Web Developer Tools & Resources
jHERE is a lightweight (only 4kb & 1.95kb Gzipped) jQuery plugin that allows you to easily add interactive maps to your website. You get a powerful map API, highly customizable markers, event handling and info bubbles and comes with KML support and data visualization via heatmaps. Homepage: http://jhere.net/ Demo: http://bin.jhere.net/
Makeappicon is a web based tool that resizes and optimizes your icon designs into all formats needed for iOS and Android mobile apps. It supports .jpg, .png & .psd. Homepage: http://makeappicon.com/
SocialCount is a lightweight (2.93KB after Min+GZip) and easy to use jQuery plugin for progressively enhanced, lazy loaded, mobile friendly social networking widgets. It currently supports Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. Homepage: https://github.com/filamentgroup/SocialCount Demo: http://fgte.st/SocialCount/examples/index.html
Responsive Img is a jQuery plugin that swaps an image's src attribute based on its container's width when the DOM is ready and when the browser is resized. Using a PHP file, Responsive Img creates new images on the fly the first time they're needed and puts them on your server. Therefore, you can add [...]
IVORY is a simple, flexible and fully responsive grid based framework. It takes you all the way from 1200px down to 320px. Homepage: http://zoymedia.com/kanth/ivory/ GitHub: https://github.com/kanthvallampati/IVORY
Any List Scroller is a jQuery plugin to scroll any list, of any dimension, with any content (text, images… anything), and can be scrolled either horizontally or vertically. Homepage: http://als.musings.it/
Method Draw is a fork of SVG Edit, a web based SVG editor. The purpose of Method Draw is to improve the usability and user experience of SVG Edit. It removes some features such as layers and line-caps/corners in exchange for a more simple and pleasant experience. Homepage: http://editor.method.ac/ GitHub: https://github.com/duopixel/Method-Draw
The Ai->Canvas plug-in enables Illustrator to export vector and bitmap artwork directly to an HTML5 canvas element that can be rendered in a canvas-enabled browser. The plug-in provides drawing, animation and coding options such as events so that you can build interactive, well-designed canvas-based web apps. Download is available for both Windows and Mac. Homepage: [...]
Pods is a WordPress framework for creating, managing, and deploying customized content types and fields. With Pods, you can create entirely new content types: Custom Post Types, Custom Taxonomies and Advanced Content Types (these are entirely separate from WordPress and function off their own database tables). Not only will the plugin create new content types, [...]
Cedvel is an application for quickly designing and exporting your own grid system . It aims to ease the grid design process and help you explore alternatives. Homepage: http://cedvel.com/
Duri.me is super-simple image-to-DataURI converter. Alll you have to do is drag an image to the drop area and then you press the "Generate Base-64 Code". After that, all you need to do is click the option you prefer and then simply paste the automatically copied code Homepage: http://duri.me/
The JavaScript Library Boilerplate helps you roll your own Javascript library with a tiny and robust core base. You can create your own library such as jQuery, Zepto, Prototype, etc, very easy and adding your own methods. The code is written in CoffeeScript, TypeScript and pure JavaScript. Homepage: http://dciccale.github.com/jslibraryboilerplate/ GitHub: https://github.com/dciccale/jslibraryboilerplate
Spectragram.js is a jQuery plugin using the Instagram API to fetch and display user, popular or tags photo feeds inside a list or any container you define and display the results as list items or any other HTML tag you define. You can also define the size of the pictures (small, medium, large). Homepage: http://lab.adrianquevedo.com/jquery-spectragram/ [...]
RequireJS is a JavaScript file and module loader. It is optimized for in-browser use, but it can be used in other JavaScript environments, like Rhino and Node. Using a modular script loader like RequireJS will improve the speed and quality of your code. It includes an optimization tool you can run as part of your [...]
jGravity adds gravity (similar to how Google presented 'Google Gravity') to either all or specified elements within a page. Using the plugin is as easy as $('body').jGravity(); which will use default settings to apply the gravity effect. Homepage: http://tinybigideas.com/plugins/jquery-gravity/ Demo: http://www.tinybigideas.com/assets/demo/jquery-gravity/
Fuel UX extends Twitter Bootstrap with additional lightweight JavaScript controls. Other benefits include easy installation into web projects, integrated scripts for customizing Bootstrap and Fuel UX, simple updates, and solid optimization for deployment. It offers all of the styles and plugins from Twitter Bootstrap , with these additions: Combobox – combines input and dropdown for [...]
Emmet (previously known as Zen Coding) is a toolkit that can help improve your HTML & CSS workflow by taking your snippets to a whole new level: you can type CSS-like expressions that can be dynamically parsed, and produce output depending on what you type in the abbreviation. Emmet is developed and optimised for web-developers [...]
Singularity is a responsive grid system designed to be as flexible and small as possible while still providing an enormous amount of power. It was originally conceived as a way to create asymmetric grids using modular scale but has evolved to support uniform column widths, asymmetric, and compound grids. Your grid can be expressed as [...]
Crumble allows you to quickly and easily build feature tours for your website or app using small bubbles. The tour itself is defined as a standard ordered list in your html, making it accessible. Homepage: https://github.com/tommoor/crumble GitHub: http://tommoor.github.com/crumble/
Sly is a jQuery plugin for one-directional scrolling simulation with item based navigation support. Homepage: http://darsa.in/sly/ GitHub: https://github.com/Darsain/sly
Punch is a simple, intuitive web publishing framework that needs Node.js to run. It generates HTML documents from Mustache templates and content stored in JSON and Markdown formats. Check out this screencast to give you a better overview of Punch: Homepage: http://laktek.github.com/punch/ GitHub: https://github.com/laktek/punch
34Grid is a Responsive Grid System based on an "equally distributed columns" layout. In contrast to other great grid systems, 34Grid provides equally distributed columns for each row and also column complements for inequal distributions. It is completely customizable allowing you to choose your own download package (number of max columns, column margin, row margins [...]
Selfstarter is an open source starting point for building your own ad-hoc crowdfunding site. It has been built to be really simple to use and setup allowing you plenty of space to beef it up with your own authentication, administration and product management code. It has initially been setup to collect reservations using Amazon Payments, [...]
Dashing, built by the guys at Shopify, is a Sinatra based framework that lets you build beautiful dashboards. Just check these out: Homepage: http://shopify.github.com/dashing/ GitHub: https://github.com/Shopify/dashing Demo: http://dashingdemo.herokuapp.com/sample
The WordPress Bootstrap theme can be used as-is or as a starting point for theme development. It has been built on top of the Bones theme framework and based on v2.1.1 of Twitter’s Bootstrap. Homepage: http://320press.com/wpbs/ GitHub: https://github.com/320press/wordpress-bootstrap
Carousel is a jQuery plugin takes simple HTML and CSS-only carousels and progressively enhances them with features such as page lists, scrolling, class-toggling, timers, timer offsets as well as touch and keyboard events. By following a basic HTML pattern and using some basic CSS, the carousels will also work, to a degree, without JavaScript enabled. [...]
batman.js is a framework for building rich single-page browser applications. It has been written in CoffeeScript and its API is developed with CoffeeScript in mind, but you can use plain old JavaScript too.. It has been written in CoffeeScript and its API is developed with CoffeeScript in mind, but you can use plain old JavaScript [...]
TypeScript is an open-source language for application-scale JavaScript development. It is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. Works with any browser, any host annd any operating system. Homepage: http://www.typescriptlang.org/
Makisu is an experimental CSS 3D dropdown concept, wrapped up in a jQuery plugin. To view the demo you will need a CSS 3D capable browser, such as Chrome. Homepage: https://github.com/soulwire/Makisu GitHub: http://soulwire.github.com/Makisu/
PFold is an experimental jQuery plugin that makes it possible to open elements in a paper-like unfolding effect. An element can be unfolded in 3D in order to reveal some other content. The idea is to have several levels of folding, where each step of opening will double the element size, hence imitating a folded [...]