- Archives (avril 2014)

Back just a few years ago it was required for web developers use JavaScript/jQuery to perform animated effects in-browser. CSS3 has dramatic

Le: 29 04 2014 à 15:27 Auteur: Brant Wilson

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Are you one of those people who hate to wait in lines to bill your purchases? Well, wait no more, as iPad and Wi-Fi based Point of Sale systems are now here to stay. iPad POS systems are the wave of the future and they offer multiple benefits that will streamline your billing process by as much as 60 percent. dmpinkThe business website Entrepreneur, states that retailers have yet to jump on to the handheld POS system but its popularity is a given. In fact, the Alabama State University Stadium was the first to incorporate the virtual billing system for its concession vendor service during the first game of the year. The handheld billing systems made it possible to clear a record 5721 sales in the matter of a few hours. This rapid billing system impressed other stadium owners as well and handheld billing systems may be expected to be implemented at all major stadiums in the US. Although this does seem impressive, is it really possible to phase out the traditional billing register and use only tablet-based systems?

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Le: 28 04 2014 à 14:24 Auteur: Jake Rocheleau

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The Opera web browser is a great choice for reliable cross-platform Internet surfing. It's typically quicker than Firefox and offers a longer development history than Chrome. The Opera team works hard to create an expansive browser with plenty of extra features to keep users coming back. And it's fair to say the people who use Opera definitely enjoy the program.

This gallery is dedicated to extensions for Opera which can help you design, take apart, reconstruct, or analyze websites. Both designers and developers will find something useful in this collection. Whether you're a long-time user or might just try Opera on a whim, this post has an extension for every web enthusiast.


w3c validator html opera browser extension

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Le: 25 04 2014 à 15:17 Auteur: Laura Spencer

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Social networking concept - making and finding friends
"I could never work for someone I've never met."
My friend was discussing my freelancing career with me and she couldn't imagine working for clients she'd never met in person. But freelance web designers and other freelancers do it all the time. Many freelancers connect with their clients primarily through the Internet. Their clients might be located across town, or across the world. It's simply not practical or cost-effective to personally visit every web design client. Working with remote clients has some unique challenges. But it's quite possible (and probably even necessary in today's competitive market) to successfully include remote clients into your business strategy. In this post, I'll provide some key strategies for dealing with web design clients that you never meet face-to-face. You're also invited to share any tips you have for dealing with remote clients. If you enjoyed this post, you may also like 6 Common Freelancing Problems That Using a Contract May Solve.

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Le: 23 04 2014 à 06:09 Auteur: Jake Rocheleau

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Company websites often have Frequently Asked Questions for people who don't know much about the corporation or their services. Larger pages with Q&A listed together will often have a table of contents at the top. I don't like this method because the pages end up long and sometimes confusing to navigate.

This tutorial is based around a similar idea, but using toggle effects for each question. As the user clicks on a question the answer will slide down and toggle into view. Users can also click already-opened questions which toggles them closed again. This technique is perfect for saving room on the page while cramming together an assortment of helpful information.

css3 jquery faq toggle tutorial preview screen

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Le: 21 04 2014 à 15:59 Auteur: Jake Rocheleau

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If you've ever tried Google's cloud-based document suite then you likely know it's pretty great. Google Drive is completely free and offers each Google Account free storage along with free use of their Google Docs interface. You can build spreadsheets, word documents, and slideshows all within Google Drive.

google drive extensions add on store

Currently the newest add-ons will focus on docs and sheets. But there are plenty more in the works you can expect sometime in the future. This article is dedicated to getting you familiar with Google Drive's add-ons and how you can install them for your own account.

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Le: 17 04 2014 à 16:41 Auteur: Jake Rocheleau

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There should be no question that branding is crucial to the success of any business. Instant logo recognition feels good and it helps build an audience around your product or service. A company business card would be useful when attending conferences, parties, or even happenstance meetings with old acquaintances.

But if you really wish to stand out from the other generic business card you'll want to attempt some new ideas. Creativity and recognizable branding will produce one amazing piece you'll be proud to share. This gallery includes a number of radiant business cards from all types of work. Check out some of these examples if you need inspiration for your own print design work.

Honey Colony

honey colony business card design orange

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Le: 15 04 2014 à 05:21 Auteur: Gisele Muller

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How much importance do you give to your side projects? Do you focus solely on working on your current projects or your job and forget about everything else? These are questions you should be thinking about, specially if you are interested in developing your abilities and getting that cool position you always wanted. In days where the good old college degree + resume are gone, specially in the design/tech industry, you have to keep in mind that side projects are the new resume and are the way you can show your potential to the world.

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Le: 09 04 2014 à 06:24 Auteur: Gisele Muller

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Website speed is something crucial to any page, specially if you consider that users don't like slow sites and don't want to wait more than a couple seconds for a page to load. From regular users to high-end ones, no one like to wait too much to see the content they are looking for. And from niche blogs to ecommerce sites, all users have the same expectations, that your page will be fast enough to avoid frustration.

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Le: 07 04 2014 à 06:40 Auteur: iulian

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It used to be impossible to create a decent-looking website for one of your clients without coding. Thankfully, times have changed. Now, designers can take matters into their own hands, and a large number of platforms stand by to make great things happen. Check out 15 of the most accomplished site creators at this time. IM Creator 1

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Le: 03 04 2014 à 16:12 Auteur: Brant Wilson

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We have something a little different for you today. Our friends over at iStock reached out to us to let us know about a promotion they are running and gave us these promo codes to share with our readers for additional savings off any credit pack...

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