WebdesignerNews - Archives (janvier 2014)

Web Developer Tools & Resources

Le: 31 01 2014 à 09:29 Auteur: Cameron

SVGMagic is a cross-browser compatible jQuery plugin that searches for SVG images on your site and automatically creates PNG versions if the browser doesn’t support SVG. It’s a simple, single-purpose plugin that requires no configuration.

Le: 30 01 2014 à 09:34 Auteur: Cameron

Fun is a NodeJS Wall messages app that offers user authentication and uses MongoDB as the main database system and Backbone for front-end interaction. It’s easy to install, with the only requirements being Node JS and MongoDB.

Le: 29 01 2014 à 09:28 Auteur: Cameron

Faker is a Python package that populates fake data for you.You can use it to fill databases, anonymize production data, create XML documents, and more.

Le: 28 01 2014 à 09:59 Auteur: Cameron

Galileo is a RubyGem that lets you search your starred GitHub repos from the shell. From there, it’s incredibly easy to use, without a bunch of configuration options.

Le: 27 01 2014 à 09:31 Auteur: Cameron

Pixate is a free framework that lets you style your native iOS views with stylesheets, making it easier to create powerful, engaging user experiences. It includes the Freestyle companion CSS toolkit, too.

Le: 26 01 2014 à 09:24 Auteur: Cameron

Fit.js is a simple script that lets you fit things into other things. You can specify how things should fit, including alignment and automatically resizing an element when the page refreshes.

Le: 25 01 2014 à 09:18 Auteur: Cameron

If you want to minify your JavaScript or jQuery files quickly and easily, turn to jsMini. Just copy and paste your source code, select whether you want basic or full compression, and then minify your code.

Le: 24 01 2014 à 09:03 Auteur: Cameron

Args.js makes it easier to write functions with optional parameters, default parameters, named parameters, parameter groups, and more. It will even automatically trigger exceptions if a function is called incorrectly.

Le: 22 01 2014 à 09:48 Auteur: Cameron

If you’ve ever wanted to share the solution to a coding problem with someone, or maybe wanted insight into someone’s thought process as they were solving a coding problem, then HackerEarth’s CodePlayer may be of interest. It captures keystrokes as a developer works, making it possible to play back exactly what they did in the […]

Le: 21 01 2014 à 09:52 Auteur: Cameron

Git-ftp is a git-powered FTP client written as a shell script, perfect for your script-based projects. It detects which files have changed, and only uploads those files, unlike a regular FTP client.

Le: 20 01 2014 à 09:06 Auteur: Cameron

If you build HTML5 games or other interactive content, then be sure to check out EasyStar.js for asynchronous pathfinding in JavaScript. You can set all sorts of parameters for how paths are calculated based on your own needs through the API.

Le: 19 01 2014 à 09:28 Auteur: Cameron

jQuery Evergreen is a small DOM event library built for modern browsers. It uses the same familiar API as jQuery, but is only 7kb minified, and custom builds can be created that are even smaller.

Le: 18 01 2014 à 09:45 Auteur: Cameron

Jiko is a modern, full-featured template engine for JavaScript that’s easy to use. It gives programmers a way to write templates that’s as powerful as server-side template engines like Jinja and Mako.

Le: 17 01 2014 à 09:50 Auteur: Cameron

Bootstrap-Sass is a Sass-based version of Bootstrap, perfect for your Sass-powered applications. It can be installed with Rails, Compass, or Sass-only.

Le: 16 01 2014 à 09:38 Auteur: Cameron

Ocrad.js is a simple OCR program that can scanned images of text back into text. It’s a pure JavaScript version of the Ocrad project, and comes in at roughly 1MB, with no big training dependencies.

Le: 15 01 2014 à 09:29 Auteur: Cameron

Cozy is a personal cloud that you host yourself, can hack to your heart’s content, and delete any time you want. It can be used for painless web development, with ready-to-go templates for your app, quick deployment, and more.

Le: 14 01 2014 à 09:27 Auteur: Cameron

countUp.js is a lightweight JavaScript “class” that lets you display animated counters for displaying numerical data in a more interesting way. It’s dependency-free and easy to use.

Le: 13 01 2014 à 09:14 Auteur: Cameron

Grasp lets you search, replace, and refactor your JavaScript based on the code’s structure, rather than the exact text. It’s more powerful than standard search and replace, and lets you more easily refactor your code, as well as allowing you to implement single-line basic macros.

Le: 12 01 2014 à 09:18 Auteur: Cameron

Headroom.js lets you hide your page’s header until you need it. It’s lightweight and has no dependencies, and frees up valuable screen space, especially on landscape-oriented screens.

Le: 11 01 2014 à 09:12 Auteur: Cameron

Python Social Auth adds social authentication and registration services to your Python app. It supports a few frameworks so far, including Django, Flask, Pyramid, Webpy, and Tornado, and works with Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Github for authentication.

Le: 10 01 2014 à 09:56 Auteur: Cameron

Angular-deckgrid is a masonry-style grid built for use with Angular JS. It’s lightweight and easy to use, with all the responsiveness coming from your CSS.

Le: 09 01 2014 à 09:46 Auteur: Cameron

Videoconverter.js lets you convert videos from one file format to another right in your browser. Basically, it’s FFMpeg compiled into JavaScript, and was built as part of Node Knockout 2013.

Le: 08 01 2014 à 09:33 Auteur: Cameron

Semantic UI is built around natural language, making it much more intuitive to use for development. It’s tag ambivalent, meaning you can use it with any HTML tags you want to.

Le: 07 01 2014 à 09:38 Auteur: Cameron

Slip.js makes it easy to create swipable, re-orderable lists that work on touch screens. It prevents page scroll when dragging to the edge of the screen, and works with both inline and stylesheet transforms.

Le: 06 01 2014 à 09:59 Auteur: Cameron

Black Tie offers up free, well-designed Bootstrap themes that anyone can use. There are themes for a variety of different site types, from portfolios to app pages and more.

Le: 05 01 2014 à 09:37 Auteur: Cameron

This Web Developer Checklist is a great resource for checking out your website or web app code to make sure it’s as good as can be. In addition to the standard checklist, it also offers resources for each list item to make your job easier.

Le: 04 01 2014 à 09:14 Auteur: Cameron

LESS Hat 2 is a Less mixin library that includes 86 smart mixins. It’s prefix-free, developer friendly, and has no restrictions on how you use it.

Le: 03 01 2014 à 09:39 Auteur: Cameron

Simptip is a CSS tooltip made with Sass. There are multiple options for position, color, and effects on each tooltip, all of which are easy to implement.

Le: 02 01 2014 à 09:31 Auteur: Cameron

Embed Curl makes is easy to embed curl commands into your website, blog, or API documentation. Just place the script on the page, and any element with an embedcurl HTML class attribute will be replaced with a prettified version based on the element’s text.

Le: 01 01 2014 à 09:49 Auteur: Cameron

If you really want to annoy your website visitors, then Pestilence is the JavaScript library for you. You can trigger audio annoyances, keyboard and mouse pests, and even accessibility headaches.