jquery4u.com - Archives (mai 2013)

1 jQuery Fan Blog for your Daily News, Plugins, Tuts/Tips & Code Snippets.

Le: 30 05 2013 à 23:00 Auteur: Matt Keas

Javascript development is dominated by libraries libraries like Backbone, Spine, and of course jQuery (surprise!). However, it isn’t an issue of what library to use but rather how to use it. Understanding how some frameworks provide scaffolding and architecture to a seemingly non-deterministic glob of...

Le: 30 05 2013 à 23:00 Auteur: Sam Deering

This is a quick post to show how you can mointor and compile your web app CSS file using COMPASS packaged with Gumby2. Automatically update your main css file whenever you change ANY of your SASS stylesheets. Nice. Gumby 2 is built on Sass and...

Le: 30 05 2013 à 08:42 Auteur: Sam Deering

Geek’s Password Strength Meter So I ran into this and thought it was worth sharing. Try it below! Source

Le: 30 05 2013 à 08:34 Auteur: Sam Deering

A few code snippets to Get Client IP Using JavaScript/jQuery. 1. One way This one gives you longitude/latitude and timezone. Try it! $(document).ready( function() { $.getJSON( "http://smart-ip.net/geoip-json?callback=?", function(data){ alert( data.host); } );}); Returns: ?( {    source: "smart-ip.net",    host: "",    lang: "en",  ...

Le: 30 05 2013 à 07:47 Auteur: Sam Deering

Quick code snippets from the jQuery Migrate Plugin. I recommend using the full migrate plugin but if you want specifics for $.live() and $.browser() see below. var oldLive = jQuery.fn.live; jQuery.fn.live = function( types, data, fn ) {     // migrateWarn("jQuery.fn.live() is deprecated");  ...

Le: 29 05 2013 à 01:37 Auteur: Joan Ruanes

Some cool web development stuff was found in June! Here are the finds. Watch out for the last 2 parts of 30 Interesting Web Dev Finds for the month of June 2013 on our next posts!

Le: 29 05 2013 à 01:37 Auteur: Sam Deering

Some cool web development stuff was found in June! Here are the finds. Watch out for the last 2 parts of 30 Interesting Web Dev Finds for the month of June 2013 on our next posts!

Le: 29 05 2013 à 01:27 Auteur: Sam Deering

In this collection of 10 Random JS Plugins, you’ll find a wide range of functionality, from navigation enhancements, notification layout, etc.. Each of which can add distinct elements to a website that help it come to life and appear more engaging to users. Have fun!...

Le: 27 05 2013 à 23:00 Auteur: Sam Deering

This post shows you how to add a custom validation rule to your forms using the jQuery.validate.js plugin. This post supports the Setup form validation using jQuery in just 2 minutes post. I used the $.validator.addMethod() function to setup the custom validation rules. I’ve added...

Le: 26 05 2013 à 22:50 Auteur: Sam Deering

An old post from the IE blog but a good one to quickly read. Internet Explorer 10 already offers hardware-accelerated HTML 5.0 and Canvas 2D support allowing developers to build compelling, cross-browser Web applications. Source

Le: 25 05 2013 à 12:35 Auteur: jquery4u

Video Tutorial Details Name Breaking Open: AngularJS Description AngularJS is a JavaScript framework that focuses on enhancing browser-based applications with MVC capability. Miško Hevery started the project in 2009, while working at Google, and now it\’s showing up in applications like the YouTube app for...

Le: 25 05 2013 à 08:14 Auteur: Sam Deering

Pretty Cool CSS3 Social Network Sharing Style thought it was worth a share! Source

Le: 25 05 2013 à 08:03 Auteur: Sam Deering

I tend to use Chrome more these days but frequently need to test in other browsers. Here is a new feature in Firefox called Responsive Design View. Another cool way for checking your website layouts responsiveness and you can rotate for iPad testing. File >...

Le: 23 05 2013 à 22:43 Auteur: Sam Deering

Page Speed Insights by Google is a pretty nifty tool. You can use Highlight Critical Path which shows where your scripts are loaded – kind of like the Chrome Dev Tools Network Panel – but this tool has a nice UI where you can click...

Le: 21 05 2013 à 23:00 Auteur: Sam Deering

OK so I finally had the time to upload this whole collection of AJAX spinners into a few pages for easy selection. Source and credits for spinners given where possible, if you believe the original source is wrong please let me know and I’ll update...

Le: 21 05 2013 à 23:00 Auteur: Sam Deering

With an emergence of websites now showing off their images as fullscreen backgrounds, I have compiled a quick list of what I think are the 5 best jQuery Responsive Fullscreen Background Image Plugins. Create some beautiful responsive backgrounds, slideshows, transitions and more. I’ve included a...

Le: 20 05 2013 à 23:00 Auteur: Sam Deering

Setup Require.js in just 2 minutes. or download the code below and have it already working. What is Require.js? RequireJS is a JavaScript file and module loader. It is optimized for in-browser use, but it can be used in other JavaScript environments, like Rhino and...

Le: 19 05 2013 à 23:00 Auteur: Sam Deering

Some cool web development stuff was found last month, here are the finds. And as promised here’s the part 2 of our Interesting Web Dev Finds for the month of May! Have fun :) Interesting Web Finds – MAY 2013 Part I Mobile Boilerplate It...

Le: 18 05 2013 à 08:00 Auteur: Sam Deering

Sly is a JavaScript library for one-directional scrolling with item based navigation support. Sly Inifinte Scrolling Demo

Le: 18 05 2013 à 07:35 Auteur: Sam Deering

I was thinking about doing this. Check it out guys. Go Addy! I might draw up some demos soon. Stay tuned. I found that the mobile version of Bing used localStorage to reduce the size of their HTML document from ~200 kB to ~30 kB....

Le: 18 05 2013 à 06:46 Auteur: Sam Deering

Just messing around with some HTML5 webcam demos. Here are the best 3 HTML5 WebCam Video Demos. If you know of anymore send them through! :) HTML5 Video requires you to accept webcam access and you should be prompted when the page is hit. 1....

Le: 18 05 2013 à 06:30 Auteur: Sam Deering

Correct spelling for Frontend, front-end, Front End etc… ??? So I guess you have seen or used all of the above for the spellings and cases of Frontend, front-end, Front-end, FrontEnd, Front End etc… in terms of Web Developer or Web Development (the same theory...

Le: 16 05 2013 à 23:00 Auteur: Sam Deering

Some cool web development stuff was found last month, here are the finds. Watch out for part 2 on our next post! Enjoy & leave a comment! :) Interesting Web Finds – APR 2013 Interesting Web Finds – MAR 2013 Interesting Web Finds – FEB...

Le: 15 05 2013 à 23:00 Auteur: Sam Deering

In today’s post we have a nice collection of jQuery / CSS3 Menu demos. These menus include properties like hover over, collapsible, and even sidebar menus with metro bootsraps. Enjoy! 1. Metro Hover Menu Metro Hover Menu with a cool CSS3 raising effect. SourceDemo 2....

Le: 14 05 2013 à 22:55 Auteur: Sam Deering

Following on from 5 NEW JQUERY.AJAX() EXAMPLES JQUERY 1.9+, I wanted to document the changes (some could be classed as advantages) of using the promise interface for jQuery .Ajax() 1.9+. Naming – Obviously the names have changed from success -> done, error -> fail, complete...

Le: 13 05 2013 à 23:00 Auteur: Sam Deering

Into 2013… And the way we use the jQuery.Ajax() function has changed over recent versions. With this in mind, and older examples being slightly outdated I have coded up 5 New jQuery.ajax() Examples jQuery 1.9+ to show how you might use Ajax with newer versions...

Le: 13 05 2013 à 22:55 Auteur: Sam Deering

Here is a quick note of AJAX before jQuery 1.8 and the newer version. Don’t forget .success() and .error() still supported in jQuery 1.9.1 so it won’t break your old code and plugins you use. I have also drawn up some some New jQuery.ajax() Examples...

Le: 13 05 2013 à 22:50 Auteur: Sam Deering

Just a quick note that you can still use .success() and .error() in jQuery 1.9.1 and it won’t break your code. I do however highly recommend using the new promise interface with callback methods .done() and .fail() – See AJAX before jQuery 1.8 and After...

Le: 09 05 2013 à 23:00 Auteur: Joan Ruanes

Mobile phones have become a major content consumption device over the past couple of years, and whether or not you only keep up with a few news feeds and blogs, RSS Readers are great no matter. Here are some of the jQuery mobile RSS readers...

Le: 06 05 2013 à 23:00 Auteur: Sam Deering

After surfing through hundreds of jsperf tests, today I bring to you jsperf – best of (2000-2013). For those who don’t know, jsperf.com is an online tool that provides us with JavaScript performance testing. Very useful for Improving your JavaScript & jQuery code performance /...

Le: 06 05 2013 à 22:55 Auteur: Sam Deering

Part 2 of the jsperf best of. Enjoy! Part 1 – jQuery Selectors, JavaScript Strings, JavaScript DOM Caching/DOM Traversal Part 2 – jQuery Each/Loops, jQuery AJAX, jQuery Animation/CSS, JavaScript Templating Part 3 – Miscellaneous Speed Tests (the best of the rest!) JavaScript/jQuery Loop Speed Tests...

Le: 06 05 2013 à 22:50 Auteur: Sam Deering

Part 3 of the jsperf best of. Enjoy! Part 1 – jQuery Selectors, JavaScript Strings, JavaScript DOM Caching/DOM Traversal Part 2 – jQuery Each/Loops, jQuery AJAX, jQuery Animation/CSS, JavaScript Templating Part 3 – Miscellaneous Speed Tests (the best of the rest!) Miscellaneous Speed Tests jQuery...

Le: 05 05 2013 à 23:46 Auteur: Sam Deering

With the new jQuery function .on() replacing .live() I’ve seen several different ways to use it. Here I take a look at the main difference between using body or document as the bound element in event delegation. If your new to event delegation it provides...

Le: 05 05 2013 à 22:55 Auteur: Sam Deering

Just to let you know, there are now 19 in the JAVASCRIPT SHORTHAND CODING TECHNIQUES post. Enjoy! :) Learn JavaScript Shorthand Techniques

Le: 05 05 2013 à 22:45 Auteur: jQuery Editor

Video Tutorial Details Name Best of Fluent 2012: Maintainable JavaScript Description NOTE: To view an HD version go to: http://youtu.be/nZihjH6_QnsrnrnVideo of Nicholas Zakas from his Fluent Conference 2012 PresentationrnrnMaintainable JavaScript tackles the difficult problem of writing code as part of a large team. When you\’re...

Le: 05 05 2013 à 22:40 Auteur: jQuery Editor

Video Tutorial Details Name Best of Fluent 2012: /Reg(exp){2}lained/: Demystifying Regular Expressions Description From Fluent 2012 rnrnQuick, what does this do: /(\\/\\*?\\\\/)|\\/\\/.*?(\\r?\\n|$)/g? If you\’re like many developers, you just averted your eyes, and your heart is now in your throat. Symptoms included sweaty palms and...

Le: 05 05 2013 à 05:45 Auteur: Sam Deering

As a big fan of quality online web development training, today I interviewed Marc Grabanski about the increasingly popular FrontendMasters.com. In the meantime check out the preview video at the end of the post and if you have any questions of your own for Marc...

Le: 04 05 2013 à 23:00 Auteur: Sam Deering

So I was being asked to include some double negation comparison operators in my JavaScript Shorthands Techniques post and decided to have a closer look at whether or not we could be using it more often in our code. See speed tests below. !! is...

Le: 04 05 2013 à 23:00 Auteur: Sam Deering

My favourite Editor Sublime Text 2 has now released version 3 Beta! Woo! Official Blog Post Sublime Text 3 Page Sublime Text 3 – What’s new? Jump Back and Jump Forward – Jump Back allows you to go to previous editing positions. This goes hand...

Le: 02 05 2013 à 22:55 Auteur: Sam Deering

Some quick differences between CSS3, SASS, SCSS, COMPASS, LESS, BOURBON. Short and sweet bullet points and links. For those who are new to learning CSS, read below and then START USING COMPASS! CSS3 CSS3 is the latest version of CSS and provides capable browsers with...

Le: 02 05 2013 à 22:54 Auteur: Sam Deering

Here is a reference list of some useful GIT commands which I use including GIT Aliases commands. If you know of or use any which are not here please post a comment so I can add them to help others! :) Download GIT Bash Useful...

Le: 02 05 2013 à 04:00 Auteur: Sam Deering

Today we are sharing 10 completely random but cool jQuery plugins!. some may help you improve the user experience for your sites. If you want your plugin showcased in one of these random articles then post a comments and we may include them next time!...