- Archives (octobre 2012)

blogging, design, tech, and web

Le: 24 10 2012 à 07:12 Auteur: aditia rahman

When you installing a fresh cms on your server usually you will find a form for setting up your database setting, admin, etc, this feature often can be found on popular cms. In this post I try to create simple installer for codeigniter application, this might help after you finish create your own custom webContinue Reading

Le: 22 10 2012 à 05:16 Auteur: aditia rahman

We already know some of the advantages using bootstrap are easier to make responsive layout, easy to use built in css style. Using bootstrap with in wordpress theme development might help your project faster, today I collected some of free blank wordpress theme based on twitter bootstrap framework. 1. BootstrapWP visit 2. Alien Ship visitContinue Reading

Le: 11 10 2012 à 07:01 Auteur: aditia rahman

Today responsive web design are becoming a trend, responsive web design are a solution for web developer for dealing with multiple devices resolution, In this post I share some tutorial to help you understand in creating responsive menu using CSS. Responsive Menu with CSS3 Tutorial visit A Responsive Drop Down Navigation Menu part 1 |Continue Reading

Le: 08 10 2012 à 03:35 Auteur: aditia rahman

Few days ago I try to create a simple navigation menu with a css rotating animation, using css animation and features sure it possible to do this, but in this case I want the animation applied when mouse over event are triggered. The problem using css hover menu is when mouse hover triggered, the elementContinue Reading