webappers.com - Archives (mai 2014)
Hunting the Best Open Source Resources for Web Developers
Le: 30 05 2014 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Fort.js is a modern progress bar for form completion. All you do is add the form and Fort.js algorithm will take care of the rest. Best of all, it super small. Using Fort.js is so simple, it’s simple. All you do is insert fort.min.js and fort.min.css into the <head> then pop in an <input> into <div>. Anything outside of the <div> won’t count. Yep, that’s all [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 30 05 2014 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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If you are a designer you will surely agree to this, won’t you? What makes them better is that they are for free! Yes, thats right. If you are a designer then you will certainly want to checkout these high quality resources which you can’t refrain from downloading. Get a sneak peek into these design [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 29 05 2014 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Origami is a free toolkit for Quartz Composer — created by the Facebook Design team — that makes interactive design prototyping easy and doesn’t require programming. Most designers today create static mockups to communicate app ideas. But increasingly apps are anything but static, which means as designers we need a better tool for interaction design [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 29 05 2014 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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App.js is a lightweight JavaScript UI library for creating mobile webapps that behave like native apps, sacrificing neither performance nor polish. It’s cross-platform, themable platform-specific UI designs, configurable native-like transitions. And it supports built-in widgets for general use-cases. The goal of App.js is to provide a robust starting point for mobile webapps, handling general scenarios, [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 28 05 2014 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Danny King has designed an interactive placeholder thing for his forms and wrote it entirely in CSS. He has shared how he designed that placeholder and how it manages to adapt to user input. Before he came up with the Adaptive Placeholder, it was just using a normal one. he liked the simplicity of using [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 28 05 2014 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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ShortcutMapper is a keyboard shortcuts visualiser for popular applications. The application uses ajax calls to load keyboards and application data. First, try and find an online resource that lists all the application shortcuts for each platform. Now you’re going to use that resource to export an to intermediate data format that can be edited by [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 27 05 2014 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Shine.js is a library for pretty shadows. You can set dynamic light positions, Customizable shadows. And there is no library dependencies, AMD compatible. It works in browsers that support textShadow or boxShadow and auto-prefixes if necessary. Requirements: JavaScript Framework Demo: http://bigspaceship.github.io/shine.js/ License: MIT License
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 27 05 2014 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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RWD Table Patterns is an experimental awesome solution for responsive tables with complex data. It’s a fork based on Filament Group’s repo with a more complete solutions and some new features. It’s built with mobile first and progressive enhancement in mind. In browsers without JavaScript, the tables will still be scrollable. And there’s still some [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 26 05 2014 à 09:38
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Catalin Fertu is an Interface Designer. He has shared a nice set of 220 line icons in PSD format. You can use them as you wish. All the icons are royalty free for personal and commercial use. Requirements: - Demo: https://dribbble.com/shots/1563947-Free-Icon-Set License: License Free
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 26 05 2014 à 09:26
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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RulersGuides.js is a Javascript library which enables Photoshop-like rulers and guides interface on a web page. To create a guide, click the vertical or horizontal ruler and drag-n-drop it somewhere outside the ruler. It is possible to open/save created guides as grids using corresponding hotkeys. Rulers can be locked, so that one of the rulers [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 23 05 2014 à 09:52
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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JSCapture is screen capturing library implemented with pure JavaScript and HTML5. It allows you to make screenshots and record a video of your desktop from your browser. JSCapture uses getUserMedia for screen capturing. Currently the API for screen capturing is supported only by Google Chrome, Canary and Chromium by enabling an experimental flag. In order [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 23 05 2014 à 09:00
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Everything you see contains a palette. Some beautiful. Some ‘ugly’. Some dark. Some light. Some hot. Some cold. But they are all inspiring. They are all engaging. Color can adjust our perception. It can effect the way our food tastes. It can increase the emotional and intuitive level of an experience. The goal of The [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 22 05 2014 à 09:15
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Griddify is a tiny Photoshop Panel to make Guides and Grids. Griddify is tiny and fast. It helps you compose custom grid systems, vertical rhythm, and do a bunch of other stuff with guides in photoshop. Make sure you have Adobe Extension Manager installed. Download Griddify, and install using Adobe Extension Manager. Once installed, open [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 21 05 2014 à 09:59
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Draggabilly is a small (~10k) JavaScript library that does one thing well — make that shiz draggable. It makes it super easy to add drag-and-drop functionality to your site. It supports IE8+ and multi-touch. You can specify both a containment area and specific handle for dragging. Installation is simple, just download and include the file. [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 21 05 2014 à 09:56
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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MagicSuggest is multiple selection combobox built for bootstrap themes. it allows room for free entries but also have fixed suggestions loaded dynamically. It supports customized presentation, data fetched through ajax but auto filtered by the component. It is licensed under MIT License. Requirements: JavaScript Framework Demo: http://nicolasbize.com/magicsuggest/ License: MIT License
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 20 05 2014 à 09:02
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Parallax has become, for better or worse, an increasingly popular web trend. The problem is, a vast majority of sites using parallax suffer from terrible scroll performance. It’s especially bad on devices with high pixel density like retina MacBook Pro’s. Dave Gamache has published an article: Parallax Done Right. He played quite a bit with [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 20 05 2014 à 09:02
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Single Element CSS Spinners is a collection of loading spinners animated with CSS. Each spinner consists of a single div with a class of ‘loader’ and content text of ‘Loading…’. The text is for screen readers and can be used as a fallback state for older browsers. The aim of this project was to create [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 19 05 2014 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Node.js is increasingly gaining popularity among web developers. Due to all hosting companies Node.js remains the prerogative of dedicated servers and VPS. Actually VPS is a solution that even a small startup can afford. For more details refer to the documentation on nodejs.org. As you know, Node.js supports modules. You can find the folder for [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 19 05 2014 à 09:02
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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If you’re looking for a little logo inspiration, this Mighty Deal has your name on it. The ultimate Logo Mockup & Design Kit includes 70 retro logo templates, as well as 50+ photo-realistic logo mockups. These high-quality vector files, from Cruizine Design, are fully customizable and a snap to use. In no time at all, [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 16 05 2014 à 16:43
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Node.js is increasingly gaining popularity among web developers. Due to all hosting companies Node.js remains the prerogative of dedicated servers and VPS. Actually VPS is a solution that even a small startup can afford. For more details refer to the documentation on nodejs.org. As you know, Node.js supports modules. You can find the folder for [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 16 05 2014 à 10:21
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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If you already come across the Samsung Corporate Design Center, you certainly have noticed the stylish Samgsung Grid Loading Effect. The colored background of an item slides in first and when it slides out again to the opposite side, the image is revealed. The idea is to load grid images showing a swiping animation of [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 16 05 2014 à 10:12
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Sometimes, when we are building websites and web applications, we need a percentage bar / progress bar to show the progress of a specific task. Therefore Kalasoohave has created a lovely Number Progress Bar inspired by daimajia. It is light-weight, easy to use, customizable, free and open-source. Requirements: JavaScript Framework Demo: http://kalasoo.github.io/NumberProgressBar/ License: MIT License
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 15 05 2014 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Framer is a JavaScript framework that makes creating realistic prototypes a breeze, complete with filters, spring physics and full 3D effects. Define interactions and create animations in a simple, readable and powerful way. Framer Generator is a desktop app that imports the resources and folder hierarchy from Photoshop files. Once your visual design is done, [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 15 05 2014 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Quill was built to address the problem that existing WYSIWYG editors are themselves WYSIWYG. If the editor was not exactly the way you want it, it was difficult or impossible to customize it to fit your needs. Quill aims to solve this by organizing itself into modules and offering a powerful API to build additional [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 14 05 2014 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Photopile JS is a JavaScript/jQuery image gallery that simulates a pile of photos scattered about on a surface. Thumbnail clicks remove photos from the pile, (enlarging them as if being picked up by the user), and once in view a secondary click returns the photo to the pile. Thumbnails are draggable, enhancing the experience by [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 14 05 2014 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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You may have seen really cool animated GIFs that design professionals are using to present UI design on Behance, Dribble and other design communities platforms and wondered how did they created them. What is fast becoming one of the best ways of illustrating gestures and animations in mobile apps, animated GIFs offer a little more [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 13 05 2014 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Both diagrams and charts are pictorial representations of information. Both are used to communicate visually, and both try to simplify the information they’re conveying. They’re also a great way to track trends and help explain complex datasets. Have you ever encounter situations where you need to create a simple yet good-looking chart? That’s why we [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 13 05 2014 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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WTF, forms? provides friendlier HTML form controls with a little CSS magic. Designed for IE9+, as well as the latest Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. The file input is the most gnarly of the bunch. They wrap the <input> in a <label> so the custom control properly triggers the file browser. They use :after to generate a custom background [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 12 05 2014 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Shepherd is a JavaScript library for guiding users through your app. It uses Tether, another open source library, to position all of its steps. Tether makes sure your steps never end up off screen or cropped by an overflow. You can easily guide your users through a tour of your app. Requirements: JavaScript Framework Demo: [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 09 05 2014 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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There are some websites that have some kind of an indicator to display the current reading position (how much you have “read”, depending on how far you have scrolled down an article). Generally, such indicators are used on blog posts or long form articles and help readers understand how far they are from finishing the [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 09 05 2014 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Debug is a small library for logging debug messages. Since it is just a wrapper around console.log, it works in both Node and the Browser. It allows you to filter logging output without changing your source and it also outputs time differences which lets you easily tell how much time has elapsed between log messages. [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 08 05 2014 à 17:23
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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No matter which business you are in, business card will play a important role especially when having business communications with potential clients. There’s crazy amount of competition on the internet, and it is not easy to make your business stand apart from the competition. Everyone is trying innovative ways of attracting and retaining the attention [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 08 05 2014 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Ghost is a platform dedicated to publishing. It has a beautiful minimal design, is very customizeable and Open Source. Ghost allows you to write and publish your own blog, giving you the tools to make it easy and even fun to do. Ghost application is free. Free to use, free to modify, free to share, [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 07 05 2014 à 09:33
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Are you sick of having to constantly press that refresh button? Well no more. Dimensions Toolkit is compatible with all JavaScript auto-refreshers, so no more incessant button bashing. Dimensions Toolkit is all for accurate measurements and sizes. We can control the dimensions of the preview by dragging handles, entering specific values manually or choosing from [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 07 05 2014 à 09:22
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Payment webfont icons set is handy for designing eCommerce websites. It’s an SVG webfont full of icons of main payment systems. It includes Mastercard, Maestro, Visa, Visa Electron, American Express, Postepay, Cartasì, Diners Club, Discover, Union Pay, Electronic Cash, TrustE, Amazon, JCB Google Wallet, Stripe, Square, Ogone, VeriSign, Bitcoin (2 glyphs), Ripple, Sofortüberweisung, Gittip, Flattr, [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 06 05 2014 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Project Parfait is an experimental service for designers and developers, who turn Photoshop comps into code-based designs. It lets you quickly and easily extract what you need from a PSD comp. Project Parfait lets you do the following directly in your browser: Extract color, gradient and font info from a PSD, Copy text and CSS, [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 06 05 2014 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Raindrop makes bookmarks more vivid and functional. Save important pages, articles, video or photo in one click. Organize collection contents and share with friends. Raindrop saves not just bookmarks but associated content depending on page type. If it’s an article, it will be cut and saved with the bookmark. The same applies to video, photo [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 05 05 2014 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Consumers increasingly rely on the mobile web to research and make purchases, which makes it more important than ever for companies to have an effective mobile presence. But what makes a good mobile site? To answer this question, Google partnered with AnswerLab to research how a range of users interacted with a diverse group of [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 05 05 2014 à 09:03
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Keeping your type at comfortably readable line lengths can be quite a challenge with responsive design. When viewports can be nearly any size under the sun, it can feel like we’re going to need a whole lot of media queries and coaxing to keep our type in check. We want our type to be stretchy, [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 02 05 2014 à 09:05
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Just another UI Kit is a simple, flat and free mobile / web UI kit avilable as a free PSD under MIT license. There are no restrictions for either personal or commercial use. Basically, you can do whatever you want with it. Requirements: - Demo: http://www.unity.hr/ui-kit/ License: MIT License
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 01 05 2014 à 09:33
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Pop is an extensible animation engine for iOS and OS X. In addition to basic static animations, it supports spring and decay dynamic animations, making it useful for building realistic, physics-based interactions. The API allows quick integration with existing Objective-C codebases and enables the animation of any property on any object. It’s a mature and [...]
Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications
Le: 01 05 2014 à 09:25
Auteur: Ray Cheung

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Wholly is a jQuery plugin for triggering table column mouseenter and mouseleave events. Wholly is used for highlighting the entire table column. Wholly supports tables with colspan and rowspan attributes. If you want to support colspan and rowspan, then first you need to build table cell index. Then you need to track events of all [...]
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