- Archives (janvier 2015)
Back just a few years ago it was required for web developers use JavaScript/jQuery to perform animated effects in-browser. CSS3 has dramatic
Le: 30 01 2015 à 15:58
Auteur: Jake Rocheleau

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It's difficult to persuade new visitors to sign up for a website. Most of the time they just found the site and have no idea what it does. With exciting copy and some relatable graphics you can often get people interested. But how do you craft a registration page that attracts visitors and pushes them toward the submit button?
In this post I'd like to examine a number of registration pages which utilize superb methods of interface design. It's possible to create a well-designed website but ignore the facets of great interfaces and user experiences. By focusing on both design and experience you can put together a much more cohesive registration page which naturally draws attention from visitors.

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Le: 26 01 2015 à 16:50
Auteur: iulian

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The last few years have changed the way we look at website design and resources for web design. Our industry has evolved at a fast pace, by first launching trends, then quickly adopting them as standard procedure, and even unifying them in single powerful solutions.Take multiple device responsiveness, for instance. You remember how big of a deal it was just a couple of years ago. Well, right now, no self-respecting creative would have it any other way. Besides, type kits have become more accessible for WordPress users who need to stick to small budgets. And these marks of progress hardly begin to cover the whole picture.
2015 – Innovative and challenging
In terms of website design, large image or video backgrounds continue to be intensely sought-for. We can expect to be met with revolutionary techniques for fast-loading image optimization, and responsive re-sizing. Also, consider the role of coding taking a backseat to streamlined design when it comes to professional website creation. Shortcodes are becoming hugely popular. Frankly, it can be stated that the front office has recently been claimed by designers with themes and platforms that generate clean code and provide loads of shortcodes.2015 is going to raise the bar even higher, as designers are forever looking for solutions that cover as many loose ends as possible. Hence, WordPress themes that are complete with all of the aforementioned capabilities will receive a lot of attention.
The Curious Case of X Theme

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Le: 20 01 2015 à 19:52
Auteur: Jake Rocheleau

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Once a website reaches the stage where its coded and running in a browser the project is almost complete. Party time? Not yet Wayne, because after expelling that heavy sigh of relief you'll realize there are likely a few missteps or slight errors in the code. It never hurts to debug areas of your HTML, CSS, or JavaScript to ensure full compatibility with all browsers and screen sizes.

This article will focus on some handy tools you can use for testing freshly-minted layouts. Modern standards of HTML5 and CSS3 have allowed for greater control over rendering and layout styles. But support for older browsers has been waning in recent years. As a developer you need to decide which browsers are worth supporting and how much effort you'll put into debugging potential issues.

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Le: 14 01 2015 à 16:39
Auteur: iulian

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E-commerce, portfolio, blog, single app or product presentation, company presentation - these are just a few of the website types you’ll have to get up and running this year. So, in 2015, web designers need to work with the absolute best tools.The goal is to deliver top-notch results easier. Premium WordPress themes can help you cut down on the time you spend honing beautiful websites. In other words, they’ll make you more productive in the long run. You just have to know which themes serve your purposes better. If you’re interested in evaluating your options, you’re in the right place. I’ve compiled a roundup of 15 promising themes that you need to hear about.

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Le: 12 01 2015 à 18:18
Auteur: Jake Rocheleau

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Interior design agencies provide in-demand services just like digital design or marketing agencies. Business and residential clients often hire professionals to help them decorate and renovate rooms based on architecture and space constraints. Even though this type of work is physical, interior design agencies still need a digital online presence to attract new customers and offer a professional view of the company.
This gallery focuses on 33 brilliant examples of interior design & decorating agency website layouts. Some agencies are smaller with a team of 1-2 people while others can be much larger employing 10+ people. These websites are often very clean and provide great conceptual ideas for agencies of any variety.

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Le: 08 01 2015 à 23:34
Auteur: Jake Rocheleau

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Arguably one of the most important stages of a website design is the mockup phase. Building upon a general wireframe is quite detailed because you need to think about composition and specific user interface elements. Including photographs in a website mockup is one way to encapsulate a specific tone or style of content. When done properly it looks outstanding; When done improperly it looks puerile and inefficacious.

In this post I'd like to share a few tips for composing websites with the use of stunning photography. While the quality of a photo itself is exceptionally important you must also consider placement and direction. Photography in web design should add to the overall company image or add to some pieces of content on the page. Along with these tips browse through some related photography websites to get ideas for your own mockups.

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Le: 05 01 2015 à 00:07
Auteur: Chris

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Designing and building a website takes a lot of work. To be successful you need those with design skills, and those who can do web development. An ideal team has people with the following skillsets:
- Graphic Design
- Front End Coding - HTML/CSS/JavaScript
- Back End Coding - PHP (or similar)/SQL/SysAdmin
It’s no secret that some of the best websites have poorly regarded designs. Craigslist and Google’s home page come to mind. They are built with limited attention to visual appeal, and yet are among the most valuable properties on the web. In some cases functional utility trumps aesthetics.

But not all cases.

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