webappers.com - Archives (septembre 2013)
Hunting the Best Open Source Resources for Web Developers
Le: 30 09 2013 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Dart is a new language, with tools and libraries, for structured web app engineering. The Dart language is familiar and easy to learn. It’s class based and object oriented, without being dogmatic. The core libraries provide all the basics, including support for asynchronous programming with Futures. Polymer.dart lets you use future web APIs today, with support [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 30 09 2013 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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In this article, we’ll get rolling on developing plug-in free by creating bar graphs and similar graphics, using NASDAQ’s current web site as an example. But we won’t be creating merely a picture of a bar graph, but a real, interactive bar graph. Let’s take a look at an existing site that uses Flash, then [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 29 09 2013 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Thank you for all of the participants of Giveaway: $500 Worth of Services from PSD2HTML. We are happy to announce the following winner. Congratulations. You will receive an email from PSD2HTML with instructions of getting your prize shortly. 1. mdriess ($300) 2. Jamie Boepple ($200) WebAppers will continue giving away some really nice web development [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 27 09 2013 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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There are wonderful and feature-rich calendar modules out there and they all suffer the same problem: they give you markup (and often a good heap of JS) that you have to work with and style. This leads to a lot of hacking, pushing, pulling, and annoying why-can’t-it-do-what-I-want scenarios. CLNDR is a jQuery calendar plugin. Unlike most calendar [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 27 09 2013 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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The opinionated FireShell framework. Built for the modern developer. For teams and the individual, encouraging a better workflow. JavaScript task running, build processes, autominification and file concatenation, wrapped with an enhanced HTML5 boilerplated framework. It’s a a cutting edge take on the HTML5 boilerplate with some HTML5 semantics and WAI-ARIA roles for baseline semantic markup [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 26 09 2013 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Solo is the easiest way to manage your projects. You can create contacts, manage tasks, upload files, track project progress, and keep notes – all in the same place. The interface is simple, elegant, and intuitive. You can easily keep track of how much time is spent on a task using the task timer. Manually [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 26 09 2013 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Include Pace.js and the theme css of your choice, and you get a beautiful progress indicator for your page load and ajax navigation. No need to hook into any of your code, progress is detected automatically. You can choose the color, and the effects like Minimal, Flash, Barbar Shop, Mac OSX, Fill Left, Flat Top, [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 25 09 2013 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Rainyday.js is a simple script for simulating raindrops falling on a glass surface. You can get that meditative feel of watching rain on your window right in your browser. Hardly practical by any definition, but it’s quite fun to watch. The idea behind rainyday.js is to create a light JavaScript library that makes use of [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 25 09 2013 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Interactive maps aren’t particularly new; they’ve been around for years. What’s different about our map is that it will be plugin-free. No Flash, no Silverlight, no Java. Even a plugin-free interactive map isn’t totally novel; a few out there rely on HTML and JavaScript. But quite honestly, plugin-free maps usually aren’t very exciting, mostly because [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 24 09 2013 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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The flat design juggernaut continues to roll on, crushing everything in its path. With an emphasis on simplicity, it’s easy to manage basic design principles when you’re working flat. We have got this beautiful Flat Rounded Square UI Kit. that you can download for free. So, you can design visually interactive and appealing user interfaces [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 24 09 2013 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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TogetherJS is a free, open source Javascript library by Mozilla that adds collaboration features and tools to your website. By adding TogetherJS to your site, your users can help each other out on a website in real time. TogetherJS is implemented in Javascript; no software or plugins to install, and it’s friendly with existing web [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 23 09 2013 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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One Page Scroll let you transform your website into a one page scroll website that allows users to scroll one page at a time. It is perfect for creating a website in which you want to present something to the viewers. For example, Apple’s iPhone 5S website uses the same technique. You can customize the [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 23 09 2013 à 09:01
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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PSD2HTML.com provides fast, high quality conversion of graphic Web design into HTML and its extensions, as well as full service custom development services for a variety of CMS and eCommerce platforms. They convert your designs to high quality HTML5 + CSS3 / XHTML + CSS coded along with JavaScript by the best front-end developers in [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 20 09 2013 à 17:07
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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When you’ve poured your heart and soul into designing a truly stunning app, it’s important to help show it off as best as you can. And what better way to show the look and feel of your app than by showing how it would appear running on a device? Whether it’s an iPhone, iPad, Android [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 19 09 2013 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Semantic UI is a set of specifications for sharing UI elements between developers. Semantic is also a UI library to make front end development simpler and easier to learn. The Semantic library describes many UI elements. In most instances it might be best to build a custom build with only the elements you need. UI [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 19 09 2013 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Mailpile is a modern, fast web-mail client with user-friendly encryption and privacy features. 100% Free and Open Source software. It’s free-as-in-freedom personal e-mail searching and indexing tool, largely inspired by Google’s popular proprietary-but-gratis e-mail service. It wants to eventually become a fast and flexible back-end for awesome personal mail clients, including webmail. Mailpile is still [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 18 09 2013 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Naver is a jQuery plugin for responsive navigation. It is an easy way to turn any navigation system into a responsive-ready, mobile-friendly toggle. The navigation states can be also be animated. It has been tested in Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE7+. It is released under the MIT License. Feel free to use it in personal and [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 18 09 2013 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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FailSafe is a jQuery plugin to help your application work correct even in peril situations. In other words, it takes care of situations like Lost Internet Connectivity and Low Battery Level. When a user loses Internet Connectivity or his laptop’s Charge goes down, this plugin shows a very user-friendly message to the user. Optionally, this [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 17 09 2013 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Guzzle takes the pain out of sending HTTP requests and the redundancy out of creating web service clients. It’s a framework that includes the tools needed to create a robust web service client, including: Service descriptions for defining the inputs and outputs of an API, resource iterators for traversing paginated resources, batching for sending a [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 17 09 2013 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Stand to Make is an interactive visual tool for calculating your earnings potential. Do you have an idea for an awesome eBook? Are you designing a killer icon set, UI Kit, or WordPress theme? Whatever the product, Stand to Make can help you answer the question “What do I stand to make?”. It’s a great [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 16 09 2013 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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jQuery Fullscreen Editor Plugin transforms textfields to customizable editors, either it can be used within a form or standalone. You can set the Maximum width and height for fullscreen editor. You can show semi-transparent overlay behind the editor in fullscreen mode as well. The transition effect while switching fullscreen mode can be fade or slide-in. [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 13 09 2013 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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jQuery.tweetable.js makes sentences and snippets easily tweetable for your users. That will grab all elements with the data-tweetable attribute and create clickable links out of them. If the attribute in question has a value (e.g. data-tweetable=’I love lamp’), the tweet’s text will be set to that value. The links are unstyled by default, but those [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 12 09 2013 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Annyang is a tiny javascript library that lets your visitors control your site with voice commands. Annyang has no dependencies, weighs less than 1kb, and is free to use and modify. It plays nicely with all browsers, progressively enhancing browsers that support SpeechRecognition, while leaving users with older browsers unaffected. It is licensed under MIT [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 12 09 2013 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Melany Lane Script Font is a beautifully fun and quirky font, Melany Lane is a pure delight to use and read. It elicits a feel-good, homey type of emotion that’s just full of flourish. Included in this bundle are: Melany Lane, Melany Lane Bold, Melany Lane Ornaments, Melany Lane Ornaments Bold, and Melany Lane Patterns. [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 11 09 2013 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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StackEdit is a free, open-source Markdown editor based on PageDown, the Markdown library used by Stack Overflow and the other Stack Exchange sites. You can manage multiple Markdown documents online or offline, export your documents in Markdown or HTML and format it using a template, synchronize your Markdown documents in the Cloud. You can also [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 11 09 2013 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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As expected, Apple’s just announced the iPhone 5S, its latest flagship smartphone. It runs iOS 7, and looks almost exactly like the iPhone 5 but comes in different colors: silver, a new “space gray,” and gold. There’s a capacitive ring around the home button that activates the sensor, and it can read your fingerprint in [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 10 09 2013 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Flattastic UI kit gives your flat design a boost with this Flattastic UI kit, designed by Vlade Dimovski. The PSD is properly layered, with intuitive naming, making modifying it for your own projects a synch. The design features four pairs of complimentary colors perfect for any flat design. The flat design juggernaut continues to roll [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 10 09 2013 à 09:02
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Most of the people would like to change the mobile wallpapers often such that they look cool. But finding a good wallpaper to display on the screen of your mobile is a task in itself. It’s even harder to find a wallpaper resolution matches with your screen resolution. Mobiles Wall is a responsive site dedicated [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 09 09 2013 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Favico.js make use of your favicon with badges, images or videos. You can easily animate your favicon with animated badges. You can customize type of animation, background color and text color. It supports animation like slide, fade, pop. All code is open source and dual licensed under GPL and MIT. Requirements: Twitter Bootstrap Demo: http://lab.ejci.net/favico.js/ [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 09 09 2013 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Glide.js is responsive and touch-friendly jQuery slider. Based on CSS3 transitions with fallback to older broswers. It’s simple, lightweight and fast. Designed to slide, no less, no more. It works on smartphones, tablets and desktops. It supports Swipe event, Arrows and bullets navigation, Keyboard navigation, Public API with callbacks, Autoplay and Pause on hover. It [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 06 09 2013 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Animo.js is a powerful little tool for managing CSS animations. It includes features like Stack animations, create cross-browser blurring, set callbacks on animation completion. Animo includes the amazing animate.css library by Dan Eden which provides you with nearly 60 beautiful animations from attention seekers to entrances and exits. He has also added a few helper [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 06 09 2013 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Codrops has shared a tutorial of Sliding Horizontal Layout, where we see the main section in the middle and part of the previous and next section on the sides. The navigation reflects this view by showing the three items currently visible. When clicking on one of the sides or on one of the lateral navigation [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 05 09 2013 à 09:19
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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The CSS3 Animation Cheat Sheet is a set of preset, plug-and-play animations for your web projects. All you need to do is add the stylesheet to your website and apply the premade CSS classes to the elements you want animated. The CSS3 Animation Cheat Sheet uses CSS3 @keyframes and works on all the latest browsers [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 05 09 2013 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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MightyDeals has put together a bundle of 8 web services contracts templates designed to handle the necessary paperwork needed for the boring business side of your company. This contract bundle covers a wide variety of services including: Social Media Marketing! SEO Services, Web Design, Copyright Authorization, Website Maintenance. All contracts included in this bundle arrive [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 04 09 2013 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Screenfly allows you to view your website on a variety of device screens and resolutions. Enter a URL and click on GO to get started. Screenfly can use a proxy server to mimic devices while you view your website. The proxy server mimics the user agent string of the devices you select, but not the [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 04 09 2013 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Bootstrap Magic themes generator is featuring Bootstrap 3 and AngularJS. You can easily create your own Twitter Bootstrap theme quickly. You can see instantly what you are changing on the content. You can also add awesome webfonts from Google Webfont. They are all included in font magic typehead. Satisfy? Download your personalized CSS, minified or [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 03 09 2013 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Salvattore is a jQuery Masonry alternative with CSS-driven configuration. Salvattore organizes your HTML elements according to the number of columns you specify. Each of the items in your container is placed within these columns, one by one. To get started simply add a data-columns attribute to the container. In your CSS file you can set [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 03 09 2013 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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iosOverlay.js is iOS-style overlays/notifications for the web. It has been tested on IE7+, Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Desktop Safari, Mobile Safari — iPhone & iPad. To prevent icon flickers as they load, you have to preload image resources. Spin.js is required if you want to use a spinner object. And jQuery is required for a [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 02 09 2013 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Dripicons is a set of 84 free icons that you can use for your projects or apps. Available formats: PSD, AI, EPS, PDF, SVG, Webfont. Dripicons was created for my personal use, however Amit Jakhu thought some of you might find it useful; therefore he has released it completely for free with no restrictions on [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 02 09 2013 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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RandomUser is an API that provides you with a randomly generated user. These users can be used as placeholders in web mockups, and will save you time from creating your own placeholder information. You can use AJAX or another method to ask RandomUser for a randomly generated user easily. RandomUser gives you a couple ways [...]
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