jQueryRain is the top jquery list of best jquery plugins and jquery tutorials with jquery example and jquery demo of jquery sliders, jquery ajax json,jquery slide,jquery table,jquery show,jquery image,accordion jquery,jquery forms
jQuery WebFonts extension adds font embedding capability to jquery using the WebFonts technology. The extension provides a flexible way to choose font from a font repository and apply on html […]
The post Webfonts : jQuery based Webfonts Library appeared first on jQuery Rain.
IguanaCharts is HTML5 jQuery Stock Charts library.You can download our open source library and setup powerful stock chart just in minutes. Features: Zoom and load chart history with mouse wheel […]
The post IguanaCharts : HTML5 jQuery Stock Charts library appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Everybody knows google its a search engine it lets people to search anything they wants to know without search engine we don’t imagine internet will survive.Search Engine working is simple […]
The post Create Search Engine Using PHP, jQuery And MySQL appeared first on jQuery Rain.
A pie chart (or a circle chart) is a circular statistical graphic, which is divided into slices to illustrate numerical proportion.It is generally used in business world when you have […]
The post Display Data In Pie Chart Using PHP & jQuery with Google API appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Spapp is a simple jquery plugin that help to create single page application. The principle is quite simple. With this plugin you will load a main page wrapper that will […]
The post Spapp : Single page jQuery Application Library appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Colorizer is an intersting jquery plugin that makes you possible to create the lighte dancing on the cover of music.
The post colorizer : jQuery Dancing Lights on Music appeared first on jQuery Rain.
This JavaScript library produces complementary gradients generated from the top 2 dominant colours in supplied images.
The post Grade.js : JavaScript Gradient Library from Image appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Create beautiful and interactive flipbooks, magazines or books. Magalone automatically converts your existing PDF document into an interactive and state of the art flipbook. No dependencies on other libraries like […]
The post Magalone Flipbook with JavaScript & CSS appeared first on jQuery Rain.
jComponent is the component library for creating reusable components with jQuery. With jComponent you can improve your existing projects or create new web single-page applications.
The post jComponent : A simple jQuery Component Library appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Intercooler.js allows developers to quickly implement AJAX directly in the HTML. By adding a specific HTML attribute to your links and buttons you can enable them to send GET, POST, […]
The post Intercooler.js : Simple Ajax using HTML Attributes appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Uppy is (going to be) a cool JavaScript file uploader that fetches files for you from local disk, Google Drive, Dropbox, Instagram, remote URLs, cameras and other exciting locations, and […]
The post Uppy : JavaScript File Uploader appeared first on jQuery Rain.
SuperEmbed.js detects YouTube, Vimeo, Vine, VideoPress, DailyMotion, and more embedded videos on webpages and makes them responsive. Essentially, this means they strech to fill their container while still maintaining the […]
The post SuperEmbed.js : Fluid width for Embedded Videos appeared first on jQuery Rain.
You may have heard of Flatpickr as it is one of the most widely used date and time pickers available. We are including it in our list because it’s authors […]
The post flatpickr : jQuery Lightweight & Powerful DateTime Picker appeared first on jQuery Rain.
JQuery based plugin which used html5 and css3.
The post jQuery Retina Zoomer Plugin appeared first on jQuery Rain.
A set of responsive Bootstrap Portfolio And Lightbox contains bootstrap portfolio gallery, bootstrap lightbox gallery, bootstrap carousel with thumbnails and also support YouTube videos, vimeo video, self hosted videos etc […]
The post jQuery Responsive Bootstrap Portfolio And Lightbox appeared first on jQuery Rain.
A jQuery plugin to create a scroll indicator bullet navigation on the right side of the screen.
The post jQuery Scroll Indicator Bullets Plugin appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Skills is a jquery plugin to create your own skill bars in your web, bars get completed while the user scroll down ,this kind of skill bars are widely used […]
The post Skills : jQuery plugin to Create your Own Skill Set appeared first on jQuery Rain.
TutsMix has shared with us some cool CSS loading effects for grid images. You can use them on your portfolio, blog, or anywhere you want. The setup is quite simple. […]
The post Cool CSS Loading Effects for Grid Images appeared first on jQuery Rain.
In this tutorial we will show you how to create a curtain opening effect using jQuery and CSS. You have seen in many shows and dramas the curtains on the […]
The post Curtain Opening Effect Using jQuery And CSS appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Typr.js is a font processor for JavaScript. It’s light, small, and ultra fast.Typr.js is a Javascript parser and utility for working with fonts (TTF, OTF). It is an alternative to […]
The post Typr.js : Process Fonts in Javascript appeared first on jQuery Rain.
RFL is a jQuery cards plugin built with good UX in mind. It’s responsive, touch-compatible, and integrates well with other jQuery plugins. Everything you could want to build modern card […]
The post Rich Functional List : jQuery Cards Plugin appeared first on jQuery Rain.
jumpyScroll plugin enhances the page scrolling from section to section, like a slider, only vertically.
The post jumpyScroll – Plugin for Quick Page Scroll With Animation appeared first on jQuery Rain.
markerPen is a simple jQuery plugin to incorporate the function of marking contents on a webpage. This plugin would come handy if you are creating webpages for academic purpose where […]
The post markerPen : jQuery Marker & Eraser Plugin appeared first on jQuery Rain.
A simple decorative slideshow component with individual slide layouts and effects. Powered by anime.js. Today we’d like to share a simple decorative slideshow component with you. The idea behind this […]
The post Multi-Layout Slideshow with JavaScript & CSS appeared first on jQuery Rain.
jQuery plugin to make iframes responsive.jQuery Responsinatr solves that issue with dynamic resizing based on the screen size to make the iframes adapt to smartphones, tablets and desktop computers.
The post Responsinatr : jQuery Responsive Iframes Plugin appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Build a simple, interactive, historical timeline with FLIK TIMELINE. The benefits of this timeline is that it’s simple, able to handle nearly any form of content (including image slider, thumbnail […]
The post Flik Timeline : WordPress Responsive Timeline Plugin appeared first on jQuery Rain.
A slider that allows the selecting of value by moving a handle along a track.
The post AddSlider : Beautiful Range Slider with jQuery appeared first on jQuery Rain.
A jQuery plugin that adds the “resize” event to all elements.Have you ever wanted to listen for a resize event on an element other than window? This plugin listens for […]
The post jQuery Resize Triggering Event Plugin appeared first on jQuery Rain.
A tiny javascript library for obfuscating and revealing text in DOM elements.
The post baffle.js : JavaScript library for Obfuscating & Revealing Text appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Fruits slicing game made with jQuery.
The post Fruits Slicing Game with jQuery appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Bluroverlay.js is a jQuery plugin to blur overlay.
The post Bluroverlay.js : jQuery Blur Overlay Library appeared first on jQuery Rain.
A lightweight desktop-engine for JQuery.This lightweight jquery-ui-plugin provides basic desktop functionality. Windows options from HTML-data-attributes focus-system to highlight active windows minimize and restore windows maximize and restore windows Taskbar display […]
The post jQuery Desktop Engine Plugin appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Nozzle is a simple data filtering and manipulation library in jQuery.
The post Nozzle : jQuery Data Filtering and Manipulation appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Slider Maker – Create jQuery Photo Slideshows, Galleries, Carousels in no time ! Fully responsive Retina-enabled Creates Well-adaptated images for each screen & device Touch-swipe Lazy Images Loading Loaded with […]
The post Slider Maker : Create jQuery Photo Slideshows & Galleries appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Scroll-driven story map, with point markers and narrative text in GeoJSON, using Leaflet and jQuery.
The post Leaflet Storymap in GeoJSON with jQuery appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Here is a tool where user can select a different web & mobile menu and generate a responsive menu.All you have to do is select the navigation type and generate […]
The post Customizable Responsive Menu appeared first on jQuery Rain.
The post Instagram-style filters in HTML5 Canvas appeared first on jQuery Rain.
jQuery plugin for input with prefix text.
The post jQuery plugin Input Prefix appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Reversed-Tetris is a web-based game written in pure JavaScript without any dependency. Be compare with most web-based games, Reversed-Tetris use Dom as the render engine, instead of the canvas. It’s […]
The post Reversed-Tetris : Game with JavaScript appeared first on jQuery Rain.
A secondary content panel that folds flat, powered by CSS Transformations and jQuery. 3D fold effects are pretty popular nowadays, mostly because they have been integrated quite often in mobile […]
The post Responsive 3D Folding Panel with jQuery appeared first on jQuery Rain.
jQuery Cookiefy is a lightweight jQuery plugin to the EU Cookie laws.
The post Cookiefy : jQuery plugin to the EU Cookie laws appeared first on jQuery Rain.
A simple, framework-agnostic scrollspy script. Gumshoe works great with Smooth Scroll.
The post Gumshoe : A simple, framework-agnostic Scrollspy Script appeared first on jQuery Rain.
A simple jQuery plugin that replaces the default checkbox and uses Bootstrap glyphicon icons.
The post bs-checkbox : jQuery Checkbox plugin with Glyphicon Icons appeared first on jQuery Rain.
This jQuery plugin helps users to select products for comparison. Where user needs to click on products to add them for comparison. It also contains preview panel of selected products […]
The post Products side by side Comparison using jQuery appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Lightgallery.js is a full featured JavaScript lightbox gallery. No dependencies. Fully responsive. Modular architecture with built in plugins. Touch support for mobile devices. Mouse drag supports for desktops. Double-click/Double-tap to […]
The post Lightgallery.js : JavaScript Lightbox Gallery appeared first on jQuery Rain.
In this tutorial we will show you how to add items in shopping cart using drag and drop feature by using jQuery,Ajax and PHP.Drag And Drop is the modern and […]
The post Drag And Drop Shopping Cart Using jQuery,Ajax And PHP appeared first on jQuery Rain.
A jQuery plugin that creates an interactive minimap of an element and its children.
The post jQuery Interactive Minimap Plugin appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Slidea is a super fast and intuitive multi-purpose content slider which completely leaves the competition behind. Slidea has been developed with simplicity, efficiency and innovation in mind, making it the […]
The post Slidea : A Super Smart Responsive jQuery Slider Plugin appeared first on jQuery Rain.
Use Chameleon on elements that need to change their style inheriting properties of other elements through jQuery.Even when not using the real-time feature of Chameleon, it will save you lots […]
The post Chameleon : Style Inheriting properties of other Elements with jQuery appeared first on jQuery Rain.