WebdesignerNews - Archives (avril 2014)

Web Developer Tools & Resources

Le: 30 04 2014 à 10:24 Auteur: Cameron

Vis.js is a browser-based visualization library. It’s easy to use, can handle large amounts of dynamic data, and enables manipulation of and interaction with that data.

Le: 29 04 2014 à 10:02 Auteur: Cameron

PourOver is a library from the New York Times for fast filtering and sorting of large collections of data (think hundreds of thousands of items) right in the browser. Build data-exploration apps and archives that don’t have to to wait for a database call to render query results.

Le: 28 04 2014 à 10:33 Auteur: Cameron

Seen.js is a dependency-free JavaScript library that lets you render 3D animations into SVG or HTML5 canvas. It’s fully documented and there are tons of demos available.

Le: 27 04 2014 à 10:01 Auteur: Cameron

Rails Email Preview does just what the name says and more: it lets you preview and edit your app mailer templates in Ruby. Preview plain text or HTML email right in your browser.

Le: 26 04 2014 à 10:19 Auteur: Cameron

The Bootstrap Accessibility Plugin offers features for making Bootstrap 3-based websites more accessible for keyboard and screen reader users. It’s even available as an (experimental) bookmarklet.

Le: 25 04 2014 à 10:08 Auteur: Cameron

Crumpet is a simple framework with tidy HTML that uses placeholder selectors to make your HTML markup smaller. It’s fast and easy to use, with responsive layouts and the freedom to design how you like.

Le: 24 04 2014 à 10:45 Auteur: Cameron

GitBook makes is easy to create beautiful programming books and exercises with Markdown and Git/GitHub. It’s easy to use, and lets you include interactive JavaScript exercises (with support coming soon for Python, Ruby, and more), all using the familiar GitHub/Git workflow.

Le: 23 04 2014 à 10:04 Auteur: Cameron

Responsive Tables is a solution for making your tables responsive, and was created for Twitter Bootstrap. It’s mobile first and includes a graceful JavaScript fallback for browsers without JS.

Le: 22 04 2014 à 10:23 Auteur: Cameron

CanCanCan is a continuation of the dead CanCan project, the authorization Gem for Ruby on Rails. It’s a full authorization library, which restricts which resources a particular user can access.

Le: 21 04 2014 à 10:09 Auteur: Cameron

Need to generate left-to-right or right-to-left CSS? CSS-flip does that for you, from your source. It supports a variety of properties, including borders, margins, padding, and more.

Le: 20 04 2014 à 10:55 Auteur: Cameron

Twproject Gantt is a JavaScript component for Gantts and other charts, like task trees, built on jQuery. It offers in-place editing, zooming, data shortcuts, CSS skinning, and much more.

Le: 19 04 2014 à 10:13 Auteur: Cameron

This Gulp Boilerplate is a simple revision that gives you Less, CoffeeScript, and Jade compilation. It also gives you a static server with automatic live reload.

Le: 18 04 2014 à 10:02 Auteur: Cameron

Webplate is an easy-to-use front-end framework that lets you focus on building your app or site. It includes a responsive layout engine, button elements, customizable forms, and more.

Le: 17 04 2014 à 10:51 Auteur: Cameron

Tagster is a simple library that makes it easy to create HTML strings. It works with node or client-side applications.

Le: 16 04 2014 à 10:42 Auteur: Cameron

Trianglify is a JavaScript library that lets you create colorful triangle meshes automatically, which you can then use as CSS backgrounds, or SVG images. There are controls for noise, cell size, and cell padding, and of course the whole thing is open source.

Le: 15 04 2014 à 10:39 Auteur: Cameron

The Jeet Grid System lets you stop building your grids the way machines read them, and instead build them as humans would describe them. No more rigid columns or needless nesting, just faster builds and less code.

Le: 14 04 2014 à 10:34 Auteur: Cameron

Peroxide is a simple, configurable proxy server that makes it easy to manage whether files are served locally or from production servers in your production environment. It’s easy to configure, with a JSON configuration file.

Le: 13 04 2014 à 10:32 Auteur: Cameron

scrollToBySpeed is a jQuery plugin that lets your users scroll by speed rather than duration, giving a more consistent user experience. Regardless of how far down the page something is, when a user clicks a navigation button that triggers a scroll, the speed will be consistent.

Le: 12 04 2014 à 10:14 Auteur: Cameron

Pipeline is a Django asset packaging library. It provides concatenation and compression for both JavaScript and CSS, built-in JavaScript template support, and font embedding, among other features.

Le: 11 04 2014 à 10:22 Auteur: Cameron

Lavish Bootstrap is a Ruby app that lets you easily grab a color palette for Bootstrap directly from an image. It’s built on the Prizm gem, and lets you easily customize the generated palette.

Le: 10 04 2014 à 10:14 Auteur: Cameron

Sticky Alerts is a tiny jQuery plugin (only 36 lines of JavaScript!) for adding sticky alert bar to your website. It’s easy to set up and has a few options for customizing it for your site.

Le: 09 04 2014 à 10:18 Auteur: Cameron

CSS-perf makes it easy to conduct some super unscientific CSS testing on your web pages. For the most part, these tests revolve around methodologies and techniques for determining effective CSS architecture.

Le: 08 04 2014 à 10:12 Auteur: Cameron

FastClick aims to eliminate the 300ms lag between a physical tap and the actual “click” event in mobile browsers. This makes your site feel much more responsive and less laggy, without interfering with your site’s current logic.

Le: 07 04 2014 à 10:21 Auteur: Cameron

Touchy is a highly-configurable jQuery library for touch interactions. It exposes event data for a variety of gestures, including drag, pinch, rotate, swipe, and longpress, and works with Android and iOS.

Le: 06 04 2014 à 10:02 Auteur: Cameron

JayData is a cross-platform data access and manipulation library that lets you utilize data from multiple sources. It’s an invaluable resource for mobile and desktop app developers, and is simple to understand.

Le: 05 04 2014 à 10:33 Auteur: Cameron

Quintus is a simple and easy-to-learn JavaScript HTML5 game engine for mobile and desktop games. It’s thoroughly documented, and there are plenty of demos and examples to check out.

Le: 04 04 2014 à 10:15 Auteur: Cameron

Highland.js is a high-level streams library for Node.js and the browser that easily manages synchronous and asynchronous code and data sources.  That means you can switch between the two at will, without rewriting your code.

Le: 03 04 2014 à 10:19 Auteur: Cameron

Slick is an advanced, responsive carousel that’s loaded with features. It’s fully functional with or without CSS3 (but uses it if available), lets you enable or disable swipe, and offers infinite looping, among other features.

Le: 02 04 2014 à 10:32 Auteur: Cameron

CoffeeKup is a Node.js templating engine that lets you write your HTML templates entirely in CoffeeScript. It’s very simple to use, with intuitive markup and thorough documentation.

Le: 01 04 2014 à 10:33 Auteur: Cameron

Framework7 is a fully featured HTML framework just for building hybrid (Phonegap) and web-based apps with a native iOS7 feel. It’s ultra lightweight while remaining flexible.