button Effects with SVG Filters appeared first on jQuery Rain.
A library of animated transition effects, powered by CSS Animations.A few weeks ago we published a tutorial about how to create an Ink Transition effect using a PNG sprite and […]
The post Animated Transition Effects with CSS & jQuery appeared first on jQuery Rain.
A jQuery plugin for better vertical alignment of elements in responsive layouts. By default plugin looks at children of the container it’s applied to and if they are visually in […]
The post sameHeight : jQuery plugin for making elements the Same Height appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Tether is a JavaScript library for efficiently making an absolutely positioned element stay next to another element on the page. For example, you might want a tooltip or dialog to […]
The post Tether : JavaScript library to make Absolutely Positioned Element appeared first on jQuery Rain.
View JSON in a more readable format with jQuery JSONView.
The post jQuery JSONView : Formats & syntax highlights JSON appeared first on jQuery Rain.
SamsaraJS is a functional reactive library for animating layout. It provides a language for positioning, orienting and sizing DOM elements and animating these properties over time. Everything in SamsaraJS — […]
The post SamsaraJS : Layout Animation library appeared first on jQuery Rain.
The simple, easy-to-implement jQuery plugin to export HTML tables to xlsx, xls, csv, and txt files.
The post TableExport : jQuery plugin to export HTML tables to XLS, CSV, TXT appeared first on jQuery Rain.
With help of this plugin you can simply add the animation of fall with your images and settings to your site. Also package include the “CPanel” plugin. He make possible […]
The post Animation of Fall JavaScript Plugin appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Addel is a simple & lightweight jQuery plugin for powering UIs that enable dynamic addition & deletion of HTML elements, conceived with form elements in mind.
The post Addel : jQuery plugin for Dynamic Addition & Deletion of HTML elements appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Scrollbear is a tool that maintains the container scroll position when images loaded. Scrollbear is suitable in blog platforms where exist many photos and images. When images loaded, the scroll […]
The post Scrollbear : Maintain Scroll position when Images loaded appeared first on jQuery Rain.
The simple, easy-to-implement jQuery plugin that allows you to add popular search queries from a Google Custom Search Engine (CSE) to your website as sortable, filterable, and stylable keyword tags.
The post QueryTag.js : jQuery plugin to add Popular Google Search Queries Tags appeared first on jQuery Rain.
jQuery plugin to add common checkable menu items `checkbox` and `radio` and more features to jQuery.contextMenu.
The post jQuery ContextMenu Common appeared first on jQuery Rain.
In this tutorial we will learn how to create a simple multi-layered illustration with depth that transitions into the content in a unique way. We’ll be using a technique that […]
The post Multi-Layered Parallax Illustration with CSS & Javascript appeared first on jQuery Rain.
We have prepared 100+ Pre-made layouts of bootstrap carousel. it is a responsive slider with touch enabled function. This slider is easy to customize and you can create new layouts […]
The post Paradise Slider : jQuery Responsive Bootstrap Carousel Plugin appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Easly input tabular data using only your keyboard. Features: Optional minimum and/or maximum number of rows; Configurable markup and tabstop for each column; Use cursor keys, Tab, Shift+Tab to navigate […]
The post rsLiteGrid : jQuery Easly input Tabular data using Keyboard appeared first on jQuery Rain.
A pure JavaScript plugin to create a mosaic of an image.
The post Photomosaic.js : JavaScript for Mosaic of an Image appeared first on jQuery Rain.
LazeeMenu is a JQuery plugin that turns a nested unordered list of links into a vertical multi-level navigation menu. It is visually inspired by the menu on Github’s reference pages, […]
The post LazeeMenu : jQuery Multi-level Sidebar Menu appeared first on jQuery Rain.
A jQuery plugin to showcase your top products on your webpage. This plugin will create a simple image slider with icon controls and overlay text.
The post Product Showcase : jQuery Slider with Icons appeared first on jQuery Rain.
jPop is Popup jQuery plugin that helps you to make awesome popup. jPop renders when a visitor scrolls down. After visitor scrolls down to 200px (As a default but you […]
The post jPop : jQuery Popup plugin appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Inspired by Basecamp, Daily Messages is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin used to display a custom message for each day of the week.
The post Daily Messages : jQuery Custom Message Plugin appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Grafi.js is a library intended for learning about how image processing works. Each modules are intentionally kept small and users are encouraged to read the source code to learn about […]
The post Grafi.js : JavaScript Image Processing Library appeared first on jQuery Rain.
jQuery Theme Changer, select color and change your theme, easy to use, jquery theme changer powered by Archin Modi.
The post jQuery Theme Switcher appeared first on jQuery Rain.
It is a ready to use component in any bootstrap website. It consists of a vertical navigation menu based on css3 and jQuery. Features: Fully Resposive on all screens; Desktop, […]
The post Auto Inherit Bootstrap Theme Vertical Sidebar appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Embed QuickTime is a jQuery plugin that helps you embed QuickTime movies to play directly on your webpage, instead of redirecting your video to a separate page or forcing you […]
The post Embed QuickTime : jQuery Plugin appeared first on jQuery Rain.
I used this code when I have a small list of records (e.g. authors or categories) that can be picked using a drop-down list and then, I want to load […]
The post Dynamic and Dependent Drop Down Menu with PHP & jQuery appeared first on jQuery Rain.
In this tutorial we will learn how to Implement Google OAuth2.0 Login with Javascript SDK without Page Refresh and also data should be stored on MYSQL database as well.
The post Google OAuth 2.0 Ajax Login using jQuery & PHP appeared first on jQuery Rain.