webappers.com - Archives (juillet 2013)
Hunting the Best Open Source Resources for Web Developers
Le: 31 07 2013 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Codrops has showed us how to reconstruct the Google Nexus Website Menu. It slides out with a really nice effect where some subitems get expanded as well. When hovering over a special menu icon, the sidebar icons will be revealed. When clicking on the icon, the whole sidebar menu will be shown. The first sidebar [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 31 07 2013 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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HTML is an amazing language for creating static documents, but it was never designed for interactive web apps. Many libraries try to get round HTML’s limitations, but very few tackle them head on. Ractive.js is different. It solves some of the biggest headaches in web development – data binding, efficient DOM updates, event handling – [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 30 07 2013 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Need to highlight the differences between two images? TwentyTwenty, a visual diff tool, makes it easy to spot them. It works by stacking two images on top of each other. As the slider moves across the image, it makes use of the CSS clip property to trim the image on the left. This allows the [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 29 07 2013 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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UIkit is a lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces. UIkit gives you a comprehensive collection of HTML, CSS, and JS components which is simple to use, easy to customize and extendable. UIkit is developed in LESS to write well-structured, extendable code which is easy to maintain. There is a [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 29 07 2013 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Ion.Range Slider is a nice, comfortable and easily customizable range slider with skins support. Also support events and public methods, has flexible settings, can be completely altered with CSS. It supports touch-devices which includes iPhone, iPad and etc. It has been tested on Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, IE(8.0+). It is freely distributed under [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 26 07 2013 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Cal-Heatmap is a javascript module to create a calendar heatmap. This module will help you to create a calendar, like the contribution calendar appearing on each github user’s page, but with navigation and more controls on the data formatting. Cal-Heatmap works on most modern browsers supporting SVG, and was tested on Internet Explorer 9+, Firefox 4+, [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 26 07 2013 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Phalcon PHP is a web framework delivered as a C extension providing high performance and lower resource consumption. Phalcon PHP is written in C with platform independence in mind. As a result, Phalcon PHP is available on Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, You can either download a binary package for the system of your [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 25 07 2013 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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File Type Icons is a set of 62 different file extension icons. They are designed in long shadow flat design style. You can see some of the most popular filename extensions like .png, .jpg, .exe, .dmg and .txt. If you need an icon that is not in the list, you can easily make or add [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 25 07 2013 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Chance is a random generator helper for JavaScript. It is a minimalist generator of random numbers, characters, strings, names, addresses, dice, and pretty much anything else, in order to help reduce some monotony particularly while writing automated tests. It includes the basic building blocks for all these items and is built on top of a [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 24 07 2013 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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WebdesignerDepot has released a set of 200 vector icons free for download. They are fantastic for use on all manner of sites. With subjects ranging from science to entertaining, the vast scope of the icons means that you’re bound to find something useful. This vector icon pack includes 200 vector shapes, meaning you can scale [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 24 07 2013 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Anchor is a super-simple, lightweight blog system, made to let you just write. Anchor weighs in smaller than a standard JPG image (~150kb). Anchor gives you full freedom over your words. Just write in Markdown or HTML, whatever you prefer. If you want to add some custom CSS, JavaScript, or an image to your post, [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 23 07 2013 à 09:11
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Microlancer was developed with the view that purchasing freelance services should be easy, free of surprises and enjoyable. They have worked hard to create a platform that gives the buyers easy access to thousands of digital services across the creative spectrum, while giving the service providers the space and control they need to do their [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 23 07 2013 à 09:06
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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skelJS is a lightweight frontend framework for building responsive sites and apps. Consisting of only a single JS file (weighing in at just 18kb as of this version), it gives designers and developers access to four powerful components: CSS Grid System, Responsive Handler, CSS Shortcuts and Plugin System. A sophisticated 12 column CSS grid system [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 22 07 2013 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Daux.io is an documentation generator that uses a simple folder structure and Markdown files to create custom documentation on the fly. It helps you create great looking documentation in a developer friendly way. It’s 100% Mobile Responsive. There are 4 Built-In Themes or you can roll your own as well. Requirements: Node.js Demo: http://daux.io/ License: [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 22 07 2013 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Github has recently ship mobile web views on GitHub. Repositories, Issues, Pull Requests, blobs, history views, and Pulse are now much easier to use from a phone. GitHub is a great tool for building and shipping software, but most of that building still requires a laptop or desktop computer. Our phones, on the other hand, [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 19 07 2013 à 09:45
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Smint is a simple jQuery plugin that helps with the navigation on one page style websites. It has 2 main elements, a sticky navigation bar that stays at the top of the page while you scroll down and menu buttons that automatically scroll the page to the section you clicked on. SMINT is a simple [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 18 07 2013 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Jorge Calvo is a graphic and web designer with over ten years of experience in the industry. Much of his experience is working with PS, Ai, inDesign, Quarkqpress and Dreamweaver. He has designed a set of Super Cool Minimalist Flat Icons. You can get them in EPS format and can be used for both personal [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 17 07 2013 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Cardinal is a small, “mobile first” CSS framework with some useful default styles, scalable typography, reusable modules, and a simple responsive grid system. Cardinal provides a new approach to scaling web typography and layout across multiple devices. It places little emphasis on pixel-precision, but does not restrict its usage. Instead, Cardinal leverages modular scale, unit-less [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 17 07 2013 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Readmore.js is a a smooth, lightweight jQuery plugin for collapsing and expanding long blocks of text with “Read more” and “Close” links. The required markup for Readmore.js is also extremely lightweight and very simple. No need for complicated sets of divs or hardcoded class names, just call .readmore() on the element containing your block of [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 16 07 2013 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Promin is a jQuery plugin that allows you to break forms into smaller chunks. It looks very nice and it comsumes less space. Your form requires little modification, so even if JavaScript is turned off or Promin fails to deliver, your form won’t break. It has been tested on several browsers on desktops, tablets and [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 16 07 2013 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Hashslider v2 is a jquery-based slider that does what the most jquery-sliders do, but adds a hashtag to the window location, so you can link to any content / position of the slider. The content can now be loaded from an extern .html-file what makes the performance much better, even when you have dozen of [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 15 07 2013 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Aykut Yilmaz is a Senior Art Director from Istanbul, Turkey. He has made a beautiful modern UI Kit that you can download for free. So, you can design visually interactive and appealing user interfaces with this awesome free kits. This UI kit is available in PSD format for easy modification. They can be used to [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 15 07 2013 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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S Gallery is a Responsive jQuery Gallery Plugin with CSS3 Animations. It makes use of HTML5′s FullScreen API, and relies heavily on CSS3 animations goodness and CSS3 transforms, so it will work only in browsers that support these features. It has a neat feature: exiting the slideshow mode back to the grid view mode, the [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 12 07 2013 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Loda Button is a simple jQuery plugin animates the button’s icon as the data are being fetched from the server. The classes loda-btn and loda-icon are used by the plugin to style the button. The styling is quite simple and done in loda-button.css. The animation is created using CSS3′s animation, transitions and transforms, which are [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 12 07 2013 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Codrops has shown us a creative way to show animated books using CSS 3D Transforms. You can see two types of book designs: hardcover and paperback. Both were made to be easily modifiable in some of their content parts using CSS, images, anchors and some extra little details. The hardcover book consists of three cubes: [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 11 07 2013 à 09:02
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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It’s easy to take the “masking” of passwords for granted. This practice increases login failures while providing little-to-no security benefit. Life’s too short to waste time re-typing passwords. Hide/show Password plugin lets you easily hide and reveal the contents of a password input field. The coolest part about this plugin is the “innerToggle” option. When [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 11 07 2013 à 09:01
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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If you like icons, you’re going to love this deal.This is a bundle of icon bundles. In fact, you’ll have so many icons to choose from, you’ll want to create hundreds of different Web and mobile apps. Specifically, this monstrous bundle consists of 3 huge icon bundles, for a total of 2,500 vector icons. The [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 10 07 2013 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Photos, emails, social profiles: what happens to them in case we pass away? Perpetu helps you leave final wishes for your online accounts. Practical and secure – no passwords required. Most of all it is simple and amusing, and it will make you think about your life in a whole new way. Easily connect your [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 10 07 2013 à 09:02
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Popline is a HTML5 Rich-Text-Editor toolbar. Popline is inspired from popclip. Compared to traditional RTE, popline will float around the selected text. Popline also support View Mode, you can send a twitter, a facebook message, pin an image to pinterst, search with google in View Mode. Popline provides commonly used editing features out-of-the-box. It’s easy [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 09 07 2013 à 09:09
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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As a designer, sometimes it’s difficult to get started on a new project. Maybe You will need to scour the web for inspiration, or doodle on a notepad to hopefully get some ideas. That’s when you need to look through collections of freebies. Fortunately, enhancing your web design doesn’t have to cost a small fortune [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 08 07 2013 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Ack is a tool like grep, optimized for programmers. It is designed for programmers with large heterogeneous trees of source code, ack is written purely in portable Perl 5 and takes advantage of the power of Perl’s regular expressions. It’s fast because it only searches the stuff it makes sense to search. You can searches [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 08 07 2013 à 09:01
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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if you find yourself using common design components from one website to the next. You could grab the lastest Style Guide Boilerplate framework and use that to handle these common components, or you could roll your own framework. Style Guide Boilerplate is geared for people interested in creating their own “tiny Bootstraps”. It promote consistency, [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 05 07 2013 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Webydo is a professional web suite that enables graphic designers to create and manage exceptional HTML websites, without writing code. Designers can bring any website design to life and with a click of a button, publish an advanced HTML website online easily. You will have full control over all design components such as: elements’ location, [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 05 07 2013 à 09:02
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Marble UI Kit is designed by Jian Wei from Singapore. He designs for the screens, specialise in front-end web development, user-interface and user-experience design. Jian Wei is currently pursuing a BFA in Art, Design and Media at Nanyang Technological University. He has recently made a switch to Sketch after using Photoshop for almost 9 years. [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 04 07 2013 à 09:47
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Tabulous.js is a jQuery tabs module for todays web. Tabulous.js can be used with any contents you choose in the tabs and it couldn’t be more simpler to use. Simply include jQuery and the tabulous.css and tabulous.js files before <head> section. Once you have created your tabs you can initiate the plugin with $(‘#tabs’).tabulous(). You [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 04 07 2013 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Minimit Anima is a jQuery plugin to animate with transforms and transitions. It’s hardware accelerated css3 animations which is built to have fast animation execution, and it has an api similar to jquery animate, with animations queueing. By default the anima method do automatic fallback animation on browsers not supporting transitions or transform3d. It also [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 03 07 2013 à 09:10
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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MasonJS jQuery Plugin was created to solve a problem with most grid system currently available. Gaps. When using Masonry, Isotope or any of the other grid plugins out there sometimes your grid will contain gaps or ragged edges. Mason was made to fill those gaps in. MasonJS looks at your grid and finds all of the [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 03 07 2013 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Fonts can make or break a project. Finding the right elegant font can be particularly tricky, though, since the intricate detail can often render your words illegible. That’s why Laura Worthington’s Samantha Script font is so perfect. Elegant and easy to read, this beautiful font is also significantly marked down for a limited time, due [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 02 07 2013 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Pico is a stupidly simple & blazing fast, flat file CMS. Picos makes creating and maintaining a website as simple as editing text files. Pico is a “flat file” CMS, meaning no database woe’s, no MySQL queries, nothing. It is seriously lightweight and doesn’t use a database, making it super fast. You can edit your [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 02 07 2013 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Some advertising Agencies and big corporations has done a very good job in advertisement. They are creative advertisements really stand out of the crowd, the idea is really out of the box, something that makes you laugh, talks about it or at least make you look twice. They send a lot of money on trying [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 01 07 2013 à 15:01
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Tactile Design Kit is a physical, interactive web design kit created to facilitate client conversation and brainstorming during the discovery and design phase. The kit is intended to be printed. Some items can be laminated for re-use, and others should be left as one-time paper artifacts. They help create structured limitations, within which productive conversations [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 01 07 2013 à 09:01
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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3D Isometric Map Mockup is a 3D map Photoshop action to convert a flat map to a three dimensional isometric stylish one a single click. Although It meant for maps, you can convert anything to this isometric 3D nice effect. This might include fonts, logos or anything else. You may also interested in something similar [...]
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