- Archives (octobre 2015)

Ressource Web

Le: 29 10 2015 à 09:21 Auteur: Nicolas Hoffmann

DRY – don't repeat yourself – is one of the basic principles of programming. The two main concepts allowing you to avoid repetitions in programming are variables and functions.
Question is: how can we think DRY with a language which does not have variables or functions?
(Note: this article was previously published in French a few weeks before this translation –if you have any feedback on the translation made by Nicolas Hoffmann and Fernando Prieto, please let us know.)
Yes, the last (...)

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Le: 23 10 2015 à 16:13 Auteur: Le collectif Openweb

Nous avions invité ici-même Daniel Glazman en Juin 2008 pour une interview sur son activité de co-chairman au CSS Working Group.
Comme ce dernier va quitter son poste de co-chairman d'ici quelques jours, nous vous proposons une seconde interview, sept années après.
Note : nous vous invitons vivement à (re)lire la première interview de Daniel Glazman, car nous allons nous référer plusieurs fois à cette dernière. De plus, la vision d'ensemble d'un profil technique aussi extraordinaire que peut l'être (...)

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Le: 15 10 2015 à 10:47 Auteur: Nicolas Hoffmann

“Think outside of the box”: here is an enigmatic title!
However, it is one of our greatest challenges as CSS developers: abstracting us from our environment and even from our own senses that can… set up some vicious traps.
(Note: this article was previously published in French a few weeks before this translation –if you have any feedback on the translation made by Nicolas Hoffmann and John Elbing, please let us know.)
“Human” mistakes
Yes, we are human: when we create a CSS, we do it in a (...)

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Le: 08 10 2015 à 11:02 Auteur: Nicolas Hoffmann

You cannot escape it : performance has become a vital and probably one of the most critical requirements of modern websites.
CSS production has to take this into account.
(Note : this article was previously published in French a few weeks before this translation –if you have any feedback on the translation made by Nicolas Hoffmann and John Elbing, please let us know.)
A great part of performance optimization for a website is the front-end optimization. Some major themes allow to (...)

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