Le: 29 08 2014 à 23:09
Auteur: Julia Starlark

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The point being, when you put WordPress vs Joomla, it's the world that is winning.
And it's simple, really. A lot of new templates means a lot of new websites that all look different and feel different and please the eye in various ways. Diversity means new ways of thinking. New ways of thinking means new ways of making the world a better place - and a richer place, too.
And the world needs that kind of victories. Desperately. After surviving through a huge financial crisis of 00's and having embraced the current uncertain, difficult money situation (we like to call it the Moneygeddon), it needs something good. It needs a website, working on a Joomla template, that will look so good, that people would easily pay just to have a glance at it. It needs a blog, on a WordPress theme, so professional, that it would attract new clients every second of its existence. The world needs to get back to winning again.
And the businesses of the world need turning of the tide, too. Have we mentioned the difficult economic situation already? well, it is indeed pretty difficult.
However, the on-going crises brought something good. Something better. It's the spirit of rivalry and the law of justice: only the best product wins. That's the reason why your website needs a new website theme today, that's the reason why your business needs a new business template as well. We don't have the time to sit and wait and relax. This is the time to get up and go there and win.
Only with the best design you can attract customers today. Best service and best design. People learnt how not to lose their time on things they don't need. Build it and people will come. With such a powerful message we start our today's showcase of 50 (fifty!) best Joomla and WordPress templates to make your business successful, revitalized, creative and profitable. Because you need, and economy needs it and the world needs it, too.
Who said that money couldn't be beautiful?
Le: 28 08 2014 à 16:54
Auteur: iulian

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It’s never easy to decide on a specific theme when making a website for one of your clients. So, unless you’ve already heard about this by now, you may be pleased to know that there is no need to seek any further. A certain
Theme.co release has gone viral over the past months. The genesis of Theme X is linked with powerful secrets imparted by the world’s leading specialists in copywriting, SEO, e-mail and video marketing.
With X, you get everything you could possibly need for your projects. The live previewer is a great means to accurately assess interventions related to site appearance, functionality, and administration – before you apply them. Besides, some brilliant new shortcodes are included, as well as free updates, and full integration with WooCommerce and BuddyPress.
X Theme is comprised of four stacks (more in development): Integrity, Renew, Icon, and Ethos. Check out some example websites created with each Stack to see just a sample of what is possible with this incredible theme:

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Le: 25 08 2014 à 15:16
Auteur: Jake Rocheleau

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Designing in Adobe Photoshop is a different experience compared to building websites right in the browser. It requires an understanding of the various tools, effects, and positioning techniques. One major difference is how you would create interactions such as hover and click events.
In this tutorial I want to demonstrate how you might go about designing interactive states with Photoshop Layer Comps. These behave like document states where you can rearrange elements and save a snapshot of each particular style. I've also released my PSD file for free which you can download and modify for your own needs.

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Le: 20 08 2014 à 19:57
Auteur: iulian

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Looking back 8 years it’s difficult to believe how much the Internet has changed in such a short period of time. Compared to webpages that used to take a good 5 minutes to completely load, today’s 3G reaches lightning speeds. The Internet has spread and developed incredibly fast, managing to attract billions of users over time.
You can find anything online these days. You can make your shopping online, pay your bills, order things from overseas and keep in touch with your friends from other continents. If you can think about it, it probably exists on the Internet already. Having an eye catching website is crucial and this has led to great pressure on web developers and designers who constantly have to be on top of their game, reinvent themselves and stay ahead of their competition. If you’re one of them, then this article is for you. We’ve put together a list of the 20 most helpful and interesting web development tools that will help you in your work and possibly get you out of a creative rut.

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Le: 18 08 2014 à 15:09
Auteur: Jake Rocheleau

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Deciding when to launch your first portfolio online can be a challenge. It's tough to know exactly when your work quality is good enough to share with others. Plus how should you get it out on the Internet? There are numerous methods and building your own custom website layout isn't always the best choice.
I'd like to share a few ideas for creatives about building your first online portfolio. The process is much simpler than you might think, and the toughest part is making exemplary work to demonstrate your skillset. But how people find your work is also very important. I hope to shed a bit of light on this topic and help designers make the right choice for their online showcase.

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Le: 14 08 2014 à 17:10
Auteur: iulian

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When you get a new idea, you usually get very excited about it and you’d like nothing more than to jump right into developing it. Still, you should pace yourself and go through some preliminary steps that will get your project off the ground. In order to achieve this, you need to make it attractive and convince others that it’s a great idea and that it’s worth investing into. The best way to showcase your future project is by creating a wireframe. A wireframe will help you visualize your idea, present a concept and involve other people early in the development process. It will let you to see the layout and the functionality of your application and think things through before going on with the project.
Pidoco is a web-based prototyping software that will provide you with the tools you need in order to create your wireframe or UI prototype for web or mobile applications. This software is very easy to use and the best part is they’re giving away
5 free one-year Premium licenses for their application right now.

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Le: 13 08 2014 à 19:12
Auteur: Christopher Gimmer

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There’s no denying that
Bootstrap has become the most popular framework for front-end web development... and for good reason. The framework is feature-rich and enables web designers to easily create fully responsive layouts for web pages.
As Bootstrap becomes more and more popular, the quantity and quality of themes & templates is increasing. This is great news for you!
By using a ready-made Bootstrap theme, you can jump start the development process and save yourself hours of coding time.
This gallery contains 30 stunning new themes & templates built off the Bootstrap framework. They span a wide range of categories to cover all of your needs. Go ahead and take a closer look.

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