- Archives (décembre 2012)
Back just a few years ago it was required for web developers use JavaScript/jQuery to perform animated effects in-browser. CSS3 has dramatic
Le: 27 12 2012 à 15:42
Auteur: Jake Rocheleau

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Website layouts are not the most difficult part of coding a typical design. But unfortunately there are still not many standards set in stone for creating multiple column-based layouts. These are often put together through various CSS methods, but the most supported designs are using fluid width containers.
In this tutorial I want to look over a series of different CSS column layouts. We can see how to build websites using floats and direct positioning. Most common websites will utilize 2 or 3 columns at most, so that is what we'll be focusing on. Along with these ideas you should feel comfortable trying out other CSS codes. There are new standards being written so frequently it can be difficult to gauge the best possible solution.

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Le: 22 12 2012 à 17:09
Auteur: Brant Wilson

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We're feeling festive today with the holidays coming. Because we are in the giving spirit we are offering $5 off of the
Zen Textures Collection for the holidays. Simply enter code 5off at checkout to redeem your discount. You will receive 430 instant download high quality textures for $24! . $29 was already a deal! Don't miss out on this limited time offer.
Get the Deal!

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Le: 19 12 2012 à 18:01
Auteur: Jake Rocheleau

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Building a CSS stylesheet is not often the most difficult task when constructing a website. However putting together readable styles which still make sense months down the road may be a challenge. Web developers often get lazy and struggle to keep their documents organized.

Thankfully there are some easy steps you can take to build your stylesheets with a very clean codebase. In this article I would like to introduce some ideas for writing clean CSS comments in your code. Commenting is a useful practice not just when coming back to your own files in the future, but also for other developers who are picking up your work. Play around with just a couple of these techniques and you will certainly notice a difference in the readability of your stylesheets.

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Le: 16 12 2012 à 23:57
Auteur: Jake Rocheleau

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Designing a website portfolio can be difficult because of all the different options and various layout solutions you can choose. Ultimately you want to use a portfolio to focus on projects you have created, or are currently creating & working with. This showcase is helpful to people interested in your work.
For this gallery I have put together 26 inspiring portfolio project listings. Each page layout focuses on the projects and offering details for potential clients. Freelancers and agencies alike can learn and study from similar techniques already created online. If you enjoy the post and want to share some ideas feel free to drop a comment in the discussion area below.

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Le: 13 12 2012 à 04:28
Auteur: Brant Wilson

Advertise here with BSA’s WordPress Bootcamp is quickly filling up and
early-bird pricing ends tonight at midnight: Thursday, December 13,
To learn exactly how to use WordPress to make feature-rich websites
faster than ever before,
grab your seat today.
You’ll learn everything you need to know – from the very basics (like
how to choose a domain name) all the way to customizing your new
website and even how to find clients.

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Le: 11 12 2012 à 22:57
Auteur: Jake Rocheleau

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Most web developers consider Wordpress as a blogging platform and Content Management System. But through some really simple plugins such as WooCommerce you can make enormous eCommerce shops running via Wordpress. This allows you to sell anything from physical to digital products, and charge your customers through an online interface.
Now the problems arise when you need to customize your layout. I have put together this gallery of 32 excellent themes for eCommerce Wordpress websites. Obviously you do have the option to customize and code your own layout from scratch. But I find that working from a pre-built theme allows you to study the system easier. Plus many of these templates are free to download and should work properly with the latest release of Wordpress.

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Le: 10 12 2012 à 18:13
Auteur: Brant Wilson

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For the past few weeks we’ve been telling you about the WordPress Bootcamps offered by These WordPress Bootcamps have been so popular and sell out so quickly
that they’ve had to make a few changes:
- They added more seats to accommodate more students at one time.
- They brought in another WordPress expert so each student will
still get the same 1-on-1 attention.
But, even though this is their biggest WordPress Bootcamp yet, they
still expect to sell out.
Reserve your seat here.

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Le: 08 12 2012 à 15:18
Auteur: Brant Wilson

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If you are a regular reader you have probably heard that recently acquired all the intellectual property rights to As part of this acquisition we have decided to put the entire Zen Collection in your hands for only $29. That is right, $29 for over 450 high resolution textures!
Get the Deal!
Every day we have people emailing us from
Lost and Taken asking if there is any way to download a giant collection of textures instead of working through them one at a time. Here's your chance.

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Le: 05 12 2012 à 17:50
Auteur: Brant Wilson

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A lot of web designers are mainly concerned with creating beautiful
websites for their clients. They want the websites they create to be
picture-perfect, impressive, and works of art. They don’t put much
thought into a website after they hand it over to the client.
If this is your mindset, you’re leaving money on the table. Also, my
experience training web designers for over 8 years tells me results
(not design) make the biggest difference between the web designers who
earn a lot and those who don’t.
In other words, you should be making websites that make your clients
more money. By thinking like a business owner you’ll be able to charge
a much higher hourly rate. This mindset starts by viewing your
websites as more than just a pretty face.
Business owners care more about the statistics of their website. How
many visitors did they get this month? Is that more than last month?
How many people purchased something? How many people left without
buying? Why?

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