- Archives (septembre 2013)
Back just a few years ago it was required for web developers use JavaScript/jQuery to perform animated effects in-browser. CSS3 has dramatic
Le: 27 09 2013 à 16:01
Auteur: Jake Rocheleau

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Landing pages and social websites thrive on user interaction. It is the grinding mechanism which keeps people visiting your webpage over and over again. How you design an interface can say a lot about how people should maneuver through menus, links, buttons, and other similar page elements. Each solution is different and there certainly isn't any prominent correct answer.
In this article I want to go over some more popular web design concepts for creating alluring interfaces. You want visitors to be swept away by the design and practically fall in love with your website. A beautiful design coupled with a beneficial experience is what can help your web application or website layout stand apart from the rest.
Relating to the Interface
The key to any enticing interface is to make the user wants to interact with your website. Obviously the primary reason should be their interest in your product or service... you want people registering an account because they actually want to. But it helps to give them a little incentive by designing catchy interfaces which practically sell themselves.

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Le: 25 09 2013 à 15:46
Auteur: Jake Rocheleau

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Ajax-style loading boxes are useful when displaying large sets of related data. Think about something like an FAQ page, knowledgebase, or support system. Any type of navigation is often suitable as long as the user can determine how to navigate between content areas.
In this tutorial I want to demonstrate how we can build a custom vertical content section using jQuery. All of the internal content is held inside div containers which can be navigated with an icon-based menu. This content isn't loaded externally via Ajax, but is instead hidden & displayed using content sections already on the page. Check out my live sample demo to get an idea of what we are building.

Live Demo - Download Source Code

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Le: 24 09 2013 à 18:07
Auteur: Brant Wilson

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Web hosting is one of the most important aspect of an online business whether it is a small personal blog or a huge social media website. It doesn't matter if you have a gorgeous web page if your server keeps crashing. For a visitor there is nothing worse than trying to access a website that is offline. In the end, your newest song, article, movie clip or anything else you hope will make your website popular doesn't matter if you cannot show it to your visitors. Therefore, you should be really careful when you choose who will host your site. In this article we will give you the top 10 best web hosting solutions for 2013.

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Le: 23 09 2013 à 04:48
Auteur: Laura Spencer

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Your web design business is doing well. So well, in fact, that you've regularly been
hiring subcontractors to help you with your work.
You're thinking of moving beyond freelancing. You're seriously considering becoming a full-fledged web design agency. Should you do it?
At first glance, starting your own agency may sound wonderful. If you do it, you can be proud that you've built something from the ground up and that you are able to give others a start in the industry. Owning an agency may also provide you with a chance to earn more money.
Naturally, there are quite a few differences between running an agency and freelancing. In this post, I'll outline some of them. If you've made the transition from freelancing to running a web design agency, or are thinking of doing so, you're invited to share your thoughts and comments at the end of this post.

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Le: 23 09 2013 à 04:23
Auteur: Inspiredology

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AppSeed lets you take your sketches and make them into functioning prototypes, bridging the gap between pen/paper and digital, through computer vision. It allows you to sketch your designs as you normally would and then manipulate your sketches directly on your phone. Unlike similar products, the use of computer vision speeds up the process and […]

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Le: 19 09 2013 à 13:05
Auteur: Steven Snell

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Fireworks doesn't get as much attention as some of the other products from Adobe, but it is still a valuable resource for many designers. If you're interested in improving your skills with Fireworks, here are some of the best tutorials available.
Fireworks Tutorials:
Circular Shadows and Highlights

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Le: 17 09 2013 à 16:23
Auteur: Brant Wilson

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Settling for the best source of royalty free images and media files may prove to be tricky if you’re not aware of all the available options. So if you’re a web designer, a blogger, or a writer for an online magazine, here’s a fresh list of the best stock agencies to help you make an informed decision.

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Le: 16 09 2013 à 17:50
Auteur: Jake Rocheleau

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Open source has taken the web design community by storm. Even just the past 1-2 years has seen a tremendous rise in the number of plugins, themes, and free codes for web developers. Notably WordPress is a fast-growing CMS engine for running your own blog or website.
There are millions of different websites powered by WordPress running online, with new launches happening each month. I put together this gallery focusing on 44 eye-catching websites running on WordPress. You can use these designs as inspiration for your own ideas. WP theming is a big topic and it's worth studying so that you can build your own themes.

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Le: 11 09 2013 à 16:38
Auteur: Jake Rocheleau

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Digital media production companies work with all kinds of artists. Production may come in the form of music, video, animation, or some other creative expression. These websites are designed to express the quality of their productions and the team behind each one.
In this collection you will find 35 inspiring production company website layouts. These are perfect for anyone considering a redesign of their own company website - even based in another field. Production companies are like many other companies and would include similar information. I hope these designs may offer a starting point to get working on your own project(s).

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Le: 11 09 2013 à 05:09
Auteur: iulian

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No one lingers in front of a computer anymore; people have loaded schedules and places they have to go to, for the most part of the day. But they carry their smartphones and tablets with them. A good email marketing strategy has to effectively reach clients who are constantly on the move, and success may well come down to how catchy and adaptable to all kinds of devices these emails really are. I would like to tell you about a marketplace that offers exceptional deals to contributing web designers, and to clients in need of highly flexible and visually provocative email templates.

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Le: 10 09 2013 à 22:12
Auteur: Brant Wilson

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Today we have something a little different for you. Our friends over at iStock reached out to us to let us know about a promotion they are running and gave us these promo codes to share with our readers for additional savings off any credit pack...

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Le: 09 09 2013 à 18:10
Auteur: Laura Spencer

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Like many web designers, you may have a side business designed to earn extra income. You may sell WordPress themes, you may have an app for sale, or your side project may be something else.
Whatever your side project is, you need to develop a marketing strategy interested in your product or service. We've already discussed the pros and cons of giving away
freebies as a marketing strategy. But giveaways aren't the only marketing strategy you should consider.
Submitting guest posts to multiple blogs is another popular marketing strategy that many web designers use to promote their side projects. However, as with promotional giveaways, the playing field for guest posting has changed in recent years.
In this post, I'll discuss some of the changes you need to be aware of if you're thinking of using guest posting as a marketing strategy.

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Le: 04 09 2013 à 04:55
Auteur: Laura Spencer

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Many experts and gurus recommend giving away a product or service to attract leads. Offering freebies is a marketing strategy that has really taken off to the point where most of us are now inundated with free offers. In fact, not a day goes by when I don't find a free offer in my email inbox or through a popup window on a site I'm visiting.
I used to get really excited about free offers, but now that it seems like everyone is giving something away it's gotten so that I mostly just ignore over 90% of the free offers that I run across. Free doesn't mean as much as it used to.
Many web designers have jumped on board the giveaway bandwagon. This is especially true for those designers who have a side gig that involves selling WordPress themes or apps.
In this post, I'll examine the strategy of using free offers to attract business. We'll look at what works, what doesn't work, and I'll explain how you can make sure that your free offer reaches your target audience.

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Le: 02 09 2013 à 06:00
Auteur: Jake Rocheleau

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This original tutorial was created by Soh Tanaka and published back in 2009. Unfortunately his demo has since gone offline and I managed to find an old copy of the source codes. People in the comments have been asking for automatic rotation between the slides and I updated the codes with this feature.
So in this tutorial I am reintroducing some of Soh's original codes on how to build this dynamic automatic rotator. The jQuery is contained within the same index file and it is easy to follow along. It should also work even running the latest copy of jQuery on your website. Feel free to download a copy of the updated source codes or check out my live demo from the links below.

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